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TY students 'paint' passing runners during the colour run at Mallow.
Pic; Larry Cummins. Approx 250 people took part in the annual St Mary's Secondary School, Mallow 'Colour Run'. This year's run, organised as part of the transition year Young Social Innovators project, was part of their campaign 'No Body Is Perfect' raising awareness of eating disorders. (PR STARTS) The St Mary's Secondary School, Mallow 5K Colour Run was a fantastic event organised by the Transition Year, Young Social Innovator students as part of their No-BODY Is Perfect campaign. The No-BODY Is Perfect project aims to raise awareness about eating disorders in society today focusing on issues such as Muscle Dysmorphia and Pro Anorexic websites. The condition of Muscle Dysmorphia, also known as "Bigorexia" is a reverse of anorexia which involves disordered fixation on exercising and nutrition, as by devoting inordinate amounts of time and attention on exercise routines, dietary regiments, and nutritional supplements. Use of anabolic steroids is also especially high. On the other hand, Pro-Anorexic websites are the promotion of behaviours related to actively encourage users to deny their bodies of any type of food. This is a warped online world, where they highlight anorexia as a lifestyle choice rather than a disease. The St Mary's students along with teacher Ms Donna Lyons wish to raise awareness about these eating disorders and the 5K Colour Run worked wonders at highlighting these cult like eating conditions. The school community at St Mary's Mallow wish to sincerely thank the people of Mallow and surrounding areas for their support in making this event such a success. The St Mary's students are participating in the Young Social Innovators competition at City Hall this coming Tuesday to further promote their project. Good luck girls, great job! (PR ENDS) |
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