© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EE LIVE NEWS (for kelly o'brien) 05/04/2017 ...
At the Bruac Education and Development Awards ceremony & Open Day at Bruac Good Shepherd, Cork, Redemption Road, were (from left) Holly Hayes, B'Ann Farrell, tutor, Bruac; Sylvia Mulqueen, Allison Aldred, CEO, Good Shepherd, Cork; Charlotte O'Donovan, manager, Bruac; Penny Mupqueen, Enda McWeeney, area training manager, CETB; Miriam De Barra, chairperson, Good Shepherd, Cork; Constanza Munteanu, Kate Longmate, fund raising executive, Good Shepherd, Cork; Chloe Walsh and Sucarina Munteanu. Picture: Denis Minihane. |
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