Collections > 2017 Photos > April 2017 > JCGaelscoilanTeaghlaighKZ06
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 EEjob 06/04/2017
Echo News.
Kidz Zone, at Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh, Ballyphehane, Cork.
Mark Mac an Ultaigh (son of Mark McNulty Cork City FC Goalkeeper) and Alex O'Conchùir, Junior Infants.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/04/2017
Echo News.
Kidz Zone, at Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh, Ballyphehane, Cork.
Mark Mac an Ultaigh (son of Mark McNulty Cork City FC Goalkeeper) and Alex O'Conchùir, Junior Infants.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 06/04/2017
Echo News.
Kidz Zone, at Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh, Ballyphehane, Cork.
Mark Mac an Ultaigh (son of Mark McNulty Cork City FC Goalkeeper) and Alex O'Conchùir, Junior Infants.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.

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