Collections > 2017 Photos > April 2017 > DKE070417kidzone010
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 EEjob 07.04.2017
Echo News/Kidz Zone
Sam O'Donoghue, Federico Mottareale and James Burke, are delighted with their Easter eggs, at CBC Preparatory School, Sidney Hill.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.04.2017
Echo News/Kidz Zone
Sam O'Donoghue, Federico Mottareale and James Burke, are delighted with their Easter eggs, at CBC Preparatory School, Sidney Hill.
Picture: David Keane.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 07.04.2017
Echo News/Kidz Zone
Sam O'Donoghue, Federico Mottareale and James Burke, are delighted with their Easter eggs, at CBC Preparatory School, Sidney Hill.
Picture: David Keane.

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