Collections > 2018 Photos > READERS PICTURES 2018 ( NOTE - THESE PICTURES ARE NOT FOR SALE ) > Readers pictures August 2018 > B77A1635-503F-41AE-995E-8A3F4956F050
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Aonghus O Duinnin, I am a dad of 2 kids Oisin and Eabha, my sister Grainne and I brought my 2 kids to cork v limerick All Ireland semi final, we are from the cork limerick border, I am from Glenroe co limerick, I now live with my co cork wife Caroline and kids in kildorrery co cork, we all went up to the match happy but my kids especially 7 yr old Oisin was devastated when cork lost along with his 5 yr old sister, these photos show the love of the gaa and how it can split family loyalty, the devastation a loss can cause to one side and the happiness to the other side.
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