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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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 property New Greyhound Stadium, Dock Road, Limerick.
Pic Denis Scannell 
 IE LIVE NEWS 29/12/09 ... (with juno mcenroe story re house repossession)
The key in the front door of the house.
 DKANE 23/10/2014
MA in Music Graduates and twins David and Christine Kenny, Bishosptown at the CIT/Cork School of Music Graduations.
Senior-Club-Final-Banner 12 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Grainne Nolan, Banner ,Keeping an eye on Ciara O'Sullivan, Mourneabbey, in the Senior Ladies Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner 11 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Brid O'Sullivan, My Ball against Banner Clare in the SenioR Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner 10 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Denis O'Mahony with Deirdre and Peter Fitzgerald, Mourneabbey, Cork, looking for Victory in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner 3 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Niamh O'Sullivan, Mourneabbey under pressure from Niamh Keane , Banner, Clare in the Senior Football Ladies Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner 2 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Roisin O'Sullivan, Captain of Mourneabbey, Cork celebrating with her Team after winning the Senior Football Ladies Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 8 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Mourneabbey Team, Cork,celebrating their win in the Senior Club Final.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 7 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Brid O'Sullivan and Laura Fitzgerald, Mourneabbey, Cork, celebraing winning the Senior Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 6 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Rebecca Larkin and Kathryn Coakley, Mourneabbey Cork, We Did it Winning the Senior Ladies Club Football Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 5 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Louise Woods, Banner Clare and Ciara O'Sullivan,Mourneabbey Cork, in a tough battle for the ball in the Senior Football Club Final.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 4 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Ciara O'Sullivan, Mourneabbey showing the pressure against Laurie Ryan, Banner, Clare in the Senior Ladies Football Club Final in Klimallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 3 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Doireann O'Sullivan, Mourneabbey, Cork under attack from Niamh Canvanagh, Banner, Clare, Banner in the Senior Ladies Club Football Final.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Senior-Club-Final-Banner- 2 
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Louise Woods, Banner Clare and Ciara O'Sullivan,Mourneabbey Cork, in a tough battle for the ball in the Senior Football Club Final.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Elisa DeLuca, struggling past Shauna Ryan, Junior Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 9 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Niamh Richardson, Aisling Regan and Michelle Norris, celebrating after Winning the Junior Ladies Football club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 8 
 MurroeBoher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Tomas Moore, Age 9, supporting Fermoy in the Junior Football Ladies Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 7 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Eileen Leonard, 77, Cappamore, entertaining the Crowd after Murroe/Boher won the Junior Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 6 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Alannagh Rusell, Murroe/Boher, battling through against Michelle Parker and Claire Hutchings, Fermoy in the Junior Football Ladies Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 5 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Aoife Meaney Murroe/Boher, putting Saoirse Moore, Fermoy, under Pressure in the Junior Football Ladies Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 4 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Shauna O'Dirscoll and Orla Kenny, Fermoy, watching the Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 3 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Claire Keating, Murroe/Boher, holding her breath against Michelle Parker, Fermoy in the Junior Football Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Juni 2 
 MurroeBoher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Noel Regan, Manager, Murroe/Boher, celebrating their win over Fermoy in the Junior Football Ladies Club Final in Kilmallock. 
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Jun 12 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

The last minute preparations for Murroe/Boher v Fermoy in the Junior Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Jun 11 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Niamh Richardson, Murroe/Boher, Under pressure in the Junior Football Ladies Club Final against Aoife O'Sullivan Femoy in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Jun 10 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Lisa Leonard and Megan O'Meara, Murroe/Boher clashing with Shauna McGrath and Michelle Parker, Fermoy, in the Junior Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Jun 4 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Lisa Leonard, on the attack against Ellen Condon in the Junior Football Ladies Club Final. Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Jun 3 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

We are the Champions, Murroe/Boher, celebrating their win against Fermoy in the Junior Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
MurroeBoher-v-Fermoy-Jun 2 
 Murroe/Boher v Fermoy Junior Football Final Kilmallock 18-10-14

Murroe/Boher Team Picture after winning the Junior Ladies Football Club Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Limerick Golf Club Presentations No Reproduction Fee

Mike Kemmy , Stonecraft, Sponsor, presenting Kevin and Anne Donoghue, Crecora, with the Tracey Cup with Mike Leahy, Vice Captain at Limerick Golf Club.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Limerick Golf Club Presentations No Reproduction Fee

Mike Leahy, Vice Captain of Limerick Golf Club presenting Emily and Cathal Walsh with the McDonnell Cup at Limerick Golf Club.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Limerick-Golf-Club-Presen 20 
 Limerick Golf Club Presentations No Reproduction Fee

Bobby Fleming Junior, Glenbrook and Ger Madden, Patrickswell, proudly showing the Holmes Cup which they won at Limerick Golf Club.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Limerick-Golf-Club-Presen 4 
 Limerick Golf Club Presentations No Reproduction Fee

Mike Leahy, Vice Captain presenting the Scratch Match Play to Mike O'Kelly , sponsored by Deliotte at Limerick Golf Club.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Limerick-Golf-Club-Presen 3 
 Limerick Golf Club Presentations No Reproduction Fee

Damien Gleeson, Grant Thorton, Sponsor, presenting Mike and Joe Kenny with the Russell Cup with the Vice Captain, Miike Leahy at Limerick Golf Club.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Limerick-Golf-Club-Presen 2 
 Limerick Golf Club Presentations No Reproduction Fee

The Father and Son Team, Liam and Mark Walsh, Ballysheehy, Friarstown, who won the Tommy Morris Trophy at Limerick Golf Club.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Pictured at Bikram Yoga Cork’s third birthday celebrations on Saturday last were Michael Cairns & Jonathan McCarthy. Bikram Yoga Cork, located at Lowlands Industrial Estate, Tramore Road, Togher hosted a free workshop for members on flexibility, fitness and strength, followed by a series of public talks on sports nutrition. Aspiring Bikram members were also treated to a range of complimentary healthy food and snacks and got a chance to meet the teachers and other members, giving them the opportunity to address queries about hot yoga practice. For more information on Bikram Yoga Cork and their packages visit or see

No repro fee
For more information, please contact Judy Hopkins, Hopkins Communications. 021 4272200 / 086 3120752 /
 Ballyhoura Food Festival No Reproduction Charge 24-10-14

Sarah O'Leary, Aisling O'Donnell and Marian Quaid, Colaiste Iosaef, Kilmallock, discussing their Desert at the Ballyhoura Food Festival at Recipe 4 Success in Annacotty.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Ballyhoura Food Festival No Reproduction Charge 24-10-14

Ann Ryan, Anna Bonar and Louise McGrath, John the Baptist School, Hospital, working at their Desert at the Schools Competition at the Ballyhoura Food Festival in Recipe 4 Success in Annacotty.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival- 5 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival No Reproduction Charge 24-10-14

Sara Morrissey, John the Baptist School, Hospital and Kathleen Conway, Colaiste Iosaef, Kilmallock, getting CookeryTips from Shane O'Donohoe, Recipe 4 Success at the Ballyhoura Food Festival Competition at Annacotty, County Limerick.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival- 4 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival No Reproduction Charge 24-10-14

Aisling O'Donnell, Colaiste Iosaef, Kilmallock, putting the final touches to the School's Desert at the Cookery Competiton for Ballyhoura Food Festival.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival- 3 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival No Reproduction Charge 24-10-14

Miss O'Donnell , Teacher at John the Baptist School, Hospital, recording Events at the Ballyhoura Food Festival with her Students, Lisa Byrne, Grainne Condon, Carol O'Riordan, Louise McGrath, Ann Ryan and Anna Bonar at Recipe 4 Success in Annacotty, County Limerick.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival- 2 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival No Reproduction Charge 24-10-14

Shane O'Donoghue, Recipe 4 Success discussing details of the Cookery Competition between, John the Baptist School, Hospital and Colaiste Iosaef, Kilmallock, at Recipe 4 Success in Annacotty, County Limerick.
Picture Brendan gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival 30 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

Tim Madden, Ballyhoura Food Festival, with Supporters and Committee, on the Big Push for the Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27th of October which takes place in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival 20 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

Tim Madden, Ballyhoura Food Festival, with Supporters and Committee, on the Big Push for the Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27th of October which takes place in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival 4 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

Say Cheers to the Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch which takes place on 24-27 OF October in Kilmallock with Roisin Howard, James O'Doherty with Margaret Atolla and Committee.
Picture Brendan gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival 3 
 A Taste of Ballyhoura Food Festival October Bank Holiday

Roisin Howard, Tim Madden, Ballyhoura Food Festival, James O'Doherty, Chairman of Ballyhoura Country Festival and Eamon McCarthy, Secratary, at the Launch of the Ballyhoura Food Festival which takes place on the October Weekend 24- 27th of October in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
Ballyhoura-Food-Festival 2 
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

Tim Madden, Ballyhoura Food Festival, with Supporters and Committee, on the Big Push for the Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27th of October which takes place in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
 A Taste of Ballyhoura Food Festival October Bank Holiday

Roisin Howard, Tim Madden, Ballyhoura Food Festival, James O'Doherty, Chairman of Ballyhoura Country Festival and Eamon McCarthy, Secratary, at the Launch of the Ballyhoura Food Festival which takes place on the October Weekend 24- 27th of October in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

The Committee and Supporters of Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch which takes place on 24-27 OF October in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

The Committee and Supporters of Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch which takes place on 24-27 OF October in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan Gleeson
 Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27 OF October

Tim Madden, Ballyhoura Food Festival, with Supporters and Committee, on the Big Push for the Ballyhoura Food Festival Launch 24-27th of October which takes place in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
 Senior Club Final Banner Clare v Mourneabbey Cork 18-10-14

Mourneabbey Team ,Cork, Celebrating their win in the Senior Club Football Ladies Final in Kilmallock.
Picture Brendan gleeson
 XXjob 22/10/2014 NEWS Lisa McNamara, Co, Clare, and Caitriona Burke, Curraheen, received BSocSc Hons, at the Autumn Conferrings, UCC.
Picture: Denis Scannell 
 XXjob 22/10/2014 NEWS Family members capturing the moment at the Autumn Conferrings, UCC.
Picture: Denis Scannell 
 XXjob 22/10/2014 NEWS Anna Marie O'Neill, Rosscarbery, BSocSc Hons, at the Autumn Conferrings, UCC.
Picture: Denis Scannell 
 XXjob 17/10/2014 NEWS Green Car Supplement, Mitsubishi Outlander with Eoin English.
Picture: Denis Scannell 
 XXjob 17/10/2014 NEWS Green Car Supplement, Mitsubishi Outlander with Eoin English.
Picture: Denis Scannell 
 XXjob 17/10/2014 NEWS Green Car Supplement, Mitsubishi Outlander with Eoin English.
Picture: Denis Scannell 
 XXjob 17/10/2014 NEWS Green Car Supplement, Mitsubishi Outlander with Eoin English.
Picture: Denis Scannell 

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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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