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Old Houses of Iceland 
 This picture was a panoramic I had take in Iceland at the Skogar Museum. I had just changed to black and wihite and ut a border around it.
 Derryclare Lough, Connemara, taken 13th of May 2016, on my visit to Connemara. Derryclare Lough is very popular destination. Picture: Todor Tilev
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 Siobhan Lawler enjoying an evening walk in knocknakilla millstreet co. Cork
 A rare Glimpse of the Cuckoo behind our house in Ballyvara, Doolin, Co Clare.
Print Donkeys 
 Love Donkeys, David Ferriter, Glenbeigh Co. Kerry
 stalking deer in mount melleray, Co.Waterford 
picture: Eamon Casey Power (16 years old)
 Cormorant on rock near Lahinch, Co Clare.
 This House Sparrow seems to like getting his photo taken in our back garden in Gorey.
 Aer Lingus coming into land at cork Airport with a beautiful Rainbow on Friday 29 April 2016
 Robin Red Breast stops for a rest on our back garden fence before feeding her young in our shed.
 Sunny south east Ardmore Bay
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 meet rosie the pot bellied pig
 Snowy April in Bavaria, Germany. Jude Corroon from Mallow, Co. Cork enjoying the snow
 Ballydehob, Co. Cork picture: czortz
 looking for fairies in Dun na Ri Forest Co.Cavan
 Keem Beach, Achill Island, taken 16th of April 2916. Picture: Todor Tilev
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 A glorious day on Woodstown beach, Co. Waterford.
Picture: Ciara Carew
 Reflections of a couple out on an early morning walk in the Ramp Boreen Walk, in Tallow on Thursday 2nd June last.
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 Nesting female Swan. The Warren Estuary Rosscarbery Co. Cork. Picture: Roseann O Neill
 The beautiful Cherry Blossom is the nicest sign of Spring. Bloominf in Tralee. Photo: Catherine Dolan
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 Buttercups in the Sunshine, taken while cycling to Rossbeigh, Co. Kerry
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 this picture was taken on the main N5 as I was heading home from doing some late night shopping it is of some cattle in a field
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 April 2016 took this photo while sitting on feint beach as my son played nearby.
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 Ken O Connell flying a hawk at Mallow garden show
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 Ken O Connell flying a hawk at Mallow garden show
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 Happy Days.....a water fight between siblings in the May sunshine in Effin, Co. Limerick.
Laura Burke NUI Maynooth Cherry Blossom 
 Cherry blossom at NUI Maynooth shot by Laura Burke for her daughter R?ona who is a proud first year student.

Back in September I promised my daughter I would visit her campus to take some photographs as she's enormously proud to be at #nuimaynooth Fast forward a full university year (which I have to say is remarkably short!!) and I found I hadn't kept my promise. So I scooted up there last weekend to give her the luxury of a free dinner and a non-stop, bus-free journey home. Luckily for me the magnolia and cherry blossom were in bloom on a gorgeous day. Note to self: I'll have to have an early start next time because I had to battle the bright light all afternoon.
 Keywords: Bokeh, Cherry Blossom, NUI Maynooth
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 Sun setting behind trees as I walk along local canal.(Taken on my smartphone) Picture: Rhona Conlon
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 First Mayfly of the season.
Cotten Grass 
 Tony Godfrey . Walking up the mountain at Knocknakilton. Nr Annascaul looking at the Bog Cotten Grass.Picture Tony Godfrey.
Laura Burke History and a Milky Way 
 Shadow of History and a Milky Way. I've been practising my night photography and the beautiful clear weather gave me a chance to practise up at Poulnabrone Dolmen in the Burren, Co Clare. Crisp, clear, a slight breeze and an appearance of the Milky Way. I was tired but happy when I finally fell into bed at 4am. No rest for the wicked - school run at 8.30 prompt.

Silhouette shot of Poulnabrone Dolmen in the Burren in Co Clare shot by Laura Burke in the early hours of the morning on 1st June 2016.
 Our visitor for nearly four years now.
 Lady Bird Love
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 New York , New York
 A Jay.
With beautiful Cork Harbour in the back ground
 Sunbeams at knocknarea sligo
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 Another beautiful sunset at Roches Point looking back the harbour. Picture:Andrew Foley
 A Jay on our Bird feeder.
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 Bluebells & Daffodils 
 Keywords: The Grove
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 pic taken of cows in millstreet co cork date is wrong should be this years date on pic
20160518 124208 
 Spot the pretty birdie. Killarney national park
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 Experiment with the different shape moon through the month of April 2016
 pic taken in millstreet co cork
20160518 123156 
 Optical illusion. Spot the Kerry cow. Killarney national park
Barna Sunset IE 
 Two friends having a stroll in Barna, Co. Galway at sunset 
 Keywords: barna sunset people walking fields walls burren clare clouds
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 taken in banteer pond park co cork
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 Haut cuisine on the road. Killarney national park.
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 ring kerry
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 Waiting for the postman. Nathan, Gizmo and Belle.
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 pic take in ring of kerry
 My three little post of gold at the end of a rainbow. Dad Ryan Brennan with sons Jake and Luka Brennan at a day out a Powerscourt Waterfall in Wicklow.
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 pic take in arklow co wicklow
 Eight year old Conor Sugrue enjoying the weather in st Fininans bay with the SKelligs Rock in the background
IMG 2997 Fotor 
 Country side, Stoneyford Kilkenny Ireland, why i took this is I'm a huge nature photographer and i taught this capture the Irish country side pretty well, Shane Maher
 Hong Kong skyline from Kowloon, with a red-sail Chinese junk in Victoria harbour
20151013 Horseman Watching over - Jordan Cummins Photography 
 Watchman Looking Over 
The Gaelic Chieftain a symbol of the battles we have come through; our present with the car trails showing life flying by, and our possible future/destiny in the stars above !

Gaelic Chieftain', Boyle, Co Roscommon
Taken by Jordan Cummins on the 13/10/2015 
 Keywords: boyle, horse, milkyway, night, nightscape
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 Pink lily taken in the Botanical Gardens in Montpellier, France
 I took this photograph yesterday evening at 10pm close to Dun Laoighre. It depicts a very calm moment right after the sun has set on a glorious summer day. In the background you can see that Howth is already in darkness. Picture: Iseult Imbert
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 sunny saturday in the garden.
20160530 174216 
 Family pets Cody & Shep putting the practise in Connacht style in Tuam Co. Galway. Photo by John Fitzmaurice Co. Galway

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