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 EEjob 17/05/2017
Echo Sport.
CWSSL, Senior Premier League, Douglas Hall LFC V's Wilton United, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Megan O'Keeffe, Douglas Hall LFC, Zoe Murphy, Wilton Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/05/2017
Echo Sport.
CWSSL, Senior Premier League, Douglas Hall LFC V's Wilton United, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Michelle Condon, Douglas Hall LFC, Barbara O'Connell, Wilton Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/05/2017
Echo Sport.
CWSSL, Senior Premier League, Douglas Hall LFC V's Wilton United, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Michelle O'Driscoll, Douglas Hall LFC, Laura Lynch, Wilton Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/05/2017
Echo Sport.
CWSSL, Senior Premier League, Douglas Hall LFC V's Wilton United, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Michaela O'Rourke, Douglas Hall LFC, Eleanor Stritch, Wilton Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/05/2017
Echo Sport.
CWSSL, Senior Premier League, Douglas Hall LFC V's Wilton United, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Michelle O'Driscoll, Douglas Hall LFC, Deirdre Calnan, Wilton Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/05/2017
Echo Sport.
CWSSL, Senior Premier League, Douglas Hall LFC V's Wilton United, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Linda McNamara, Douglas Hall LFC, Eimear Roundtree, Wilton Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Cdre. Hugh Tully, Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Service, inspecting Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Some members of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during their Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Lt. Helen Meredith, Officer in Charge, recruit training, pictured with OS Sean O'Leary, Clonakilty, (left) and OS Dean Hennessy, Courtmacsherry, two of the graduates of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice following the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
OS Karen Casey, Carrigtwohill, (left) and OS Michelle Tobin, Little Island, graduates of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice, following the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
OS Jack Coyle, Newbridge, (centre) a graduate of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice, pictured following the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, with his father, Signalman John Coyle, and his cousin, Airman Niall Kennedy.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
OS Darryl Crotty, Kilfinan, a graduate of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice, with his father Eugene following the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Cdre. Hugh Tully, Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Service, and the Canadian Ambassador, Kevin Vickers, who attended during his visit to the base, pictured with the award reciepients (from left) best shot OS Sean Walsh, best kit OS Kayleigh Roche and best recruit OS Jonathon Lavelle, at the Passing Out Parade of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Some members of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during their Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Members of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during their Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Cdre. Hugh Tully, Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Service, inspecting Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline. Also in picture is Lt. Helen Meredith, Officer in Charge, recruit training.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
Members of Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during their Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 18/05/2017 ... 
OS Colin Henson, Athlone, who graduated with Recruit Class Mary Spring-Rice during the Passing Out Parade at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, photographed with his son Nathan.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 Evening Echo News 17-05-2017
 Transition year pupils Amy Keohane, Katie O’Farrell, Faith Keane and Jayde Buckley from St. Mary’s Secondary School in Midleton, Cork who took part in a fun run in aid of Pieta House and a green nose day promoting mental health. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 17-05-2017
 Transition year pupils and teachers from St. Mary’s Secondary School in Midleton, Cork who took part in a fun run in aid of Pieta House and a green nose day promoting mental health. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 17-05-2017
 Transition year pupils Katie O’Farrell and Sarah Leahy with Teacher Mary Walsh from St. Mary’s Secondary School in Midleton, Cork who took part in a fun run in aid of Pieta House and a green nose day promoting mental health. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 17-05-2017
 Transition year pupils and teachers from St. Mary’s Secondary School in Midleton, Cork who took part in a fun run in aid of Pieta House and a green nose day promoting mental health. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 17-05-2017
 Transition year pupils and teachers from St. Mary’s Secondary School in Midleton, Cork who took part in a fun run in aid of Pieta House and a green nose day promoting mental health. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News Life 15-05-2017
Rebecca Walz and her four year old son Caleb who both have Okihior Syndrome. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News Life 15-05-2017
Rebecca Walz and her four year old son Caleb who both have Okihior Syndrome. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News Life 15-05-2017
Rebecca Walz and her four year old son Caleb who both have Okihior Syndrome. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception in his honour. Included are from left, John Boylan, President, Lady Captain, Liz Cronin and Captain Karl Bornemann. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception in his honour. Included are from left, Captain Karl Bornemann, John Boylan, President and Lady Captain, Liz Cronin. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception. Peter is pictured with Secretary/ Manager Conor O’Brien. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception in his honour. Included are from left, Jim Long, Chairman of Munster Golf, John Boylan, President, Lady Captain Liz Cronin and Captain Karl Bornemann. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception. Included are from left, Jim Long, Chairman of Munster Golf, John Boylan, President, Lady Captain, Captain Karl Bornemann and Secretary/Manager, Conor O’Brien. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception . Included are Captain Karl Bornemann and Lady Captain Liz Cronin. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception.. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 17-05-2017
 Flogas Irish Amateur Open Championship Peter O’Keeffe was honoured with at his home club, Douglas Golf Club, Cork with a special reception in his honour. Included are John Boylan, President and Captain Karl Bornemann. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Jason O’Dwyer back in Cork from the Netherlands. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Jason O’Dwyer back in Cork from the Netherlands. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Jason O’Dwyer back in Cork from the Netherlands. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Jason O’Dwyer back in Cork from the Netherlands. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Jason O’Dwyer back in Cork from the Netherlands. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Jason O’Dwyer back in Cork from the Netherlands. Picture Dan Linehan
 Examiner Sport 17-05-2017
Irish Amateur Open winner Peter O’Keeffe was honoured at a reception at the club attended by previous Captains and Presidents. Include are this year’s Captain Karl Bornemann and President John Boylan.
Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan standing near the statue of Christy Ring in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan standing near the statue of Christy Ring in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan standing near the statue of Christy Ring in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan standing near the statue of Christy Ring in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan standing near the statue of Christy Ring in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan standing outside the new clubhouse n his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 18-05-2017
Munster Council Chairman Jerry O’Sullivan in his home parish of Cloyne, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 EEXX news 13/05/2016.
Sisters Mairead and Siobhan Calnan, from Drimoleague, enjoy at walk on the beach at Owenahincha, Co Cork during the sunny weather.
Pic; Larry Cummins 
 Keywords: weather sunshine summer sun tourism holiday teenagers fun beach water
 16th May 2017......... Gerad McSweeney, Leo O'Callaghan and Daire Coughlan at O'Callaghans on Kinsale road
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017......... Gerad McSweeney, Leo O'Callaghan and Daire Coughlan at O'Callaghans on Kinsale road
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 EE LIVE SPORT 16/05/2017 ... 
Carrigaline Community School players celebrate their victory in the Cork Under 19 Schools Cup soccer final defeating Colaiste an Spioraid Naoimh at CIT. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 16/05/2017 ... 
Ben and Sarah Twomey, Waterfall, and Lucy the dog enjoying the sunshine at the Regional Park, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were Maureen McCarthy (left) and Rena McCarthy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were (from left) Georgina O'Leary, Noreen Matthews and Pauline Porter. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were (from left) Mary Cummins, Kathleen Tobin, Mary Ahern and Teresa Hurley. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were (from left) Gertie Kearney, treasurer; Jane Buckley, secretary, and Kathleen Desmond, assistant treasurer, Togher Wednesday Social Group. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were (from left) Grainne O'Connell Walsh, Ballyphehane/Togher CDP; Chrissie O'Callaghan, chairman of the Togher Wednesday Social Group, and Geraldine Sutton, community warden, Cork City Council. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
Attending the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were (from left) Cllr. Fergal Dennehy; Chrissie O'Callaghan, chairman of the Togher Wednesday Social Group; Mayor of Cork County, Cllr. Seamus McGrath; Cllr. PJ Hourihan, Cllr. Henry Cremin and Fr. Robert Brophy, P.P., Togher. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving and social afternoon for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, was Alice Deeney. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
At the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork, were Betty O'Sullivan, (left) and Eileen Welch. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
Fr. Robert Brophy, P.P., Togher, saying the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 17/05/2017 ... 
Attending the annual mass of thanksgiving for Togher Wednesday Social Group at Togher Community & Social Services Centre, Cork. Included are the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill; Mayor of Cork County, Cllr. Seamus McGrath; Councillors Fergal Dennehy, PJ Hourihan, Henry Cremin and Michael Frick Murphy, and Chrissie O'Callaghan, chairman of the Togher Wednesday Social Group. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Fifth and sixth class pupils playing a game on the basketball court.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Senior and junior infants class pupils painting butterflies for the summer.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Jenna Finn who was playing basketball at the school.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Pupils Vincent O'Callaghan (left) and Cathal O'Connell during a basketball game at the school.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Pupils (from left) Ryan Connolly, Aoife Ryan and Abby O'Halloran warming up before a basketball game.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Daragh Brennan (left) and Luke O'Sullivan in class. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Fifth class pupils (from left) Chris Nolan, Edana Murphy and Conor Donovan testing magnetic poles. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Sixth class pupils Neave O'Halloran (left) and Róisín Hurley with magnets in class. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Sixth class pupils (from left) Luke O'Neill, Sean Broderick and Jamie Manley using magnets. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Fifth class pupils (from left) Donna Carey, Niamh O'Leary and Abbie Connolly. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Clíona O'Sullivan, sixth class pupil, with some of her art work. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Third and fourth class pupils practising tin whistle in the school play area. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Second class pupils doing art for Holy Communion (clockwise from front left) Ellen Ryan, Jenna McCarthy, Danny Lawlor, Ryan O'Neill and Eva Ryan. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
First and second class pupils working on laptops. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Faye Dineen and Jack Buttimer doing mime freezes during drama. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Margot Carlile, visiting speech & drama teacher, with senior and junior infants doing action song during drama. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Chloe Sheehan of the senior infants class during drama. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDSZONE (for elaine) 17/05/2017 ... 
Dripsey N.S.
Fifth class pupils practising mindfullness. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
Some of the large gathering attending the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards evening. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
Some of the students attending the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards evening. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were Rachel O'Riordan, who received an exceptional academic achievement award in history from UCC, and her parents Brenda and Denis. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were Gerard and Joy O'Connor and their daughter Leah who received a merit award for sport for taekwon-do. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were Dolores Moriarty, Farranree Credit Union, with merit awards for community spirit recipients Niamh Hogan (left) and Jade Foley. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were senior achievement awards recipients Meghan Oxford (second left) and Amiee Cronin pictured with Deirdre Creedon, CIT Access, (left) and Olive Byrne, UCC Plus. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards Dr. Finn Ó Murchú, head of school, Mary Immaculate College, St. Patrick's Campus, Thurles, guest speaker, presented the best junior certificate 2016 award to Amiee Cronin in the presence of Ellen Lyons, principal. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were Ellen Lyons, principal, and best LCA 2016 academic awards recipients Alanah Fiddes (left) and Michaela Buckley. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards was best leaving certificate 2016 award recipient Leighan Morey. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were second year academic award recipients (from left) Leah Downey, Laura Burns, Liadh Forde and Chelsea Cambridge. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 16/05/2017 ... 
At the North Presentation Secondary School, Cork, annual awards were third year academic awards recipients (from left) Zofia Blazynska. Chloe Leahy and Emma Daniels. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce wearing Effortcashe or hidden effort. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Nuala McCarthy , designer from Tralee and model Eshana Pearce wearing her latest creation . 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Nuala McCarthy , designer from Tralee and model Eshana Pearce wearing her latest creation . 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Nuala McCarthy , designer from Tralee and model Eshana Pearce wearing her latest creation . 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Nuala McCarthy , designer from Tralee and model Eshana Pearce wearing her latest creation . 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce wearing Effortcashe or hidden effort. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce wearing Effortcashe or hidden effort. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce wearing her latest design . 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce wearing her latest design. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Tara Woulfe, designer with model Eshana Pearce. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn and his daughter Elizabeth with senior sports boy James Murray Good.. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn with senior sports girl christina Dring. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn. Included are John’s parents John and Mary, his wife Louise and daughter Elizabeth and school principal Adrian Landen.
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn with senior sports girl Christina Dring.
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn and fifth year pupil Sean O’Riordan a swimmer with the Sunday’s Well swimming Club and on the Toyko 2020 focus squad. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn. Inslucded ar Senior Sports girl Christina Dring, senior boy James Murray Good, Junior girl Emily Whitaker and junior boy Rory Lee. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 17-05-2017
At the annual sports assembly awards at Ashton School, Cork with guest of honour, Olympian John Jermyn and Eddie Kirwin, Head of Department P.E. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo news Street Style 17-05-2017
 Alison McKiernan from Cobh.
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo news Street Style 17-05-2017
 Jurgita Tynan from Cobh.
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo news Street Style 17-05-2017
 Katarzyna Grzegorczyk from Ballincollig, Cork.
Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News picture 09-06-2015
Tommi Shanley and Joyce McCathy enjoying the fine weather at Inchydoney, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan 
 Keywords: Inchydoney weather sunshine summer sun tourism holiday beach
 Irish Examiner News 18-06-2015
Making the most of the fine weather were, Jude, Nell and Katie Keohane, Sarah Murphy, Tadgh and Lily O’Sullivan on the slipway at the Abbey Beach in Bantry, Co Corki. 
Picture Dan Linehan 
 Keywords: weather sunshine summer sun tourism holiday
 16th May 2017........ The Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill chatting with 3rd class pupils from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Isme Kingston, Olivia Ryan and Sofia Lynch from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Leila Shaw, Eimear Clifford and Grace Hennessy from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ The Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill with 3rd class pupils from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ The Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill with 3rd class pupils from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Jagoda Matmuszevska, Julia Pietrzela, Leanne O'Mahony and An Dinh from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Suin Dolan, Emma Ryan, Amy O'Flynn and Clodagh Downes from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Savanna Crowley, Kacey Cahill, Cara O'Donovan, Annabele O'Sullivan and Hannah Stuart from Eglantine NS chatting with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Becca Lloyd-Evans and Eve O'Sullivan from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ The Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill chatting with 3rd class pupils from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ The Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill chatting with 3rd class pupils from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th May 2017........ 3rd class pupils Sofia Lynch, Dora Farkas and Emma Whelan from Eglantine NS during their visit to the City Hall chamber and Lord Mayors office 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th May 2017.........Transition year students from Colaiste Choilm and Gael Colaiste Choilm printing their art module ( celebration of diversity) working with contemporary artists Fiona Kelly and Johnny Buglar from Cork Printmakers , with school art teacher Mary O Mahony using a industrial road roller to print the finished article. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th May 2017.........Transition year students from Colaiste Choilm and Gael Colaiste Choilm printing their art module ( celebration of diversity) working with contemporary artists Fiona Kelly and Johnny Buglar from Cork Printmakers , with school art teacher Mary O Mahony using a industrial road roller to print the finished article. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th May 2017.........Transition year students from Colaiste Choilm and Gael Colaiste Choilm printing their art module ( celebration of diversity) working with contemporary artists Fiona Kelly and Johnny Buglar from Cork Printmakers , with school art teacher Mary O Mahony using a industrial road roller to print the finished article. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th May 2017.........Transition year students from Colaiste Choilm and Gael Colaiste Choilm printing their art module ( celebration of diversity) working with contemporary artists Fiona Kelly and Johnny Buglar from Cork Printmakers , with school art teacher Mary O Mahony using a industrial road roller to print the finished article. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Girls taking part in the football dance, during the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cork star Marie Ambrose with locals Jessica Crowley, Naomi Horgan, Ala Pawlik and Sarah Forrest, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cork star Orla Finn, signing an autograph for Emily-Rose Murphy from Whitechurch, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Kate O'Sullivan from Whitechurch, getting an autograph from Cork star and event host Orlagh Farmer, at the Gaelic4Girls night at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Whitechurch girls Phoebe Twomey, Laura B O'Sullivan, Grace O'Riordan, Anna O'Connor, Kelly Horgan, Niamh Foley, Jane O'Riordan and Ruth Dillon, having fun during the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Local girl Roisin Murphy is presented with her jersey by Cork star Ashling Hutchings, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Local girl Emma-Rose O'Reilly receives her jersey from Cork star Niamh Cotter, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cork players Libby Coppinger, Niamh Cotter, Orla Finn, Ashling Hutchings and Marie Ambrose with the National League cup, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Whitechurch girls Lauren and Dara Twomey, enjoying the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Locals Rachel Buckley, Linh Hyde and Marian Linehan, are all smiles at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Former Cork star Valerie Mulcahy giving instructions to local girl Sarah Hegarty, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Former Cork star Valerie Mulcahy chatting with locals, Orla Humphreys, Hannah Shaw, Eabha O'Brien and Sarah O'Reilly, during the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Aileen, Cian and Finn Dunne from Carrignavar, enjoying the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
April McElhinney, Mallow Road and Katie O'Flynn, Glanworth, are all smiles at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Locals Garrett O'Sullivan, Cathal Roche and Jack Cahill, enjoying the action at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Carmel and Grace O'Reilly from Whitechurch, enjoying the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 15.05.2017
Echo Sport
Tim and Aoife Foley from Whitechurch, at the Gaelic4Girls night hosted by Cork senior footballer Orlagh Farmer, at Whitechurch GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Douglas Community Association members, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, attending the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in their honour, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall. Also included is municipal district chairman Cllr Derry Canty, centre middle row.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Front row: l-r Billy Coleman, DCA chairman, Derry Canty, municipal district chairman and Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr Seamus McGrath, with back row: l-r Cllr's Michael 'Frick' Murphy, Eoghan Jeffers, Maryrose Desmond, Joe Harris, Marcia D'Alton and Deirdre Forde, attending the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Cllr Derry Canty, municipal district chairman, right, makes the presentation to Billy Coleman, DCA chairman, at the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Sheila Gilmartin, Douglas Meals on Wheels, Cllr Maryrose Desmond and Emily Clarke, Douglas Community Centre, among the guests at the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Declan Barron, SECAD Tus supervisor, Bill Perrott and Nuala Keating, both DCA, Cllr Derry Canty, municipal district chairman, Billy Coleman, DCA chairman, Sheila FitzGerald, Douglas Tidy Towns and Geraldine O'Neill, CE supervisor, enjoying the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Cllr Marcia D'Alton, Sheila FitzGerald, Douglas Tidy Towns, Declan Barron, SECAD Tus supervisor and Marian O'Sullivan, Douglas Tidy Towns, are all smiles at the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Eleanor O'Connor and Rosemary Lee, both Douglas ICA, enjoying the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr Seamus McGrath, chatting with Sgt Miriam McGuire, Douglas, at the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Cllr Deirdre Forde and Douglas community garda Michael Golden, at the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Kevin O'Regan, municipal district officer and Jim Molloy, Cork County Council senior executive officer, attending the Ballincollig/Carrigaline municipal district civic reception in honour of Douglas Community Association, winner of the Pride of Place for over 5,000 population category 2016, at Vertigo in Cork County Hall.
Picture: David Keane.
Cobh Animation Team members Ba Smith and Mary O'Connor, are all smiles at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Erica Brierley, Sheina Foster and Barry Cassidy of the Cobh Animation Team, attending the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Cllr Anthony Barry, deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, second right, accepting the silver chalice and paten from David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration, at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork. Also included are Michael Donnellan, director general of the Irish Prison Service, left, Conor Nelligan, Cork County Council heritage officer, right and back row l-r: Simon Hill co-author of the Spike Island guide book, Rev Adrian Moran, Michael J Ryan, Cork County Council, project manager and John Crotty, general manager of Spike Island.
Picture: David Keane.
Cllr Anthony Barry, deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, right, accepting the silver chalice and paten from David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration, at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Rev Adrian Moran, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Conor Nelligan, Cork County Council heritage officer, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Simon Hill co-author of the Spike Island guide book, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
John Crotty, general manager of Spike Island, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Cllr Anthony Barry, deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, speaking at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The Cork Prison Officers male voice choir, performing at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Paraig Lynch and Carmel McDonnell, both of Cork County Council, Cobh Municipal District, at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Gillian O'Brien, left, co-author of the Spike Island guide book and Harriet Kendal-Greene of Vidar Media, are all smiles at the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Marian Britton and Mona Kennedy of the Cobh Animation Team, attending the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Theresa Delius and Liam Smith of the Cobh Animation Team, attending the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
The ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
John Crotty, general manager of Spike Island, Cllr Anthony Barry, deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration and Michael Donnellan, director general of the Irish Prison Service, before attending the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
John Crotty, general manager of Spike Island, Cllr Anthony Barry, deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration and Michael Donnellan, director general of the Irish Prison Service, before attending the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
John Crotty, general manager of Spike Island, Cllr Anthony Barry, deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, David Stanton TD, minister of state for Equality, Immigration and Integration and Michael Donnellan, director general of the Irish Prison Service, before attending the ceremony to mark the handing back of the silver chalice and paten to Cork County Council by the prison service, at Spike Island, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Denis-O Donovan-DKE110517mayor014(1) 
Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr Seamus McGrath makes the presentation to Denis O'Donovan from Blarney, with Cas O'Reilly, Cllr Kevin Conway and John O'Donovan, at the Cork County Mayor's community awards ceremony for 2017 hosted by Cork County Council, at County Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

For more details see attached press release.

Media Release
Cork County Mayor’s Community Awards 2017
May 10th 2017
Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Séamus McGrath, held the fifth Cork County Mayor’s Community Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 10th 2017. 11 Awards were made on the night over 36 nominations. An incredible variety of community groups and individuals from across Cork County attended the evening’s celebration. 
Mayor McGrath awarded the following nominees within each Division.
NorthGroupMitchelstown Community Council
NorthGroupCoolagown Development Group
NorthIndividualDenis Withers
SouthGroupBallycotton Development Company
SouthGroupCarrigaline Community First Response Team
SouthIndividualUrsula Ennis
WestGroupLeap Scarecrow Festival
WestGroupCancer Connect
WestIndividualRobert Wilmot

Robert Wilmot received the Overall Individual Award. Bandon man Robert is a member, and founder of many, voluntary organisations. Robert’s contribution to these clubs supports an important social outlet for many people, particularly those to live alone.
The Overall Community and Voluntary Group Award was made to Cancer Connect. Nominated by Councillor Patrick Gerard Murphy, Cancer Connect offer a free and flexible transport service to Cork hospitals from West Cork for people receiving radiotherapy, chemotherapy and related treatments. Cancer connect have recorded 18,600 journeys and have over 250 volunteers registered. They are also planning on extending their services to include a North Cork route.
Speaking at the event, Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Séamus McGrath commented ‘An amazing 36 community groups and individuals were nominated, chosen for the superb contributions and improvements made to communities across Cork County. That is a magnificent indictment of the culture that we have in our County and one which I am delighted to be in a position to recognise, and celebrate, at the Mayors Awards’. 
The Mayor went on to say ‘I would like to see even more nominations for the Mayors Awards next year. I would like to see the ethos of volunteerism go forward and spread, to benefit each other and for the benefits to ourselves. Any litter that is picked, any time donated, any thought shared, all making our communities stronger and creating great places to live happily. And where someone takes that first step, another will follow. That is where we will find strength in our communities.’
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
The Wilton team celebrate their win over Passage in the u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Mia O’Connell, Wilton looking to win this ball from Passage players Eimear Murphy and Aine Higgins in the u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Mia O’Connell , Wilton getting her shot away past Aisling Corkery, Passage in the u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Lya Gilhooly , Wilton looking to win this ball from Shauna Wilkie, Passage in the u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Lya Gilhooly , Wilton looking to win this ball from Aine Higgins, Passage in the u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Olivia Gibson, Wilton celebrates with her team after putting her side into a two goal lead against Passage in the CWSSL u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Olivia Gibson, Wilton celebrates her goal against Passage in the CWSSL u14 Singletons Supervalu cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 16-05-2017
Fishermen mending their nets on the pier in Kinsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 16-05-2017
Making the most of the sunshine at lunchtime in Kinsale, Co Cork, were Ruth Long, Aherla, Colman Moloney, Tower and Rachel Long, Rathcooney, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 16-05-2017
Making the most of the sunshine at lunchtime in Kinsale, Co Cork, were Ruth Long, Aherla, Colman Moloney, Tower and Rachel Long, Rathcooney, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 16-05-2017
Yachts tied up in Crosshaven, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 16-05-2017
Time for an ice-cream for Dawn Loree while looking after the Stone Mad Gallery in KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 16-05-2017
Scoozi Restaurant in Cork has just been announced as the sponsor of the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. Announcing details were Dan O’Brien of Scoozi’s, Barbara O’Connell of Wilton Utd , Rhiannon Flavin Scoozi’s Restaurant and Matt Robinson, Chairman of the CWSSL. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 16-05-2017
Scoozi Restaurant in Cork has just been announced as the sponsor of the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. Announcing details were Dan O’Brien of Scoozi’s and staff members, Ruairí Cashman, Julie Buckley, Olga Dorney and Rhiannon Flavin and Matt Robinson, Chairman of the CWSSL. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 16-05-2017
Scoozi Restaurant in Cork has just been announced as the sponsor of the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. Announcing details were from left, Barbara O’Connell, Wilton Utd, Dan O’Brien of Scoozi’s and Matt Robinson, Chairman of the CWSSL. Picture Dan Linehan 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
All go for the end of year show. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Asmalyn Pepino and Jessica Ahern at work. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Student Isabelle O’Neill at work. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News WOW 16-05-2017
Mallow College of Fashion Design. 
Student Marie Barrett at work. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
The Lakewood team celebrate their victory over Passage in the u18 Deco cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
The Lakewood team celebrate their victory over Passage in the u18 Deco cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Claire Nevin, Lakewood is held off this ball by Ciara Morrissey, Passage in the u18 Deco cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Eimear Kiely, Lakewood looking to tackle the breaking Faye Ahern, Passage in the u18 Deco cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 15-05-2017
Eimear Kiely, Lakewood winning this ball from Kate Horgan, Passage in the u18 Deco cup final at Turners Cross, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
REF NO 604P 22 
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Cerys McCarthy and Cerys Lewis, Douglas Hall goalscorers togethaer after Cerys scored the second goal of the game.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Douglas Hall players Sharon Ring and Denzel Samuels celebrate after the match.
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Fermoy Caoimhe Hartnett in action against Douglas Hall. 
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Cerys McCarthy, Douglas Hall runs at the Fermoy defense before shooting and scoring the second goal with approx. 5 mins to go.
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Douglas Hall captain Faye Madden and opening goalscorer and 'Player of the Match' Cerys Lewis.
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Douglas Hall opening goalscorer and 'Player of the Match' Cerys Lewis received her Award from Stephen Mulcahy, Fixtures Secretary.
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Douglas Hall captain Faye Madden and opening goalscorer and 'Player of the Match' Cerys Lewis.
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Lisa Hartnett, Fermoy in action against Douglas Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Sharon Ring, Douglas Hall and Lisa Hartnett, Fermoy chase possession.
Final score; Douglas Hall 2 to Fermoy 0.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 14 Cup final; Douglas Hall vs Fermoy.
Caoimhe Hartnett, Fermoy with possession, under pressure from defender Caoimhe McCarthy of Douglas Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic celebrate their victory against Midleton. 
Team captain Heidi O'Sullivan, Nicole Connolly, Kelly Buckley, assistant manager and Robyn O'Sullivan after the game.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic celebrate their victory against Midleton. Team captain and Player of the Match award winner Heidi O'Sullivan with her parents Kevin and Debbie after the game..
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lucy Morley, Lakewood Athletic runs at the Midleton defence.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic celebrate their victory against Midleton. Lakewood athletic team captain and 'Player of the Match' Heidi O'Sullivan about to fire in a shot on target against Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic celebrate their victory against Midleton. Team captain and Player of the Match Heidi O'Sullivan lifts the Kay McGrath Cup.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic celebrate their victory against Midleton. Team captain Heidi O'Sullivan holds the Kay McGrath Cup.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic celebrate their victory against Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final. Lakewood Athletic vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Robyn O'Sullivan in action for Lakewood against Midleton defender Dera Chidera.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final. Lakewood Athletic vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Midleton defender Dera Chidera made some crucial tackles to break down Lakewood attacks.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic goalscorer Emer Slattery runs at the Midleton defence.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Under 12 Kay McGrath Cup final.
Lakewood Athletic captain Heidi O'Sullivan runs at the Midleton defence.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
'Player of the game' was Michelle Byrne, Carrigaline United with Stephen Mulcahy, Fixtures Secretary, CWSSL
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Parents photograph the winning team from Carrigaline United after the match.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
'Player of the game' was Michelle Byrne, Carrigaline United with Stephen Mulcahy, Fixtures Secretary, CWSSL
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Carrigaline United co-captains Rachel O'Regan and Chloe Hayes are presented with the cup by Stephen Mulcahy, CWSSL after their win.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Carrigaline United co-captains Rachel O'Regan and Chloe Hayes lift the cup after their win.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Carrigaline United managers Pat O'Brien and Steve Lambe with player Rebecca Grant.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Winning team member Kate O'Brien, Carrigaline United with manager/dad Pat O'Brien and the cup.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Tired limbs bring the celebrations to an end for the winning team Carrigaline United.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Winning team Carrigaline United with managers Pat O'Brien and Steve Lambe.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Winning team Carrigaline United with managers Pat O'Brien and Steve Lambe.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Defender Kadie Lambe, Carrigaline United with her dad, coach Steve Lambe.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Chloe Hayes, Carrigaline United in action up the right wing against Midleton.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Defender Kadie Lambe, Carrigaline United in action against Midleton.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
(Player of the Match was Michelle Byrne, carrigaline United).
Michelle Byrne eyes the ball, an excellent cross, as scores the first of her two goals against Midleton.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
(Player of the Match was Michelle Byrne, carrigaline United).
Michelle Byrne restores their 2-1 lead as she scores the first of her two goals against Midleton.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu U16 Cup Final; Douglas Hall vs Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
(Player of the Match was Michelle Byrne, carrigaline United).
Michelle Byrne restores their 2-1 lead as she scores the first of her two goals against Midleton.
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu Under 16 Cup final; Carrigaline United vs Midleton.
Centre-half Katie Long, Carrigaline United breaks down a Midleton attack. 
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu Under 16 Cup final; Carrigaline United vs Midleton.
Jodie Horgan, Carrigaline United wins a header in the air against Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu Under 16 Cup final; Carrigaline United vs Midleton.
Rachel O'Regan, Carrigaline United in action against Midleton.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL Singleton's SuperValu Under 16 Cup final; Carrigaline United vs Midleton.
Midleton's Chi Chi Ositadinma is first to the ball against Carrigaline. 
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL finals. Ringmahon Rangers U12 were awarded a walk-over against Wilton United.
Captain Kayleigh Still with the U12 Premier League Trophy, with teammates and coaches.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL finals. Ringmahon Rangers U12 were awarded a walk-over against Wilton United.
Captain Kayleigh Still with the U12 Premier League Trophy, with teammates and coaches.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL finals. Ringmahon Rangers U12 were awarded a walk-over against Wilton United.
Pic of team captain Kayleigh Still with the U12 Premier League Trophy, with her dad Andrew Still. 
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport at Turner's Cross, Cork 13/05/2017. CWSSL finals. Ringmahon Rangers U12 were awarded a walk-over against Wilton United.
Pic of team captain Kayleigh Still with the U12 Premier League Trophy, with her dad Andrew Still. 
Pic; Larry Cummins
Midleton defender Dera Chidera made some crucial tackles to break down Lakewood attacks.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX Esther McCarthy/ Ailin Quinlan feature for Esther McCarthy on the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia. The feature is scheduled to run in the Irish Examiner on May 22nd and I am filing it on May 16th. Case study of a mother; Patricia Hetherington with 7yo daughter Abby and three-week old baby Cara, born three weeks premature.
Pic; Larry Cummins @larrycpix
 XX Esther McCarthy/ Ailin Quinlan feature for Esther McCarthy on the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia. The feature is scheduled to run in the Irish Examiner on May 22nd and I am filing it on May 16th. Case study of a mother; Patricia Hetherington with 7yo daughter Abby and three-week old baby Cara, born three weeks premature.
Pic; Larry Cummins @larrycpix
 XX Esther McCarthy/ Ailin Quinlan feature for Esther McCarthy on the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia. The feature is scheduled to run in the Irish Examiner on May 22nd and I am filing it on May 16th. Case study of a mother; Patricia Hetherington with 7yo daughter Abby and three-week old baby Cara, born three weeks premature.
Pic; Larry Cummins @larrycpix
 XX Esther McCarthy/ Ailin Quinlan feature for Esther McCarthy on the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia. The feature is scheduled to run in the Irish Examiner on May 22nd and I am filing it on May 16th. Case study of a mother; Patricia Hetherington with three-week old baby Cara, born three weeks premature.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX Esther McCarthy/ Ailin Quinlan feature for Esther McCarthy on the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia. The feature is scheduled to run in the Irish Examiner on May 22nd and I am filing it on May 16th. Case study of a mother; Patricia Hetherington with 7yo daughter Abby and three-week old baby Cara, born three weeks premature.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX Esther McCarthy/ Ailin Quinlan feature for Esther McCarthy on the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia. The feature is scheduled to run in the Irish Examiner on May 22nd and I am filing it on May 16th. Case study of a mother; Patricia Hetherington with 7yo daughter Abby and three-week old baby Cara, born three weeks premature.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Destiny Okonowo, Corinthians in action against Castleview.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Kian O'Connor, Castleview is pursued by Jack O'Brien, Corinthians.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Shane Cotter in action for Corinthians.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Kian O'Connor, Castleview is pursued by Jack O'Brien, Corinthians.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Colm Healy, Castleview heads clear from the back.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Colm Healy, Castleview heads clear from the back.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Kian O'Connor, Castleview completes a clearance into a stong wind.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Daniel Meade, Corinthians pushes forward against Castleview.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Daniel Meade, Corinthians in action against Castleview.
 EE sport 13/-5/2017.
Cork Schoolboys League soccer.
Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier league; Castleview vs Corinthian Boys.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Jack O'Brien, Corinthians pushes forward against Kian O'Connor, Castleview.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Tomas Connolly, Drinagh Rangers tries to head-home a corner kick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Goalscorer Keith Jagoe, Drinagh Rangers celebrates scoring the opening goal of the game.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Gavin Beamish, Drinagh Rangers is fouled by Brian Donovan, Bantry Bay Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Shane McSweeney, Bantry Bay Rovers tries to hold off Robert O'Regan, Drinagh Rangers 
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Robert O'Regan, Drinagh Rangers wins a header in midfield.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Goalscorer and Man of the Match; JJ Hurley, Drinagh Rangers breaks up the left wing.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Daniel Murray, Bantry Bay Rovers and Gavin Beamish, Drinagh Rangers challenge for possession on the wing.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Barry O'Driscoll, Drinagh Rangers runs at the Bantry Bay Rovers defense.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Barry O'Driscoll, Drinagh Rangers in action against Bantry Bay Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Gearoid 'Mighty' White, Drinagh Rangers in action against Bantry Bay Rovers defender Shaun O'Sullivan.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Shane Connolly, Drinagh Rangers in action against Bantry Bay Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Drinagh Rangers captain Keith Jagoe lifts the cup after their 4-0 win.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Drinagh Rangers captain Keith Jagoe is presented with the cup after their 4-0 win.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Drinagh Rangers celebrate after their 4-0 win.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EE sport 14/05/2017.
2017 Beamish Cup Final at Turner's Cross, Cork on Sunday 14th May 2017. Bantry Bay Rovers vs Drinagh Rangers.
Drinagh Rangers celebrate after their 4-0 win.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 EEjob 27/06/2016
Echo Sport.
Official rebranding of Munster Cricket, at Cork County Cricket Club, Cricket Grounds, Mardyke Walk, Cork.
Stephan Grobler, Munster Reds Senior Captain & Selector / Cork County Cricket Professional and David Griffin, Chairman Munster Cricket & Cork County Cricket
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Cork City Fire Brigade team, exit from under the Eamon de Valera Bridge, into the heavy rain, during their heat race.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Cork City Civil Defence, safety crew on the river.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Army team, in action during their heat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Coast Guard team, in action during their heat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Army and Coast Guard, at the start of their heat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Naval Service team, celebrate winning their heat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Naval Service team, celebrate winning their heat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Customs Service team in action.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Cork City Brigade team, cross the line to win their heat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Smiling despite the heavy rain, Celine Forex, Globe Tech team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Smiling despite the heavy rain, Diarmuid Lennon and Tricia Wixted, SR Technics team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Smiling despite the heavy rain, Roy Leslie, SR Technics team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Event Volunteers, Jim O'Donovan, Ray Horgan and Donal Walsh.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Army, Collins Barracks team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
An Garda Siochanna, Anglesea Street team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Customs Service team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Naval Service team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 13/05/2017
Echo News.
Dragon Boat Challenge, Inter Services & Inter Firm event, on Lapps Quay, Cork.
Irish Coast Guard team.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
David O'Neill, Mayfield, Dan Hurley, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
Patrick Duggan, Mayfield, Ethan O'Brien, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V's Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
Nicky Kelly, Mayfield, Paudie Butler, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
Shane O'Donovan, Mayfield, Darragh O'Donovan, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
David Malone, Mayfield, Dan Hurley and Eoin Lawton, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
David O'Neill, Mayfield, Joe Murphy, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
Shane Kelly, Mayfield, Michael O'Callaghan, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
David Malone, Mayfield, Eoin Lawton, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Mayfield V' Arigideen Rangers, at Brinny, Co. Cork.
Shane Duggan and Kevin Punch, Mayfield, Ger Crowley and Darragh O'Donovan, Arigideen Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
John Corkery, Aghabullogue, Shane Hurley, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
John Corkery and Donal Twomey, Aghabullogue, Stephen Gogan and Patrick Buckley, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
Aghabullogue and St. Finbarrs tempers flare during the first half.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
Niall Baarry Murphy, Aghabullogue, Stephen Gogan, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
Niall Barry Murphy, Aghabullogue, Stephen Gogan, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
Niall Barry Murphy, Aghabullogue, Stephen Gogan, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
John Corkery, Aghabullogue, Patrick Buckley and Paul Kennedy, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
John Buckley, Aghabullogue, Cormac O'Mahony, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 14/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
2017 Cork County Intermediate Hurling Championship, Aghabullogue V's St. Fonbarrs, at Ovens, Co. Cork.
John Corkery, Aghabullogue, Patrick Buckley, St. Finbarrs.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 13.5.17 
Shane O'Callaghan Austin Stacks and Dan Sullivan St Kierans ( GREEN ) in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in Connolly Park Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Kerins O'Rahilly's manager Mike Quirke during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Kerins O'Rahilly's manager Mike Quirke during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Barry John Keane Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Graham O'Sullivan South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Barry John Keane Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Graham O'Sullivan South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
David Moran Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Robert Warton South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Jack Savage Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Graham O'Sullivan South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Jack Savage Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Graham O'Sullivan South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Tommy Walsh Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Denis Daly South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
David Moran Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and Paul O'Donoghue South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 
Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 XXjob 14.5.17 . Any one for a Tea Cake ? . Kerins O'Rahillys held a Bake Sale during the game . 
Kerins O'Rahilly's ( BLUE ) and South Kerry in action during the game . .
Football Senior County Football Championship played in the Kerins O'Rahilly's GAA Grounds Tralee .
6.30 Austin Stacks v St Kierans in Connolly Park
Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD © 
Tralee Co Kerry Ireland 
Phone Mobile 087 / 2672033
L/Line 066 71 22 981 
E/mail -
 13th May 2017..... Tractons' Joe Kinston is tackled by Cloyne's Maurice Lynch during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Tractons' David O'Callaghan and Cloyne's Chris Smith tussle for the ball during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Tractons' David O'Callaghan goes high with Cloyne's Chris Smith during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cloyne goalkeeper Donal Og Cusack clears against Tracton during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Tractons' Billy Lynch knocks the ball away from Cloyne's Ashley Walsh during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Tractons' Daniel Flaherty racing onto the ball from Cloyne's Brian O'Shea and Keith Dennehy during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cloyne's Brian Walsh is tackled by Tractons George Jagoe and Tom McGuinness during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cloyne's Colm O'Sullivan wins the ball from Tarctons' Billy Lynch during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Tractons' Padraig Kilmartin and Cloyne's Colm O'Sullivan tussle for the ball during the Cork PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017........ Streetstyle for WOW and Jessica Casey........ Dunia Fahmi
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017........ Streetstyle for WOW and Jessica Casey........ Cairy Murphy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017........ Streetstyle for WOW and Jessica Casey........Sadie Moloney
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Residents at the proposed Lough high rise building protest on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Corinthians Ciaran Couch wins the ball from Leeside's Eoghan O'Sullivan during the Daly Industrial Supplies U18 Premier League at Little Island on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Leeside's Kallum Long celebrates his sides second goal against Corinthians during the Daly Industrial Supplies U18 Premier League at Little Island on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Leeside's Jack McCarthy heads clear against Corinthians during the Daly Industrial Supplies U18 Premier League at Little Island on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Corinthians Ethan Hurley and Leeside's Eoin Horgan tussle in the goalmouth during the Daly Industrial Supplies U18 Premier League at Little Island on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Corinthians Ethan Hurley and Leeside's George Keating go high for the ball during the Daly Industrial Supplies U18 Premier League at Little Island on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Tommy Lyons, Irish Examiner racing corespondent and Donie Sheehan, Killarney racing presenting The Irish Examiner Handicap Steeplechase trophy to Jerry Flynn and Norman Damery, Bayshaven Syndicate owners of Dark Outsider with James Dulea, trainer; , Mary Damery, Ruby Malone and Frank Murphy at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Sean O'Donoghue, Killarney enjoying Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Jim Walsh, Bandon at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Mary Mitchell, Navan at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Punters in the stands at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Punters in the stands at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Pat Lynch, Kilmallock; Mikey Hourigan, Patrickswell and austin Leahy, Kilmallock at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Jackson and Mikey Brosnan, Tralee at ' Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Elle Fleury, (centre back) childrens winner with her parents Mark and Maeve and brother Samuel and sister Livia from Killarney at ' Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Nicole and Ann Martin, Coachford at ' Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Roisin Lelihan, Adare and her nephew Paddy Frawley, Ballgarry at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Portia and Linda Gordan, Killarney at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Michael O'Leary, Gowran Co. Kilkenny at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Evie and Amelia Spillane, Killarney at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Sarah Doran, Carlow with Gemma, Elsa and Isabelle Walsh, Kildare at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Sarah Doran, Carlow at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... William, Maeve and Liam Moloney, Killarney at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Toby Simmonsd Macroom and Maria Baldarella, Sicily at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Mary O'Donnell, Macroom; Sarah Fahy, Carrigaline; Carol Healy, Cork City; Patricia O'Hare, Douglas; Jenny-Rose Clarke, Macroom and Ayisha Lightbourne, Inagh Co. Clare at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Katie O'Leary, Killarney; Mary McBride, Killorglin and Aine O'Donoghue , Killarney at 'Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Con Prout, Crosbarry and John A Murphy, Waterfall joint winners at ' Mad Hatters Day' at Killarney races with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Joseph Poff, Killorglin at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Joseph Poff, Killorglin at Killarney races 'featuring Mad Hatters Day' with media sponsors The Irish Examiner yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Organisers of the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Ruth, Isabelle and Olivia Griffin at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Betty Brosnan and Karen O'Sulivan, Ballonora/Ballincollig Redcross at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Siobhan and Pat O'Góilín and children Muireann and Cliona at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Runners warming up for the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Jenny Maguire, Denise O'Driscoll and Darragh Currivan from womens Fitness Plus warming up the runners for the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Runners warming up for the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Dylan Murray, Caroline Heskin and her children Evan and Jamie Drummond at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Betty Brosnan and Karen O'Sulivan, Ballonora/Ballincollig Redcross at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Runners warming up for the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Martina, Molly and Siún Beckett at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Joanne, Niamh and Ciara O'Brien at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Aine ni Chathasaigh, Brid Ni Dhonhnaith, Garbriel Cathasaigh, principal, Gaelscoil Ui Riordain, Ballincollig ,Richie, Eoin, Michael, and Fionn MacAnainn, Ruth and Isabelle Griffin at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Roisin Thornhill, Aoibhinn and Caoimhe McCarthy and Paddy and Brenda Thornhill at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th May 2017......... Eimear and Yvonne Buckley and Eve Sheehan at the fun run in memory of Eithne Hammond at Ballincollig regional park yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cork City's Saoirse Noonan and Wexford Youths Lind a Douglas chase the ball during the Womens national league at Bishopstown on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cork City's Saoirse Noonan skips past Wexford Youths Orla Casey during the Womens national league at Bishopstown on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cork City's Evelyn Daly heads from Wexford Youths Kylie Murphy during the Womens national league at Bishopstown on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cork City's Evelyn Daly is tackled by Wexford Youths Orla Casey during the Womens national league at Bishopstown on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cork City's Claire Shine and Wexford Youths Orlaith Conlon challenge for the ball during the Womens national league at Bishopstown on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 13th May 2017..... Cork City's Megan Bourque bursting between Wexford Youths Claire O'Riordan and Jess Gleeson during the Womens national league at Bishopstown on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 EEjob 14.05.2017
Echo Sport
Douglas attacker Diarmuid O'Mahony is tackled by Ballinhassig's Kevin Maguire, during their Cork IHC clash at Ballygarvan.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 14.05.2017
Echo Sport
Ballinhassig's Stephen Sheehan gets away from Douglas' Mark O'Callaghan, during their Cork IHC clash at Ballygarvan.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 14.05.2017
Echo Sport
Ballinhassig's Stephen Sheehan and James Rearden battle with Douglas' Mark O'Callaghan, during their Cork IHC clash at Ballygarvan.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 14.05.2017
Echo Sport
Douglas midfielder Mark O'Callaghan comes under pressure from Ballinhassig's Gavin Sheehan and Stephen Sheehan, during their Cork IHC clash at Ballygarvan.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 14.05.2017
Echo Sport
Ballinhassig's James Rearden battles in the air with Douglas' Eoghan O'Brien, during their Cork IHC clash at Ballygarvan.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 14.05.2017
Echo Sport
Douglas defender Shane O'Donoghue keeps possession after a strong challenge by Ballinhassig's Paddy Coleman, during their Cork IHC clash at Ballygarvan.
Picture: David Keane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Celebration for Ballincollig after winning the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final defeating Avondale A at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Video Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Ballymartle's Denis Kelly being challenged by Sarsfields Ronan Murphy in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Sarsfields Ray Ryan winning possession from Ballymartle's Niall Crowley in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Sarsfields Garry O'Kelly Lynch going high for the ball with Ballymartle's Michael O'Mahony in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Sarsfields Niall Horgan being challenged by Ballymartle's Denis Kelly in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Ballymartle's Niall Crowley trying to dispossess Sarsfields Garry Grey being in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Sarsfields Garry Grey being challenged by Ballymartle's Niall Crowley in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Greenwood's Oyeman Ayere and Springfield Ramblers' Sam McSweeney looking to win the ball in the Cork Schoolboys League Joma/Sportsgear Direct U16 Premier Division game at Coffey’s Field. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Greenwood's Joey Harrington after scoring a second half goal against Springfield Ramblers in the Cork Schoolboys League Joma/Sportsgear Direct U16 Premier Division game at Coffey’s Field. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Greenwood's Joey Harrington scores a second half goal against Springfield Ramblers despite the great efforts of their goalkeeper Cian O'Rourke in the Cork Schoolboys League Joma/Sportsgear Direct U16 Premier Division game at Coffey’s Field. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Springfield Ramblers' Michael O'Rourke clears the ball downfield against Greenwoodl in the Cork Schoolboys League Joma/Sportsgear Direct U16 Premier Division game at Coffey’s Field. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Greenwood's Ethon Varian heading the ball past Springfield Ramblers' Emeka Asigeabu in the Cork Schoolboys League Joma/Sportsgear Direct U16 Premier Division game at Coffey’s Field. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Greenwood's Oran Daly and Springfield Ramblers' Emeka Asigeabu trying to win the ball in the Cork Schoolboys League Joma/Sportsgear Direct U16 Premier Division game at Coffey’s Field. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson, who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG, pictured with her brother Craig and mother Vickie. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson, who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG, pictured with her mother Vickie. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson, who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG, pictured with her brother Craig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIFE (for elaine) 12/05/2017 ... 
Kellie Thompson, who is in leaving certificate year at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire AG, pictured with her brother Craig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Celebration for Ballincollig after winning the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final defeating Avondale A at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Video Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Ballincollig players Fionnan O'Donovan (left) and Shane Hogan with the cup after their side's victory over Avondale A in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Ballincollig players Jason Hogan, the man of the match, and Gordon O'Meara who scored two goals each in the side's victory over Avondale A in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Denis Crowley, secretary, Cork Youth League, presenting the cup to Ballincollig captain Ronan Barrett after the victory over Avondale A in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Avondale A's Conor Smith heading the ball clear of Ballincollig's Kane O'Connell in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Ballincollig 'keeper Shane Hogan saves against Avondale A in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Ballincollig's Levi O'Mahony shoots past Rodhrai Crowley of Avondale A in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Ballincollig's Cian Rickard (No 2) being congratulated by Gordon O'Meara after scoring a first half goal against Avondale A in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE SPORT 13/05/2017 ... 
Ballincollig's Gordon O'Meara and Avondale A's Bryan Sisk going high for the ball in the Cork Youth League Daly Industrial Supplies Under 19 Cup final at Lee Road. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were performers from Cork Youth Ballet Company, Jane Redmond and Anthony White of Monica Loughman Elite Ballet and Kevin Hayes, soloist, Cork City Ballet. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel was Emma Eliza Regan, actress, writer and director, Galway. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Paul Sherlock, Passage West; Teresa Keohane, Passage West, and Tim Feehily, Garryduff. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Nicky Hayes, Nicky's Dance Studio, and Ken Long, Carrigaline. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel was Grace Lawrence, Cobh.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Giada Orlandi, Thurles, (left) and Ciara Fitzgerald, Deerpark, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Valerie and Ian Logan, Donabate, Co. Dublin. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Sinead Murphy (left) and Kelly-Ann Murphy, Cork School of Dance. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Una Crosbie, Food U Café, Kinsale; Colette McNamee, Cork City Ballet; Alan Foley, artistic director, Cork City Ballet, and Janet Dillon, Cork City Ballet. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Tricia Stott, Mahon, (left) and Niamh Brady, Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel was Lindsay O'Leary, Glanmire. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Cliodna Moynihan, Clogheen; Jackie O'Leary, Glanmire, and Anne Marie McElhinney, Kilbarry, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Helen Kavanagh-Ronan, Cobh, (left) and Elaine Ronan, Cobh. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Carol Flynn, White's Cross, (left) and Sylvia Riordan, Ballyvolane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Cliona Flynn, White's Cross, (left) and Molly Downes, Clogheen. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were Frank Hannigan, Carrigtwohill, (left) and Paul Crosbie, Dublin. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Betty Hannigan, Carrigtwohill; Sharon Crosbie, Dublin, and Linda O'Donovan, Blarney. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Patricia Crosbie, Cork City Ballet; Alice de la Cour, Kinsale, and Sheena Graham, Kinsale.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Peggy Taylor, Clogheen; Maeve Kelleher, Blackpool, and June Gonzalez, Spain. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (c/o maurice gubbins) 13/05/2017 ... 
At the Cork City Ballet 25th. anniversary gala ball at Rochestown Park Hotel were (from left) Eileen Kelleher, Siobhan O'Shea and Ann Rea of the Firkin Crane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Blackrock's Andrew Murphy reaching out for the ball as Na Piarsaigh's Jamie Morrissey challenges in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Na Piarsaigh's Dale Bowen trying to block down a shot at goal by Blackrock's Daniel Meaney in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Blackrock's Michael O'Donoghue winning possession from Na Piarsaigh's Ian McDonnell in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Blackrock's Daniel Tyner racing out of defence chased by Na Piarsaigh's Danny Morrissey in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Blackrock forward David O'Shea shooting goalwards as he is challenged by Na Piarsaigh's Paul Cunningham in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 14/05/2017 ... 
Blackrock's Martin O'Farrell trying to block down a shot by Na Piarsaigh's Ian McDonnell in the Cork County IHC at Pairc Uí Rinn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 Ilen Rovers Sean Minihane is surrounded by Carbery players Don O'Driscoll, Mark Sugrue and Richie O'Sullivan with team mate Conor O'Driscoll offering support. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Ilen Rovers Sean Minihane is surrounded by Carbery players Don O'Driscoll, Mark Sugrue and Richie O'Sullivan with team mate Conor O'Driscoll offering support. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Ilen Rovers Peter O'Driscoll tries to block Carbery's Richie O'Sullivan's kick during the Senior Football championship replay at Castlehaven. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Ilen Rovers Peter O'Driscoll tries to block Carbery's Richie O'Sullivan's kick during the Senior Football championship replay at Castlehaven. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Ilen Rovers Joseph Hickey wins the ball despite the close attention of Carbery's Rory Deane and Colm O'Driscoll at the Senior Football championship replay at Castlehaven. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Ilen Rovers Joseph Hickey wins the ball despite the close attention of Carbery's Rory Deane and Colm O'Driscoll at the Senior Football championship replay at Castlehaven. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Carbery's Mark Sugrue gets to the ball ahead of Conor O'Driscoll of Ilen Rovers at the Senior football championship replay in Castlehaven. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Carbery's Mark Sugrue gets to the ball ahead of Conor O'Driscoll of Ilen Rovers at the Senior football championship replay in Castlehaven. Photo: Anne Minihane.
 Ref: EE Sport: Blarney Utds, Conor Cronin and Midletons, James Leahy race for the ball in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Midletons,Kahe Hegarthy and Blarney Utds, Alan Quill battle for control of the ball in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Blarney Utds, Aiden Leahy beats takes possession of the ball against Midletons, Ian O'Donoghue in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Blarney Utds, Conor Cronin in action against Midletons, Kevin Tattan and Ian O'Donoghue in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Midletons, Jake Hegarty celebrates after scoring the opening goal against Blarney Utd in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Midletons, Jake Hegarty celebrates after scoring the opening goal against Blarney Utd in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Midletons, Bobbi Donoghue in action against Blarney Utds, Kevin O'Sullivan in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Midletons, Kelvin Kruschel clears the ball away from Blarney Utds, Ivan O'Leary in the MSL at Knockgriffin Park, Midleton. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Invincible Cave ridden by Derek O'Connor stays out fron the win the for 4-Y-O Geldings at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Invincible Cave ridden by Derek O'Connor stays out fron the win the for 4-Y-O Geldings at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Ifyoucatchmenow ridden by J.J. Codd clear the final fence to win the Maiden Race for 4-Y-O Mares at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Ifyoucatchmenow ridden by J.J. Codd leads the race on the final stretch to win the Maiden Race for 4-Y-O Mares at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Gise Girl clears the fence in the Maiden Race for 4-Y-O Mares at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Devin Lonergan and Alan Ahern from Dongourney at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Caoimhe Hazelwood from Rathcormac with Sinead Cotter, Lucy Kent and Ellen Kingston from Bartlemy at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Grainne Tiernan and Helen Wilson from Watergrashill at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Linda Hegarty with her children, Fiona, Paul and Mark Hegarty from Talllow at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Punters gather at the horse enclosure to check out the form at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE/XX Social/Sport: Punters gather at the horse enclosure to check out the form at the Bartlemy Point to Point races (under auspices of the United Hunt Club) at Hightown, Bartlemy, Co. Cork. Pic: Gavin Browne
 XX news 07/05/2017. The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2. Pic; Video; Larry Cummins.

Nadia Andrejeva, Ballincollig with photos of her grandparents at the ceremony.
 XX news 07/05/2017. The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2. Pic; Video; Larry Cummins.
Liza and Sofia Gavrya, Ballincollig fly the Ukrainian flag at the ceremony.
 XX news 07/05/2017. The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2. Pic; Video; Larry Cummins.

Irina Kondratenko and (front) Elizabeth Ivanova and the Ivanov family from Ballincollig at the ceremony.
 XX news 07/05/2017. The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2. Pic; Video; Larry Cummins.

Irina Kondratenko, Lubov Shevenko, and Lidia and 10yo Snejana Elif, from Ballincollig at the ceremony.
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Lubov Shevchenko with photos of her parents.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
People hold flower, flags and photos of loved ones at the remembrance ceremony.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2. White balloons are released from the bridge.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were dropped into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were thrown into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were thrown into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Group photo.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were thrown into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Group photo of those attending the ceremony at Fitzgerald’s Park.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were thrown into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were thrown into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Flowers float in the still waters of The River Lee.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 XX news 07/05/2017.
The eighth annual commeroration to veterans and victims of World War 2, organised by the Russian School in Cork. Members of the Russian community and friends gathered at the Marina, Cork for a performance of songs by children from the Russian school. Members of the party then travelled by car, with a Garda escort, to Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork where flowers were thrown into the River Lee from The Shakey Bridge in memory of those who fought against Nazi fascism in World War 2.
Pic; Video; Larry Cummins
 EEjob 19/04/2017
Echo Sport.
Final of the Donie Forde Trophy, Cobh Wanderers V's Avondale United, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Conor Meade, Cobh Wanderers, Danny O'Connell, Avondale Utd.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXX socials 11/05/2017.
The Freedom of the City ceremony for rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork.
Eileen O'Keeffe, Mahon meets Ronan O'Gara.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX socials 11/05/2017.
The Freedom of the City ceremony for rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork.
Cork City Council staff Nicola O'Sullivan and Catherine Forde.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Gary McPolin, Domnick Daly and Michael O'Driscoll at City Hall
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Noel Howell, Bishopstown with Ronan O'Gara after the ceremony.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Rona with the traditional Cork Silver Casket.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Guests John and Mary Hogan, Carrigaline, former soccer great Blondie Aherne and Sean Knight, Blackrock.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Laura Jane O'Keeffe and mum Eileen O'Keeffe, Mahon at the ceremony.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Father and son Anthony and Ben Gilbert, Douglas.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Guests Annamarie Fegan and Aidan Cotter attending the event.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Rugby fans Danny Higgins and Tim Walsh from Model Farm Road in the Munster colours.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Freedom of the City ceremony for former Cork Constitution , UCC, Presentation Brothers College, Munster, Ireland and British and Irish Lions rugby player Ronan O'Gara at City Hall, Cork .
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Guests Damien Varley, Frankie Sheahan, Vincent Sheahan, Liam McCarthy, ex President Dolphin RFC, Harry O'Sullivan and Joey Sheahan attending the ceremony.
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.
Ronan O'Gara is applauded by Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.
Jessica O'Gara and kids at City Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.
Jessica O'Gara and children at City Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.
Cara O'Sullivan performs for guests at City Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.

Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.
Guests at City Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara Freedom of the City ceremony at City Hall, Cork.
Jessica O'Gara and children enjoying the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara speaking at City Hall, Cork during the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara speaking at City Hall, Cork during the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
A smiling Ronan O'Gara is presented with the traditional Cork Silver Freedom Casket by Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill at City Hall, Cork during the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
A smiling Ronan O'Gara displays the traditional Cork Silver Freedom Casket at City Hall, Cork after the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
A smiling Ronan O'Gara displays the traditional Cork Silver Freedom Casket at City Hall, Cork after the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara with Micheal Martin, leader of Fianna Fail, at City Hall, Cork after the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Ronan O'Gara with horse racing trainer Mouse Morris at City Hall, Cork after the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 11/05/2017.
Set-up at City Hall for the question and answer, panel session with Ronan O'Gara and Donal Lenihan after the Freedom of the City ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
George Sinclair, St Colman's challenges for possession with Oisin O'Connor, Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
The re-bound lands favourably for Darragh Ryan, St Colman's as he scores a goal against Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk challenge in the air for possession.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
Brian Saunderson, St Colman's and Luke Barrett, Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk challenge in the air for possession.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
The winning team captain Jack Norris of St Colman's is presented with the cup by John O'Brien, Chairman of Cork Post Primary Schools.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
The winning team of St Colman's celebrate after their win.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
The winning team of St Colman's celebrate after their win.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 11/05/2017.
Cork Post-Primary Under 16 'D' final at Delany's GAA; St Colman's Community College, Midleton vs Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk.
The winning team of St Colman's celebrate after their win.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX business 11/05/2017.
Kieran Callinan, MD Brook Food Services, Donal Sullivan, V.P. Johnson Controls (Irl) and Derval O’Rourke, ‘The Fit Foodie’ at the launch of the partnership between Derval O’Rourke and Brook Food Services, at One Albert Quay, Cork.
(Additional info to come via Padraig Hoare)
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX business 11/05/2017.
Donal Sullivan, V.P. Johnson Controls (Irl) and Derval O’Rourke, ‘The Fit Foodie’ at the launch of the partnership between Derval O’Rourke and Brook Food Services, at One Albert Quay, Cork.
(Additional info to come via Padraig Hoare)
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX business 11/05/2017.
Kieran Callinan, MD Brook Food Services, Donal Sullivan, V.P. Johnson Controls (Irl) and Derval O’Rourke, ‘The Fit Foodie’ at the launch of the partnership between Derval O’Rourke and Brook Food Services, at One Albert Quay, Cork.
(Additional info to come via Padraig Hoare)
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX business 11/05/2017.
Kieran Callinan, MD Brook Food Services, Donal Sullivan, V.P. Johnson Controls (Irl) and Derval O’Rourke, ‘The Fit Foodie’ at the launch of the partnership between Derval O’Rourke and Brook Food Services, at One Albert Quay, Cork.
(Additional info to come via Padraig Hoare)
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX business 11/05/2017.
Kieran Callinan, MD Brook Food Services, Donal Sullivan, V.P. Johnson Controls (Irl) and Derval O’Rourke, ‘The Fit Foodie’ at the launch of the partnership between Derval O’Rourke and Brook Food Services, at One Albert Quay, Cork.
(Additional info to come via Padraig Hoare)
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 08/03/2017 at University College, Cork.
Launch of Cork Transport and Mobility Forum's Cycling Skills brochure- 'A guide for adult cyclists' (l to r) Dr Dean Venables, UCC; Anita Lenihan, Cork City Cycling Officer, Cork City Council; and Stephan Koch, Chairperson of Transport and Mobility Forum, Cork. 
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins @larrycpix
 EEXX news 08/03/2017 at University College, Cork.
Launch of Cork Transport and Mobility Forum's Cycling Skills brochure- 'A guide for adult cyclists' (l to r) Dr Dean Venables, UCC; Anita Lenihan, Cork City Cycling Officer, Cork City Council; and Stephan Koch, Chairperson of Transport and Mobility Forum, Cork. 
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins @larrycpix
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Under 7 & 8 Hurlers, with their Coaches and helpers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Sean Cash and Michael Deasy, during training.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
At training in the new all weather pitch with new Hurling wall, are the Under 5 & 6 Hurling and Footballers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
At training while injured, is U8 footballer, Roisin Hanlon. and her sister, Tiarna Hanlon.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
At training while injured, is U8 footballer, Roisin Hanlon.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Under 8 & 10 Footballers in their new Jerseys.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Finished training, Passage West Gaa Club, Camogie members, with Elaine McCarthy, Chairperson Ladies Section.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Eoghan Walsh, Ronan Harrington, Emma Harrington and Kealan O'Flynn, Passage West Gaa members & National Schools Gaa Coaching Programme Coache's, supported by Murphy's Centra Rochestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
UNder 7 & 8 Hurlers, Gael Douchaney, Finn Brady, Noah Joyce and Aidan O'Connor.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Under 7, Matthew Sheehy, during the speed and agility drill.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Footballers, Conor O'Halloran and Conor Kennedy, in action during Under 10 training.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Under 9 & 10 Footballer's with their coaches during a talk about an upcoming match.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Under 9 & 10 Footballer's with their coaches at training.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
Cian Barry and Jack Barry (no relation) in action during U9's and U10's training.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 12/05/2017
Echo News.
Club Zone.
Passage West Gaa Club, Juvenile Section, at Passage West Gaa Club, Church Hill, Passage West, Co. Cork.
John O'Connor with his boys, David and Andrew.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First Mount Mercy College Teacher to finish the 5km, Orla Kelleher, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First Mount Mercy College Teacher to finish the 5km, Orla Kelleher, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First Mount Mercy College student to finish the 5km, Alannah O'Flaherty, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First Mount Mercy College student to finish the 5km, Alannah O'Flaherty, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First three finishers at the 5km, Orla Crosbie (1st) Mark O'Neill (2nd) and Adam O'Leary, (3rd) at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First three finishers at the 5km, Orla Crosbie (1st) Mark O'Neill (2nd) and Adam O'Leary, (3rd) at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Third to finish the 5km and fiorst Junior, Adam O'Leary, Wilton, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Third to finish the 5km and fiorst Junior, Adam O'Leary, Wilton, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Second to finish the 5km, Mark O'Neill, Ballincollig AC, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Second to finish the 5km, Mark O'Neill, Ballincollig AC, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First to finish the 5km, Orla Crosbie, from Waterfall, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First to finish the 5km, Orla Crosbie, from Waterfall, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First to finish the 5km, Orla Crosbie, from Waterfall, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
First to finish the 5km, Orla Crosbie, from Waterfall, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
General view at the start of the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
General view at the start of the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
5km participants make their way to the start, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
5km participants make their way to the start, at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Mount Mercy College Teachers and Parents, Morgan O'Brien, Darren Collins, Charlie Marks, Orla Kelleher, Michael Aherne, Roxy, Orla McCarthy, Aileen Keating, Aaron O'Sullivan and Denise Murphy, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Mount Mercy College Teachers and Parents, Morgan O'Brien, Darren Collins, Charlie Marks, Orla Kelleher, Michael Aherne, Roxy, Orla McCarthy, Aileen Keating, Aaron O'Sullivan and Denise Murphy, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Lauren Buckley, Model Farm Road and Michelle O'Leary, Inniscarra with Toby, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Lauren Buckley, Model Farm Road and Michelle O'Leary, Inniscarra with Toby, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Peter, Marian and Emma Buckley, Model Farm Road with Niamh and Marie Murphy, Model Farm Road, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Peter, Marian and Emma Buckley, Model Farm Road with Niamh and Marie Murphy, Model Farm Road, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Ellen Keohane, Ballincollig with Anne and Emily Wolfe, Ballinora, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Ellen Keohane, Ballincollig with Anne and Emily Wolfe, Ballinora, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Ellie McAuliffe, Eimear Wolfe and Cillian Kerrigan, all from Ballinora, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Ellie McAuliffe, Eimear Wolfe and Cillian Kerrigan, all from Ballinora, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Mairead Enneguess, Coachford (centre) with Elaine Murphy and Nicki Cussen, both from Donoughmore, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Mairead Enneguess, Coachford (centre) with Elaine Murphy and Nicki Cussen, both from Donoughmore, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Alison Buckley, Model Farm Road and Amy Keating, Ballinhassig, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Alison Buckley, Model Farm Road and Amy Keating, Ballinhassig, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Volunteers at the Registration desk, Mary Roche, Amanda Lenihan and Colette O'Herlihy, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Volunteers at the Registration desk, Mary Roche, Amanda Lenihan and Colette O'Herlihy, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Orla McCarthy, Event Co-Ordinator (centre) with Mount Mercy College students, Ailbhe O'Carroll, Abbie Brosnan, Alison Buckley, Amy Keating, Julie Scally and Ali Eames, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Orla McCarthy, Event Co-Ordinator (centre) with Mount Mercy College students, Ailbhe O'Carroll, Abbie Brosnan, Alison Buckley, Amy Keating, Julie Scally and Ali Eames, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Orla McCarthy, Event Co-Ordinator (centre) with Mount Mercy College students, Ailbhe O'Carroll, Abbie Brosnan, Alison Buckley, Amy Keating, Julie Scally and Ali Eames, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Orla McCarthy, Event Co-Ordinator (centre) with Mount Mercy College students, Ailbhe O'Carroll, Abbie Brosnan, Alison Buckley, Amy Keating, Julie Scally and Ali Eames, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Sisters, Cliona, Grace, Ailbhe and Roisin O'Carroll, from Ballincollig, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Sisters, Cliona, Grace, Ailbhe and Roisin O'Carroll, from Ballincollig, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Ailbhe, Gillian, Roisin, Grace and Cliona O'Carroll, from Ballincollig, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Ailbhe, Gillian, Roisin, Grace and Cliona O'Carroll, from Ballincollig, pictured at the Mount Mercy College's 5km Fun Run in aid of Cork Simon Community and the school's Development Fund, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Mount Mercy College have been strong supporters of Cork Simon for many years, raising over 25 thousand euro for the charity since 2009.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Andrew Kearney McMahon, Shanagarry, with his brother, Aaron.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Andrew Kearney McMahon, Shanagarry, with his family, Frank McMahon, Aaron McMahon, Adam Kearney, Paul McMahon, Gail McMahon, Patrica McMahon and Nuala Kearney.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Jordan Tarrant Lowry, Cobh with his mum Lisa and dad, George.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Jordan Tarrant Lowry, Cobh with his gran mother, Ann and mum Lisa.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit James Murphy, Glengarriff, with his family, Sheila, Katie, John and David Murphy.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Daniel Harrington, Ballincollig with girlfriend, Amy Kelly, mum, Theresa and dad, Michael Harrington.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Cork Recruits. Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade (centre), Sergeant AJ Walsh, Comdt John O'Sullivan, Lt. Philip O'Leary with recruits, Chris Sheehan, Kildorrery, Ruaire Courtney, Clonakility, Andrew Kearney McMahon, Midleton, James Murphy, Glengarriff, James Morrissey, Mayfield, Jordan Tarrant Lowry, Cobh and Daniel Harrington, Ballincollig.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Robert Noonan, receives the Best Overall Recruit prize from, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Ryan Duffy, receives the Esprit De Corps prize from, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Bryan Roche, receives the Best Tactical Recruit prize from, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Recruit Gerard O'Brien, receives the Best Shot Prize from, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground, during the Drill Demonstration.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground, during the Drill Demonstration.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
Shadows on the Parade Ground
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade, during the Inspection of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade, during the Inspection of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of, Brigadier General Patrick Flynn, GOC 1 Brigade, during the Inspection of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 11/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Defence Forces Ireland, 144 Recruit Passing out Parade, Collins Barracks, Cork.
General view of the 144 Recruits on the Parade Ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 11th May 2017...... Greenwoods players celebrate their win over Carrigaline United in the Joma/Sports Direct under 16 Cork local cup final at Turners Cross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Greenwoods players celebrate their win over Carrigaline United in the Joma/Sports Direct under 16 Cork local cup final at Turners Cross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Greenwoods Aaron Wash takes on Carrigaline United's Ronan Connolly during the Joma/Sports Direct under 16 Cork local cup final at Turners Cross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Greenwoods Oran Daly brings the ball under control from Carrigaline United's Aaron Twomey during the Joma/Sports Direct under 16 Cork local cup final at Turners Cross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Greenwoods Ethan Varian outjumps Carrigaline United's Adam O'Driscoll and Michael Fahy during the Joma/Sports Direct under 16 Cork local cup final at Turners Cross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Greenwoods Oran Daly and Carrigaline United's Aaron Twomey go high for the ball during the Joma/Sports Direct under 16 Cork local cup final at Turners Cross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017...... Emma White, and Victoria Burns,both Bandon hockey at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, incuded are Bandon members Rachelle Nyhan, Liz Buttimer, Ricky Roycroft,Ger Burns, Amy Buttimer, Pamela Forde and David Buttimer and in front Rachel and katy Desmond
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017...... Victoria Burns, Bandon hockey with her dad Ger Burns at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017..... Emma White, Bandon hockey with her parents Brian White and Mary Moloney at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017...... Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball with her sisters Niamh and Aisling and Maria Keane at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017...... Saoirse Noonan, Cork City womens soccer with her mum Deirdre, grandparents Noel and Eileen O'Callaghan, sister Aoibhe and friend Danielle Burke at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017......Pictured at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, were from left, Saoirse Noonan, Cork City womens; Emma White, and Victoria Burns, both Bandon hockey and Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017......Pictured at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, were from left, Lisa Coughlan, deputy marketing manager Evening Echo; Saoirse Noonan, Cork City womens; Emma White, and Victoria Burns, both Bandon hockey ,Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball and Aoife Lohse, sales and marketing Ambassdor hotel
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017..... Emma White, and Victoria Burns, bothBandon hockey with Rory Noonan, Evening Echo Lisa Coughlan, deputy marketing manager Evening Echo and Aoife Lohse, sales and marketing Ambassdor hotel at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017...... Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball with Maurice Gubbins, editor Evening Echo ; Nicola Cullinane, marketing executive Eveing Echo and Eoin Daly, general manager Ambassador hotel; at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017...... Saoirse Noonan, Cork City womens soccer with Eoin Daly, general manager Ambassador hotel; Karen O'Donoghue, markjeting manager Irish Examiner/Evening Echo and Maurice Gubbins, editor Evening Echo at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017......Pictured at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, were from left, ; Eoin Daly, general manager Ambassdor hotelSaoirse Noonan, Cork City womens Emma White, Bandon hockey; Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball; Victoria Burns, Bandon hockey and Maurice Gubbins, editor Evening Echo
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017......Pictured at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, were from left, Saoirse Noonan, Cork City womens Emma White, Bandon hockey; Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball; and Victoria Burns, Bandon hockey 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017......Pictured at a reception for the Evening Echo Ladies Sport Star Awards - Spring Quarterly Winners with new associate sponsor The Ambassador hotel, were from left, Emma White, Bandon hockey; Grainne Dwyer, Glanmire basketball; Victoria Burns, Bandon hockey and Saoirse Noonan, Cork City womens
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United captain Aidan O'Shea (left) and Adam Costelloe, 'Man of the match' after defeating Douglas Hall on penalties in the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United players celebrate after defeating Douglas Hall on penalties in the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United captain Aidan O'Shea raises the trophy after defeating Douglas Hall on penalties in the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Douglas Hall players watch the penalty shootout against Carrigaline United (won by Carrigline 5-4 after extra time) during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United goalkeeper Sean Buckley saves a penalty against Douglas Hall during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United's Eddie Cunningham is tackled by Douglas Hall's Tom Kelly during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Douglas Hall's Tom Kelly (right) and Carrigaline United's Aidan O'Shea contest the ball during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Douglas Hall's Tom Kelly (right) and Carrigaline United's Aidan O'Shea contest the ball during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Douglas Hall's Ciaran Nestor heads clear from Carrigaline United's Cal Power during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United's Shane O'Neill and Ciaran Crotty in aerial contest with Douglas Hall's Harvee Kumanzembee during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United's Adam Costelloe punches the air after scoring the opening goal against Douglas Hall during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United's Adam Costelloe celebrates after scoring the opening goal against Douglas Hall during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United's Adam Costelloe wheels away after scoring the opening goal against Douglas Hall during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th May 2017...... Carrigaline United's Adam Costelloe wheels away after scoring the opening goal against Douglas Hall during the Oriel House Hotel, under 13 local cup final at Turners Cross last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United players celebrate their win over Blarney United in the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United captain Chris Herlihy raises the trophy after defeating Blarney United in the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Paul Allen, presents the 'man of the match award' to Carrigaline United's Brian Simpson after defeating Blarney United in the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Luke Desmond celebrates his goal against Blarney United during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Blarney United manager Pat Keane looks on as his side were beaten 3.0 by Carrigaline United in the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Luke Desmond is tackled by Blarney United's Michael O'Mahony during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Brian Simpson tackles Blarney United's Zach McCarthy during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Finn O'Brien celebrates his goal with teammates against Blarney United during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Finn O'Brien celebrates his goal with Blarney United goalkeeper Sean Quinlivan during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Blarney United's Ronan O 'Brien shoots past Carrigaline United's Gavin Lowney during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Kealan O'Roure heads clear against Blarney United during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's goalkeeper Shane O'Shea punches clear from Blarney United's Andrew McCarthy and Zah McCarthy during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017....... Carrigaline United's Ayomitide Alade is tackled by Blarney United's Sean Keane and Ronan O'Brien during the under 15 Cork Local cup final at Turners Cross 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's Nathan Lynch (right) and Greenwood's Trevor Varian tussle for the ball during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's Nathan Lynch and Greenwood's Cian O'Mahony tussle for the ball during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's Mark Geasley is tackled by Greenwood's Paul Sherlock during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's Aidan Webber-Hobbs (right) and Greenwood's Jack O'Brien tussle for the ball during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's James Broderick and Greenwood's Trevor Varian tussle for the ball during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's Nathan Lynch heads past Greenwood's Cian O'Mahony during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th May 2017.........Avondale United 'A's Mark Geasley goes past Greenwood's Paul Sherlock during the Daly Industrial Supplies U19 Cup semi-final, at Avondale Park
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were Anne Lordan, SNA, Ballinora NS., and Barry O'Sullivan, chairman, school board of management. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Pupils Olivia Lynch (left) and Lily O'Keeffe at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Pupils (from left) Elizabeth Collins, Sophie Mulcahy, Caoimhe Ahern and James D'Arcy at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were (from left) Orla Mayer, Gillian O'Halloran and Eileen Sheehy, three members of the school board.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were (from left) Fr. Declan Mansfield, P.P., Ballinora; Bishop John Buckley, who unveiled the plaque; school principal, Micheal Ó Draighneain, and Barry O'Sullivan, chairman, board of management. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Bishop John Buckley during the blessing at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Pupils playing tin whistles at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Rachel Coakley, Waterfall, at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Pupils (from left) Isaac Sheehan, Eric Mitchell, Rory Lynch, Jack O'Riordan and Harry Trench at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
School principal, Micheal Ó Draighneaint, speaking at the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
Micheal Ó Draighneaint, school principal, greeting Michael Creed, T.D., Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, on his arrival for the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were Mary Casey, teacher, and her twins Fionn and Lauren.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were (from left) teachers Hazel O'Regan, Jacqueline O'Mahony and Louise Nyhan.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were Micheal Martin, T.D., Fianna Fail leader; pupil Cara O'Shea and school principal, Micheal Ó Draighneain. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were Marie Twomey, Ballinora Tidy Towns, (left) and Carmel Drinan, Ballinora Scouts.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 12/05/2017 ... 
At the official opening of the extended and refurbished Ballinora National School were (from left) pupils Ronan Murphy, Matthew Buckley, Ciaran Kerrigan and Muireann Forde.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Douglas Hall players, Fiona Hayes, Eileen Ring, Carissa Murphy and her son Liam with Jim Cashman, Heineken Ireland and Matt Robinson, Chairman EWSSL at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
FAI President Tony Fitzgerald and Jim Cashman, Heineken Ireland with Riverstown players Kathlyn Allen, Lizzy Duncliffe, Aideen O’Shea and Emma Coughlan at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Matt Robinson, Chairman of the EWSSL and Jim Cashman, Heineken Ireland with Lakewoods, Craig Robinson, Christine coffey, Michelle McNally, Ali Brady, Catherese Fahey and Aoife Kelleher at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Tina and Tana Murphy, Passage with Barbara O’Connell and Pat Bowdren, Wilton and FAI President Tony Fitzgerald and Jim Cashman, Heineken Ireland at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
FAI President Tony Fitzgerald and Jim Cashman, Heineken Ireland with Trish Lyons, John Healy and Annemarie Kelly of UCC Utd at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
 Trish Lyons, John Healy and Annemarie Kelly of UCC Utd at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Riverstown players, Kathlyn Allen, Lizzy Duncliffe, Aideen O’Shea and Emma Coughlan at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
 CWSSL fixtures secretary Stephen Mulcahy with Jake robinson, Cork Coach U18 and u16 at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
 Tony Fitzgerald, President of the FAI and Matt Robinson, Chairman of EWSSL at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Fiona Hayes, Eileen Ring, Carissa and Liam Murphy, Douglas Hall at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Craig Robinson,and Michelle McNally, Lakewood with Jason Brown, Midleton at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Tina and Tana Murphy, Passage with Barbara O’Connell, Wilton at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 12-05-2017
Pat Kelly and Damien O’Mahony, referee observer, Cork at the Cork Womans and Schoolgirls Soccer League. senior launch night at the Kiln, Cork. 
Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Jacob Jackson, Douglas Community School looking to pass to Dylan Cotter under pressure from the players of Wexford CBS in the first years boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Luke O’Leary, Douglas Community School winning this ball from Jack Foley, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Oscar McCarthy, Douglas Community School getting his pass awy despite the attention of Aaron Roche, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Gerard Sweeney, Douglas Community School winning this ball from Jack Foley, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Eoin Nash, Douglas Community School winning this ball from Jack Wilde, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Eoin Nash, Douglas Community School winning this ball from Jack Wilde, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Oran Crowe, Douglas Community School breaking out of defence past Eoin Hartigan, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo Sport 11-05-2017
Jacob Jackson, Douglas Community School looking to tackle the breaking Michael Mackey, Wexford CBS in the first year boys cup semi-final at Kilrush Park, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
The start of the 2nd heat of the boys 100m at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Patrick Coakley, CBC, Cork looking like a winner in this heat of the senior boys 100m at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Ciara Hickey and Laura Cusson Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig and Orla Coffey, St. Angelas at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Marko Pejic, Sean Brady and Serqi Mauez, Coláiste Phobail, Bantry at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Ryan O’Leary, Coláiste Chríost Rí leading the field in the intermediate 100m heat at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Doireann Ní Mhuimhneachain, Sarah Fitzpatrick and Rachel Lynch, Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Devine Bikoro, Davis College, Mallow in action during the intermediate 100m at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
The Charleville CBS athletics team who took part in the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Joe Evans, Coláiste Mhuire, Buttevant throwing the javelin in the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Jordon Mason, CBC Charleville crossing the line first in this heat of the intermediat 100m in the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Devine Bikoro, Davis College, Mallow in action during the intermediate 100m at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 11-05-2017
Kianan O’Doherty, St. Brendans, Killarney in action during the senior boys high jump at the South Munster schools track and field championships at the Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sporyt 12-05-2017 
Cian Coleman, Cobh Ramblers holding off Kieran Waters, Cabinteely during their first division league match at St. Colman’s Park, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sporyt 12-05-2017 
Cobh Ramblers Matthew Whelan celebrates his opening goal against Cabinteely during their first division league match at St. Colman’s Park, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sporyt 12-05-2017 
Kyle McNamara, Cobh Ramblers going back to cover Evan Galvin, Cabinteely during their first division league match at St. Colman’s Park, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sporyt 12-05-2017 
Craig Donnellan, Cobh Ramblers winning this ball from Kieran Waters, Cabinteely during their first division league match at St. Colman’s Park, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sporyt 12-05-2017 
James McSweeney, Cobh Ramblers winning this ball from Jack Watson, Cabinteely during their first division league match at St. Colman’s Park, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sporyt 12-05-2017 
Kyle McNamara, Cobh Ramblers looking to tackle Evan Galvin, Cabinteely during their first division league match at St. Colman’s Park, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News picture 08-05-2017
All wrapped up for a day on the beach in Youghal, Co Cork were, Clizabeth O’Rourke with her daughter Lena Kidney and grand children Rian and Eoin from Ballynoe, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ref: EE Sport: Douglas Halls, Liam Ross looks for a way round College Corinthians, Ger O'Mahony in the U17 Daly Industrial Supplies Premier League at Moneygourney. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: College Corinthians, Josh Dalacey and Douglas Halls, David Hanley in ation in the U17 Daly Industrial Supplies Premier League at Moneygourney. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: College Corinthians, Alan Arundell in action against Douglas Halls, Robert Cregan in the U17 Daly Industrial Supplies Premier League at Moneygourney. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: College Corinthians, Andrew Cronin in action against Douglas Hall in the U17 Daly Industrial Supplies Premier League at Moneygourney. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Douglas Halls, Andrew Cotter blocks the shot of College Corinthians, Andrew Cronin in the U17 Daly Industrial Supplies Premier League at Moneygourney. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: EE Sport: Douglas Halls, Liam Ross beats College Corinthians, Dan O'Donovan in the U17 Daly Industrial Supplies Premier League at Moneygourney. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Carrigdhouns, Darragh Loony Fanaithe snaps his hurley in two after challengeing UCCs, Rob O'Shea in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc Ui Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: UCCs, Chris O'Leary passes of the ball against Carrigdhouns, Cillian Tyres in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc Ui Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Carrigdhouns, Wesley O'Brien speeds away from UCCs, Rob O'Shea in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc Ui Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Carrigdhouns, Brian Collins under pressure from UCCs, Chris O'Leary and Colm Spillane in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc Ui Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Bishopstowns, Patrick Cronin in action against Imokillys, Brian Lawton in the SHC Round 1 at Riverstown. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Bishopstowns, Brian Murray under pressure from Imokillys, Brian Lawton in the SHC Round 1 at Riverstown. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Imokillys, Brian Lawton gets past Bishopstowns, Diarmuid Lester in the SHC Round 1 at Riverstown. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: CIT's, Liam O'Keeffe is challenged by against Douglas's, Colm Lucey in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc i Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Douglas's, Colm Lucey avoids the challenge from CIT's, Diarmuid Buckley in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc i Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Douglas's, Ian Lucey looks up to see where to pass the ball next against CIT's, Tomas Conor in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc i Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: CIT's, Enda Heffernan passes the ball foward against Douglas's, Shane Kingston in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc i Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: CIT's, Michael Kearney in action against Douglas's, Nathan Walsh in the Cork County SHC Round 1 at Pairc i Rinn. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Courcey Rovers, Gavin Moloney in action against Mallows, Pa Herlihy in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Mallows, Denis Hayes losee his hurley against Courcey Rovers in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Mallows, Denis Hayes wins the ball against Courcey Rovers, Kevin Collins in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Mallows, Cormac Murphy gets away from Courcey Rovers, Kilian Moloney and Dan Lordan in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Courcey Rovers, Terence Collins and Mallows, Paul Lyons in action in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Mallows, Cormac Murphy is challenged by Courcey Rovers, Killian Moloney in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 Ref: XX/EE Sport: Courcey Rovers, Jack O'Reilly and Mallows, Sean Hayes fly through the air in the PIHC at Ovens. Pic: Gavin Browne
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Jack O'Brien, Corinthians Boys, Uniss Kargbo, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Jack O'Brien, Corinthians Boys, Uniss Kargbo, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Matt Healy, Corinthians Boys, Alan Happi, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Destiny Okonowo, Corinthians Boys, Alan Happi, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Destiny Okonowo, Corinthians Boys, Alan Happi, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Matt Healy, Corinthians Boys, Uniss Kargbo, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Jack Leonard, Corinthians Boys, Ben Leahy, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo Sport.
Cork Schoolboy League, Under 15 Premier, Corinthians Boys V's Ringmahon Rangers, at Castletreasure, Cork.
Destiny Okonowo, Corinthians Boys, Uniss Kargbo, Ringmahon Rangers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Sean O'Callaghan and Kacy Walsh, Greenmount NS.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Julia Sporn and Ryan Durkan, St. Maries of the Isle.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Eimilì Nic Fheorais and Joshua O'Baoill, Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh Naofa.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Evi Middleton and Abbi Brady, Maria Assumpta Ballyphehane.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Aishling Higgins and Kelly Walsh, Scoil Mhuire Gan Smàl (Girls) with John O'Leary and Freddie Nolan, Scoil Mhuire Gan Smàl (Boys).
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Aaron Kiely, Bishopstown Community School.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Conor Deady and Nathan Walsh, Morning Star NS.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Liam O'Riordan and Dylan O'Regan Forde, Deerpark CBS.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/05/2017
Echo News.
One Book One Community Reading Project launch, sponsored by the Lough Credit Union, outside, the Lough Credit Union, Bandon Road, The Lough, Cork.
Jim O'Dea, Home School Community Liaison Teacher (Greenmount NS and St. Maries of the Isle) accepts a sponsorship cheque from Lorcan McLoughlin, Business Development & Marketing with the Lough Credit Union, also included are Home School Community Liaison Teachers and pupils from, Deerpark CBS, Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh Naofa, Scoil Mhuire Gan Smàl Glasheen (Boys and Girls), Maria Assumpta Ballyphehane, Morning Star NS, Bishopstown Community School, St. Maries of the Isle and Greenmount NS.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Aoife Farry and Veronica O'Flynn.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Valerie Donnelly, Glanmire, Clodagh Farry, Capella Hair Design and Rachel Donnelly, Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Ciara and Margaret Donovan, from Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Liz O'Brien, (centre) from Mahon with Michelle and Melissa O'Brien, both Capella Hair Design.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Susie O'Leary and Susan O'Leary, both Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Martina Dempsey, Capella Hair Design Owner (right) with Billy, Mary Rose and Margie O'Connell, Dungarvan.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Jasmine and Shannon Dempsey, both Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Rosemary Duane and Cathy O'Sullivan, both Carrigaline.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Fiona Farry, Turners Cross, Veronica O'Flynn, Ballinlough and Clodagh Farry, Capella Staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Capella Owner, Martina Dempsey (2nd from the right) with her family, Shannon, Kevin and Jasmine Dempsey.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Capella Owner, Martina Dempsey.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Capella Staff, Clodagh Farry, Gayle O'Driscoll, Michelle O'Brien, Martina Dempsey, Melissa O'Brien and Megan Miniahan.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 06/05/2017
Echo News.
Launch of the Newly Names Hair Salon, Capella Hair Design, Douglas, Cork.
Capella Staff, Clodagh Farry, Gayle O'Driscoll, Michelle O'Brien, Martina Dempsey, Melissa O'Brien and Megan Miniahan.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 08/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Fatality at Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 08/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Fatality at Blarney Castle.
Scaffolding on Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 08/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Fatality at Blarney Castle.
Scaffolding on Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 08/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Fatality at Blarney Castle.
Scaffolding on Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 08/05/2017
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Fatality at Blarney Castle.
Scaffolding on Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Kathleen Lynch and Mairead Nì Mhurchù, both Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Kathleen Lowney, Principal Ballincollig Community School, with former Principal's, Dan Murray and Sean Slowey.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Josephine Farmer and Ann O'Connell, both Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB with Kathleen Lowney, Principal Ballincollig Community School.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Mairead Nì Cheallaigh, Eileen Barrett and Eimear Coholan, all Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Margaret O'Sullivan, Maria O'Leary and Joanne Cussen, all Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Ivan O'Mahony, former Ballincollig Community School staff, with Denis Kelleher, Noel O'Toole and Rob Murphy, all current Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Brid King and Kathy Byrnes, Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Eabha Howard, Louise Stack, Rachel O'Brien, Aileen O'Halloran, Ann Marie Whelan, Deirdre Flynn, Michelle O'Halloran, all Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Olive Dawes, Ballincollig Community School staff and Una O'Donnell, Ballincollig Community School Board of Management.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Kathleen Lowney (centre), Principal Ballincollig Community School with Edith Waterman and Karen Forde, both Deputy Principal's.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Kathleen Lowney (centre), Principal Ballincollig Community School with Edith Waterman and Karen Forde, both Deputy Principal's.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Aileen O'Halloran and Deirdre Flynn, Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Ted Kennelly, former Deputy Principal Ballincollig Community School with his wife, Mary.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Edith Waterman, Deputy Principal and Gillian Donnelly, former Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Avril Owens and Elizabeth Dinan, Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Louise Stack, Eabha Howard and Rachel O'Brien, Ballincollig Community School staff.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
40th Anniversary Dinner of Ballincollig Community School, at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Olive Dawes, Teacher and Kathleen Lowney, Principal.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Carbery V's Avondhu, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Diarmuid O'Donovan, Carbery, Mark Heffernan, Avondhu.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Carbery V's Avondhu, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Conor McCarthy, Carbery, Seamus Roynane, Avondhu.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Carbery V's Avondhu, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Diarmuid O'Donovan, Carbery, Eoin Clancy, Avondhu.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Carbery V's Avondhu, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Cian O'Donovan, Carbery, Seamus Roynane, Avondhu.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Carbery V's Avondhu, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Diarmuid O'Donovan, Carbery, Mark Heffernan, Avondhu.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Carbery V's Avondhu, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Diarmuid O'Donovan, Carbery, Eoin Clancy, Avondhu.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Eugene O'Leary and Tom Hanley, Ballyhea, Daniel Twomey, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Tom Hanley, Ballyhea, James Desmond, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Tom Hanley, Ballyhea, James Desmond, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Luke Hanley, Ballyhea, Jack Meade, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Luke Hanley, Ballyhea, James Desmond and Jack Meade, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Tom Hanley, Ballyhea, Greg Murphy, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Gavin Morrissey, Ballyhea, Fionn Keane and Ger O'Driscoll, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
John Morrissey, Ballyhea, Eoin Kelly, Greg Murphy and Jack Meade, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 07/05/2017
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Senior Hurling Championship 2017, Ballyhea V's Newcestown, at Coachford, Co. Cork.
Tom Hanley, Ballyhea, Tadhg Twomey, Newcestown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Ryan O'Neill, Paudi Opoku and Lee Coughlan, taking part in a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Ciaran McCarthy and Scott Walsh, giving the thumbs-up during a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Keith O'Brien and John Kenny, enjoying a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Sean Gale and Dara Furlong, battle for the ball during a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Reece Heaphy and Luke Higgins on hand passing skills, at a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Shayne Clarke, Sean O'Leary and Dylan Peelo, taking a break during a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Justin Opoku, Cian Kenny and Mikey O'Brien, ready for action at a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
The U11 football team at a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Conor Meehan, Jake Barry and Jake Tobin-Murphy, at a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Mark Ngengebula and Sean Daly battle for the ball during a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 09.05.2017
Echo Sport/Clubzone
Sean Daly and Rhys Cambridge in a race for the ball, at a training session of the juvenile section of St Vincent's H&F Club in Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News
Peter Foott, writer, director and executive producer of the film The Young Offenders.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News
Peter Foott, writer, director and executive producer of the film The Young Offenders.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News
Peter Foott, writer, director and executive producer of the film The Young Offenders.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News
Peter Foott, writer, director and executive producer of the film The Young Offenders.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News
Peter Foott, writer, director and executive producer of the film The Young Offenders.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News
Peter Foott, writer, director and executive producer of the film The Young Offenders.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Christy Parker, journalist and Sean Sherlock TD, at the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Sandra Park, Shanagarry Design Centre and Ann O'Riordan of ECO Paisti Crafts, at the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Eimear O'Brien, Shanagarry Design Centre and Maria Treacy of MT Reconnect, enjoying the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Cllr Susan McCarthy, Midleton Chamber and Andrea Gunn, Midleton Chamber development manager, are all smiles at the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Maxine Hyde, Ballymaloe Foods, Rachel Allen, Ballymaloe, Helen Cuddigan, Ballycotton Seafood & Shanty marketing executive and Hilary Creedon of Failte Ireland, attending the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Ballycotton Seafood & Shanty committee marketing executive Helen Cuddigan and chairperson Stephen Belton, at the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Ballycotton Seafood & Shanty committee marketing executive Helen Cuddigan and chairperson Stephen Belton, at the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 08.05.2017
Exam News Socials
Ballycotton Seafood & Shanty committee marketing executive Helen Cuddigan and chairperson Stephen Belton, at the official launch of the Ballycotton Tourism Booklet and the Summer 2017 season, at the Bay View Hotel, Ballycotton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.05.2017
Echo News
Noreen Thompson-Buckley, representing Na Piarsaigh GAA, during her performance in the Over-60s talent competition semi-final at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.05.2017
Echo News
Mayfield ladies Ann O'Connor and Pauline O'Shea, attending the Over-60s talent competition semi-final at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Cameron Harlson is fouled by Kerry's John Ward, during their U17 SSE Airtricity National League clash, at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Cameron Harlson gets his cross in despite the efforts of Kerry's John Ward, during their U17 SSE Airtricity National League clash, at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Kyle Murphy clears his lines under pressure from Kerry's Kevin Williams, during their U17 SSE Airtricity National League clash, at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 07.05.2017
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Dylan Walls battles with Kerry's John Hayes, during their U17 SSE Airtricity National League clash, at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 07.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Bandon's Jason Hickey wins the ball challenged by Muskerry's Conor Hayes, during their Cork SHC clash at Brinny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 07.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Muskerry's Sean Bourke is tackled by Bandon's Michael Cahalane, during their Cork SHC clash at Brinny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 07.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Bandon's Charles Dullea keeps possession under pressure from Muskerry's Conor Hayes, during their Cork SHC clash at Brinny.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 07.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Muskerry's Niall O'Doherty battles with Bandon's Michael Cahalane, during their Cork SHC clash at Brinny.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Shane Monagle, Tramore AC, taking part in the Mens Long Jump competition, at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Laura Cussen, Old Abbey AC, taking part in the Senior Womens High Jump competition, at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Aisling Cassidy, Bandon AC, taking part in the Senior Womens High Jump competition, at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Matthew Murnane, Leevale, clears away to win the Senior Mens 800m final at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Stephanie Cotter, West Muskerry AC, left, winning the Senior Womens 800m final from Louise Shanahan, Leevale, at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Donal Murnane, club chairman and Jennifer Shine, juvenile coach, on duty at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Brian Hayes, Leevale, taking part in the Mens Discus competition, at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Eimear Lynch and Sharlene Mawdsley, both Newport AC, after taking part in the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Twins Jessica and Christine Neville, both Leevale, are all smiles after taking part in the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Robert Bennett, Nenagh Olympic AC, winning the Senior Mens 100m final at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Evan Crotty, Emerald AC, winning the Senior Mens 100m B final at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Joan Healy, Bandon AC, winning the Senior Womens 100m final at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Shona Heaslip and Niamh O'Sullivan, both of An Riocht AC, at the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 XXjob 06.05.2017
Exam Sport
Miriam Kennedy and Mark O'Connor, both Leevale, enjoying the Leevale AC annual track & field event at the Cork IT track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Glen Rovers' Mark Dooley battles with Bride Rovers' Donncha Carr, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
St Finbarr's Cian Walsh gets away from Ballymartle's Brian Corry, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Glen Rovers' Mark Dooley battles in the air with Bride Rovers' Tadhg O'Sullivan, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
St Finbarr's Patrick Wiley clears his lines as Ballymartle's Darren McCarthy closes in, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Bride Rovers' Cian O'Connor keeps possession as he's challenged by Glen Rovers' Dave Noonan, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Ballymartle's Rickard Cahalane wins possession under pressure from St Finbarr's Cian Walsh, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Bride Rovers' Shane Walsh crashes the ball to the Glen Rovers net past Cathal Hickey, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
St Finbarr's Glenn O'Connor is challenged by Ballymartle's Graham Webb, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Ballymartle's Daniel Edmonds in a race for possession with St Finbarr's Conor Cahalane, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 06.05.2017
Echo Exam Sport
Glen Rovers' Ben Murphy tackles Bride Rovers' DJ Cahill, during their Cork SHC clash at Pairc Ui Rinn.
Picture: David Keane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
UCC security personnel (from left) Tony Moynihan, Elaine McCarthy and Pat Cotter who were on duty during the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House at UCC. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
UCC security personnel (from left) Tony Moynihan, Elaine McCarthy and Pat Cotter who were on duty during the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House at UCC. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Part of the huge crowd taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House as the morning light breaks over the Quad. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Part of the huge crowd taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House as the morning light breaks over the Quad. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House was Colleen Jones, George's Quay, Cork, who raised E760 for Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House was Colleen Jones, George's Quay, Cork, who raised E760 for Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Capturing a picture after taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were (from left) Stephanie O'Connell, Ballyhooly; Stephanie O'Halloran, Fermoy, and Fiona McCarthy, Ballyhooly. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Capturing a picture after taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were (from left) Stephanie O'Connell, Ballyhooly; Stephanie O'Halloran, Fermoy, and Fiona McCarthy, Ballyhooly. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were Michelle Byrne, Tallaght, (left) and Louise Power, Waterford. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were Michelle Byrne, Tallaght, (left) and Louise Power, Waterford. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the UCC Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
At the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill, were Lucinda Russell, trainer of the Grand National winner, One For Arthur, and Peter Scudamore, the ex-champion jockey. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
At the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill, were Leona, Matthew, Edie-Mae and Isabel Browne and Sheila Browne, Glanmire. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
Sophie's Flame and jockey Eoin O'Brien on the second circuit when they went on to win the maiden race for 5 & upwards mares at the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
At the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill, were Eileen Mackey, Millstreet, and her granddaughters, cousins Savannah and Alisha Mackey. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
At the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill, were Charlotte and Mark Bumster, Conna. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
At the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill, were (from left) Michael Mullins, Carrignavar; Willie O'Neill, Carrigtwohill, and Tim Foley, Carrignavar. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
At the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill, were Noel Bowen, Niamh Buckley and their daughter Fiadh, Glenville. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
Highland Hunter and Rob James clearing the last fence to go on and win the Goffs UK Spring Sale maiden race for 4-y-o at the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
Rory and Eanna O'Brien, Ballindenisk, at the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT (jmh) 07/05/2017 ... 
Approaching the last fence on the first circuit during the Goffs UK Spring Sale maiden race for 4-y-o at the United Hunt Club Point-to-Point Races at Ballindenisk, Watergrasshill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 09/05/2017 ... 
Penny Daniel, Wellington Road, Cork, enjoying her day at Inchydoney beach, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 09/05/2017 ... 
Jessica O'Sullivan and Jarek Mamys and their daughter Sofia Mamys, Greenmount, Cork, relaxing at Inchydoney beach, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 09/05/2017 ... 
Ann Keane and her mother Mary O'Mahony, Dunmanway, relaxing in the sunshine at Inchydoney, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 09/05/2017 ... 
Sisters Ciara and Ashling Quinn, Macroom, enjoying their visit to Inchydoney beach, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 09/05/2017 ... 
Laure Thaury, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, and Hazel the dog enjoying the fine weather at the Lee Fields, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 09/05/2017 ... 
Miriam Ryan, Tower, enjoying at walk at the Regional Park, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were (from left) Andrea O'Shea, Farran; Alison Fahy, Ballincollig, and Fiona Fitzpatrick, Farran. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Setting off at the start of the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Setting off at the start of the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Part of the huge crowd gathered at Colaiste Choilm in Ballincollig for the Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Part of the huge crowd gathered at Colaiste Choilm in Ballincollig for the Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were John Hurley (left) and Robert Hobbs, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were John Hurley (left) and Robert Hobbs, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were (from left) Aine Reilly, Ballincollig, with Mojo the dog; Sinead Leavey, Carrigrohane, and Niamh Quinlan, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were (from left) Aine Reilly, Ballincollig, with Mojo the dog; Sinead Leavey, Carrigrohane, and Niamh Quinlan, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were Ali Roche (left) and Belinda Hutchinson, Colaiste Choilm. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for alan) 06/05/2017 ... 
Taking part in the Ballincollig Darkness Into Light 5k walk/run in aid of Pieta House were Ali Roche (left) and Belinda Hutchinson, Colaiste Choilm. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Youghal's John Grace going high for the ball from Duhallow's Eoin Sheahan in the Cork County SHC at Fermoy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Duhallow's Lorcan McLoughlin strikes the ball downfield clear of Youghal's Brendan Ring in the Cork County SHC at Fermoy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Youghal's Andrew Joyce soloing clear of Duhallow's Shane Hehir in the Cork County SHC at Fermoy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Duhallow defender Darren Browne winning the ball from Youghal's Alan Frahill O'Connor in the Cork County SHC at Fermoy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Denis Lyne, chairman, Cork Youth Leagues, presenting the cup to Wilton United captain Colm O'Driscoll after his side defeated College Corinthians in the Cork Youth Leagues Murphy Cup final at Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with ths.
 EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Danny Gibson of Wilton United shoots just wide as his effort goes past College Corinthians goalkeeper Robbie O'Leary in the Cork Youth Leagues Murphy Cup final at Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with ths.
 EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Nathan Broderick of Wilton United (right) celebrating his goal with team captain Colm O'Driscoll against College Corinthians in the Cork Youth Leagues Murphy Cup final at Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with ths.
 EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Alex Connolly of College Corinthians blocks a shot at goal by Wilton United's Jamie Kent in the Cork Youth Leagues Murphy Cup final at Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with ths.
 EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
College Corinthians' Ethan Hurley heads clear of Wilton United's Dylan Foley in the Cork Youth Leagues Murphy Cup final at Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with ths.
 EE LIVE SPORT 07/05/2017 ... 
Rory Byrne of Wilton United blocks the shot of College Corinthians' Alex Connolly in the Cork Youth Leagues Murphy Cup final at Turner's Cross. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with ths.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying a dance festival afternoon in the marquee at Casey's during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork were (from left) Nuala O'Riordan, Bandon; June Mac Cabe, Kinsale, and Miriam O'Connell, do. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
EDITORIAL NOTE - There is a space be Mac and Cabe in Mac Cabe as above.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying a dance festival afternoon in the marquee at Casey's during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork were sisters Sheila Sullivan (left) and Carmel Sullivan, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying a dance festival afternoon in the marquee at Casey's during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork was Catherine Lowry, Midleton. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying a dance festival afternoon in the marquee at Casey's during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork were (from left) Norma Joy, Fiona Moore, Siobhan Moore, Alexis Moore and Aimee Joy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying a dance festival afternoon in the marquee at Casey's during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork were Cherry Williamson, Skibbereen, (left) and Valerie Brown, Baltimore. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying a dance festival afternoon in the marquee at Casey's during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork were Angela Breheny, Rossbrin, West Cork, (left) and Rosie Boylan, Athenry. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
A concert featuring musicians Karen Hickey, Derek Hickey and Caoimhín Ó Fearghail in St. Matthew's Church during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Enjoying the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork were Esther Offermanns, Austria, (left) and Suzy McCarthy of the Fiddle Fair organising crew. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 IE/EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 06/05/2017 ... 
Karen Hickey, fiddle player from Castlebar, in St. Matthew's Church where she participated in a concert during the 25th. anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair in West Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video Denis Minihane.
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Minister Simon Coveney T.D. speaking at the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
The Irish Coast Guard at the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Watching the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 07-05-2017
People watching the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Amy McCarthy, Cork whose great great grandmother Mae Barrett was a passenger on the Lusitania with Gillian Keegan, Cork at the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Twins Iarnan O’Feargail and his sister Saoirse from Crosshaven at the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Members of the Irish Coast Guard at official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Minister Simon Coveney T.D. and Cllr. Seamus McGrath, Mayor of County Cork who officially opened the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Amy McCarthy, Cork pointing to the name of her great great grandmother Mae Barrett at the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Feelgood 08-05-2017
Elaine O’Riordan, Chief medical scientist and Joan Fahy a senior nurse at Mater Private Hospital, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Feelgood 08-05-2017
Elaine O’Riordan, Chief medical scientist and Joan Fahy a senior nurse at Mater Private Hospital, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Feelgood 08-05-2017
Joan Fahy a senior nurse at Mater Private Hospital, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Feelgood 08-05-2017
Joan Fahy a senior nurse at Mater Private Hospital, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Feelgood 08-05-2017
Joan Fahy a senior nurse at Mater Private Hospital, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Feelgood 08-05-2017
Joan Fahy a senior nurse at Mater Private Hospital, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 07-05-2017
Members of the Irish Coast Guard at the official opening of the Lusitania Memorial Garden to commemorate the tragic events of 102 years ago off the Old Head of KInsale, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 EEJob 08/04/2017 Feis
Feis Maitiú, Corcaigh 91st Festival Saturday 8th April 2017, held in Fr. Mathew Hall
Picture: Ger Bonus.

Class: 369: Solo Verse Speaking Girls Under 7 Years – Section 4 Either: My Friend Camilla – Charles Thomson. Or: Cats and Dogs – N.M. Bodecker.
Clodagh Crotty Glavin giving a Bronze performance.
 EEJob 08/04/2017 Feis
Feis Maitiú, Corcaigh 91st Festival Saturday 8th April 2017, held in Fr. Mathew Hall
Picture: Ger Bonus.

Class: 369: Solo Verse Speaking Girls Under 7 Years – Section 4 Either: My Friend Camilla – Charles Thomson. Or: Cats and Dogs – N.M. Bodecker.
Adjudicator: Patricia Irvine presenting Clodagh Crotty Glavin with the Bronze Medal.
 The Lough in Cork. Denis Minihane.
 EEXX socials 04/05/2017.
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Willie O'Keeffe, Presentation Brothers College, Cork with Munster and Ireland player Peter O'Mahony at the lunch.
 EEXX socials 04/05/2017.
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Brendan Keane, FMC; and Mike Cushen and Richard O'Rourke of DPS Engineering, Little Island attending the lunch.
 EEXX socials 04/05/2017.
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Ted Brosnan, Laura Cannon and Aiden O'Dwyer of DPS Engineering, Little Island attending the lunch.
 EEXX socials 04/05/2017.
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Derry O'Riordan, Cork Con; Roy O'Donoghue, carrigaline and Niall Murray, Cork Con attending the lunch.
 EEXX socials 04/05/2017.
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Gary Brady and Charlotte Pearson of Diabetes Ireland attending the lunch.
 EEXX socials 04/05/2017.
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Blathnaid Harney, Pat McLoughlin and Catherine Bartels of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland attending the lunch.
 XX news 05/05/2017.
Hassan Alrahil with children Salem (13yo), Hamad (15yo) and Ghabash (4yo).
Joyce Fegan story.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX news 05/05/2017.
Hassan Alrahil with children Hamad (15yo), Salem (13yo), and Ghabash (4yo).
Joyce Fegan story.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX news 05/05/2017.
Hassan Alrahil with children Hamad (15yo), Salem (13yo), and Ghabash (4yo).
Joyce Fegan story.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX news 05/05/2017.
Hassan Alrahil with children Salem (13yo), Ghabash (4yo) and Hamad (15yo), .
Joyce Fegan story.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 XX news 05/05/2017.
Hassan Alrahil with children Hamad (15yo), Ghabash (4yo) and Salem (13yo).
Joyce Fegan story.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Sean O'Riordan request; 04/05/2017.
Cork Harbour 1917 Commemoration event at the former Admirality House, Cobh, Co. Cork, now St Benedict's Priory.
Elizabeth Helmer, great granddaughter of Commander Joseph Taussig performed the unveiling of the marker at the event. The tourist information marker will be located at the site to detail the US Navy involvement at Queenstown during World War One.
General scene at the ceremony.
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins
 Sean O'Riordan request; 04/05/2017.
Cork Harbour 1917 Commemoration event at the former Admirality House, Cobh, Co. Cork, now St Benedict's Priory.
Elizabeth Helmer, great granddaughter of Commander Joseph Taussig performed the unveiling of the marker at the event. The tourist information marker will be located at the site to detail the US Navy involvement at Queenstown during World War One.
Tim Forsyth, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy speaking at the ceremony.
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins
 Sean O'Riordan request; 04/05/2017.
Cork Harbour 1917 Commemoration event at the former Admirality House, Cobh, Co. Cork, now St Benedict's Priory.
Elizabeth Helmer, great granddaughter of Commander Joseph Taussig performed the unveiling of the marker at the event. The tourist information marker will be located at the site to detail the US Navy involvement at Queenstown during World War One.
Tim Forsyth, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy speaking at the ceremony.
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins
 Sean O'Riordan request; 04/05/2017.
Cork Harbour 1917 Commemoration event at the former Admirality House, Cobh, Co. Cork, now St Benedict's Priory.
Elizabeth Helmer, great granddaughter of Commander Joseph Taussig performed the unveiling of the marker at the event. The tourist information marker will be located at the site to detail the US Navy involvement at Queenstown during World War One.
A minute of silence is offered for the slain U.S. sailors killed during the first world war.
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins
 Sean O'Riordan request; 04/05/2017.
Cork Harbour 1917 Commemoration event at the former Admirality House, Cobh, Co. Cork, now St Benedict's Priory.
Elizabeth Helmer, great granddaughter of Commander Joseph Taussig performed the unveiling of the marker at the event. The tourist information marker will be located at the site to detail the US Navy involvement at Queenstown during World War One.
A minute of silence is offered for the slain U.S. sailors killed during the first world war.
Pic/Video; Larry Cummins

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