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 16th June 2019........ Marie Barry and Olive O'Brien the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Patricia Cotter-Favvas and Iris Nikolaov the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Mary Conway, Mary Daly and Teresa O'Sullivan judges at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin winner of the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019....... Frances Lennox, Lennox Hidden hearing specialist presents third prize to Denis Lane, at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Eoghan Dinan, The Echo presents second prize to Silva Urbonaviciene , Youghal at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Silva Urbonaviciene , Youghal and Denis Lane, Mayfield ladies club , 2nd and 3rd winners at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Paddy O'Brien makes a presentation to Anthony Murphy who has attended very final at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Lord Mayor Cllr Dr John Sheehan, Simon Coveney TD and Sean O'Se at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Sponsors Frances Lennox, Lennox Hearing Specialist ; Ann Riordan, Irish Heart foundation, Eoghan Dinan, Deputy editor The Echo and Liam Ryan, Ryan's SuperValuat the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Sean O'Se performing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Donal O'Connell, 1918 winner singing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Paddy O'Brien, organiser with Claire Gorman, who performed step dancing at the 1st final at Connolly hall in 1977 at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Sean O'Se, Donal O'Connell, 1981 winner and Ger Bruton, musical accompanist at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Tony Blackshields, Blackrock GAA competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Jimmy Healy, Glen Rovers GAA competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Noreen O'Sullivan, Blarney street community competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Fred Lotty, Na Piarsaigh GAA competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Silva Urbonaviciene , Youghal competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Denis Lane, Mayfield ladies club competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Maureen Laffan, Midleton GAA competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Greg Cotter, St. Vincents GAA competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Carole Lennox, Cara House competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Pat Boyd, Mahon competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Tony Naughton, Westgate competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin with family and friends after winning the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin with her husband Tom, son Eamonn, daughter Una and granddaugher Aniana May Cremin after winning the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin with her husband Tom after winning the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin with the Lord Mayor Cllr Dr John Sheehan, Simon Coveney TD;Eoghan Dinan, The Echo and Ann Riordan, Irish Heart Foundation after winning the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin winner of the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 v16th June 2019........ Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin with the Lord Mayor cllr Dr John Sheehan and Paddy O'Brien, organiser after winning the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. John Buckley, Bishop of Cork and Ross and Paddy O'Brien, founder and organiser at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Contestants arriving for the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ The large attendence at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ The large attendence at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Pictured the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, from left, Eoghan Dinan, deputy editor The Echo; An Tananiste Simon Coveney Paddy O'Brien, founder and organiser and Dr John Buckley, Bishop of Cork and Ross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Pictured the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, from left, Eoghan Dinan, deputy editor The Echo; An Tananiste Simon Coveney Paddy O'Brien, founder and organiser and Dr John Buckley, Bishop of Cork and Ross
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Pictured the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, from left, Eoghan Dinan, deputy editor The Echo; The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress Cllr John and Aedamar Sheehan and Manus O'Cllaghan, organiser Cork Person of the year awards
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Pictured the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, from left, Eoghan Dinan, deputy editor The Echo; The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress Cllr John and Aedamar Sheehan and Manus O'Cllaghan, organiser Cork Person of the year awards
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Paddy O'Brien, with his son Brian, his grandson Sean and daughter in law Louise O'Brien competing at the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the City hall . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Pictured the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, from left, Liam Ryan, Ryan SuperValu, sponsors; Paddy O'Brien, founder and organiser and Eoghan Dinan, deputy editor The Echo
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Contestants in the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, front from left, Fred Lotty, Na Piarsaigh; Noreen O'Sullivan, Blarney street community centre; Silva Urbonaviciene, Youghal comhaltas; Carol Lennox, Cara House; Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin ; Maureen Laffan, Midleton GAA. and Tony Blackshields, Blackrock GAABack from left, Denis Lane, Mayfield ladies club; Tony Naughton, Westgate; Jimmy Healy, Glen rovers; Greg Cotter, , St. Vincents GAA; Brendan O'Neill, Blackpool SC; Derry McCarthy, Carrigaline and Pat Boyd, Mahon
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Contestants in the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, front from left, Fred Lotty, Na Piarsaigh; Noreen O'Sullivan, Blarney street community centre; Silva Urbonaviciene, Youghal comhaltas; Carol Lennox, Cara House; Noreen Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin ; Maureen Laffan, Midleton GAA. and Tony Blackshields, Blackrock GAABack from left, Denis Lane, Mayfield ladies club; Tony Naughton, Westgate; Jimmy Healy, Glen rovers; Greg Cotter, , St. Vincents GAA; Brendan O'Neill, Blackpool SC; Derry McCarthy, Carrigaline and Pat Boyd, Mahon
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Contestants in the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, front from left, Noreen O'Sullivan, Blarney street community centre; Fred Lotty, Na Piarsaigh; Silva Urbonaviciene, Youghal comhaltas; Tony Blackshields, Blackrock GAA; Carol Lennox, Cara House; Paddy O'Brien, founder and organiser; Norah Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin and Maureen Laffan, Midleton GAA. Back from left, Denis Lane, Mayfield ladies club; Tony Naughton, Westgate; Jimmy Healy, Glen rovers; Greg Cotter, , St. Vincents GAA; Brendan O'Neill, Blackpool SC; Derry McCarthy, Carrigaline and Pat Boyd, Mahon
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Contestants in the 43rd Over 60's talent competition final at the city hall last night, front from left, Noreen O'Sullivan, Blarney street community centre; Fred Lotty, Na Piarsaigh; Silva Urbonaviciene, Youghal comhaltas; Tony Blackshields, Blackrock GAA; Carol Lennox, Cara House; Paddy O'Brien, founder and organiser; Noreen Mary O'Riordan, Kilbrin and Maureen Laffan, Midleton GAA. Back from left, Denis Lane, Mayfield ladies club; Tony Naughton, Westgate; Jimmy Healy, Glen rovers; Greg Cotter, , St. Vincents GAA; Brendan O'Neill, Blackpool SC; Derry McCarthy, Carrigaline and Pat Boyd, Mahon
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Boys having fun as their friend watches from below at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Cousins Sophie and Aoife Stack from Lisgoold chilling out at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Aoife and Ciana O'Brien from Carrigaline with Milo having fun at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Aoife and Ciana O'Brien from Carrigaline with Milo having fun at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... DJ Stevie G with Hot Sauce entertaining the crowds at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... DJ Stevie G with Hot Sauce entertaining the crowds at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... One man and his dog await judging at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Kelli Carroll, Fermoy with her dog Gizmo at the dog show during the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Aileen and Claudia Baker from Kilworth with Freckles at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Caroline Coleman with Lady from Ballyphehane at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... For adverstising .....surrounding the dog show area at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Jake and Tara Donagh with their pony Woodroyd Flowergirl at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Aoibhinn Ni hAodh, Barbara and Finn Dundon and their pony Belle from Carrigtwohill at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Ella Connolly, with Poly Pockets at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Ella Connolly, with Poly Pockets at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Lily and Isabel Walsh from Kilnamarthra with Bailey at the Cork Summer show at Curraheen over the weekend.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Maire and Michael O'Driscoll, Waterfall at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........Members of the Filipino community performing at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........Members of the Filipino community performing at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Alan and Celine Cooper with their children Finn and Zack from Mahon at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Sisters Angela and Clare Jaison and their friend Clara Thomas at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Ann Cronin, event organiser and Fr. Michael O'Leary ,SMA at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Mohamed Amir and Omar Alhassan from Sudan at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Friends from L'Arche performing at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Tania Zhinzhina, Kseniyq Zhurakouskaya and Marika Zurba from the Russian community at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Maire Mulchay, Mary Leamy and Sr. Nora Lucey at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Helen and Donncha McKelvey at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Indian group performing at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Orla Ring, with her children Colin and Grainne Ahern, from Bishopstown cheering on the groups on stage at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Mya Cole, Youghal with a bearded dragon at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Jasper Lennon, from Animal roadshow showing bearded dragon to Aoibhe Greally and Lily Manning at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Paudie Glavin, Togher with a milk snake with Marie McCarthy, Bishopstown at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Marie Fleming from Animal roadshow showing the tawny owl, Horton to Eliora Lyonga and Orlaigh Greally at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day .
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Sean O'Riordan and Michael Byrne helping out at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Jim Kelly, Ann Cronin, event organiser and Joe Curtin, Blood Bike South at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day .
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th June 2019........ Helping out and braving the rain were Declan Moynihan and Jack Murphy at the St. Josephs SMA Wilton, Parish family fun day 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers manager Stephen Henderson against Galway United in the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers manager Stephen Henderson against Galway United in the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers manager Stephen Henderson with Kevin Taylor against Galway United in the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers manager Stephen Henderson with Kevin Taylor against Galway United in the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers James McSweeney and Matt Lamb combine to stop tackles Galway United's Vinny Faherty during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers James McSweeney tackles Galway United's Maurice Nugent during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers James McSweeney tackles Galway United's Maurice Nugent during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Kevin Taylor tackles Galway United's Shane Doherty during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Denzil Fernandez goes high with Galway United's Stephen Walsh during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Denzil Fernandez celebrates his goal with Ian Turner against Galway United during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Denzil Fernandez scores the opening goal against Galway United during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Denzil Fernandez scores the opening goal against Galway United during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Denzil Fernandez scores the opening goal against Galway United during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Greg Henry tackles Galway United's Chris Horgan during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Greg Henry tackles Galway United's Conor Melody during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Jaze Kabia tackles Galway United's Maurice Nugent during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th June 2019....... Cobh Ramblers Ian Turner racing onto the ball with Galway United's Maurice Nugent during the SSE Airtricity first division game at St. Colman's park last night.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Tomas Lawrence shoots from Whites Crosses' John O'Connell during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Tomas Lawrence shoots from Whites Crosses' John O'Connell during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Whites Cross's Max Philpott wins the ball from Brian Dillons Cian McCarthy during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Whites Cross's Max Philpott wins the ball from Brian Dillons Cian McCarthy during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Niall Fahy bats the ball away from Whites Cross forward Kevin Buckley during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Niall Fahy bats the ball away from Whites Cross forward Kevin Buckley during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Cian McCarthy and Whites Cross midfielder Aidan O'Neill tussle for the ball during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Cian McCarthy and Whites Cross midfielder Aidan O'Neill tussle for the ball during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Darragh Brosnan wins the ball from Whites Cross forward Kevin Buckley during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Darragh Brosnan wins the ball from Whites Cross forward Kevin Buckley during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Whites Cross forward Murt kelleher wins the ball from Brian Dillons Mark White during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Whites Cross forward Murt kelleher wins the ball from Brian Dillons Mark White during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Whites Cross defender Paddy Murnane is tackled by Brian Dillons Keith McCormack during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Whites Cross defender Paddy Murnane is tackled by Brian Dillons Keith McCormack during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Colin Lynch gathers the ball from Whites Cross's Derek O'Connor during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 15th June 2019...... Brian Dillons Colin Lynch gathers the ball from Whites Cross's Derek O'Connor during the Seandun Sportsturf Solutions JAHC at Ballinlough.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 17th June 2019....... Bandon Grammar school pupils from left, Dylan O'Sullivan, Matthew Hurley, Harry Hall and Rowan Palmer discussing the Agricultural science leaving cert paper yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 17th June 2019....... Bandon Grammar school pupils Michael Archer, Valerie French and Soren Minihane discussing the Agricultural science leaving cert paper yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 17th June 2019....... Bandon Grammar school pupils Elsie Noble, Waterville and Mark Fitzgerald, Tralee discussing the Agricultural science leaving cert paper with Ian Coombes, principal (left) and Finbarr Buckley, agricultural science teacher
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16-month-old Mallow Ladybird Jessica Hickey, enjoying the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Charlotte Doyle and Alexia Murphy, Mallow, enjoying the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Laoise Ryder, Lottie McKernan and Tegan Trafford, Mallow, at the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Joanna Hurley, Hazel McGibney and Kate Roche, Mallow, enjoying the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Andrea Carey, Rebecca Williamson and Amy Wall, Mallow, having fun at the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Lyla Lomasney, Orla Creedon and Kate Creed, Carrigtwohill, taking a break for ice cream during the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Aine Hurley and Caoimhe Ryan, Carrigtwohill, enjoying their ice cream at the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Ruth Cummins and Megan O'Neill, Carrigtwohill, enjoying the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Shionagh Quinlan, Eabha Murphy and Chloe O'Connor, Carrigtwohill, are all smiles at the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Sophia Sougrati, Luighseach Shalvey and Sophia Grace of St Luke's Douglas, relaxing at the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Aine McCarthy and Abigail Ricketts of St Luke's Douglas, having fun at the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Zoe Mitchell and Ava Kingston of St Luke's Douglas, enjoying some tasty treats during the Irish Girl Guides (Ladybirds) national gathering, at Fota Wildlife Park, Carrigtwohill.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
Danny Hogan was one of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Twins Daniel and Esther Agoro were two of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Three of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, (from left) Mariela Radeva, Safina Khashimbayeva and Zoey McCarthy during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Magda Pciak (left) and Maria Mos were two of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Sean O'Connor was one of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Ben Phair (left) and Sinéad Olan with the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, during a visit by fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, to City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Two of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, Nicole Doyle (left) and Chloe Slattery during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Two of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, Lexi Turner (left) and Zoey McCarthy during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Three of the fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, (from left) Shane Keating, Aaron Dondolo and Deon O'Callaghan during a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, arriving at City Hall for a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Fourth class pupils from Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon, Cork, on a courtesy visit to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan, at City Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (joe dermody??) 14/06/2019 
Ivan Dowd McIlroy, (left) and Lilly-Rose Woodhouse of Activate Youth Theatre/Graffiti Theatre Company, two members of the cast of the play, Holiday Inn, written by Cillian Sheehan, in the Maldron Hotel South Mall, Cork, during Cork Midsummer Festival, pictured with Niall Cleary, director of the play and of Graffiti Theatre Company.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (joe dermody??) 14/06/2019 
Actors (from left) Ivan Dowd McIlroy, Éadaoin O'Donoghue, Lilly-Rose Woodhouse and Olwyn O'Donoghue Patterson of Activate Youth Theatre/Graffiti Theatre Company who are the cast in the play, Holiday Inn, written by Cillian Sheehan, in the Maldron Hotel South Mall, Cork, during Cork Midsummer Festival.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 FEELGOOD FOR IRENE (re social media) 17/6/2019
Dr. Phil Kieran, Washington Street Medical Centre, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 FEELGOOD FOR IRENE (re social media) 17/6/2019
Dr. Phil Kieran, Washington Street Medical Centre, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 FEELGOOD FOR IRENE (re social media) 17/6/2019
Dr. Phil Kieran, Washington Street Medical Centre, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 FEELGOOD FOR IRENE (re social media) 17/6/2019
Dr. Phil Kieran, Washington Street Medical Centre, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, The Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 WOW FOR LISA COUGHLAN/ELAINE (Trishas.transformation) 14/06/2019 
Trisha Lewis, brand ambassador, Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Dale O'Sullivan, trainee tour guide, (left) and tour bus driver Michael Twomey with the Cork City Tours bus.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Dale O'Sullivan, trainee tour guide, and tour bus driver Michael Twomey on the Cork City Tours bus.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Dale O'Sullivan, trainee tour guide, speaking with Maureen Cockburn (left) and Catherine Jensen, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny, on the Cork City Tours bus.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Dale O'Sullivan on the Cork City Tours bus.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Dale O'Sullivan on the Cork City Tours bus.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 Justina Hurley and Cecilia Newall, Bandon got all dressed up for the Harry Potter themed Bandon Banshee scavenger hunt at the West Cork Herigage Centre in Bandon. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kiki Girl with jockey Billy Roche winning the grade G& G1 handicap at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 Sisters Marcella and Charlotte Bradfield, Enniskeane looking after the bar at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 Willie O’Brein, Clonakilty at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 Waiting for the rain to stop at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Jockey’s line up for their photograph at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 John Paul and Jake O’Callaghan with Jodie Sheridan and Tommy Gosson, Dublin at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 Alannah Ní Mhuirthile of the Ballingeary Pipe Band at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 Sarah Cregan, Clare and Rachel O’Sullivan, Killarney at the IHRA Red John memorial weekend of racing in Lyre, West Cork in aid of Cystic Fibrosis unit at the CUH. Picture Dan Linehan
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima on board the Cape Clare ferry Dún Na Séad on its way to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Niamh Ní Dhrisceoil
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima on board the Cape Clare ferry Dún Na Séad on its way to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Niamh Ní Dhrisceoil
 In the classroom learing magic spells were Naoise Lehane, Aaron Madden, Roisin Waugh and Áine Looney with teacher Cecilia Newall, Bandon who dressed up for the Harry Potter themed Bandon Banshee scavenger hunt at the West Cork Herigage Centre in Bandon. Picture Dan Linehan
 Chloe, Ella, Kayleigh and Hannah-Grace at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Children enjoying the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Young Julia keeping an eye on the action at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Young James has a smile for the camera at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Children dancing on the floor at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Children waiting to hit the floor at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Parents delighted with their children at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Olivia, Leah and Jane who looked after the children at the weekend of displays at the Douglas Gymnastics Club, Pouladuff, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Supt. Ronan Kenneally with Det. Insp. Daniel Coughlan and Det. Sgt. Martin Canney waiting for the Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 A family all dressed up waiting for the Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 Children line the street to greet Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima during their visit to Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are shown around by Noel Condon at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are shown around at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are shown around by Noel Condon at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima enjoy a joke with some of the locals at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima enjoy a joke with some of the locals at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima meeting members of the local camogie team at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 Barry Cogan, Carrigaline mens shed meets with the Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima pictured during their visit to Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima pictured during their visit to Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 Members of the Sarsfields camogie team waiiting for the The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with members of the Sarsfields camogie team and fort volunteers during their visit to Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with members of the Sarsfields camogie team during their visit to Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with members of the Sarsfields camogie team during their visit to Fort Camden, Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with members of the Fort Camden volunteers during their visit to Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with members of the Fort Camden volunteers during their visit to Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with members of the Fort Camden volunteers during their visit to Crosshaven, Cork, yesterday. Picture Dan Linehan
 Lisette, Caimin, Donnacha and Libby Murphy having fun at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Bill ringer Paddy McCarthy at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Megan and Lucy Row at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Actors from the Finnegan Family Circus put on a great show at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The The Illusionist getting the crowds going at the Finnegan Family Circus at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Children and their Parents enjoy the Finnegan Family Circus at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Members of the Finnegan Family Circus parade through the streets at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Daisy the doll finds a nice seat much to the delight of Lilly O’Donovan and Ailíse Gleeson from Skibbereen at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Teacher Liz Twomey and the young chefs from Kilmeen National School at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Teacher Liz Twomey and the young chefs from Kilmeen National School at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Treasa O’Sullivan, Clonakilty is the victim of a shark attack at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Jennifer and Zara Murphy, Clonakilty at the long table event at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Michelle Ronan, Jennifer and Laura Connolly and Sarah Louise O’Donovan at the long table event at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Local ladies Niamh McDonald and Jennifer Lee at the long table event at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 It was a wedding celebration for John Moriarty, KIllorglin, Kerry and local lady Lucy Helen who were married at Kilgarriffe Church and decieded to party at the long table event at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Richy Virahsawmy and the local chefs get together prior to the long table event at the Clonakilty Street Carnival in West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
64461198 2402716539956097 8004041924010835968 n 
 Larry Cummins (8) from Curraghboy, the grand nephew of the late great Larry Cummins who played for Roscommon in the 1940s, enjoys the Connacht final success with Enda Smith and father Gerald.
 26th May 2019....... SCS Crookstown players celebrate after defeating OBS in the Cork Business League , First division final at Turners Cross yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare 
 Keywords: Quinlan's Bar celebrate winning the Jackie O'Driscoll Premier Di, June 4th. They had earlier won the Mooney Cup also for the first
 Patrica Stark, with granddaughter, Leah Stark, Senior Infants.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Jeana Philin, Senior Infant (right) with her family, Kunjamma Kurian and Philin Philip Kurian.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Heidi White, Senior Infants, with grandparents, Ena and Pat White.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Denis Dunscombe, with granddaughter, Lily Dunscombe, Senior Infants.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ali O'Driscoll, Senior Infants with grandmother, Caroline Coutts.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ellie May Harris, Senior Infants (right) with her family, Mary Harris, Maisie Harris, Fiona Jackson and Nora Jackson.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Teresa Farry, with granddaughter, Tegan Farry, Senior Infants.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Senior Infant, Sophia Crowley with grandparents, Phyllis and William O'Donovan.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Senior Infant, Sophia Crowley with grandparents, Phyllis and William O'Donovan.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Senior Infants, Heidi White and Sophia Crowley, waiting for their grandparents.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Senior Infants, Arsema Fitsum and Aleeyah Corcoran, holding Nana Doll.
EEjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sundays Well Girls National School, Senior Infants Class, Grandparents Day, at Sundays Well Girls National School, Strawberry Hill, Blarney Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Zack, Garreth, Daniel, Sarah, Mark, Dayle, Katie, at Mayfield Arts Centre, with their Clay work, also included are Deirdre Morgan and Deirdre Hunt, both Mayfield Arts Centre.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Zack, Garreth, Daniel, Sarah, Mark, Dayle, Katie, at Mayfield Arts Centre, with their Clay work.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Zack, Garreth, Daniel, Sarah, Mark, Dayle, Katie, at Mayfield Arts Centre, with their Clay work.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Liam with some of the Art he worked on.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Lily, Caleb, Kasey, Aaron and Maureen, with their Tie Dye T Shirts.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Reece, Billy, Matthew and Katie, with the masks they worked on.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Sarah, Niamh and Shane, at the Art Exhibition sign they helped work on.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Tian and Aaron.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing her Art is Niamh.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Krisllen and Zack.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Mia, Sarah and Callum.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Brian, Mark, Nikita, Aidan, Harry, Josh.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Ella and Alex.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Ruarai and Shane.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art are Brahin, TJ, Fionn, Callum, Lucas, Alex, Mia, Suhana and Sarah.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing his Art, is Liam.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing his Art, is Garreth.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Showing their Art, Sophie and Dayle.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
St. Killian's School, celebration 50 years of Education, student Art Exhibition, at St. Killian's School, Mayfield, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 (back row) Fiona O'Donovan, RedFM, Jude O'Callaghan, 96FM, Pearse McCarthy, 96FM, Fiona Corcoran, 96FM, Roisin Burke, The Echo, Stephen Rogers, Irish Examiner, Diarmuid O'Leary, RedFM, (front row), Eoin O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner, Dave Mac, RedFM, Larry Cummins, Irish Examiner and Darragh Bermingham, The Echo.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Eoin O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner, Darragh Bermingham, The Echo, Dave Mac, RedFM, Larry Cummins, Irish Examiner, Jude O'Callaghan, 96FM, Fiona O'Donovan, RedFM, Fiona Corcoran, 96FM, Roisin Burke, The Echo, Pearse McCarthy, 96FM, Stephen Rogers, Irish Examiner and Diarmuid O'Leary, RedFM.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team 96FM, Jude O'Callaghan, Pearse McCarthy and Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team 96FM, Jude O'Callaghan, Pearse McCarthy and Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team 96FM, Jude O'Callaghan, Pearse McCarthy and Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team 96FM, Jude O'Callaghan, Pearse McCarthy and Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team RedFM, Dave Mac, Fiona O'Donovan and Diarmuid O'Leary.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team RedFM, Dave Mac, Fiona O'Donovan and Diarmuid O'Leary.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team RedFM, Dave Mac, Fiona O'Donovan and Diarmuid O'Leary.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team RedFM, Dave Mac, Fiona O'Donovan and Diarmuid O'Leary.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team Captains, Eoin O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner, Fiona Corcoran, 96FM, Fiona O'Donovan, RedFM and Darragh Bermingham, The Echo.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Team Captains, Eoin O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner, Fiona Corcoran, 96FM, Fiona O'Donovan, RedFM and Darragh Bermingham, The Echo.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 RedFM Team Captain, Fiona O'Donovan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 RedFM Team Captain, Fiona O'Donovan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 RedFM Team Captain, Fiona O'Donovan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 RedFM Team Captain, Fiona O'Donovan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 RedFM Team Captain, Fiona O'Donovan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 96FM Team Captain, Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 96FM Team Captain, Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 96FM Team Captain, Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 96FM Team Captain, Fiona Corcoran.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Irish Examiner Team Captain, Eoin O'Sullivan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Irish Examiner Team Captain, Eoin O'Sullivan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Irish Examiner Team Captain, Eoin O'Sullivan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Irish Examiner Team Captain, Eoin O'Sullivan.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The Echo Team Captain, Darragh Bermingham.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The Echo Team Captain, Darragh Bermingham.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The Echo Team Captain, Darragh Bermingham.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The Echo Team Captain, Darragh Bermingham.
EEjob 13/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Media Triathlon Relay teams who will take part in the King of the Hill Triathlon in July, at Bells Field, Old Youghal Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 28/02/2019.
Irish Examiner.
Big Interview.
Lisa Fallon, Cork City FC First Team Coach and Head of Football Analysis, at FAI Grounds, Curraheen, Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Le Grand Bleu, docked at Andresons Quay, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mount Mercy College German class, after the German paper.
EEXXjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Leaving Certificate German, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mount Mercy College students, Jessica Lougheed, Princiya Machado, Laura Murphy and Aisling O'Connor, after the German paper.
EEXXjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Leaving Certificate German, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mount Mercy College students, Orla McNamee, Alannah Larkin, Dia Harry Thomas, Siofra Ryan and Zainab Baker, after the German paper.
EEXXjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Leaving Certificate German, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mount Mercy College students, Katie O'Brien, Chika Ukah and Martha Goveas, after the German paper.
EEXXjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Leaving Certificate German, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mount Mercy College students, Katie O'Brien, Chika Ukah and Martha Goveas, after the German paper.
EEXXjob 14/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Leaving Certificate German, at Mount Mercy College, Model Farm Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
John West Feile Division 1 Cup Final. Turloughmore V's Na Piarsaigh.
Ryan Rabbitte, Turloughmore, Padraig Hosford, Na Piarsaigh.
John West Feile Hurling Division 1 Shield and Cup Finals at St. Finbarr's National Hurling and Football Club, Togher, Cork.
 Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Catherine Sheridan, with her sons, Noah and Oscar.
EEjob 12/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Catherine Sheridan, will take part in the Ironman Cork event in Youghal, at her home in Scariff, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 13th January 2018....... Cork City's manager John Caulfield with Lisa Lawlor, John Cotter and Liam Kearney s against Cobh Ramblers during the friendly at St. Colmans park on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 30th August 2015... Newcestown's Luke Meade wins the ball from Tracton's Adam Gleasure during the Cork County PIHC at Pairc Ui Rinn yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy with mum Brenda at home 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Amy Murphy 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Shauna Murphy 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Katie Murphy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Kellie Murphy 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Shauna, Kellie, Amy and Katie 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads front top Amy, Shauna, Katie and Kellie 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads front Kellie, Katie and back Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads front Kellie, Katie and back Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads pose as they were on their 10th and 1st birthdays from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads pose as they were on their 10th and 1st birthdays from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Colm McCarthy knocks the ball past Waterford's Jack O'Floinn during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior captain Ian Maguire (left) and Cork minor captain Conor Corbett at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork's Ruairi Deane at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork's Ruairi Deane at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork's Ruairi Deane at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019.... Cork minor manager Bobbie O'Dwyer at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019.... Cork minor manager Bobbie O'Dwyer at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019.... Cork minor captain Conor Corbett at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019.... Cork minor captain Conor Corbett at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior manager Ronan McCarthy and Cork minor manager Bobbie O'Dwyer at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior manager Ronan McCarthy and Cork minor manager Bobbie O'Dwyer at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior manager Ronan McCarthy and Cork minor manager Bobbie O'Dwyer at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior manager Ronan McCarthy and Cork minor manager Bobbie O'Dwyer at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork's Brian Hurley at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork's Brian Hurley at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork's Brian Hurley at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior captain Ian Maguire at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior captain Ian Maguire at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 11th June 2019....... Cork senior captain Ian Maguire (left) and Cork minor captain Conor Corbett at the press conference prior to the double header Munster football finals against Kerry on Saturday June 22nd
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 Anne Riordan, Irish Heart Foundation, chatting with restaurant manager Con Buckley, at the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Contestants Denis Lane, Maureen Laffan and Jimmy Healy, attending the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Former winner Charlie McAllister with contestants Pat Boyd, Silva Urbonaviciene and Tony Blackshields, at the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Contestants Brendan O'Neill and Fred Lotty, enjoying the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Contestants Greg Cotter and Tony Naughton, are all smiles at the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Contestant Frances Lennox with Humphrey and Bernie O'Sullivan from Silver Springs, attending the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Organiser Paddy O'Brien accompanied by Betty Duncliffe from Carrigaline, at the Over-60s talent competition finalists lunch sponsored by the Irish Heart Foundation, at the Barn Restaurant, Glanmire.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
A section of the large crowd attending the Access Programme graduation certificates presentation ceremony in association with Cork City Council, Cork Education and Training Board and the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 Free Pic-No Repro Fee
Breda Ryan Long, course co-ordinator, Kieran O'Connell, Cork City Council social inclusion and Siubhan McCarthy, Cork Learning City, at the Access Programme graduation certificates presentation ceremony in association with Cork City Council, Cork Education and Training Board and the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork. In the backround is Shandon.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Le Grand Bleu, one of the largest private yachts in the world, after arriving at the quayside in Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO 12/06/2019 
Nicola McKeown.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO 12/06/2019 
Sarah Shoemaker.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO 12/06/2019 
Patricia Maybury.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Lisa O'Donoghue, Glanmire, with her sons Cillian and Kevin visiting the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Pinky attracting lots of attention from the happy pupils enjoying the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Some of the pupils and pets having fun during the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Enjoying the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Enjoying the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Cassie taking part in the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Puffy the Yorkie taking part in the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Enjoying the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
Enjoying the annual pet day at Togher GNS, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 12/06/2019 
Leaving certificate students (from left) Robert Sala, Michael Fitton, Stephen Kelly, Sean Kenneally and Paul McAllen at Colaiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Co. Cork, after the History examination.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Celebrations at Jurys Inn, Cork, with four members of the team (from left) Mags Kelly, Megan Hegarty, Kendall Clark and Rachel Keohane on the 25th anniversary of the opening of the hotel at Anderson's Quay, Cork, in June, 1994.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Celebrations at Jurys Inn, Cork, with Finola Mallon, gereral manager, and some members of the team cutting the cake to mark the 25th anniversary of the opening of the hotel at Anderson's Quay, Cork, in June, 1994.
Picture Denis Minihane.
The Roberts Cove Inn, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
John Paul Carroll, proprietor, and Cian Murphy, head chef, with a warm cajun chicken salad in the Roberts Cove Inn, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
John Paul Carroll, proprietor, at the Roberts Cove Inn, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
The Roberts Cove Inn, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
The Roberts Cove Inn, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE THE ECHO LIVE NEWS 14/06/2019 
The Green Schools committee and Garden committee at Togher GNS, Cork, celebrating the school's fifth Green Flag, the Biodiversity Flag.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jim Daly, T.D., Minister for Mental Health and Older People, speaking following the Clúid Housing in partnership with Cork County Council breaking ground ceremony on a development of 40 social housing units at Cappagh, Ballinacubby, Kinsale. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
Part of the public art installation at Emmet Place in Cork featuring selected letters from the old Toyota sign which used to be on the fly tower of Cork Opera House.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Terry Dimoulias, artist, at Emmet Place in Cork with red flora planted in the public art installation featuring selected letters from the old Toyota sign which used to be on the fly tower of Cork Opera House.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE PADRAIG HOARE 12/06/2019 
Edward Finn, (centre) owner, One Arena training facility, Swans Nest Business Park, Pouladuff, Cork, pictured with coaches Naeema Gul and Sam Keating.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE PADRAIG HOARE 12/06/2019 
Edward Finn, (centre) owner, One Arena training facility, Swans Nest Business Park, Pouladuff, Cork, pictured with coaches Naeema Gul and Sam Keating.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE PADRAIG HOARE 12/06/2019 
Edward Finn, owner, One Arena training facility, Swans Nest Business Park, Pouladuff, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE PADRAIG HOARE 12/06/2019 
Edward Finn, owner, One Arena training facility, Swans Nest Business Park, Pouladuff, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 Kidz Zone 
Pupils, Grainne, Faye, Bríd, Meg, Niamh and Ava with some Summer plants and Apple trees in the school garden at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
Rang Liath as Jennifer Scully takes a fall with Áine Golden and Elaine Hourigan and children, Olu, James, Shaun, Kyle, Kayla and Sophie in the school garden at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
 Scott, Emmet and Alex looking after the Elder flower cordial in the school garden at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
Scott, Emmet, Alex, James, Grainne, Faye, Bríd, Meg, Niamh and Ava in the school garden at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
Pupils Coleman and Ryan with some of the Bee pollinator friendly garden plants at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
First and second class pupils with their plants at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
4th and 3rd class pupils looking after the tamato plants in the school hall at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
 Teacher Áine O’Connor with the senior infants in the Butterfly pollinator friendly plants garden at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kidz Zone 
Theresa O’Mahony and Margaret with pupils Darragh, Donacha and Aaron of Rang Oráister in the school garden at Vicarstown National School. Picture Dan Linehan
 Liz Poillot, Bantry, Kate O’Brien, Ardfield and Joanne Pender, Clonakilty at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Aibhín Ruddy and Hannah Rafferty, Clonakilty at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Liz Poillot, Bantry, Kate O’Brien, Ardfield and Joanne Pender, Clonakilty at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Rangelle Pichay and Rachel Walsh, Clonakilty at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Sue Long and Michelle O’Regan, Clonakilty at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Catherine McCarthy, Clonakilty and Kay O’Sullivan, Douglas, Cork at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Jasmine Clarke and Rose Creagh, Ardfield at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Leanne Keary and Ana Mepham from Clonakilty at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Clonakilty ladies Marianne, Birlea and Marianne Rotarie at the opening of Seasalt Cornwall, Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were welcomed at City Hall today on their State Visit to Ireland by the Lord Mayor Cllr John Sheehan. Picture Dan Linehan
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were welcomed at City Hall today on their State Visit to Ireland by the Lord Mayor Cllr John Sheehan. Included is Ann Doherty, chief executive Cork City Council and Aedamar Sheehan. Picture Dan Linehan
 Restaurant Review 
Seasalt, 17 Casement Square, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Restaurant Review 
Seasalt, 17 Casement Square, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Restaurant Review 
Seasalt, 17 Casement Square, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Restaurant Review 
Seasalt, 17 Casement Square, Cobh. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima arriving in Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima arriving in Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Dutch Royal couple King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima arriving in Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The cruise ship Prinsendam berthed as King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima arrive in Cobh on the Cape Clare ferry Dún Na Séad . Picture Niamh Ní Dhrisceoil
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima on board the Cape Clare ferry Dún Na Séad on its way to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima on board the Cape Clare ferry Dún Na Séad on its way to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Niamh Ní Dhrisceoil
 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima on board the Cape Clare ferry Dún Na Séad on its way to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Niamh Ní Dhrisceoil
 Lorraine Maye of the Cork Midsummer Festival. Picture Dan Linehan
 Elaine Murphy, Rachel Reidy, Ciara O’Riordan and Leah O’Driscoll who sat the junior cert home economics exam at Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, Blarney, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Elizabeth forrest, Irene O’Driscoll, Barry Cassidy, Mary O’Connor and Sheila Foster all members of Cobh Animation Team enjoying a chat in the historic Commodore Hotel during the visit of the Cunard liner Queen Victoria to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irene O’Driscoll, Barry Cassidy, Mona Kennedy and Breda McCarthy all members of the Cobh Animation Team in front of the Cunard liner Queen Victoria during its visit to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irene O’Driscoll, Barry Cassidy, Mona Kennedy and Breda McCarthy all members of the Cobh Animation Team in front of the Cunard liner Queen Victoria during its visit to Cobh, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Motorcycle race photographer Stephen Davison, right, chatting with Tony Murphy from Freemount, at the Commons Inn before speaking at his slideshow as a fundraiser for the upcoming Munster 100 Cork motorcycle road races.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Sport
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Cian McCarthy Waterford's racing away from Waterford's Caolan MacCraith during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Beautiful colours at Fitzgerald's Park, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Rose Barry, Blarney, (left) and Rose Barrett, Waterfall, with KC the dog at Fitzgerald's Park, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Andrea Stewart, Churchfield, Cork, with her son Charlie relaxing at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Nano Corcoran, Ballincollig, (left) with Daphne and Jennifer O'Leary, Cork city centre, with Blue at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Luke and Evan Kavanagh, Carrigaline,enjoying a visit to the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Declan Fahey, Clonakilty, with Munthers Magic, the two year old champion gelding, at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE FARMING 09/06/2019 
Jason Hawkins, CEO, Carbery Group, (right) presenting the cup to Sean Murphy and his children Ciaran and Donnacha, Waterfall, after Ardarostig Beemer Sunray won the Dubliner Cheese All-Ireland pedigree friesian heifer in milk title at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork. Also in picture is Stephen McLoughlin.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE FARMING 09/06/2019 
Denis Cahalane, Castlehaven, with Fornaught Magic, the overall Belgian Blue champion, at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE FARMING 09/06/2019 
Tim McCarthy, Ballydehob, with Gabriel Natalie the champion limousin, at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Leaving certificate students (from left) Maria Slattery, Chloe Morey and Ciara Buckley following their Irish paper two exam at St. Vincent's Secondary School, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Leaving certificate students (from left) Shanzay Rashid, Megan Babington and Hazel Forde at St. Vincent's Secondary School, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Leaving certificate students Rebecca Ambrose (left) and Chloe O'Gorman during the lunch break in their exams at St. Vincent's Secondary School, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 11/06/2019 
Leaving certificate students (from left) Lauryn Blessing, Meg O'Donoghue, Katelin Scannell and Caitlin O'Sullivan, during the lunch break in their exams at St. Vincent's Secondary School, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Karl Howe, one of the art workers, painting the wall base at Cork Community Art Link, Watercourse Road, Cork, in preparation for the Rebel Streets programme in Cork from June 14th-16th.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Pictured in front of Cork Community Art Link, Watercourse Road, Cork, (from left) Karl Howe, one of the art workers; Nadia Rice, one of the administrators; William Frode De La Foret, artistic director, and Béibhinn O'Callaghan, one of the art workers, preparing at Cork Community Art Link for the Rebel Streets programme in Cork from June 14th-16th.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Nadia Rice, one of the administrators at Cork Community Art Link, Watercourse Road, Cork, with a stencil of a butterfly in preparation for the Rebel Streets programme in Cork from June 14th-16th.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Asmaa El Maaroufi, one of the art workers at Cork Community Art Link, Watercourse Road, Cork, working on a stencil in preparation for the Rebel Streets programme in Cork from June 14th-16th.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Polar expedition ship Ocean Endeavour which berthed at the Port of Cork for its visit to the City is seen passing Blackrock Castle. Picture Dan Linehan
 Instructors Lucy, Muireann, Sophie and Anna at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Louis, Cian, Rory, Charlie, Andy, Daire and Jack at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Lydia Punch at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Raymond Hinds, Cathal White and James MacCarthy at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Muireann Dempsey, instructor at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Sophie Crumplin with centre manager Sinead Hurley at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 The Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Children their summer camp at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Children their summer camp at the Oysterhaven Centre, Kinure, Co Cork. Picture Dan Lienhan
 Treasa Cahill, Mitchelstown enjoying the afternoon sunshine at Inchydoney, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Leone Nicholson, Dublin and Ronan Duggan, Bandon with their dog Jet making the most of the sunshine at Inchydoney, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Echo Features 
Camden Fort Meaghar, Crosshaven, Cork. Getting ready for the visit of the Dutch Royals.
Anita O’Riordan, Tony McCarthy, Eileen Murphy, Michael Coniry and Marian O’Riordan. Picture Dan Linhan
 Pupils at St. Brigan’s College, Bandon enjoy the lunchtime break prior to sitting the leaving cert biology exam. Picture Dan Linehan
 Grace Mooney, Siobhan O’Sullivan and Kelly Collins enjoying a joke prior to sitting the leaving cert biology exam at St. Brigan’s College, Bandon, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Heading into to sit the leaving cert Biology exam were pupils Olivia Hayes and Leanne Kidney at St. Brigan’s College, Bandon, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 10/06/2019. XXJOB. Leaving Certs Abbey Community College, Waterford City. Pictured are Molly Plunkett, Eoin Dunphy, Úna Kinsella, Dominic Wawak, Laura Mulcair and Pàdraic Delahunty. Picture: Patrick Browne
 10/06/2019. XXJOB. Leaving Certs Abbey Community College, Waterford City. Pictured are Molly Plunkett, Eoin Dunphy, Úna Kinsella, Dominic Wawak, Laura Mulcair and Pàdraic Delahunty. Picture: Patrick Browne
 10/06/2019. XXJOB. Leaving Certs Abbey Community College, Waterford City. Pictured are Zoe Burke Dowling and Jordan Ryan. Picture: Patrick Browne
 10/06/2019. XXJOB. Leaving Certs Abbey Community College, Waterford City. Pictured are Zoe Burke Dowling and Jordan Ryan. Picture: Patrick Browne
 10/06/2019. XXJOB. Leaving Certs Abbey Community College, Waterford City. Pictured are Zoe Burke Dowling and Jordan Ryan. Picture: Patrick Browne
 (l to r) Dave Ludgate, Nathalie Laukart, Craig Tillotson and Eoin Delahunty taking part in the An Taisce Clean Coasts 'cleanup' of the River Lee and river bank at the Lee Fields, Cork on Saturday June 8th 2019, organised as part of the Cork Harbour Festival. (Roisin request)
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 Stephen Tobin taking part in An Taisce Clean Coasts 'cleanup' of the River Lee and river bank at the Lee Fields, Cork on Saturday June 8th 2019, organised as part of the Cork Harbour Festival. (Roisin request)
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 Stephen Tobin taking part in the An Taisce Clean Coasts 'cleanup' of the River Lee and river bank at the Lee Fields, Cork on Saturday June 8th 2019, organised as part of the Cork Harbour Festival. (Roisin request)
Pic; Larry Cummins.
 John McCarthy pours bubbly on 'his' boat at the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Jer Field 'wets' the hull at the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Cox Vickie Hanlon relaxes in the coxed Hudson 4 after the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 John McCarthy with Jean and Noreen attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 John McCarthy, Ray Connolly, Jer Field and Martin Kilbane attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 John McCarthy, Ray Connolly, Jer Field and Martin Kilbane attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Proud moment for Martin Kilbane with Paula and dog Ellie attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Dr Barry Connolly wets the hull of the Connolly IV at the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Four generations of the Connolly family have been involved with Cork Rowing Club, beginning with Frank Connolly (RIP) back in the 1930's
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Senior Men attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Proud coach Martin Kilbane with young future rowers (left to right) Saibh Terry, sisters Ailbhe and Fiadh Herlihy and Leah Terry and his former Novice Ladies Deirdre Griffin, Aoife Quinlan and Ciara Quinlan attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 (left to right) Saibh Terry, sisters Ailbhe and Fiadh Herlihy and Leah Terry attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 New arrivals ....10week old twins Lilly and Hannah with proud parents Matt and Michelle Sullivan attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 New arrivals ....10week old twins Lilly and Hannah with proud parents Matt and Michelle Sullivan attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Tony Connolly, Dr Barry Connolly, Ray Connolly, Helen Maree, Barry Connolly and ???? attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Pat, Lucy, Vicki and Sam Crean attending the official boat naming ceremony at Cork Boat Club, Blackrock Cork for four new Hudson boats, named after 1. John McCarthy 2. Martin Kilbane 3. Jer Field and 4. The Connolly IV.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Inniscarra captain Tadhg Lyons celebraties with teammates after their win over Bride Rovers in the John West Féile na nGael Division 2 Hurling shield final at Bishopstown. Pic: David Keane.
 Inniscarra's Sean Connolly is tackled by Bride Rovers' Ryan O'Callaghan in the John West Féile na nGael Division 2 Hurling Shield final at Bishopstown. Pic: David Keane.
 Inniscarra's Michael Murphy shoots as Bride Rovers' Eldon O'Connor closes in during the John West Feile na nGael Division 2 Hurling Shield final at Bishopstown. Pic: David Keane.
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Niall Farrell is presented with the Senior Players Player of the Year Award from Club Chairman Mossie Clohessy at the Youghal Utd award night in Hennessys Bar, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Ross McCarthy receives the Senior Golden Boot Award for 2018/19 from club chairman Mossie Clohessy at the Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Junior team coach Jamie O'Shea receives his MSL Junior Div 2 medal from club chairman Mossie Clohessy and team manager Ken Hennessy at the recent Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Ian Musto receives the Schoolboys Coach of the Year on behalf of Ryan Hennessy from club chairman Mossie Clohessy at the recent Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Mark Phillips who was presented with the Schoolgirls Coach of the Year Award at the recent Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Membes of the clubs Junior team who received thier MSL Div 2 league medals at the recent Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Richard Lane receives the Club Person of teh Year Award from chairman Mossie Clohessy at the recent Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Club Chairman Mossie Clohessy and coach Ken Hennessy present Keith O'Connor with the Junior Young Player of the Year Award at the recent Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 08/06/2019 SPORT - Rob Cronin receives the Senior Player of the Year Award from Club Chairman Mossie Clohessy at the Youghal Utd end of season awards night in Hennessys, Youghal. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 26/05/2019 SPORT - Fermoy who played against Douglas Hall in the U13 Kay McGrath Cup at Moneygourney recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 26/05/2019 SPORT - Douglas Hall who played against Fermoy in the CWSSL U13 Kay McGrath Cup at Moneygourney recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 01/06/2019 SPORT - The Carrigaline team who took part in the Feile Competition over the past weekend, reaching the quarter final stage of the competition. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 01/06/2019 SPORT - Coach Brendan O'Driscoll gives a final few words to his Carrigaline team prior to their game against Blackrock in the Feile competition at the Carrigaline GAA Club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 01/06/2019 SPORT - Callum Finnegan receives the Danny Crowley Memorial Trophy for the Best Goalkeeper from Willie Walsh, Chairman Carrigaline soccer club and Val Sexton at the recent Pat Allen Day Under age Awards at Ballea Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Newly elected Cork County Councillor Ben Dalton O'Sullivan pictured with Bishop John Buckley at the recent Pioneer Pin Presentations in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Diocesan Council Officers Jim Crowley, Sorcha Ni Laoghaire (President Cork Region), Aisling Cogan, Barry Cogan and Sheila Murphy pictured with Bishop John Buckley at the recent Pioneer Pin Presentations in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Bishop John Buckley pictured with Mary Murphy and Kathleen Aherne who were presented with Diamond Jubilee Pioneer Pins and Certificates in Carrigaline recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Lawraince Drinan (centre) pictured with John and Paddy O'Connell who all received Diamond Jubilee Pioneer Pins and Certificates from Bishop John Buckley at a ceremony held in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Bishop John Buckley pictured with members of the O'Connell Family who received Diamond Jubilee Pioneer Pins at a ceremony held in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Included are Paddy O'Connell, Margaret Irvine, Mary Stack and Agnes O'Reilly with John O'Connell (at back). Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Full group of recipients who received Pioneer Pins and Certificates from Bishop John Buckley and Fr Pat Fogarty PP Carrigaline at a recent ceremony in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Full group of recipients who received Diamiond Pioneer Pins and Certificates from Bishop John Buckley and Fr Pat Fogarty PP Carrigaline at a recent ceremony in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Bishop John Buckley and Fr Pat Fogarty PP Carrigaline pictured with Breeda O'Connor, Helen McSweeny (on behalf of Anthony Roche), Michael Twomey and Sean McCarthy who received Gold Pioneer Pins and Certificates at the Pioneer Pin Presentations in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/06/2019 NEWS - Bishop John Buckley and Fr Pat Fogarty PP Carrigaline pictured with Mary Warren, Avril Warren and John Paul Tatton who received Silver medals at the recent Pioneer Pin Presentations in Our Lady and St John Church in Carrigaline. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 Inniscarra celebrate victory over Bride Rovers in the John West Féile na nGael Division 2 Hurling shield final, at Bishopstown. Picture: David Keane.
 6th June 2019........ Sarah Horgan story.... Aileen Meere with her dad Tom Marshall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Sarah Horgan story.... Aileen Meere with her dad Tom Marshall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Sarah Horgan story.... Aileen Meere with her parents Tom and Angela Marshall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... John O'Mahony, Cobh after competing in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Happy competitors after taking part in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Cheering on the swimmers in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Swimmers in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Happy competitors after taking part in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Valerie Coughlan with supporters after competing in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... All smiles after taking part in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Swimmers in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Adrian Healy, Mallow in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Colm Breathnach in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Swimmers in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Margaret Meade in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Alison McCarthy in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Therese Corry after competing in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Rory O'Driscoll, Myrtleville in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Mark Dwyer in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... The scene on the River Lee as swimmers make their way down river from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock in the Rebel Plunge swim, as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Rory Coughlan, Bishopstown in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Neddie Irwin, Dolphin in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Michael O'Regan first home in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Michael O'Regan first home in the Rebel Plunge swim from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Glen Barton on duty on the River Lee as swimmers make their way down river from The Port of Cork to Cork boat club in Blackrock in the Rebel Plunge swim, as part of the Cork Harbour festival
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with artwork of Barley Cove and Derrynane beaches 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with artwork of Barley Cove and Derrynane beaches 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with artwork of Barley Cove and Derrynane beaches 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with one piece of her artwork, showing her three boys Sam, James and Tom on the beach at Ballyrisode in West Cork at Hazelhurst Gallery in Monkstown, Cork.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with one of her artwork 'Believe' at Hazelhurst Gallery in Monkstown, Cork.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with a selection of her artwork at Hazelhurst Gallery in Monkstown, Cork.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with a selection of her artwork at Hazelhurst Gallery in Monkstown, Cork.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with a selection of her artwork at Hazelhurst Gallery in Monkstown, Cork.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019.........Vickie Maye : IE : Monique Howlett with a selection of her artwork at Hazelhurst Gallery in Monkstown, Cork.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Ann Kerins with members of her family, sons John and Paul and daughter Suzanne, with Humphrey Kerins, Norma Kerins and Breda O'Sullivan at the launch of the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Ann Kerins joins in with the organising committee of the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn, from left, John O'Driscoll, JLO; Liam Linehan, JLO: Supt. Mick Comyn, Sgt Stewart Philpott, community policing Southside; Garda Mick O'Connell, community policing Northside and Tony Harnett, JLO 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Ann Kerins joins in with the organising committee of the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn, from left, John O'Driscoll, JLO; Liam Linehan, JLO: Supt. Mick Comyn, Sgt Stewart Philpott, community policing Southside; Garda Mick O'Connell, community policing Northside and Tony Harnett, JLO 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Ann Kerins joins in with the organising committee of the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn, from left, John O'Driscoll, JLO; Liam Linehan, JLO: Supt. Mick Comyn, Sgt Stewart Philpott, community policing Southside; Garda Mick O'Connell, community policing Northside and Tony Harnett, JLO 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Organising committee of the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn, from left, John O'Driscoll, JLO; Liam Linehan, JLO: Supt. Mick Comyn, Sgt Stewart Philpott, community policing Southside; Garda Mick O'Connell, community policing Northside and Tony Harnett, JLO 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Players from Cork GAA clubs who are taking part in the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Ann Kerins with Supt Mick Comyn and Mick O'Connell, community policing Northside and representatives from various Cork GAA clubs who are taking part in the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th June 2019........ Ann Kerins with representatives from various Cork GAA clubs who are taking part in the annual John Kerins football tournament at Pairc Ui Rinn 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019....... Marie Ring, school principal chatting with pupils Barry McCarthy, Patrick O'Sullivan and James Hurley after compelting the junior cert science papers at St Francis College , Rochestown yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019....... Marie Ring, school principal chatting with pupils Barry McCarthy, Patrick O'Sullivan and James Hurley after compelting the junior cert science papers at St Francis College , Rochestown yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019....... Damal Shahid, Isi Haq Abass and Mark O'Sullivan discussing the junior cert science papers after exams at St Francis College , Rochestown yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 10th June 2019....... Damal Shahid, Isi Haq Abass and Mark O'Sullivan discussing the junior cert science papers after exams at St Francis College , Rochestown yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork manager John Meyler shakes hands with Waterford manager Paraic Fanning after the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Tim O'Mahony is tackled by Waterford's Jamie Barron during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Patick horgan shoots over a point against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Waterford's Peter Hogan tended to for cramp against Cork during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork captain Seamus Harnedy is tackled by Waterford's Shane McNulty during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Conor Lhane is tackled by Waterford's Jack Prendergast and Conor Gleeson during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Conor Lhane is tackled by Waterford's Jack Prendergast and Conor Gleeson during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Alan Cardogan takes on Waterford's Darragh Lyons during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Shane Kingston is tackled by Waterford's Shane McNulty during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Happy Cork supporters against Waterford in the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's selctor Kieran Murphy has words for Sean O'Donoghue against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Eoin Cardogan leaves Waterford's Mikey Kearney on the ground as he gets his pass away during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Eoin Cardogan wins the ball from Waterford's Mikey Kearney during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork captain Seamus Harnedy encouraging his side against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork captain Seamus Harnedy encouraging his side against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Sean O'Donoghue and Waterford's Stephen Bennett tussle for the ball during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork manager John Meyler pplauds his side as Waterford manager Paraic Fanning looks on during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Alan Cardogan blasts home his goal past Waterford goalkeeper Billy Nolan during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Alan Cardogan blasts home his goal past Waterford goalkeeper Billy Nolan during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Waterford's Jack Prendrgast is tackled by Cork's Mark Ellis during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Seamus Harnedy has his shot saved by Waterford goalkeeper Billy Nolan during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Waterford's Shane Bennett shows his reation to missed goal chance against Cork during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Mark Coleman and Waterford's Stephen Bennett tussle for the ball during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Sean O'Donoghue and Waterford's Peter Hogan tussle for the ball during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork and Waterford supporters in the South stand in the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Aidan Walsh goes highest against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Niall O'Leary show his frustration to a free against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Waterford's Shane Bennett is tackled by Cork's Robert Downey during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Waterford's Shane Bennett is tackled by Cork's Daniel Kearney during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Aidan Walsh goes high with Waterford's Shane McNulty and Tadhg de Burca during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Patrick Horgan celebrates his and the opening goal against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork's Patrick Horgan celebrates his and the opening goal against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Cork team line up for the anthems against Waterford during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019....... Waterford manager Paraic Fanning and players line up for the National anthem against Cork in during the Munster SHC , round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Paul O'Riordan breaks from from Waterford's Rory Furlong and Caoimhin Walsh during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Isaac Walsh shoots against Waterford during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Isaac Walsh is tackled by from Waterford's Joe Booth during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Jack Cahalane tussles with Waterford's Jack O'Floinn during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Paul O'Riordan shoots from Waterford's Rory Furlong during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Cian McCarthy Waterford's racing away from Waterford's Caolan MacCraith during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Jack Cahalane wins the ball from Waterford's Sean O'Neill during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Darargh O'Flynn racing away from Waterford's Rory Furlong during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Colm McCarthy knocks the ball past Waterford's Jack O'Floinn during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Waterford's Caolan MacCraith gathers the ball from Cork's Cian McCarthy during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Darragh O'Flynn scores a free against Waterford during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's ciaran Joyce gets the ball away from Waterford's Johnny Burke during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's ciaran Joyce gets the ball away from Waterford's Johnny Burke during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Darragh O'Flynn goes high with Waterford's Eddie Walsh during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Darragh O'Flynn goes high with Waterford's Eddie Walsh during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 8th June 2019..... Cork's Ciaran Joyce is tackled by Waterford's Eddie Walsh during the Electric Ireland Munster MHC, round 4 at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Under 11's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Eoghan O'Shea from the under 10's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Under 10's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Under 9's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... CJ O'Connell from under 9's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Under 8's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Hugo, Danu and Luca Hurley at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Under 7's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Under 6's at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Youngsters waiting for their medals at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Jim Rainey, chairman and Terry Dunne,president at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Andrew Walsh, under 7 and Josh McCarthy under 11 at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Youngsters and parents cheering on players at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Alex Kaposta from under 8's during a skills session at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Evan Crowley, (left) under 13 'player of the year' and Andrew Murphy, under 12 most improved player at the Corkbeg AFC annual awards
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Paul and Dylan O'Reilly at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Nicholas Janowski under 12 player of the year at the Corkbeg AFC annual awards
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Darren and Clara Hayes at the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon for academy players under 6 to under 11 to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9th June 2019..... Ben Duggan, under 8's shoots during the Corkbeg AFC annual soccerthon to end the season 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 The Kilcormac Killoughey team celebrating their victory over Valley Rovers, in the John West Feile Division 2 hurling cup final, at Bishopstown GAA Club, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 The Kilcormac Killoughey team celebrating their victory over Valley Rovers, in the John West Feile Division 2 hurling cup final, at Bishopstown GAA Club, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 Mark Mulrooney of Kilcormac Killoughey, is congratulated by his sister Emma, after they defeated Valley Rovers in the John West Feile Division 2 hurling cup final, at Bishopstown GAA Club, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 Valley Rovers' Calum Fennelly clears his lines as Kilcormac Killoughey's Ter Guinan tries to hook him, in the John West Feile Division 2 hurling cup final, at Bishopstown GAA Club, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.


Please note; spelling of Ter is correct.
 Kilcormac Killoughey's Adam Screeney is tackled by Valley Rovers' Sean O'Connor, in the John West Feile Division 2 hurling cup final, at Bishopstown GAA Club, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 Valley Rovers' David Carthew shoots under pressure from Kilcormac Killoughey's Donnacha Kilmartin, in the John West Feile Division 2 hurling cup final, at Bishopstown GAA Club, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

 Newly elected Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr John Sheehan, is congratulated by the outgoing Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Newly elected Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr John Sheehan, is congratulated by the outgoing Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Outgoing Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn, hands over the chain of office to newly elected Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr John Sheehan, at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Members of the newly elected Cork City Council along with council officials, before their AGM and the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Brenda and Ann Boylan from Blarney, are all smiles at the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Cllrs Des Cahill, Sean Martin and Terry Shannon, attending the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Cllrs Joe Kavanagh and Garret Kelleher, at the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Cllrs Colm Kelleher, Maryrose Desmond and Derry Canty, at the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Maria Buckley, Kilnamartyra and Aine Lyons, Tower, at the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
 Sheila Rochford, Model Farm Road and Kerry Harvey, Mallow, attending the election of the Lord Mayor of Cork at City Hall, Cork. 
Picture: David Keane.

EEXXjob Echo Exam News
Emer Kennelly, Ardfert, Co. Kerry, preparing for one of the cattle classes at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Maria Nyhan (left) and Catherine McCarthy, stewards, with some of the trophies for the dog show at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
The overall champion keeping an eye on the trophy in the poultry section at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cub keeping an eye on the dog show during Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Beverley Moore, Devon, was one of the judges for the horse classes at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Josephine Kelleher, Bandon, with Silky at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jessica Howick-Finglas, Clonakilty, (left) and Aisling O'Donovan, Rosscarbery, with Toto the dog at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Micheal and Cathal Murphy, Blarney, relaxing in the sunshine at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Oliver Hassett, Clonakilty, enjoying Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Elmarie Kelleher, Bandon, at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jerry O'Keeffe and his daughters Alison and Shannon, Schull, helping to feed two pet lambs with Ger's Mobile Farm at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Sarah Murphy, Crookstown, met Peter the rabbit of Ger's Mobile Farm at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Declan, Geraldine and Matthew O'Regan, Ardfield, at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Larry O'Sullivan, Clonakilty, with Moly and Mylo at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Larry O'Sullivan, Clonakilty, with Moly and Mylo at Clonakilty Agricultural Show, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE SPORT 08/06/2019 
Avondale United's David Kiely and Rockmount's Andy Lee Reynolds in action in the O'Connell Cup semi-final at Rockmount Park.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE SPORT 08/06/2019 
Avondale United goalkeeper Sean Barron saves a penalty against Rockmount in the O'Connell Cup semi-final at Rockmount Park.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE SPORT 08/06/2019 
Rockmount's Adam Lee Reynolds and Avondale United's Eoghan Lougheed going high for the ball in the O'Connell Cup semi-final at Rockmount Park.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE SPORT 08/06/2019 
Rockmount's Danny Aherne trying to block a shot by Avondale United's Jamie Murphy in the O'Connell Cup semi-final at Rockmount Park.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE SPORT 08/06/2019 
Rockmount's Cian O'Driscoll and Avondale United's Jamie Murphy in a tussle for the ball in the O'Connell Cup semi-final at Rockmount Park.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO LIVE SPORT 08/06/2019 
Avondale Unted's Josh O'Shea and Rockmount's Jason Sexton trying to win the ball in the O'Connell Cup semi-final at Rockmount Park.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS (with catherine shanahan story) 08/06/2019 
Adam King, Killeagh, of the Youghal junior group, on stage in Cork Opera House with the Sinéad Sheppard School of Dance production of Gotta Dance 2019.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS (with catherine shanahan story) 08/06/2019 
Adam King with his brothers Danny and Robert and his sister Katie, Killeagh, and the Youghal junior group taking to the stage in Cork Opera House with the Sinéad Sheppard School of Dance for the production of Gotta Dance 2019.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS (with catherine shanahan story) 08/06/2019 
Adam King, Killeagh, of the Youghal junior group, on stage in Cork Opera House with the Sinéad Sheppard School of Dance production of Gotta Dance 2019.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS (with catherine shanahan story) 08/06/2019 
Adam King, Killeagh, of the Youghal junior group, on stage in Cork Opera House with the Sinéad Sheppard School of Dance production of Gotta Dance 2019.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS (with catherine shanahan story) 08/06/2019 
Adam King, Killeagh, with his brothers Danny and Robert and his sister Katie of the Youghal junior group, on stage in Cork Opera House with the Sinéad Sheppard School of Dance production of Gotta Dance 2019.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS (with catherine shanahan story) 08/06/2019 
The Youghal junior group, including members of the King family, on stage in the Sinéad Sheppard School of Dance production of Gotta Dance 2019 in Cork Opera House.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, the new Mayor of the County of Cork, pictured outside Cork County Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, the new Mayor of the County of Cork, pictured outside Cork County Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, the new Mayor of the County of Cork, pictured outside Cork County Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Leia and Rhys Finn, Clonakilty, enjoying their visit to Inchydoney beach, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Neasa O'Keeffe and her sons Ruadhán, Odhran and Finn Latten, Clonakilty, enjoying their visit to Inchydoney beach, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 David Horgan, Ovens, Cork with Ray D’Arcy prior to takig part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Sisters Kay O’Leary, Hannah Kennedy, Alice and Ellen Dowd from KIllarney with Ray D’Arcy prior to takig part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ray D’Arcy with runners David Herlihy, Sean Coen and Joe Murphy who took part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ray D’Arcy host of his own afternoon show on RTE 1 with RTE Radio 1 news reporter Brian O’Connell , TV Chef Rachael Allen and musician John Spillane, who took part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ray D’Arcy host of his own afternoon show on RTE 1 with RTE Radio 1 news reporter Brian O’Connell , TV Chef Rachael Allen and musician John Spillane, who took part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ray D’Arcy host of his own afternoon show on RTE 1 with musician John Spillane, TV chef Rachel Allen and RTE Radio 1 news reporter Brian O’Connell getting ready to take part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ray D’Arcy host of his own afternoon show on RTE 1 with musician John Spillane, TV chef Rachel Allen and RTE Radio 1 news reporter Brian O’Connell getting ready to take part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ray D’Arcy host of his own afternoon show on RTE 1 with musician John Spillane, TV chef Rachel Allen and RTE Radio 1 news reporter Brian O’Connell getting ready to take part in the run 5k with RAY at the Regional Park, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Glasheen National School having fun with Rena Buckley the winner of 18 All-Ireland medals who was recognised for her achievements with a Degree of Doctor of Arts at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Professor Gerry Boyle, a Degree of Doctor of Arts, Daragh Horgan, a Degree of Doctor of Laws, Rena Buckley ,a Degree of Doctor of Arts , Siobhán Talbot, a Degree of Doctor of Laws and Marty Meehan, a Degree of Doctor of Education at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Professor Gerry Boyle, a Degree of Doctor of Arts, Daragh Horgan, a Degree of Doctor of Laws, Rena Buckley ,a Degree of Doctor of Arts , Siobhán Talbot, a Degree of Doctor of Laws and Marty Meehan, a Degree of Doctor of Education at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Glasheen National School having fun with Rena Buckley the winner of 18 All-Ireland medals who was recognised for her achievements with a Degree of Doctor of Arts at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Glasheen National School having fun with Rena Buckley the winner of 18 All-Ireland medals who was recognised for her achievements with a Degree of Doctor of Arts at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Rena Buckley the winner of 18 All-Ireland medals keeps an eye on the camera at a ceremony where she was recognised for her achievements with a Degree of Doctor of Arts at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Glasheen National School having fun with Rena Buckley the winner of 18 All-Ireland medals who was recognised for her achievements with a Degree of Doctor of Arts at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Glasheen National School having fun with Rena Buckley the winner of 18 All-Ireland medals who was recognised for her achievements with a Degree of Doctor of Arts at University College Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, I Con Prout as Pat Mustard. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, John A. Murphy, lighting the candles on the birthday cake. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins
. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins,
Ollie Murphy. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, 
John A. Murphy. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, Katie Duggan. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, Included are John A. Murphy, Csaba Pap, Grace Rama, Katie Duggan, Ollie Murphy and bus driver Denis Cronin. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, Included are bus driver Denis Cronin, Katei Duggan, Csaba Pap, Grace Rama, Ollie Murphy and John A. Murphy. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, Included from left, Con Prout, John A. Murphy, Csaba Pap, Grace Rama, Katie Duggan, Ollie Murphy and bus driver Denis Cronin. Picture Dan Linehan
 on the buses Fr. Ted birthday party for Dan Collins, wtih Con Prout in the birthday cake as Pat Mustard. Picture Dan Linehan
 Eoghan Dinan, Deputy Editor of The Echo with thenew Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan during this visit to the offices of The Echo in Blackpool, Cork. Also included are Nicholas Carroll, Administrative Officer, Corporate Affairs, Cork City Council and Rory Noonan, The Echo. Picture Dan Linehan
 Eoghan Dinan, Deputy Editor of The Echo making a presentation to the new Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan during this visit to the offices of The Echo in Blackpool, Cork. Also included are Nicholas Carroll, Administrative Officer, Corporate Affairs, Cork City Council and staff members of The Echo. Picture Dan Linehan
 Bertie Sheehan at the Audi showrooms at Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kevin Keenan at the Audi showrooms at Bishopstown, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Shane O’Donoghue, Bertie Sheehan, Kevin Keenan and Andrew Oliver all members of the Audi Sales team standing next to an Audi e-tron in their showrooms at Bishopstown, Cork.
 6th June 2019........ Sarah Horgan story.... Aileen Meere with her dad Tom Marshall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 9 June 2019; Rory Burns of Down in action against Josh Keane of Tipperary during the GAA Football All-Ireland Senior Championship Round 1 match between Down and Tipperary at Pairc Esler in Newry, Down. Photo by David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile 
 Keywords: GAA, Football
 Artist, Bennie Reilly, Dublin.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Artist, Bennie Reilly, Dublin.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Davey Moor (spelling of Moor OK), Dublin with Artist, Bennie Reilly, Dublin.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Michael Waldron, Crawford Art Gallery and Ann Luttrell, Triskel.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Laurence and Molly Buckley, Blackrock.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mike and Carol Hodder, Fountainstown.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Gillian Hennessy, Triskel and Agnes O'Sullivan, City Centre.
XXjob 06/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
The New Past Exhibition by Bennie Reilly, at the Gallery Space, Triskel, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Junior Cert student, William Tun, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Junior Cert student, William Tun, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Principal, Kathleen Lowney with Leaving Cert students, Mary Coffey and Aisling O'Sullivan, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Principal, Kathleen Lowney with Leaving Cert students, Mary Coffey and Aisling O'Sullivan, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving Cert students, Daniel Akinrinbola, Jonathan McLean and Liam McGeough, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving Cert students, Daniel Akinrinbola, Jonathan McLean and Liam McGeough, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving Cert students, Noemi Aradi, Jessie Morley and Maeve O'Sullivan, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving Cert students, Noemi Aradi, Jessie Morley and Maeve O'Sullivan, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving Cert students, Sinead Corcoran, Rob Cahill and Eoghan O'Shaughnessy, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving Cert students, Chidera Eze, Niamh Twomey and Daniel Dinneen, after Maths Paper 1.
XXjob 07/06/2019. 
Irish Examiner.
Maths Paper 1, at Ballincollig Community School, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EE 05/06/2019 SPORT - Douglas Hall's Carissa Murphy and Laura Lynch of Wilton tussle for possession during the CWSSL Senior Womens Premier division match at Moneygourney. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/06/2019 SPORT - Ava Lehane of Douglas Hall clashes with Wilton's Susan Edmonds during the CWSSL Senior Womens Premier division match at Moneygourney. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/06/2019 SPORT - Miriam Reardon of Douglas Hall clears the ball away from Wilton's Susan Edmonds during the CWSSL Senior Womens Premier division match at Moneygourney. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/06/2019 SPORT - Wilton's Susan Edmunds clears the ball away from Elizabeth Hill of Douglas Hall during the CWSSL Senior Womens Premier division match at Moneygourney. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/06/2019 SPORT - Wilton's Rebecca Price and Ciara Desmond of Douglas Hall clash over a high ball during the CWSSL Senior Womens Premier division match at Moneygourney. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/06/2019 SPORT - Wilton's Laura Lynch manages to pull away from Michelle Condon of Douglas Hall during the CWSSL Senior Womens Premier division match at Moneygourney. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn, throws the ball in to officially start the John West Feile hurling and camogie competitions, at St Finbarrs GAA Club in Togher.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo Sport
 Jenny Larkin of John West marketing, makes the presentation to Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn, before the start of the John West Feile hurling and camogie competitions, at St Finbarrs GAA Club in Togher.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo Sport
 Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn, with players from St Finbarr's and Clara from Co Kilkenny, before officially starting the John West Feile hurling and camogie competitions, at St Finbarrs GAA Club in Togher.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo Sport
 Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn chats with St Finbarr's club president John Cremin, at the start the John West Feile hurling and camogie competitions, at St Finbarrs GAA Club in Togher.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo Sport
 Eleanor Doyle, St Finbarr's, makes the presentation to Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn, at the start of the John West Feile hurling and camogie competitions, at St Finbarr's GAA Club in Togher. Also included are from left, Donal Murray, St Finbarr's, Tony O'Brien, referee, Sean McCarthy, St Finbarr's and Alan O'Connor, referee.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo Sport
 Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn cuts the ribbon with pupils and parents association members Jessie Connolly and Amanda Linehan along with school principal Maeve Griffin, second right, to officially open the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Ruby Grace O'Connor and Layla O'Callaghan, busy working at the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Julia Kominek, Amelia Baita and Pauline Andronati, enjoying the sunshine at the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Mary Moore and Lily McCarthy, are all smiles at the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Page Connolly and Ramneet Kaur, having fun at the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Lillian English and Katie McCormack, at the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Casey Wallace and Lucy Kiely, playing hopscotch during the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Lydia O'Neill and Holly Conlon, relaxing during the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 SNA Shannen O'Sullivan, enjoying the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane, with pupils Zoe Cox, Sean Healy, Sean Harrington, Alex Bradshaw and Vladi Kubraks .
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone

Please note: spelling of Shannen is correct.
 Kelsey Sexton and Holly Connolly, are all smiles at the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
 Amy O'Brien and Lena Matuaka, enjoying the opening of the sensory garden at Scoil Maria Assumpta in Ballyphehane.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Kidz Zone
Dr. Kate Kirby, head of psychology at the Sport Ireland Institute, pictured at the National Rowing Centre, Farran Wood, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Ben Dalton O'Sullivan, the youngest member of Cork County Council, and Cllr. Noel Collins, the longest serving member of the council, pictured at the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Brothers Cllr. Tony O'Shea (left) and Cllr. John Paul O'Shea at the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, who was elected as the new Mayor of the County of Cork during the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall, pictured with his parents Christy and Paddi, his sisters Anne Cullinane and Eimear Nelley, and his nieces and nephew Faye Clague and Anna, Iris and Patrick Nelley.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, who was elected as the new Mayor of the County of Cork during the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall, pictured with his parents Christy and Paddi.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, (right) who was elected as the new Mayor of the County of Cork during the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall, being congratulated by Cllr. Patrick Gerard Murphy, outgoing Mayor. Left is Tim Lucey, chief executive, Cork County Council.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Patrick Gerard Murphy, outgoing Mayor of the County of Cork, (centre) handing over the chain of office to Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan who was elected as the new Mayor during the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall. Left is Tim Lucey, chief executive, Cork County Council.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan, (right) who was elected as the new Mayor of the County of Cork during the first meeting of the new Cork County Council members at Cork County Hall, being congratulated by Cllr. Patrick Gerard Murphy, outgoing Mayor. Left is Tim Lucey, chief executive, Cork County Council.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 20190529 Boxing - Tommy Kelleher Recognition Night, Cork City Hall - Thomas Kalinauskas, Caitriona Twomey, Denis Desmond, John Foley and Paddy Aldworth pictured at the tribute night to Glen BC Coach Tommy Kelleher in Cork City Hall. Picture:Doug Minihane
 Vivienne McCarthy, Glanmire.
EEjob 06/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Street Style with Sarah, on Opera Lane, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Laura Hannon, from Glanworth.
EEjob 06/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Street Style with Sarah, on Opera Lane, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Claudia O'Leary, Blackpool.
EEjob 06/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Street Style with Sarah, on Patrick Street, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The Murphy quads celebrating their 10th birthday this weekend from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy, pictured as they were 10 years ago
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 The Murphy quads celebrating their 10th birthday this weekend from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy, pictured as they were 10 years ago
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy with mum Brenda at home 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Amy Murphy 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Shauna Murphy 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Katie 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY Kellie Murphy 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Shauna, Kellie, Amy and Katie 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads front top Amy, Shauna, Katie and Kellie 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads front Kellie, Katie and back Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads front Kellie, Katie and back Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads pose as they were on their 10th and 1st birthdays from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........WOW ONLY The Murphy quads pose as they were on their 10th and 1st birthdays from left, Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Eoin O'Mahony, heading off his bike from O'Mahony butchers in the English market
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Eoin O'Mahony, heading off his bike from O'Mahony butchers in the English market
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Eoin O'Mahony, heading off his bike from O'Mahony butchers in the English market
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Eoin O'Mahony, heading off his bike from O'Mahony butchers in the English market
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Eoin O'Mahony, heading off his bike from O'Mahony butchers in the English market
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Colbert Kearney (left) with Tomas McCarthy during a reading from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019....... Jean Curtayne and Jean Gardiner at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019....... Michael and Deirdre O'Connell at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019.......Alan and Maurice Sweeney at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019....... Ger and Emelie Fitzgibbon at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019....... Tomas McCarthy and Gerry Murphy at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019....... Chris Carroll, Margaret Manning and Martin Hurley at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019....... Sean O'Coileain and David Morgan at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........Lee Jenkins and Ann Luttrell at the reading by Colbert Kearney from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Colbert Kearney during a reading from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 5th June 2019........ Colbert Kearney during a reading from his book Down By The Liffeyside at Cork City Library, Grand parade
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 Eoghan Ruane from Midleton comparing notes with Sarah-Jane Lewis from Cloyne, after completing their Leaving Cert Engineering papers at St Colman's Community College, Midleton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 Shane McEvoy from Leamlara, after completing his Leaving Cert Engineering paper at St Colman's Community College, Midleton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 Ivan Merz from Aghada, after completing his Leaving Cert Engineering paper at St Colman's Community College, Midleton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 Fionn O'Connell from Midleton, after completing his Leaving Cert Engineering paper at St Colman's Community College, Midleton, Co Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
James-O Leary-DKE290519soccer004 
 Eddie Doyle of CSL, presents the U13 Player-of-the-Year award to James O'Leary of Douglas Hall, at the CSL annual awards ceremony at the Commons Inn.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo Sport
 Construction of new houses on Capwell Road, Turners Cross, Cork. 06/06/1927 Ref. 42A
 Returning Officer Martin Harvey, on the way to announce the election results.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Deirdre Clune and husband Conor, at the announcement of the election.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Grace O'Sullivan, with supporters, after the announcement of the election.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Deirdre Clune, waiting for the announcement of the election.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Grace O'Sullivan and Deirdre Clune, shake hands after the announcement of their election.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The announcement of Deirdre Clune, as being elected, with her supporters.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The announcement of Grace O'Sullivan as being elected with her supporters.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The announcement of Grace O'Sullivan and Deirdre Clune, as being elected.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Count Staff working at Nemo Rangers.
EEjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Count Staff working at Nemo Rangers.
EEjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Grace O'Sullivan, during the announcement of the Mick Wallace election.
EEjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Grace O'Sullivan, during the announcement of the Mick Wallace election.
EEjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Mick Wallace supporters, John Byrne, Derval Moran, Antionette Byrne Moran and Paudie O'Shea, after the announcement he was elected.
EEjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Returning Officer, Martin Harvey, during the announcement that Mick Wallace is elected.
EEjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Europe Count Centre Ireland South, at Nemo Rangers Gaa Club, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Twins, Anna Harris and Kate Harris, Junior Cert Students after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Eimear Murphy, Anna Harris, Jessica Daniel and Kate Harris, Junior Cert Students after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Rhea Singhal and Eliza Neumann, Junior Cert Students after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving cert students, (front row) Kerri Hourigan, Ellen Buckley, Eimear Hurley, (back row) Becca Cotter, Emily Shannon, Amy O'Callaghan, after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving cert students, (front row) Kerri Hourigan, Ellen Buckley, Eimear Hurley, (back row) Becca Cotter, Emily Shannon, Amy O'Callaghan, after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving cert students, Meadhbh McCarthy, Clodagh Flynn, Aisling O'Toole and Hayley Leslie, after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving cert students, Meadhbh McCarthy, Clodagh Flynn, Aisling O'Toole and Hayley Leslie, after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving cert students, Brid Hegarty and Deimante Miezetute, after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Leaving cert students, Brid Hegarty and Deimante Miezetute, after English Paper 1.
EEXXjob 05/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
2019 Leaving Certificate Exams, English Paper 1, students at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Pauline Doyle of Rosog Equine and Dashing Hounds Rescue, Lismore, Co Waterford, with 2-year-old dachshund Broc.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 2-year-old dachshund Broc of Rosog Equine and Dashing Hounds Rescue, Lismore, Co Waterford. 
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 2-year-old dachshund Broc of Rosog Equine and Dashing Hounds Rescue, Lismore, Co Waterford. 
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 Pauline Doyle of Rosog Equine and Dashing Hounds Rescue, Lismore, Co Waterford, with 2-year-old dachshund Broc.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News
 Frank Geary, enjoying the work of the Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Eugene Trindles of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) working on his creation at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Tom Wallace of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) with a finished Cow Horn handle and a work in progress, at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 John Keohane of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) working on his stick at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Joe Taylor of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) filing his stick at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Roger McNamara and Dick Dineen of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) working on their sticks at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Journalist Ellie O'Byrne keeping a close eye on the work of Rosemarie Nagle of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Journalist Ellie O'Byrne with instructor Pat O'Sullivan of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Journalist Ellie O'Byrne with instructor Pat O'Sullivan of Celtic Stickmakers (Cork Branch) at the Lough Scout Hall, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

XXjob Exam News/Socials
 Personal trainer Michelle O'Brien of Mindset Fitness, giving instructions to Michelle Fitzgerald from Hollyhill, at her gym at St Vincent's GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Sport
 Personal trainer Michelle O'Brien of Mindset Fitness, giving instructions to Michelle Fitzgerald from Hollyhill, at her gym at St Vincent's GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Sport
 Personal trainer Michelle O'Brien of Mindset Fitness, giving instructions to Michelle Fitzgerald from Hollyhill, at her gym at St Vincent's GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Sport
 Personal trainer Michelle O'Brien of Mindset Fitness, at her gym at St Vincent's GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Sport
 Personal trainer Michelle O'Brien of Mindset Fitness, at her gym at St Vincent's GAA Club.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News/Sport
 IE The Echo Live News 04/06/2019 
A heron in flight at the Lee Fields, Cork. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE The Echo Live News 04/06/2019 
A heron in flight at the Lee Fields, Cork. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 Exam attendent Liam O’Connell getting the hall ready for the Leaving and Junior cert exams at Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam Superintendent Micheál Mac Suibhne and Exam attendent Liam O’Connell getting the hall ready for the Leaving and Junior cert exams at Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam attendent Liam O’Connell getting the hall ready for the Leaving and Junior cert exams at Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 IE LIVE NEWS .... (local, jack power)
Charlie Hennessy who is to be conferred with a Doctor of Law by the National University of Ireland at U.C.C. photographed in Monkstown, Co. Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE FEATURES 04/06/2013 ... 
Gautham and Caroline Iyer at their South Indian Café, Iyer's, Pope's Quay, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 The Echo 04/06/2019 
On the Buses with Sarah Horgan.
Joanna Courtney. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 Benjamin Martin at Optimal Chiropractic, Station Road, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Benjamin Martin at Optimal Chiropractic, Station Road, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Benjamin Martin at Optimal Chiropractic, Station Road, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Benjamin Martin at Optimal Chiropractic, Station Road, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam attendent Liam O’Connell getting the hall ready for the Leaving and Junior cert exams at Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam Superintendent James Cooney getting his room ready for the leaving and junior cert examinations Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam Superintendent James Cooney with attendent Katie Lordon getting their room ready for the leaving and junior cert examinations Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam Superintendent James Cooney with attendents Katie Lordon and Julie Creedon bringing in the leaving and junior cert papers to Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Exam Superintendent James Cooney with attendents Katie Lordon and Julie Creedon bringing in the leaving and junior cert papers to Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Marie Callanan of CRY Ireland, cardiac risk in the young was presented with The Echo charity bet by the winner Finbarr Murphy, Fairhill, Cork. Also included are kevin Smith, The Echo, John Morey, regional manager, Boyle Sports, sponsors and Donal Callanan, CRY Ireland. Picture Dan Linehan
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, with his mum, Claire Connolly Doyle, at their home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, with his mum, Claire Connolly Doyle, at their home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, with his mum, Claire Connolly Doyle, at their home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 04/06/2019. 
Echo News.
Sarah Horgan request.
Kevin Corr, Cork's Youngest Drag Queen, at his home in Douglas, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 The Echo 04/06/2019 
On the Buses with Sarah Horgan.
Katrin Dettenborn with Eeva and Eero. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo 04/06/2019 
On the Buses with Sarah Horgan.
Robert Kelly. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo 04/06/2019 
On the Buses with Sarah Horgan.
Hannah Odunjo. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo Live Sport 01/06/2019 
Corkbeg's Evan Crowley celebrates after scoring a second half goal against Everton in the Cork Schoolboys League Under 13 Division 3 game at Coffey's Field. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo Live Sport 01/06/2019 
Everton's Trevor Mohammed (no. 9) shoots past Corkbeg goalkeeper Eoin Spillane to score a goal in the Cork Schoolboys League Under 13 Division 3 game at Coffey's Field. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo Live Sport 01/06/2019 
Corkbeg's Ronan Devoy trying to win the ball from Everton's Cian Power in the Cork Schoolboys League Under 13 Division 3 game at Coffey's Field. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo Live Sport 01/06/2019 
Corkbeg's Niall Kirrane and Everton's Matthew Ahern in a tussle for the ball in the Cork Schoolboys League Under 13 Division 3 game at Coffey's Field. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo Live Sport 01/06/2019 
Everton's Ciaran Nagle being challenged by Corkbeg's Sean Corkery in the Cork Schoolboys League Under 13 Division 3 game at Coffey's Field. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo Live Sport 01/06/2019 
Corkbeg's Niall Kirrane makes a break through the centre against Everton in the Cork Schoolboys League Under 13 Division 3 game at Coffey's Field. 
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Sean Óg Ó hAilpin, former Cork hurling star, pictured with Cian, Eoghan and Aoife Condon, Mallow, at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Niamh Hennessy, Liscarroll, with Erin O'Connell, Cork Rose, and Demi Isaac Oviawe of The Young Offenders at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Sean Óg Ó hAilpin, former Cork hurling star; Erin O'Connell, Cork Rose, and Demi Isaac Oviawe of The Young Offenders at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Sean Óg Ó hAilpin, former Cork hurling star; Demi Isaac Oviawe of The Young Offenders and Erin O'Connell, Cork Rose, pictured with some of the volunteers with Mallow Special Olympics at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Jason Buckley, Mallow, pictured with Demi Isaac Oviawe of The Young Offenders, Erin O'Connell, Cork Rose, and Sean Óg Ó hAilpin, former Cork hurling star, at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Maurice McNamara of D Pack Ltd. scoring a goal in the cup final at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
The Southern Tapes and D Pack Ltd. teams which contested the cup final at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Sean Óg Ó hAilpin, former Cork hurling star, and Demi Isaac Oviawe of The Young Offenders pictured with twins Sarah and Lauren Finnegan, Ballyclough, at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Eileen Whelan (left) and Kathleen Whelan, Mallow, at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
At an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels were Colum, Oonagh, Irene and Isobel Kellegher, Liscarroll.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Caitlín Hennessy, Liscarroll, at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 01/06/2019 
Killian Buckley in goal for the John Russell & Co. team at an All-Star Floorball Competition at Mallow Youth Centre, Co. Cork, to raise funds for Munster Special Olympics and Cliona's Foundation and sponsored by Munster Labels.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 Norma Lordan, Bandon on a 1907 Marshall at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Mick Fitzpatrick, Mountmellick, Co Laois at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evan and Jai Kelleher, Bandon on their grandfathers Marshall at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Linda Cian and Gavin Thompson, Bandon in their mini at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Cian and Eoghan Condon, Mallow having fun on a tractor at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Shane Brooks and Natasha Foster, Carlow on their 1921 Marshall at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Steam engines at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Wexford men John Keogh and Philip Jackman at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Tom Deely, Rockchapel and Donie Reidy, Knocknagoshel relax on a Massey Ferguson tractor at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Joey, Caroline and Bobby Power, Carrigtwohill at the annual steam rally at Upton, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The holiday house near Toormore, Schull, Co Cork where the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on the lane way of the property on December the 23rd 1996. Picture Dan Linehan
 The holiday house near Toormore, Schull, Co Cork where the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on the lane way of the property on December the 23rd 1996. Picture Dan Linehan
 The holiday house near Toormore, Schull, Co Cork where the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on the lane way of the property on December the 23rd 1996. Picture Dan Linehan
 The holiday house near Toormore, Schull, Co Cork where the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on the lane way of the property on December the 23rd 1996. Picture Dan Linehan
 The holiday house near Toormore, Schull, Co Cork where the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on the lane way of the property on December the 23rd 1996. Picture Dan Linehan
 The holiday house near Toormore, Schull, Co Cork where the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on the lane way of the property on December the 23rd 1996. Picture Dan Linehan
 Paul O’Neill, Kealkill taking it easy at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey having a cup of coffee at the Bake House in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey having a cup of coffee at the Bake House in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey having a cup of coffee at the Bake House in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey having a cup of coffee at the Bake House in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey having a cup of coffee at the Bake House in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey having a cup of coffee at the Bake House in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ian Bailey shopping at the Country market in Bantry, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 William Ryan, Ballydehob with his donkey at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Louise Walsh, Cork, Helina O’Sullivan, Barryroe and Clíona Ní Liatháin, Kilworth with Westmount Wind chimes at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Young Darragh Gleeson, Skibbereen with his pony Charlie at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 James Collins leading his donkey Jenny as his grandfather Michael Collins, Leap and Gerarld O’Driscoll, Ballydehob urge him on at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Chloe O’Donovan, Bandon with her pony Bono at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 James Collins leading his donkey Jenny as his grandfather Michael Collins, Leap and Gerarld O’Driscoll, Ballydehob urge him on at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Katie Duggan, Dunmanway with her horse Coosheen Jason at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Donal and Liam O’Mahony, Castlehaven with their pony Archie at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Katie Duggan, Dunmanway with her horse Coosheen Jason at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ghost the Irish Wolfhound with its owner April Angold, Coomanore South, Bantry getting an ice-cream from Fiona Phelan of Mr. Cool at the annual Horse and Pony Show at Leap, West Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Nicholas and Eddie O’ Sullivan at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Paul Galvin with the under 12’s and 13’s at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kayla Walsh and Rebecca O’Sullivan at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Adam Spillane, Colin Hennigan- Ring, Matthew Collins and Rhys Scanlon at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 One year old Zac Walsh at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Amy Caulfield and Lisa O’Sullivan at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 James Fogerty and Colin Yelverton at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Ciran Galvin and Ben O’Connell at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The 7’s and 8’s with David Ginnifer, Cian Coleman and Colin Yelverton at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The U7’s and 8’s with Liam O’Connor, Regina Carroll and Sean Murphy at the Leeds annual academy blitz and family day at Leeds Park, Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Imogen Lawless-Greene, Tipperary with her pony Mountain Ash of Glendhu at the 75th-anniversary agricultural show at Belgooly, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Gloghroe National School in Cork, getting ready to take part in the dress rehearsal for their annual school play, Beauty and the Beast which will run in the school hall from the 4th to the 6th of June. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Gloghroe National School in Cork, getting ready to take part in the dress rehearsal for their annual school play, Beauty and the Beast which will run in the school hall from the 4th to the 6th of June. Included are costume designer Orla Leonard and director Karen Kelly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Pupils of Gloghroe National School in Cork, getting ready to take part in the dress rehearsal for their annual school play, Beauty and the Beast which will run in the school hall from the 4th to the 6th of June. Included are Eoin Dwyer, David Enright, Grace Kennedy, Emma Dunne, Grace Murphy and Lucy Kirwan. Picture Dan Linehan
 Saoirse Noonan, Cork in action upfront against Kerry.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Saoirse Noonan, Cork in action upfront against Kerry.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Saoirse Noonan, Cork in action upfront against Kerry.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Ciara O'Sullivan, Cork runs at Kerry at pace.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Orla Finn, Cork runs at Kerry at pace.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Aishling Hutchings, Cork runs is tackled by Amy Foley, Kerry.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Orla Finn, Cork runs at Kerry at pace.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Orla Finn, Cork runs at Kerry at pace.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
TG4 Munster Ladies Football Senior Championship 2019 at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Kerry.
 Paul Kerrigan in action for Cork against Limerick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Full forward Brian Hurley in action for Cork against Limerick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Ruairi Deane in a tussle for possession for Cork against Limerick corner back Brian Fanning.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Ruairi Deane blasts in a goal for for Cork against Limerick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Corner forward Paul Kerrigan in action for Cork against Limerick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Ruairi Deane in action for Cork against Limerick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Mark Collins (Castlehaven) kicks a point for Cork against Limerick.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Munster Senior Football Championship 2019 Semi-final at Pairc Ui Rinn; Cork vs Limerick.
 Jack Walsh Avondale United.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 Avondale United fans enjoying the game.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 Josh O'Shea scores for Avondale United.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 Eoghan Lougheed, Avondale United in action in defence against UCC.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 Josh O'Shea, Avondale United.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 UCC 'keeper Cathal O'Hanlon in action.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 Danny O'Connell, Avondale United.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork (UCC) at Turner's Cross.
 Match Hero Mark O'Sullivan, Avondale United who scored the late equalizer forcing extra-time. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork UCC at Turner's Cross.
 Match Hero Mark O'Sullivan who scored the late equalizer forcing extra-time in a gripping game.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Beamish Cup Final; Avondale United vs University College, Cork UCC at Turner's Cross.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, surfaces after duck diving under Trinity Bridge.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, approaching Trinity Bridge.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, South Gate Bridge, supported by Jack O'Keeffe in the Kayak.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, after passing Gaol Bridge at Gaol Cross, supported by Jack O'Keeffe in the Kayak.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, approaching Gaol Bridge at Gaol Cross.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, approaching Gaol Bridge at Gaol Cross, supported by Jack O'Keeffe in the Kayak.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim, approaching Gaol Bridge at Gaol Cross, supported by Jack O'Keeffe in the Kayak.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, during his River Lee swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, at the start of his swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, at the start of his swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ned Denison, at the start of his swim.
EEXXjob 03/06/2019. 
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Ned Denison, Distance Swimmer, swimming the River Lee, starting in the South Channel by the Kingsley Hotel and returning up the North Channel.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 31st May 2019.... For EE Robert McNamara..... Linda O'Halloran, Shandon stret festival organiser and James Nolan, Shandon street business association
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 31st May 2019.... For EE Robert McNamara..... Linda O'Halloran, Shandon stret festival organiser and James Nolan, Shandon street business association
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 31st May 2019.... For EE Robert McNamara..... Linda O'Halloran, Shandon stret festival organiser and James Nolan, Shandon street business association
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019.... Kieran Ryan and his daughter Clara O'Donoghue playing the drums at the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019.... Timmy the dog keeps watch for Anita Locke and Fiona Shanahan competing in the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019.... Jenni O'Connor after competing in the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019..... All makes of river craft on the River Lee at the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019... Moving boats at the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019.... William Hammond, Gerard Corkery , Laurence Courtney and Jim O'Donovan , Naomhoga Chorcai after competing in the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019..... Frank Balfry, Kerrypike after competing in the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019..... Crowd line to quay side at the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019.... Kirkwood Sheldon after competing in the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 1st June 2019.... Dublin Viking's after competing in the Ocean to City race , part of the Cork Harbour festival in Cork on Saturday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare

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