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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

Images 481-540 of 1,892 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
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 Rio Corriea as Joseph, angel Lucy O'Driscoll and Amelia Likutu as Mary, in a scene from the nativity play of St Mary's on the Hill NS, Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 The Innkeepers on stage during the nativity play of St Mary's on the Hill NS, Knocknaheeny.
Picture: David Keane.

EEjob Echo News
 MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME, Sam Lucey meets his grandmother, Felicity Lucey, from the Model Farm Road, also included is Sam's mum, Didge, after they flew home from Dubai.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Leah O'Sullivan, Togher.
EEjob 19/12/2019
Echo News. 
Street Style with Sarah Horgan, on Patrick Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Molly McCann, Tramore.
EEjob 19/12/2019
Echo News. 
Street Style with Sarah Horgan, on Patrick Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Sam Twomey, from Blarney.
EEjob 19/12/2019
Echo News. 
Street Style with Sarah Horgan, on Patrick Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Lauren Healy, home for Christmas from Swansea, greeted by grandad, Georger Healy from Knocknaheeny.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 At the Airport from Millstreet, Brian, Michael and Abbey Cremin, to meet, Katie O'Shea, who flew home from Geneva.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Home for Christmas from Sydney, Ross, DJ and baby Nessa Byrne and meeting baby Nessa for the first time are Lara and Kay Byrne.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Home for Christmas from Dubai, Siobhan Greene, (centre) greeted by Cian and Mary Greene, from Killeagh.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Just off the Amasterdam flight and home for Christmas, Saoirse and Lynda Russell are greeted by Deirdre Russell, Carrigaline.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Geraldine Jones, (2nd from left) Barracks Street, greets her daughter Jamie Jones, home from London, also included are Max von Mensenkampff and Eimear Allen.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Home for Christmas and just off the Amsterdam flight, Laura Finn, greeted at the airport by dad, Moss Finn (former Ireland Rugby International) and mum Josephine Finn and Mindy their dog.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Home from Dubai for Christmas, Didge, Kevin and baby Sam Lucey aby Sam meeting, Aidan, Felicity and Fiona Lucey, Model Farm Road, for the first time.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME, Sam Lucey meets his grandmother, Felicity Lucey, from the Model Farm Road, also included is Sam's mum, Didge, after they flew home from Dubai.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME, Sam Lucey meets his grandmother, Felicity Lucey, from the Model Farm Road, also included is Sam's mum, Didge, after they flew home from Dubai.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME AND FIRST KISS EVER, Sam Lucey meets his grandmother, Felicity Lucey, from the Model Farm Road, also included is Sam's mum, Didge, after they flew home from Dubai.
EEXXjob 19/12/2019
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Arriving home for Christmas, at Cork Airport, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Tommy O'Connell, Cork, Dylan McMahon and Diarmuid Ryan, Clare.
EEXXjob 10/07/2019. 
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Munster Under 20 Hurling Championship Semi Final, Cork V's Clare, at Pairc Ui Rinn, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Group picture with Garry McCarthy, Stevie G and members of the Kabin, the Hut and Cork Migrant Centre.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Conor Meehan, aka MC Conzy, both Kabin and the Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Conor Meehan, aka MC Conzy, both Kabin and the Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Cara Cullen and Sophie McCarthy, both Kabin.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Cara Cullen, the Kabin.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Sophie McCarthy, the Kabin.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Sophie McCarthy, the Kabin.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Luke Martin, The Hut with Cara Cullen and Sophie McCarthy, both Kabin..
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Coben Cullen, aka MC Sparkey, with the Kabin and The Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Killian O'Sullivan, aka MC Sully, with the Kabin and The Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Darren Stewart, aka MC Tiny, with the Kabin and The Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Darren Stewart, aka MC Tiny, with the Kabin and The Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Darren Stewart, aka MC Tiny, Killian O'Sullivan, aka MC Sully and Coben Cullen, aka MC Sparkey, all with the Kabin and The Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Darren Stewart, aka MC Tiny, Killian O'Sullivan, aka MC Sully and Coben Cullen, aka MC Sparkey, all with the Kabin and The Hut.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Sarah O'Dwyer request.
Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Youthwork Ireland Cork (The Hut) showcase, at The Kino, Washington Street, Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Nigel Moloney, Pharmacists and store owner with a Medinox Blister Pack and the Consis Robotic dispensper.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Trading Stories.
Care Plus Pharmacy, Estuary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Care Plus staff, Liz Maverley, Susan Cadden, Tirna Murphy and Nigel Moloney, Pharmacists and store owner.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Trading Stories.
Care Plus Pharmacy, Estuary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Nigel Moloney, Pharmacists and store owner.
EEjob 18/12/2019
Echo News.
Trading Stories.
Care Plus Pharmacy, Estuary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Fifth year studens in the schools computer room at Scoil Naomh Iosaf, Riverstown, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Second class pupils Andrea, Natasha, Faye and Adrian with school principal Pádraig Ó Breacáin in the schools computer room at Scoil Naomh Iosaf, Riverstown, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Fifth class pupils Aoife and Elise having fun in the schools computer room at Scoil Naomh Iosaf, Riverstown, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Fifth class pupils in the schools computer room at Scoil Naomh Iosaf, Riverstown, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Former Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Mick Finn with Lorraine Cummins and Catherine O’Brien who took part in the the first Christmas swim of the year in aid of the Hope Foundation at Garretstown, Co Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
Jamie Higgins and his parents Deborah and Darragh and sister Kayleigh with the Heart Children Ireland 2020 calender at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jamie Higgins at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jamie Higgins his sister Kayleigh at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jamie Higgins with his parents Deborah and Darragh and sister Kayleigh at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jamie Higgins with his parents Deborah and Darragh and sister Kayleigh at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jamie Higgins with his letter written to Santa at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
Jamie Higgins writing his letter to Santa at home at Bishopstown, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE NEWS ANIMAL WELFARE FEATURE (no video) 18/12/2019 
Lisa O'Donovan, senior inspector with the ISPCA, Cork & County, with her own dog Timmy at the ISPCA Equine Rescue Centre near Mallow, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE NEWS ANIMAL WELFARE FEATURE (no video) 18/12/2019 
One of the rescued Pug cross puppies at the ISPCA Equine Rescue Centre near Mallow, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE NEWS ANIMAL WELFARE FEATURE (no video) 18/12/2019 
Members of the team who were working in the rain at the ISPCA Equine Rescue Centre near Mallow, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE NEWS ANIMAL WELFARE FEATURE (no video) 18/12/2019 
Lisa O'Donovan, senior inspector with the ISPCA, Cork & County, with two Pug cross puppies at the ISPCA Equine Rescue Centre near Mallow, Co. Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Aleena Khan as an angel in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Angel Olumba waving after seeing someone in the audience during the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Pupils taking part in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Aiden O'Flynn was one of the kings in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Pupils (from left) Karlo Jagic, Lacey Ryan and Jane Ring making their way to the hall for the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Indie-Mae Rebous as Mary and Anthony Noone as Joseph in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Indie-Mae Rebous as Mary and Anthony Noone as Joseph in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Conor O'Callaghan took part in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE & THE ECHO LIVE NEWS (rory noonan/john o'mahony) 18/12/2019 
Kaci Walsh was an angel in the senior infants' Nativity Play at St. Patrick's Infants School, Gardiner's Hill, Cork.
Picture Denis Minihane.

Images 481-540 of 1,892 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
Add a gift card or promo code or voucher

**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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