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IMG 20190930 074209 
 Sunrise at Lough Dunlewy, Donegal
 Resting Deer, Phoenix Park, May 20th, shot through iPhone camera with binoculars pressed against it, by Joey O’Gorman
Inistioge Bridge over the river Barrow 5 020720 mtm 
 The bridge at Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny over the river Nore, taken from Woodstock hill in June 2020. Picture: Michael Martin
 Mona Puffin
Screenshot 20200704 221234 
 Katy Murphy taking that first step Into the blue. Dunmanus Bay
West Cork
 Beautiful bumblebee busy at work on a pretty thistle located in Templemichael, Cork on Thursday 2nd July.
Picture: Eimear Fitzgerald.
IMG 1400 
 Pandemic adventures . my daughter and dog when the beach reopened
 Butterflies in June Pier Road Rosscarbery taken by Anne Kelleher, Rosscarbery
 Two year old Amelia Buckley. Mallow, enjoying a trip to Bana Beach in Kerry with here auntie Ciara . Picture Ciara Buckley .
IMG 1744 (2) 
 Ruby-tailed Wasp(Chrysis ignita) on the prowl for Mason Wasp nest in my back garden.
IMG 1744 (2) 
 On The Prowl
 Bee busy collecting pollen in Westmeath. Picture: Róisín Slevin
DSC 7001 
 My son Artian taking picture of sister Elona while she took her 'dolly baby' outside home for walk but complying with face mask regulation.
Fenit Moon 
 Pink moon over Fenit lighthouse 
 Keywords: Wiola Family 2020
img20200517 200132 
 Exploring the beauty around us during lockdown.
IMG 20200702 112935 
 "That glass door came out of nowhere!!"
The baby goldfinch tells Buddy the St.Bernard
 The first day at the beach since COVID-19. No filter used, just iPhone.
 The first day at the beach since COVID-19. No filter used, just iPhone.
 The first day at the beach since COVID-19. No filter used, just iPhone.
 The first day at the beach since COVID-19. No filter used, just iPhone.
 Five year old Logan, Australian Shepherd, enjoying visit to Currabinny, Co.Cork. Picture: Lauren O’Donovan
IMG 9713 
 Picture taken by Annmaria Fagan during her Covid19 Walks on Balbriggan Beach Co Dublin Photograph Title my lightbulb moment
IMG 9713 
 Picture taken by Annmaria Fagan during her Covid19 Walks on Balbriggan Beach Co Dublin
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 Bray Head in Summer
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 Cock pheasant taking a high viewpoint in the back garden at Harbourview Kilbrittain. 
Taken on June 23rd. Picture: Ollie O'Brien
IMG 20200703 210936 
 Paul O Donovan Foxgloves chilling in the evening sun
Paul O Donovan. Sunset over Cork beautiful end to a lovely day
IMG 20200703 210636 
 Paul O Donovan Foxgloves chilling in the evening sun
Paul O Donovan. Sunset over Cork beautiful end to a lovely day
 Wonderful view to the south from a walk near Mahon Falls, Co Waterford.
 Paul mccarthy In my garden the fly was trying to camouflage itself and avoid the droplets after a summer shower caught picture on my iPhone
trunk twister 
 All along the twisting watch tower with this pure Irish red headed squirrel. He is on the look out in the Wicklow woods and decided to give me a wonderful pose while I captured him. Photo by Stephen Walsh.
white knight 
 I call it a White Knight, a Gannett from the Great Saltee Islands down in Co.Wexford on the 29-6-20. Photo by Stephen Walsh.
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 The surfers
 Covid 19 moment in our family garden. The bike Belongs to my mother in law.
 Heron coming in to land Taken in Dublin Tymon Park while out walking
 1. Bumble Bees cuddling in for the night in Peony flower. 24.05.2020
2. Bumblebee in flight. 13.03.2020
 1. Bumble Bees cuddling in for the night in Peony flower. 24.05.2020
2. Bumblebee in flight. 13.03.2020
 Will (2) and Nova (1)

Loves young dream!

Rathmullan, Donegal.
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 Photo of Grand Canal Square, Dublin during sunrise. Picture: Helen McGowan
IMG 20200227 084100 
 Resting kayaks at lough Hyne, Skibbereen. Co. Cork. Karen parkinson
IMG 20200612 215453 
 My name is Damien Lee and I took these photos one evening while sitting outside with my wife through lockdown. They were taken from my home in Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan. My wife Ashling asked me to take the photos of a beutiful sunset. I'm glad she did now. I simply call them A Lockdown Sunset 2020
IMG 20200612 215344 
 My name is Damien Lee and I took these photos one evening while sitting outside with my wife through lockdown. They were taken from my home in Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan. My wife Ashling asked me to take the photos of a beutiful sunset. I'm glad she did now. I simply call them A Lockdown Sunset 2020
Spider amongst the droplets 
 A spider saying hello from amongst the droplets on their web in Loughwell, Moycullen, Co. Galway. Picture: Geraldine Kyne
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 "Bringing home the bacon so to speak! Good daddy.
IMG 2119 
 Two years ago while visiting a garden center in Carlow, taken with smartphone. Picture: Fiona Broderick
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 Rodney my rescued tom cat who was destined for the river to be drowned. Posing on top of the rubbish bin stopping me opening it as he wanted to be noticed as he felt handsome. Picture: Stella McGrath
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 Coffee Break on the Galtee Mountains
Sand dunes on a rose 
 A rose from up close - its petals' forms flow like sand dunes - one would expect to walk a bit further and find the beginning of the sea. By Villie Flari, Limerick, Republic of Ireland
IMG 20200702 132858 
 Paul Madden, 36 yers old, fishing near Cragganowen, Quin, Co.Clare. Rare Pink grasshopper anded on my wading suit.
 Fishermen pollocking at Ballycotton while gulls wait for any morsel they can get.
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 3year old Èanna County enjoying silage day on the farm in Caherciveen
Picture: Mairead Kelly
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 John Kelly from ballycarbery Caherciveen in Co. Kerry. Admiring the view with his best friend Collie
Oh I m such a tired Kitty Kat ... Zzzzzzz ... purrrrr! 
 Shhhhhh! I'm such a tired Kitty Kat ... Shadow sound asleep with paw under his head for added comfort. Picture: Paudy McMahon
 Feeding time in a field near Bullaun
 Cheeky fox stealing strawberries in Grenagh
IMG 20200625 210220 1 (1) 
 June 2020, The lonely tree at sun set, Oysterhaven Co. Cork
Picture: Timothy Cogan
 Two year old Feadh OHare in her granny’s garden. Ballymartin County Down .
 Two year old Feadh OHare in her granny’s garden. Ballymartin County Down .
 Coming together again - Outdoors. Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow. Picture: James Daniel Murphy.
IMG 20200624 132707 
 Was out in Galway Bay and saw a man sitting at the end of the pier enjoying the nice warm weather of that day

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