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Reflection - My Eye-3136 
 Reflection - My Eye!! A photo of my own eye using a tripod and remote shutter release,taken in our patio area in Apr 2016 by myself Noel O Neill.Note the reflection of the bicycle,polytunnel and garden shed. 
 Keywords: KCC, Macro, Reflection, eye
 A creeping carpet of Blue....bells
 Wild Atlantic Play!

Two climbers, enjoying the awesome surroundings at Malin Head, Ireland's most Northerly Point.Picture: Bren Whelan
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 16 month old Joseph neary from Galway city getting acquainted with the locals on his grandads farm in dingle, County kerry.
The Last Cast 
 The Last Cast

Fisherman attempting 1 last catch over a beautiful sunset on Carrig Island, Ballylongfor, County Kerry.

Photographer: Se?n Haughton
 Chick hatching at a friends homestead in Wellingtonbridge
IMG 20160506 090621 
 Paddling the exam stress into a Galway Sunrise. I have been majorly involved with the NUIG Surf Club and watersports deptartment since starting university in Galway. Myself (Jack Tr? of Clonakilty west cork)and my friends Emily Tully (of Kinvara) and James O'Driscoll of (Clonakulty West Cork), are all students in NUI Galway currently in the middle of exams. We took out the stand up paddle boards this morning just before the sunrise and had a healthly breakfast of spinach and kiwi smoothies and almond coconut and date raw energy balls on top of an old railway pillar in the middle of the river corrib. This is exam destress at it's finest. James on the right of the picture had an exam at 4:30 this day and we had been out on the water and were back in the library all before 9am.
DSC 0048 
 Enjoying a pint at the door of Dick Mack's in Dingle, Co. Kerry. Picture: Cormac Costello.
IMG 1253 (5) 
 look da i am floating
 Is it jellyfish? No, it's fungi finding a home inside a church window in the western suburbs.
silage 109 
 'Offaly Shy' , 5 year old Jerri the cow playing peekaboo recently on Troys farm in Offaly. Cormac Troy 
 Keywords: silage
jane thomas-monochrome (1 of 1) 
 Caught Up!!
Taken on a gate in Millstreet one foggy and damp morning in October
Picture by Jane Thomas 
 Keywords: black and white
DSC 0127 
 Ants on a plant.
Dancing Fairies 
 Fairies or Butterflies? These two were pictured in a wheat field in Co.Kildare on a beautiful summer afternoon. I wonder what the two fairies in the picture were talking about!
Picture: Brendan O'Donohue
Number 20 
 A bit of a tight fit
DSC 0648b 
 Peaceful day at Aasleagh Falls in Co. Mayo enjoying the stunning views along the Wild Atlantic Way
IMG 5183 
 Nine month old Fia Molloy from Clonmel, playing with the cows on her Uncle Johnny's farm. Picture: Jenny Sheehan

Images 81-97 of 97 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.
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