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 Rio meets Bantry! Bantry Summer Festival 2014. Picture: Maria O Sullivan
dublin docklands 
 The Dublin Docklands
 Snow on the peaks of Carrauntoohil Co.Kerry
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 Quin Abbey in Co. Clare under a Christmas moon, with the flooded waters of the river Rine lapping the building.
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 History in the midst of modernity. Old Cork still exists. The Old Timber Mill beside Bridewell Garda Station
Karen O'Connell
 Enjoyoing a winter walk in Corkagh Park Co. Dublin. Picture Jessica Byrne
 Anna and Vladimir, Youghal procrastinating instead of studying: "Maybe if the photo is in black and white people won't realise that we are really ginger."
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 My 3 month old son- Deividas...Picture: Inese Argustiene
 A Christmas sunset in Tenerife
 Great memories of holidays in Kerry.
 Great memories of holidays in Kerry.
 A deer in the Phoenix park Dublin, A deer, 26.12.15. Picture: Niamh Hickey
 A rare sighting of a white hare in the bogs of Navan, Co.Meath
 A Christmas sunset in Tenerife
 Waves breaking at White Rock, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Picture: Tom Sheehan
 Thomas Higgins at Ashford castle cong co Galway
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 Sparrow feeding

Picture: Peter O'Keeffe 
 Keywords: Blurred, Low Contrast, Medium Quality
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 11 year old Sive Kearney spotted the potential caption competition when she saw the geese lined up at the bus stop in Ardfinnan, Co Tipperary yesterday. The sportsfield behind is under water which is where they usually live!

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