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Manon Gustave Monkstown sunset 
 An incredible sunset captured in Monkstown, Co.Dublin, during a walk on the beach. Picture: Manon Gustave
 Sunset from Kennedy Quay,Cork City,Ireland.Summer 2015.
Waterfall at Lough Dan 
 Waterfall on the Cloghoge Brook River Valley, Wicklow near Lough Dan. 
Picture Fearghal Breathnach
Doolin Rainbow 
 Just before work in my new adopted hometown of Doolin, amongst the Storm appeared a beautiful rainbow over one of Irelands most picturesque villages.

Doolin, County Clare.

Picture: Se?n Haughton
DSC 9476 
 Moon Rising over Howth

Howth Harbour, Co Dublin
Feb 23rd 2016

Taken by Peter Gaynor 
 Keywords: 2016, Competition, Exported, Feb, Flickr, Harbour, Howth, Mark for Printing, Night photography
 Sheep of Mahon falls Co Waterford 
Picture:graham stack
20160302 170016 
 Man feeding the seagulls with a gigantic rainbow in the distance outside electric on south mall, Cork on a showery spring day.
IMG 1465-2 
 I took this photo on Sat, Feb 6th, on Oliver Plunkett Street. The two men in the same white coats just got my attention straightaway.
image (003) 
 Enjoying the beauty of Bruges at night. Belgium, Late January 2016. Picture: Claire Corcoran
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 Metal sculpture on the N21 at Knocknagoshel halfway between Abbeyfeale and Castleisland with passing evening traffic.Some people say it depicts Saint Francis.
Peggy Elder Photo Mar 1 2016 Sunday Dinner 
 Sunday Dinner
Beautiful cows enjoying a meal. It was so adorable how they came running when they saw the Farmer!
County Clare - November 2015
Picture: Peggy Elder
Cat BW 
 A photo of my cat Leppi looking into the lens,in Dublin.
picture: Keith Stapleton
 Cork City Hall from a different perspective, 2016
PHOTO 20151121 080244 
 Dooneen Sunset 21-11-2015
PHOTO 20160208 170243 
 Sunray at Toe Head , Skibbereen , west Cork , Ireland 08-2-2016
20160212 134911 
 Rossbeigh beach in all its glory. Picture Breda daly
PHOTO 20160111 164620 (1) 
 Sunset at Dooneen Skibbereen west Cork , Ireland 11-12-2015
20160316 171923 
 Spring sprung. Pic Breda daly
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 Sox. My neighbours dog caught in the sunlight through the kitchen window. Picture; Jeff Dixon
sunset Killarney 
 Taken Last week at Ross Castle overlooking lake
Boat - Fountainstown 
 Rusting away at sunset - Fountainstown
Blue Chip 2 
 "Blue Chip 2" Beautiful Duck taking a rest at the Monon Center Carmel, Indiana. Just about to go home after one hour of taking photographs and stumbled upon this beauty. Brendan Crowley
The Bench - Sometimes I sits & thinks, sometimes I just sits - 1st Nov 15 
 The Bench - 'Sometimes I sits & thinks, sometimes I just sits'
 Picture perfect display at the Royal Botonic Gardens, Sydney
best one 
 Two beauties on a flood in Cavan! Picture: Fiona Cooke
 A dog (who's name i didn't get) catching the cable car home to Dursey Island, his owner was on the other side waiting patiently.
 "The March of the Canadian Geese" Spotted these happy guys at a local retention pond close to my home in Carmel, Indiana. Typically, they migrate between Canada and Southern USA, and are welcome visitors to Indiana between seasons. Brendan Crowley
 Hunting for the Northern Lights in Iceland, we stopped at the south western ridge of "Langj?kull" glacier. These two tourists decided to do a bit exploring using their phones light as torches. 
 Keywords: iceland, reykjavik
20160224 175302 
 Carrigoosheenboy Views, Three Castle Head, West Cork
IMG 20160301 181747 
 Strange sunset over the obelisk on killiney hill in Co.Dublin. Picture: Ciaran Tresson
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 Athnowen Church Ovens, Co Cork at dusk.

Picture: Eleanor Lawless
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 You shall not pass
IMG 1111 
 Nothing Gold can Stay.
Nature?s first green is gold, 
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf?s a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost
The bridge 1 
 Mirror image
DSC 0331 
 The taste of home
Taken in my fathers pub the lemon tree in Bailieborough County Cavan Ireland
Ballyliffin Mar 16 - 17 
 Burst of Atlantic seaspray spurting up through the rocks at Ballyliffin, Co. Donegal
 Time takes over as a horseshoe rests on the wall of an old house in West Limerick. Picture: James O'Connor
IMG 20160321 152252 
 Reflected view from the old railway line, Passage West.
IMG 0029 
 Blackrock (Dublin) at sunrise, the birds fly south.
White Rock Sunrise 
 White Rock Sunrise, photo was taken 21 November 2015, location : White Rock, Killiney, Dublin, phot by: Ireneusz Ciejka
 Tuscan Sunset
 Lee Fields, Cork. Debris in the water after storm Frank. Picture: Caroline O'Brien.
DSC 4033 
 Calm and beautiful Sunset at Garrywilliam, Maherees, Co Kerry
March 10th 2016
PIcture:_Bernard FItzgerald
IMG 20160228 190315 
 The photo was taken on a walk up by the galtee mountains
 Jackie Cahill Killarney enjoying the beautiful scene at Carrantouhill in Co. Kerry. Picture: Lucas Machowski
PHOTO 20160208 170418 
 Sunray at Toe Head Skibbereen, West Cork , Ireland
PHOTO 20160320 160439 
 O'Connell Memorial Church Cahirciveen Ireland , Photography by
benchawan Thompson
PHOTO 20160320 160701 
 O'Connell Memorial Church Cahirciveen Ireland
 A lone boat in Kinvarra Harbour, Co. Clare, on a beautiful Spring day.
IMG 0942 
 My beautiful dog felix
 Sunset at Cockleshell Beach, Tralee, with plenty of hungry birds feeding : ) 
Picture: Catherine Dolan
IMG 1168 
 A Solemnly looking penguin at Dublin Zoo, Co Dublin 
Picture: Karen Redmond
inside Old Mallow Castle 
 Enjoying visit to Mallow Castle. Mallow Co.Cork.Picture Adam Bojdol
 University of Limerick Living Bridge shot at night time in County Limerick. Stunning colours lit up for paddys weekend. Picture: Sean O Riordan
 University of Limerick Living Bridge shot at night time in County Limerick. Stunning colours lit up for paddys weekend. Picture: Sean O Riordan
Irish Rural Idyll Sunset 
 Irish Rural Idyll Sunset. Taken looking West over the cathedral village of Kilfenora, Co Clare on a beautiful Spring evening as the sun was about to dip below the horizon. The stone shed, the remnants of the flooding with the three trees lined up beyond the lush green pasture and the mossy stone wall, all collided in one view of my interpretation of a classic bucolic Irish scene.
Cliffs and stars IE 
 Beneath a veil of stars at The Cliffs of Moher, County Clare.

Picture: Se?n Haughton
WP 20160222 001 
 Love to see the lambs in the fields, it is a sigh that winter is leaving us and weather will be improving. Also I live in Sligo town now It reminds me of home.
Seamus Boland
Age 44
 October ambience, Davitts quay, dungarvan, co Waterford
GWG Splash Down 
 "Splash Down"

A very rare visitor from the Pacific to Castletownbere, West Cork in the shape of a Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens) found by Fionn Moore.

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