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 Greenland White-fronted Goose coming in for landing at Wexford Wildfowl Reserve.
 Mini mushroom just chilling.
20171217 161331 
 The Xmas welcome at Kerry airport Dec 17th 2017.
DSC 0150 
 Sea gull keeping an eye on things near Dingle in Co Kerry.
IMG 20180122 131517 841 
 'aspire' dublin city 22.1.17 'because its there'
 Photograph of frozen fountain in Quin, Co. Clare. Picture:Sean McInerney.
 This picture was taken at Forty Foot Beach, Sandycove, County Dublin.
Picture: Todor Tilev.
 My wife and first baby girl seconds after being born. The picture captures a spilt second in time when our lives changed forever. It is quite simply love at first sight.
Pedlars Lake Waterfall-9149 
 Pedlars Lake waterfall Dingle Co Kerry in Dec 2017 with Brandon Mountains in the background.Photographer: Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Brandon, Connor Pass, Lakes, Pedlars, snow, waterfall
Dwarf Irises 
 Spring comes early to our garden every year with these dwarf Irises bursting into bloom in January . 
I took this photograph today Monday 22 January 2018
 Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland
8030921 Chris Martin 
 A shag feeding close to the shore near Charles Fort in Kinsale. 
 Keywords: County Cork, Nikon, bird, birdlife, d810, ireland, nature, seabird, telephoto, wildlife
Tranquility Dawning 
 A tranquil dawn over Lough Mahon, Cork Harbour.
The rising sun, heavy fog and calm Cork tide created a beautiful scene
The Warm South 
 "O, for a beaker full of the warm south" - Keats words come to mind at the site of a fisherman's glass of wine perched on a rock in Miami Beach, Florida, December 17th. Brendan Crowley
IMG 1375 
 The Mass Rock, Oughaval Woods, Stradbally. Picture by David Kenny
 this the famous seal Samy who is coming to the Fishman's shops daily to get some free fish. You can see his girlfriend watching him carefully. Wicklow
 Smokin' . Picture: Scott Kincaid
20180107 164645 
 Orange Sky At Night : Sunset on the horizon at Skerries Harbour , Co Dublin . Picture : John Clune
 Colorful Irish Mountain Goat, Clonmel, family trip around the snowy peaks around Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Picture: Bart Kosinski
IMG 7009 
 Robin. Little Robin taken at the National botanical garden, Glasnevin, Dublin.

Images 1-20 of 274 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.
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