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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

Images 1,421-1,440 of 2,299 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
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 Former Ireland player Stephen Hunt in action at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Kevin Murphy, Declan Daly and Michael Lyons at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 John Murphy with Stephen O’Mahony, FAI at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Paul Byrne, FAI with Ken Daly and John Murphy at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Tara Murphy with Catherine Docherty at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Laura Holland with her son Jamie at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Bernie O’Flynn and Julie Ahern at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Young Paddy, Jamie, Alex, Jessica and Hannah at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 FAI chief executive with Tara Murphy and John Murphy at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 President of the FAI, Tony Fitzgerald with club president Denis Cummins at the FAI festival of football at St. Mary’s, Kilcully, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 Timmy O’Brien and Shane Sherlock at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Ger O’Leary and Frank Colman at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Marguerite Cooney and James Fogarty, academy director at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Victor Yelverton, Dave Bell, FAI Cork developement officer and James Fogarty, academy director at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Nicole, Ger and Kelly Meany at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 It’s pizza for the youngsters at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Former Iriish players, Stephen Hunt and Stephen Kelly stand into this photograph at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Former Ireland player Stephen Kelly showing off his skills at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Foremer Ireland player Stephen Hunt in action at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan
 Deane Ahern blocking down Irelands Stephen Hunt at the FAI festival of football at Leeds AFC in Cork. Picture Dan LInehan

Images 1,421-1,440 of 2,299 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
Results: << Previous 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Next >>

Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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