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IMG 7651 (002) 
 Easter tulips in The Botanical Gardens, Glasnevin
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 Cows Standing To Attention: Cows waiting patiently for the call to be milked. This photo was taking at my kitchen door on Easter Sunday on my farm in North Cork. Picture: Joan O Connor
Heron Bushy Park 20-4-19 
 A Grey Heron enjoying a small snack in sunny Bushy Park, Dublin 20-4-19
Picture: Scott Kincaid
IMG 20190422 152026 
 2 year old Rìona McDonnell , playing in her backgarden... Not sure where she will land.
IMG 0309 Old Blue Boat and blue bells 
 Old boat and bluebells, enjoying a walk to Ross Castle, Killarney via river walk on Easter Monday evening 22nd April 2019
DSC 1906 
 "Back in time".The Merlin no.85 steam train passing through Bray Head on April 22nd 2019.Photo was taken from the site of the "EIRE" sign on Bray Head
Picture:Craig O'Toole
 Processed with VSCO with b1 preset
IMG 7696 
 10 year old twins Ami and Katie O'Shea in full flight as they sprint the last 100 yards to see who wins first prize in the Carrickshock Camogie Club 3K fun run on Easter Sunday.
IMG 3601 1 
 "Butterfly landing" - A tortoiseshell butterfly appears to like the feel of my wife Anne's hair as it landed and took off several times while we were walking by the shore of Muckross Lake, Killarney, on Easter Monday.
IMG 3614 2 
 "Butterfly Fingers" - A tortoiseshell butterfly lands on my wife Anne's right hand by Muckross lake , Killarney, on Easter Monday.
IMG 1061 
 The Beacon, Baltimore, Co Cork. Picture: Stephen Hayes
 Even teddies love a window seat! 
Photo taken on Aer Lingus flight, high up in the clouds on the way to Lanzarote during Easter Holidays!
20190418 184645 
 Conor and Saoirse Devine enjoying a glorious evening on a peaceful Connemara beach
 Coumshingaun Lake Walk, Co. Waterford
 Lillie 8 days old .. Picture Miriam McEvitt
 Lillie 8 days old .. Picture Miriam McEvitt
IMG 2148 
 From on high, The annual Easter Monday Saint Finian's Well Mass Glenbeigh County Kerry Picture: Michael G Kenny
IMG 2153 
 From on High......The annual Easter Monday Mass at Saint Finian's Well Glenbeigh County Kerry Picture:Michael G Kenny
IMG 20181103 144730 788 
 Copper Coast
DSC 6299 (2) 
 Morning Glory. Shot taken from 5 foot way in Cobh about 6.45am 20/04/19. Saga Sapphire, visiting cruise ship tied up alongside. Two Cormorants flying by. It was a beautiful morning.

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