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IMG 2905 
 Snow Capped Nephin, Co. Mayo captured through the twigs. Picture: Grace Winters
Pawel Zygmunt Cappagh Dingle Kerry 
 Cappagh Beach on Dingle Peninsula, Kerry is a place you will get your heart stolen by its beauty.
20190419161534 IMG 4632~8 
 Using a black sheet as a backdrop pegged to our shed and my daughter Sophie blowing dandelions I managed to capture this shot of the seeds blowing away.
20190419161534 IMG 4632~8 
 Using a black sheet as a backdrop pegged to our shed and my daughter Sophie blowing dandelions I managed to capture this shot of the seeds blowing away.
IMG E1940 
 Baltimore Beacon in the Mist

Picture: Jonnie Goyer, taken from Sherkin Lighthouse
 Assistants dog Bruno living the dream
 I took this picture at sunrise at Great Pollet Sea Arch in County Donegal. Picture: Todor Tilev.
IMG 0153 
 Torc Waterfall, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Photo: Anthony Cahill.
IMG 20190812 072218 354 
 Waves crashing against the rocks at FASTNET LIGHTHOUSE
Screenshot 20190902-210630 Gallery 
 Coby enjoying an autumn evening in Templetuohy, Co.Tipperary. Picture: Aoife Leahy
 Co. Wicklow Scenery
 Co. Wicklow Scenery
 Co. Wicklow Scenery
 Co. Wicklow Scenery
 Sandra Eyre
 Silhouette of a German Shepherd looking down the valley at sunset in the Boggeragh Mountains, Co.Cork.
IMG 20190901 152404 
 Red squirrel,
Claragh mountain,
Millstreet town,
Co cork.
IMG 20190901 153919 
 red squirrel,gathering hazelnuts,
Claragh mountain,
Millstreet town,co.cork.
FB IMG 1567371153592 
 Baby elephant at Dublin zoo taken by myself David Parsons
Cat Owl 
 My neighbour’s owl like cat waiting to pounce. Picture: Sean McInerney.

Images 221-240 of 267 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.
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