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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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 6th December 2019....... Everton's Sean Caulfield goes past College Corinthians Ian Nolan and Peter Moreland during the Beamish Stout junior league cup final at Ballea Park 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Sunday's Wells' Ryan Buckley is tackled by Skerries Conn Marrey and Dara Lowndes during the Energia AIL division 2C game at Musgrave park 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Sunday's Wells' scrum half Billy Pope breaks from Skerries Eoghan Carron during the Energia AIL division 2C game at Musgrave park 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Sunday's Wells' Cyprian Jouve holds off Skerries Dara Lowndes during the Energia AIL division 2C game at Musgrave park 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Sarsfields' Killian Murphy is tackled by Douglas' Brian O'Neill during the Cork county under 21 Premier 1HC at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Sarsfields' Killian Murphy gathers the sliotar from Douglas' James Holland during the Cork county under 21 Premier 1HC at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Blackrock's Robbie Cotter gathers the sliotar from Killeagh Ita's Eoin Fitzgibbon during the Cork county under 21 Premier 1HC at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Blackrock's Ross Coleman clears from Killeagh Ita's Sean Walsh during the Cork county under 21 Premier 1HC at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Blackrock's Billy Cain and Killeagh Ita's Jamie Landers tusle for the sliotar during the Cork county under 21 Premier 1HC at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 7th December 2019....... Killeagh Ita's Cathal Deane is tackled by Blackrock's Billy Cain during the Cork county under 21 Premier 1HC at Pairc Ui Chaoimh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 Mary Arigho, (John's Mother in law), Lord Mayor Cllr John Sheehan, John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019 and his wife Laura.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Cllr Thomas Gould with John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Janett Carmody, Margaret O'Shea, (Jonhn's mum), Laura O'Shea (John's wife) and Mary Arigho, with the BDO World Masters Trophy.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Mark Keohane, Chairperson CCDLA and William MCSweeney, Secretary CCDLA, with the BDO World Masters Trophy.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019 with Stephen Hill, Tower Bar Darts, Paul O'Neill, Gerald Griffin Bar Darts, Dave Looney, Gerald Griffin Bar Darts, Lord Mayor Cllr John Sheehan, Hugh Finnerty, Muskery Arms Darts, Michael O'Sullivan, Cork Darts Players Association, Neilus O'Mahony, Tower Bar Darts, Stephen Carmody, Tower Bar Darts.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019 with Lord Mayor Cllr John Sheehan.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Lord Mayor Cllr John Sheehan with John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019 signing the Visitors Book, also included are Johnny and Margaret O'Shea, John's parents and Laura O'Shea, John's wife.
EEjob 10/12/2019
Echo News.
Lord Mayor's reception for John O'Shea, BDO World Masters Champion 2019, at City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Bernard Corcoran, Nemo Rangers and Der O'Regan, Douglas Gaa.
EEXXjob 08/12/2019
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Gaa Board 2019 Convention, at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Cian O'Brien, Secretary PR Committee and James Hobbert, Carbery Rangers.
EEXXjob 08/12/2019
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Gaa Board 2019 Convention, at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan
 Sean O'Donovan, Killmeen Kilbree Gaa and Barry Collins, Doheneys Gaa.
EEXXjob 08/12/2019
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Gaa Board 2019 Convention, at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan

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Results: << Previous 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Next >>

Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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