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Images 1-337 of 337 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.

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20200818 191014 
 Escaping the lockdown Ballycarney, Enniscorthy Co. Wexford Picture: Mary Moulds
 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Horses Maharees County Kerry.
Picture credit Sharon Mowat Driscoll
 Calm reflections in St Catherine's park
 Calm reflections in St Catherine's park
 Sunlight touches the treetops while the frosty grass awaits its turn in Griffeen Valley Park in Lucan.
Picture by Sally Martin
20210428 122735 
 Little goslings trying to keep warm at The Lough in Cork today!
 My two dogs, Earnest and Whuppet playing (yes playing!) in the snow.
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 A sunny Saturday along the grand canal in April
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 A cloudy evening along the south wall at poolbeg
 Photo of the super moon from bweeng but it looks like we are looking down from the moon
IMG 5567 2 
 Killarney House in bloom : Cherry blossoms were in radiant display during the brilliant weather last weekend on the grounds of Killarney House, Co. Kerry.
 Our local celebrity Dommy in his Ballyphehane Pipe Band regalia.
 Spéir cantalach, An spidéal, an angry sky looking over An spidéal beach Co. Na Gallimhe Picture: Maela Ní Choistealbha.
 Foggy morning in Galway, Claddagh pier
April 2021
Picture: Iza Michalik
fbk (1 of 1) 
 My whippet Misha flying over the water, Rusheen bay Galway
Picture: Iza Michalik
 Home view!
Milky Way Over The Ballycotton Lighthouse... 
 Milky Way Over The Ballycotton Lighthouse, Co.Cork
Screenshot 20210423-224431 Gallery 
 Cookie sitting with the wind in her hair
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 An early morning trip in late April to Gougan Barra, Co.Cork, provided me with this opportunity as the dark clouds started to roll in. Picture: Ray Horgan
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 Duck à l'orange.
IMG 20210427 150829 758 
 "Rage...rage,against the dieing light"
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 Shannon night swimmer, Swan at "poor mans kilkee"(Howleys quay ) Limerick
 Nearly full Flower moon on early Sunday morning, 25.4.2021
Taken in 3min time intervals from 3:30AM until 5AM.
Camera positioned on Sean O'Cassey bridge, Dublin.
Picture take and stacked by myself.
Cormorant and Eel 26th April 
 Lunchtime on the Lake -

Cormorant and eel battle it out on the lake in Bushy Park, Dublin
 Smoke and polished shoes
 My lovely dad in his younger day in the RNLI passed away in October almost 81
 Pink Moon. I captured this shot of pink moon from my window April 28 Picture Eileen Duggan
 Observing the observatory. Nóra Duggan, 3, hunts for fallen blossoms in the grounds of UCC.
20210428 071725 
 Beautiful Swans on the grand canal Athy Co.Kildare getting ready to settle down at sunset
 Blue Skies Moo Skies!
IMG 7709 E 
 A firefighter beats back the flames at Eagles Nest in Killarney National Park. Picture: Ashling Hartnett
 “Enniscrone of the sunsets†Photo taken at Lacken shore, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo. Where better to escape for some peace and tranquility on an April evening.
 Stunning morning at Binn Ban beach Dingle Co Kerry
 Sunny days at Maca na Bò West Kerry
 Photo taken at Lanesborough co. Longford at sunset .Photo Helen Maloney.
IMG 3417 
 Look to the Super Moon - The super moon was captured at an old cemetery in Castleisland on Monday night last.
IMG 3481 
 Supermoon visible at Killbanivane Old Cemetery in Castleisland, Co. Kerry on Monday night last
James Grandfield sunrise 
 I was planning a sunrise like this for quite a while and it paid off the other morning. I went to the beautiful town of Skerries, Dublin and positioned myself just right to capture the sun rising above the Rockabill lighthouse.
James Grandfield fox 
 While out waiting along the banks of the River Dodder, Dublin, this beautiful fox crept amongst the foliage in the distance and turned its head and looked straight at me, so I just clocked away hoping to get a decent image.
 Smoking Hot Moon taken Apr 26th when the moon was to be pink taken in Fermoy .Co Cork 
Taken By Deirdre Casolani
James Grandfield fox 
 Fox portrait. Was waiting along the banks of the River Dodder, and eventually this beautiful fox crept by in the distance amongst the foliage and turned its head and looked straight at me and just clicked away, hoping I'd get a decent shot.
 Cows along the Grand Canal walk from Hazlehatch to Adamstown. Taken 27th April 2021. Picture: Katie Macintyre
 The Three Musketeers!
 The Three Musketeers!
PSX 20210426 220603 
 Pink moon over Roches Point.
IMG 20210426 134137 edited 
 Lakes of Killarney across from the devastating fires Co Kerry Picture Aidan Griffin
The Lady of the Lake 
 The Lady of The Lake Posing for her Portrait
taken by Janette Kelly 
27th April 2021
Goldfinch LasairChoille JnMullins 
 Goldfinch, Lasair Choille in Irish, perched on a Flame of the Forest, the name of which shrub shares the same meaning as the Irish term for Goldfinch.
 Passing by the farm near my house.spotted a cloud formation looking like a bridge way to the heavens.pictire evin o reilly
 Picture of the moon out my back garden. Evin o Reilly 39 .ballinacurra
 Picture of the moon out my back garden. Evin o Reilly 39 .ballinacurra
 Living on my own...Photograph by Kieran Mackessy
 Geraldine O Donovan, the very beautiful Gougane Barra on a glorious sunny day in April after restrictions lifted
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 Coastal beauty
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 Mediation pool
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 'Field of Gold' 7 year old Alannah Ennis, Mountmellick in a field of gold in Laois , captured by her aunt Fiona Hyland
 Sunrise Drogheda behind the viaduct.
 Swan on the Boyne
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 The Hidden Waterfall
Outside Killybegs
Taken 2 years ago
Picture: Fergal Owens
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 Young chick nesting in the reeds on the Grand Canal Dublin in April
Picture Declan Clarke
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 Butterfly ona leaf. Picture: Michelle Cullen
PSX 20210426 172826 
 Maybe the dog groomers will take me in...

Grey squirrel at The National Botanic Gardens, Dublin 26th April
 A rockpool at Myrtleville Beach Co.Cork.
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 Mary and Aidan McGaley on a socially distant visit with their great granddaughter Sadie Brosnan in Co. Kerry. Photo taken on Mother's Day 2021 by Breda McGaley. Hopefully this will be the last Mother's Day spent at a distance!
 Spring is in the Hare! Irish Hare , Meenamalragh, Glenties. Co Donegal. Photo Sue Ajmi
IMG 0767 
 Random people walwinyo the woods.
IMG 20210426 220144 
 He's got the whole of the Moon. Ethan Harrington age 10 pictured in Maharees co. Kerry holding the moon .
 Sun fire 
Sundown at a beach in Cleggan Co. Galway setting the sky & water alight.
Photo: Eithna Horan
339 A close view of the sun (2) 
 I captured this lovely close up photo of the sun from my home in Tallow Co. Waterford on Wednesday eve' 21st April last
20210331 150912 
 Emma and Maisie Moulds jumping out of lockdown on Kilpatrick beach Co. Wexford. Picture: Mary Moulds
 Old waterford line rosslare strand Wexford
Short-eared Owl 
 A rare view of a perched Short-eared owl, Knockadoon Head, Co. Cork. Picture: Gemma Kelleher
20210425 mayo-an-connem-apr21 9136 
 Always fantastic looking Dun Briste seastack in moody morning light.
IMG 20210426 174512 
 Crab fishing at the Point Road, Crosshaven
IMG 20210426 181438 
 The Cleary kids catching crabs at the Point Road, Crosshaven
20210421 201227 
 A swan stretches it's wings taken in Carrickonshannon Co Leitrim
20200722135903 IMG 1312 
 This is a photo I took on top of Queen Maebhs tomb on Knocknarea overlooking the ocean.
samuel beckett bridge 22 april (1 of 1) 
 Blue Hour with Samuel Beckett
20210422 065900 
 Morning on the Bog
20210426 065219 
 Bective Abbey
Ballycotton Pier 
 Beautiful Ballycotton
 Wild beauty
 Into the woods
501 7269 Chris Martin 
 Photographed in Fota Gardens, Cork, Ireland. 
 Keywords: Chris Martin, Looselenscap, Nikon, bird, birdlife, cork, ireland, native, nature, wildlife
 Hamza Jarral, 12 years old, contemplating life.
Screenshot 20210425-214645 Photos 
 Day out fishing outside seven heads Co Cork. Seagulls do get hungry!
20210425 111900 
 Lisheenaleen Co Cork. Looking over at Courtmcherry. My son Joey Long wondering the beach.
20210420 155637 
 Lough Leane Killarney. 0Picture taken from the middle of the lake.
PSX 20210425 075006 
 'Into the Blue'
Photo taken in Bray, 24th April.. What a day!
Shannon River plassey 
 The photo was taken while walking on the banks of the River Shannon in Limerick at a place called Plassey next to the fishermen's houses. Due to restrictions, it was worth looking for interesting places near the place of residence and as it turned out it was a good idea. This beautiful day ended with a wonderful sunset, which was worth capturing in a photo.
IMG 20210421 203011 
 Sun setting in my back garden at Rathcooney
 Have a Quacking Day!

Ducklings in Thomastown Co. Kilkenny
Dunquin sunset with lone walker silhouette-2624 
 A lone walker silhouetted against the golden reflection of the sun on the Atlantic ocean at Dunquin Co kerry on Wednesday April 21st 2021.Photo by Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Seascape, blaskets, silhouette, sunset
IMG 20210417 120902364 
 Coastal beauty
20210423 174806 
 Stunning evening @Cuas, Inward Ardgroom.
IMG 0365 
 Horses, Kilkenny, in the sunset. 
Picture: Sadhbh Walsh
Robin Chick 
 Robin chick playing peek-a-boo in the Hurley's garden - Watergrasshill
20210410 070127~2 
 Sunrise at Portmarnock 
Picture: Josh Byrne
 Red sky in the morning; 6am over St. Luke’s - the calm before rush hour! Photo: Lisa Skidmore
20210423 133407 
 Ruadhán, spring time in Marlay park, Dublin.
 In Silent Prayer,A picture of a stained glass window in St johns Church tralee co kerry
St. Brigid s Day in Gerry Molumby Derbyshire UK 2021 (17) 
 Brigid's Garden in Derbyshire
IMG 20210422 070326 
 Photo taken during lockdown of my mother ,daughter and grand daughter ,photo Helen Maloney .
PSX 20210422 211810 
 Busy Bee ðŸ Taken in my garden in Belleville, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford
20210422 130809 
 Alone in the landscape 
Prince of peace Church Fossa Killarney @ 1pm April 22nd 2021
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 Elegant swan
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 Staring right back
Diamond Flower 
 Diamond Flower. The overnight rain left what look like small diamonds in one of our garden plants. Picture: Sean McInerney.
IMG 20210422 065141 
 Sunrise at Galway Pier
IMG 20210422 065032 
 Sunrise at Galway Pier
IMG 20210422 070440 
 Dandelion with morning dew drops
IMG 5461 
 Lying in state : "An Fear Marbh" (Inis Tuaisceart - one of the Blasket Isls.) "lying in state" on the new viewing platform behind Ionad an Bhlascaoid, Dúnchaoin, on the western tip of the Dingle peninsula, Co. Kerry. (21/4/21)
 James O’ Driscoll, admiring the beauty of Dunmanus Bay and surrounding areas while perched on Mount Corrin, Durrus, Co. Cork. Picture: Deirdre O Driscoll
Listen ear doggy by Gerry Molumby April 2021. Derbyhire UK 
 Listen 'ear' doggy !
Always there but one step behind Queen and Prince Philip visit Charterhouse London Shrove Tuesday 2017 Gerry Molumby (4) 
 Always in her shadow, but what a partnership
 Moon rising over abandoned pub, Dunworley beach, cork
You decided to join us Robin by Gerry Molumby April 2021 . Derbyshire UK 
 You decided to join us Robin
and a stroll down Stephen s Green. Gerry Molumby 
 And a stroll down Stephen's Green
pink ladies 
 The pink ladies are here (but will be leaving soon)
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 A rose from my birthday bouquet of flowers. Picture: Michelle Cullen
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 Cygnet Courtship Dance at Cork City Lough. Photo credit Shane Broderick
Seagull in flight-2400 
 young herringgull in full flight at Maharees Castlegregory Co Kerry on April 9th 2021.Photo by Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Maharees, seagull, wildlife
 Photogenic horses in the snow in Co.Galway. Picture: Katie Kerrigan
20210412 190756 
 One of our friendly cows on our Farm in kilmacduagh just outside Gort. The 16 century round tower ( tallest in Ireland in the back ground)
 The Silver Surfer 
Maharees County Kerry
Picture credit Sharon Mowat Driscoll
IMG 20210316 140130 
 Roadside Blooms
20210419 121815 
 Two Mallards resting in what appears to be a mirror image between Timoleague and Courtmacsherry, Co. Cork. Emmet o Brien
IMG 20210301 173923 (1) 
 Spring sunset in Spiddal, Co.Galway
 A robin in the Botanic gardens.
 Nephew Alfie feeding cake crumbs to Robin . 
Outside the hatch of my Cake Van . 
Cheekpoint , Co Waterford
 Sunrise Yoga Nicola from Natural Therapies
 Sunrise Yoga Nicola from Natural Therapies
 Sunrise Yoga Nicola from Natural Therapies
Fisherman at sunset. Conor Healy, Kerry 
 A fisherman on Lough Leane in Killarney, Co Kerry at sunset. 
Picture : Conor Healy
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 'The Odd Couple'. Taken on 19/04/21 while out for an early morning walk. I spotted the bird and took a picture and then spotted he/she had company...
 James O’ Driscoll, admiring the beauty of Dunmanus Bay and surrounding areas while perched on Mount Corrin, Durrus, West Cork.
 Exciting level 5 
Sunday the 11th of April,
Ballymac Co.Kerry
IMG 20201211 213025 
 The old Bernard Shaw at night. Picture: Fiona Cronin
20210417 145155 
 Wildlife Reflection & Shadow on Royal Canal Greenway near Mullingar. 
Picture: Mags Larrigy
 Katie Lorna And Mark checking the sheep .in Athlone >Photo By Helen Maloney.
20210404 124305-01 (2) 
 Easter walks in Mount Juliet Estate Gardens, Co. Kilkenny 
Picture: Breena Duggan, Kilkenny
20210418 100042 
 The county is our oyster - Fiadh (7) and Faolán McKeogh (5) examine a map of Co Clare after the easing of travel restrictions opens up new opportunities for adventure. Picture: Kathy McKeogh
IMG 3049 
 Sasha our German Shepard loves bringing home the turf from the bog.
20210414 063108 
 Bettystown Beach Meath
20210416 073646 
 The Ramparts, Navan, Co.Meath
20210417 073202 
 Jamestown Bog
20210404 064950 
 Girly Bog, Meath
20210326 063648 
 Hill of Tara
Arya stream 
 10 Month old Labrador, Arya, running through a stream in Garryduff woods. Picture: Christian Kilbride
 Two dogs, scruffy and benjie from Nenagh, enjoying the sun. Picture :Jessica Ryan
 In The Spotlight 
I took this shot in Charles Fort just as the sun appeared for a few mins and this yacht was just passing ,last Autumn. Picture Eileen Duggan
IMG 20210415 200713 582 
 We took our first trip out to West Cork since post 5km lifted last Thursday as Grace (2) made a run for the sea after making her sandcastle. Picture: Richard Balfe (dad)
20210415 092905 
Kinsale Marina. Thursday 15th April 2021. The morning mist lifting.
Fiona Cunningham
20210418 135736 
 Out of the Mist
 In Bloom, Kilmacurragh Rhododendrons Co Wicklow, my first trip outside 5km on Saturday 17 August
 KiteSurfer on Tramore Beach , Waterford.
Photo Credit: Katie Landers
20210403 200743 
 Reflecting. I was taking a walk on Easter Saturday evening last in Kilmurry, Co.Clare when could not resist taking a photo of the beautiful setting sun. It reminds me of how beautiful nature is.
20210416 132536-01 
 Six year old Dorothy O'Sullivan taking it all in on Portmarnock Beach. Returning to the sea for the first time since before Christmas. Picture: Richie O'Sullivan
April Showers West Waterford 
 April Showers East of Cappoquin, Co. Waterford. Picture:Brendan Connors
DSC 0614 
 Three Beauties
 Sunrise at Garretstown Beach, Co.Cork
PSX 20210416 194029 
 Golden hour. Axhill Island Co.Mayo.
 A friendship that will last a lifetime #5kmrule #gone #happiness
DSC 0056 
 Hello, can you hear me.... these zoom meetings are driving me around the bend.
Dancing Duck March 2021 
 "The dancing duck" taken in Bushey Park Dublin in March of this year
20210413 mournes apr21 86776 
 Magnificent rock formations at sunrise on the top of Slieve Bearnagh in Mourne mountains.
A Riseing Star 
 A Rising Star !,a under 14 cyclist wins his bike race at currow co kerry
feeding time 
 Breakfast time for our resident garden Robin and her chicks, Watergrasshill, Co. Cork
Sandymount 4 

Seashells captured by Sonya O'Donoghue on Sandymount Strand this week, the famous chimneys are in the background too!
 Man's best training partner!

Picture: Josh Reynolds
Burning Bush 
 The Burning Bush
IMG 2007 
 First sunset outside my 5k taken in Slea Head, Dingle on Monday evening last as restrictions were eased that day.
 My daughter Celine O Riordan pictured in the Octogon building in Currabinny wood. Taken after 5km travel limit was lifted .
love is sharing a Bluebell by Deirdre Casolani Ireland 
Brother and sister Ely and Hannah Conway in Glenabo woods Fermoy ,Co Cork
The Swan 
 A shot of a Swan bathing at the river in India.
 Among the many folk festivals of Bengal, Gajan festival, Charak Puja and Neel Puja has a special place even in today’s modern age. Although it is celebrated predominantly in rural Bengal, the festival is till celebrated in some pockets of the Metro city of Kolkata.Gajan is actually linked to persons who are related to agricultural community, directly or indirectly. They pray for the rains and better harvest.During Charak people dress up as Cosmetic Shiva, Parvati, Krishna and other deities. Usually Rajbangshi caste of persons is allowed to do such acts. They are locally known as “Soung of Gajan†(Soung in Bengali means jester).The word gajan in Bengali comes from the word garjan or roar generated by sannyasis during the festivities. Alternative theory says it is from the from two word Ga (village) and Jan ( People), indicating festival of the people.
Picture Credit - Shubhodeep Roy
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 Bengal is known as a land of festivities, where religious ceremonies outnumber the months in the calendar. The festival Gajan is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is associated with such deities as Shiva, Neel and Dharmaraj. Gajan spans around a week, starting at the last week of Choitro continuing till the end of the Bengali year. It ends with Charak Puja. Participants of this festival is known as sannyasi or Bhokto. Persons of any gender can be a participant. The complete history of the festival is not known. The central theme of this festival is deriving satisfaction through non-sexual pain, devotion and sacrifice.As mentioned earlier, the basic reason for the festival is to worship the deities of the respective devotees for the hope of a better rainy season and good harvest. Also, people believe that the festival will provide them prosperity eliminating from any sorrow and sufferings which they suffered in the past year.Primarily arranged on the premises of different Shiva Temples, the festival is arranged mainly by mendicants (Persons begging or relying on charitable donations) who are referred as “Gajan Sanyasisâ€. The festival takes places in open grounds and not in anyone’s residence.
Picture Credit - Shubhodeep Roy
 Sunset at Rochestown recently
 Jumping for Joy at Inchydoney as we travel beyond 5k this week
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 Fen, the Tiger of Moville
IMG 6659 
 A swan takes a peaceful early morning snooze against the rising sun at The Canal Pond, Tralee. 14th April.
 Nature at its best ! Our Family cat “Patch†having his evening catch up with our pet rabbit “Summer “!
IMG 3688 (2) 
 View through Brow Head watchtower near Crookhaven, West Cork. 14/04/21 Picture: John P Murphy
 Blackbird building a nest in the back garden. Picture: Stuart Kenny
Robin and Hailstone 
 A robin navigating the hailstone in Rathcormac, co. Cork
Picture: Basil O'Sullivan
Cork (2) 
 Icy tranquility
 I'd love to be travelling far and wide to take pictures of exotic creatures, but not yet. So if I can't be where I want to be, I'll enjoy where I am. And don't cut the dandelions.
IMG 3695 
 Sunset over Clare Island.Picture taken at Bertra Beach Co.Mayo
 Seagull in full flight at Screggane Maharees Castlegregory Co Kerry last Friday April 9th 2021.Photo by Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Maharees, seagull, wildlife
 Finally able to travel within your own County, Youghal Beach, County Cork, April 13th 2021. Picture: Sinéad Barry
20210412 171654 
 Nice to see you again....Photograph by Kieran Mackessy
 Ballycarty Railway Bridge, Ballymacelligot Sunday 11th of April Afternoon. Picture: Micheal O Connor
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 My daughter Sophie and her well loved Teddy Roo. Picture: Michelle Cullen
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 Spring is in the air as two Robins enjoy a smooch after a meal. 
Picture: Olly Griffin
 The delicate beauty of nature. Drumree, County Meath. Picture: Katie Cowley Lane. 
 Keywords: nature
 Natural Beauty 
The sun behind lit up the natural color of the water & the on coming hail clouds darkened behind on Cleggan beach in Co. Galway 
Photo: Eithna Horan
 Close up Collared Dove
 Making the most of freedom from our 5km - watching the 6.30am sunrise at the Old Head of Kinsale on the 12th of April.
 Making the most of freedom from our 5km - watching the 6.30am sunrise at the Old Head of Kinsale on the 12th of April.
 "Something in the air..." Sunday 10th of April, evening at Galway Salthill Promenade.
Three dog day 
 I spotted these 3 beauties while strolling the Clontarf coastline!

Picture: Pat Carey
Making it Through 
 Delicate and wild flower seems to be aiming to be free. It was taken in Dublin during a walk early in the morning.
MG 7955 
 Fresh as a Tulip - photograph taken at my kitchen window of a pretty vase of tulips.
Picture: Liz Leddy
001 RAVEN 
 Linda Raven auditions for part in "The Avian Exorcist". She certainly has the neck for it.
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 Clean up time. photo by joe murphy
 Sunset in Cobh captured from the Titanic Memorial Garden
IMG 0257 
 Best Friends! I have been looking at these entertaining baby lambs for a week or so. I captured this one on Saturday last.
 My 2 year old grand daughter Ryleigh "On the run".!..Photo Helen Maloney.
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 3 year old Esme McKenna reaching out to her 94 year old great granny Mary Jordan at Eliza Lodge Nursing home.. 'So near, but yet so far"....
 And Baby makes three
 Sunrise on Youghal Beach, Co.Cork in March 2021. Picture: Fiona Cronin
 Natural Beauty, Cleggan
Photo: Eithna Horan
 Sunset at Rossbeigh Beach in Glenbeigh
DSC 0020 
 Big Bird ..Little bird.
 Clothes pegs in spring sunshine. Just liked the way the light was on the pegs on our clothes line.
 Photo of my grand daughter Ryleigh feeding baby lamb.Photo by Helen Maloney.
IMG 20210408 070643 
 Flower of Spring at Eyre Square
IMG 20210409 070822 
 Sunrise at Port of Galway
lobbster fishing 
 Going Out Fishing
 Sunset over Conor Pass

Picture: Sinéad Hingston
 A crisp winter sunset at Ballyloughane Beach in Galway.
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 My photo John mc dermott
Beautiful Errigal Mountain and boat
 Lambs enjoying the sun and each other's company in Glengarriff, Co.Cork. Picture: Laura O'Flaherty
 Shanagarry canine residents Francesco and Luca enjoying a game of ball at Ardnahinch beach in East Cork. Photo: Mark Leo
20210403 125011 
 The strength in a cup of tea. It's all in how you make it ! 
Cup of tea made by my son, colour and shapes, just looked too good to stir it !!
 Garden simplicity
 Spring is in the air. A ladybird enjoying life amongst the rhubarb leaves within the vegetable patch in the garden, In County Meath. Picture: Katie Cowley Lane.
20210403 125011 
 The strength in a cup of tea. It's all in how you make it ! 
Cup of tea made by my son, colour and shapes, just looked too good to stir it !!
20210403 183830 
 'I want a pool party' this is our Berenese Mountain dog Casey, who loves water.
20210407 081154 
 'Hay There' our of our baby lambs found a very comfy spot in his mamma's hay !!
20210313 111641 
 A cheeky little fella, born recently.....but oh so cute !!
20210403-APR 9536 
 Riding out on the beach at Morning, Co Meath
20210401 155211 
 My walk within the 5km... during covid times.... image displays the challenge we all had to climb.
Robin with Bug 
 Robin with bug. D09 H2H4. 03/04/2021. Photographed with Nikon D7100. Looked an interesting moment. Picture:Joseph O'Brien.
IMG 20210407 011309 
 "Footprint in the sand" Maharees within the 5 km.
 Life in Lockdown
PSX 20210405 112731 
 Easter Sunday @ Garretstown.
20210406 172425 
 Its Springtime! After a long winter it's finally spring!! Picture taken by Muireann Gallagher age 9.
Blue Tit 
 Always Check Your Mirrors

A Blue Tit admiring himself this spring in the wing mirror of our car. Taken in Inistioge Kilkenny.
 Flowers in water,plants are beautiful,castlepark village, Mallow.Picture:Shannon Keane
IMG 5958 
 Sunrise on Torc mountain watching the fog roll in over Muckross, Killarney. Picture: Ashling Hartnett
star burst 
Sunlight Bouncing off the Water in Fr Collins Park North Dublin 
Taken by Me Janette Kelly in March 2021 using my 20 year old starburst filter on my lens
20210405 200742 
 Good morning 🌷 I love to take photos when out walking our dog Pixie especially in the evening when the sun is setting. I climb gates ditches & fences to try & get a decent picture, 🤓 kind regards, Angela ðŸ£ðŸ°ðŸ‘ðŸ™
IMG 20210405 201724 
 Pandemic Childhood: Cousins, neighbours and best friends stay connected during lockdown 3 with the help of some ladders which their dad's sourced.
Ladder + BFF = happiness
 Rolling mist suddenly covers the valley of Scardowen near Timoleague
 The 40ft at Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
 Walking in the Spring fog at Ballynamona beach in East Cork. Photo: Mark Leo
IMG 20210405 174441 
 "Holding onto hope"
 Niamh Doocey 11 year old jumping on her Trampoline co Cork
 11 year old Niamh Doocey jumping on her trampoline. Picture taken by Tara Doocey
 Easter Sunrise
Sunrise on Easter Sunday morning over the misted River Liffey at Newbridge Co Kildare
 Maharees Horses
Picture credit Sharon Mowat Driscoll
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 3rd April 2021
IMG 6621 
 A Cormorant turns its back to the early morning sun while stretching its wings on a high lamp post . ( The basin, Tralee, Easter Sunday)
IMG 0064 
 (When will the Barbers open) - Meadow Pipit, Main car park Waterville Co,Kerry 03.04.2021
IMG 20210404 195753 
 Where's Báinín?
One year old Báinín takes refuge in the cherry blossom tree. Can you find her?
Picture: Colman Motherway
IMG 3078 
 Croagh Patrick at night. Westport Co.Mayo Pic:Jakub Suliga
20210325 160000 
 Where flowers bloom so does hope...
I took this on my daily walk near Ballyshannon.. I love the contrast between the old farmhouse and the new soring daffodils..
 Will this lockdown ever end?
Jules Carney aged four stares out his living-room window . 
Picture: Marion Horgan (His nana)
20210329 165622 
 'Cows in Rathcooney' darkroom lith print by Barry Mayfield, Ballyvolane
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 Covid turned the world upside-down down. (Malahide castle)
Midge, like her owner, lives for sunshine. The photo was taken on a stunning April morning.
 cat and seagull dublin 2019 photo by peter gaffey
 Group Photo! This small herd of cows were very interested in my camera and they posed beautifully... Castlebar Co.Mayo. Picture : Joanne Ryan of JRShots
IMG 20210404 010216 
 My grand daughter Ryleigh getting ready for Easter .
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 Oysterhaven bay co.Cork A sunny evening.
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 Gougane barra hillwalking on a March day.
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 No fish, no problem!
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 Boat wreck 
Taken 2020,kerry
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 Willow Warbler back for the summer, taken among the Sallow tree
April 1st 2021
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 Cows in Rathcooney
 Constant Companions During Covid - Eight year old Hannah Thomson, Glanmire Cork at home with her two cats Charlie and Oreo in February 2021 Lockdown
 Struggling for position, Kilcrohane, sheepshead Peninsula
 Between the trees
Spring sunset 
 Spring sunset, Sheep's Head Peninsula
 Aaaarrrrggggghhhh Dan The Pirate,Macro photo
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 Resting Robin
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 Sunset on the Shannon
Snail Bill Stapleton 
 Snail on their way home in Bray Co Wicklow 
 Keywords: Film, Negative Lab Pro
 “Sent here from Heaven..... & she’s Daddy’s little girl!â€
 Sea shell treasure left by the tide in Dublin Bay, March 2021
Picture: Sonya O'Donoghue
IMG 1097 
 Grey Heron at rest in Bush Park, March 2021
Michael O'Sullivan
IMG 6567 
 Tulips are starting to sprout on the grounds of Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee. (1/4/21)
 A swan with three shadows, in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.
Connor Pass Dingle - Low Cloud-2135 
 Connor Pass Dingle Co Kerry under cloud yesterday March 30th 2021.Photo by Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Connor Pass, Lakes, Low Cloud, valley
 Aidan Fitzgerald, 12, Co cork enjoying the sunny weather with his dog.
 A starling coming in to land.
Taken in Castlebar Co.Mayo
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 Magilligan Point is this-a-way say the Greencastle rocks
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 Sunrise Cahore Beach
Beach.Sky March2021 3IMG 7969 
 March sky. Garrettstown beach,co.Cork
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 My daughter Emily. Picture: Michelle Cullen
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 An isolated Dandelion on the sea wall in Rosbeg, Westport, Co Mayo.
Picture taken by : Nan Kelly
 A Pheasant Uprising
 The Rock of Cashel with the moon at 97.6% full and 364,666kms from Earth on March 30th 2021. 
Picture: Olly Griffin.
DSCF3477Mar 17 2021 
 Taken by Frank Monaghan at Fenloe Lake in Co.Clare on St Patricks Day this year. Was very surprised to see it among the rushes.
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 Kicking it up in Kerry. Mikey Fitzgerald age 3. Family Fun
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 A couple of swans into the sunset on Lough Atalia,Galway.
EmptyName 6-Edit 
 Photo taken of my neighbour Fiona when the weather was lovely .
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 Handsome Robin posing in the garden, one half of the pair that visit us daily, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. Picture: Caoimhe Tyndall
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 Beautiful Camelia taken in Cork suburbs on 29th March 2021.
 LOOKDOWN TALENT...Martin Ryan in Galway City discovered this wonderful talent during the Coronaviris Lookdown, so ended up with a beautiful Mural of the Long Walk the most photographed place in Galway/Claddagh in his own fantastic style, now in his golden years and now being so proud it just goes to show what you can do if you put your mind to it, even in the lookdown there's Hope, and Hope is a good thing, thank you, he deserves a big pat on the back...sorry for going on and on...
 Moon shadow. March on a wild and windy night.
Mt Brandon 1 
 Thinking back to time spent on the mountains at Mount Brandon with Richard Mcelligott 
taken by Garrett O'Connell
 An unexpected early morning visitor (an otter) snoozing on our doorstep! Supplying a little bit of joy during these difficult times. (Morning of Wednesday 24th March at Coolmore, Carrigaline, Co. Cork)
Photo taken by Ella Murray
 An unexpected early morning visitor (an otter) snoozing on our doorstep! Supplying a little bit of joy during these difficult times. (Morning of Wednesday 24th March at Coolmore, Carrigaline, Co. Cork)
Photo taken by Ella Murray
 An unexpected early morning visitor (an otter) snoozing on our doorstep! Supplying a little bit of joy during these difficult times. (Morning of Wednesday 24th March at Coolmore, Carrigaline, Co. Cork)
Photo taken by Ella Murray
Swan courtship (8)-Edit-Edit 
 Graceful and balletic mute swan courtship ritual. Picture: Gemma Kelleher
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 online college, aoife higgins, doing online college outside in the garden with a humorous twist, Kanturk, Co. cork taken by aoife higgins.
 “The vulnerabilities of natureâ€: A sheep skull found in a field in Drumree, County Meath whilst on a family walk. Picture: Katie Cowley Lane.
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 Modern Clothesline, Aoife Higgins, Kanturk, washed facemasks after a long day, Co. Cork
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 Modern Clothesline
Lulu at bathtime! 
 Lulu, knows it's bathtime!!
Picture: Pat Carey
 I took this picture of the two horses near Portlick Forest in County Westmeath. Picture: Todor Tilev
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 'Blondes are noticed, but redheads are never forgotten'
Redpoll, taken in my garden in Kildare 27/03/21
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 The end of the coal season
 Two inquisitive spring lambs. Picture: Sean McInerney.
Beach.Sky March2021 3IMG 7969 
 Beateaful March sky at the Garrettstown Beach, co.Cork
cj in tunnelsA 
 CJ stander with the 6 nations trophy (2018) in the tunnel at thomend park,co limerick,picture Mike Quinn

Images 1-337 of 337 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.

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