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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

Images 1,401-1,420 of 2,640 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
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 Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh vs #7 captain Aaron Crowley St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny with possession in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh celebrate the defeat of St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh celebrate the defeat of St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Team captain Ruairi O'Conchuir with his dad Declan after Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh defeated St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Liam Shanahan makes the cup presentation to Team captain Ruairi O'Conchuir who lifts the cup for Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh defeat St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Joy at the final whistle as Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh defeat St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Max O'Murchu for Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh ais chased by Aaron Hennessy, St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 Max O'Murchu for Gaelscoil Ui Eigearthaigh, Cobh against St Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny in the Urban H3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcai finals at Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Cork on Friday 10th June 2022. Pic Larry Cummins
 TRADING STORIES for Darragh Bermingham/ The Echo at Beech Hill Garden Centre, Montenotte, Cork. Olivine Harrington watering plants. Pic: Larry Cummins
 TRADING STORIES for Darragh Bermingham/ The Echo at Beech Hill Garden Centre, Montenotte, Cork. Olivine Harrington watering plants. Pic: Larry Cummins
 General view at the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 General view at the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 General view at the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 General view at the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 General view at the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 General view at the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 General view at the protest.(Oliver Plunkett Street)
EEjob 11/06/2022.
Echo News.
FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Yvonne, speaking about her children and their struggles to get services, at the protest.
EEjob 11/06/2022.
Echo News.
FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Rebecca O'Riordan, FUSS, leading the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Rebecca O'Riordan, FUSS, leading the protest. EEjob 11/06/2022. Echo News. FUSS (Families Unite for Services and Support)protest for children with disabilities, on the Grand Parade, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.

Images 1,401-1,420 of 2,640 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
Results: << Previous 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Next >>

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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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