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 Cian Clernon, Kanturk, battles with Rob Cullinane, Fr. O'Neills. EEjob 30/06/2024. Echo Sport. Red FM Hurling League Division 1, Kanturk V's Fr, O'Neills, at Kanturk, Co. Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Barry Kenneally and Christopher Mullane, Kanturk, cannot stop the shot of Billy Dunne, Fr. O'Neills which resulted in a first half goal. EEjob 30/06/2024. Echo Sport. Red FM Hurling League Division 1, Kanturk V's Fr, O'Neills, at Kanturk, Co. Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Eire Og celebrate their win. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Tomas O'Brien, Eire Og, receives the Cup from Michael O'Mahony, Chairperson Rebel Og. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Sean Hogan, Eire Og, battles with Jamie O'Riordan, Carrigtwohill. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Jack Casey, Eire Og, battles with Finn Barrett, Carrigtwohill. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Jack Casey, Eire Og, battles with Finn Barrett, Carrigtwohill. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Jack Casey, Eire Og, battles with Finn Barrett and Odhran Collins, Carrigtwohill. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Jack Casey, Eire Og, battles with Finn Barrett and Odhran Collins, Carrigtwohill. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Sean Hogan, Eire Og, battles with Jamie O'Riordan, Carrigtwohill. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 2 Hurling Final, Eire Og V's Carrigtwohill, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Midleton celebrate their win. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Liam O'Sullivan, Midleton, receives the Cup from Michael O'Mahony, Chairperson Rebel Og. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Billy Mehigan, Ballinora, battles with Kevin Leister, Midleton. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Billy Mehigan, Ballinora, under pressure from Kevin Leister, Midleton. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ronan O'Sullivan, Ballinora, battles with Fionn Byrne, Midleton. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Donagh Conway, Ballinora, gets past Liam Cronin, Midleton and chips goalkeeper Will Stokes, Midleton. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Donagh Conway, Ballinora, gets past Liam Cronin, Midleton. EEjob 28/06/2024. Echo Sport. Rebel Og Coiste Fe14 Premier 1 Hurling Final, Ballinora V's Midleton, at Ballinlough, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XX 29/06/2024 FEELGOOD - Yoga teacher Aileen Ferris pictured demonstrating a Wild Thing pose. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 XX 29/06/2024 FEELGOOD - Mike McGrath Bryan relaxing durinmg a recent Yoga session. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 XX 29/06/2024 FEELGOOD - Yoga teacher Aileen Ferris and Mike McGrath Bryan about to start a yoga session. Picture: Howard Crowdy

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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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