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 ***SEE FOR NICOLE GLENNON COPY *** 31/07/2024 Sarah King of Electric Picnic's Croí stage in the Iveagh Gardens Dublin. Photo: Gareth Chaney
 WOW Marking: EE Elaine Duggan:  Carla Pittam founder of St Luke's Community Garden pictured in the reclaimed green space. Picture Chani Anderson 
 Standalone marking EE/Xx 30/07/24 A Junior Infants pupil from Star of the Sea National School in Passage West greets his father with a flying hug as he his collected after his first day of school. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
With a skip in their step parents and preschoolers arrive to Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy for their first day back at school. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Caitlin (7) gives her little sister Sophie (4) a comforting hug in her first day at junior infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24 Tomás Ó Sé, Principal of Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy, hangs the balloons in preparation of welcoming the pupils back for the first day of the school’s 40th anniversary year. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Brid McMahon kisses her nervous son, Senan, 4, on his first day of Junior Infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Brid McMahon coaxes a smile from her son, Senan, 4, on his first day of Junior Infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Casey Noonan (4) holds tight to Amelia’s (7) hand as he arrives for on his first day of Junior Infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Excited smiles from Darragh Morrissey, 4, as he spots a friend on his first day of Junior Infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Excited smiles from Darragh Morrissey, 4, as he spots a friend on his first day of Junior Infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Casey Noonan (4) holds tight to Amelia’s (7) hand as he arrives for on his first day of Junior Infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
A happy reunion as friends Fischer Collins, 7, Kai Clancy, 8 and Oisín Kennelly, 7 meet at the gates Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy for their first day of second class. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Nathan 6, Mia 10 and Leah 6 Mlynarski pose for a family picture outside Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy for their first day back at school. Picture Chani Anderson
 Marking: EE Rachel Lysaght 29/08/24. Ava Forde proudly shows off her creation during her first day of Junior Infants in Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Only two hours says an emotional Kaylan Pinhairo to her son Bento as she drops him off for his first day in Junior infants at Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy. Picture Chani Anderson
 Marking: EE Rachel Lysaght 29/08/24. Mia O’Brien looking less than impressed with the antics of some of her classmates during her first day of Junior Infants in Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. Picture Chani Anderson
 Marking: EE Rachel Lysaght 29/08/24. Ms Bowen’s new Junior Infants class pictured on their first day of school in Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. Picture Chani Anderson
 Marking: EE Rachel Lysaght 29/08/24. After some initial short lived tears Ava Manning bravely settles in for her first day of Junior Infants in Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. Picture Chani Anderson
 Schools Marking: XX: Tony Leen: 28/08/24
Proud mother Nikata helps her daughter Abigail Heaphy (4) put on her schoolbag as she drops her to the door of Gaelscoil De HÍde in Fermoy for her first day in Junior Infants. Picture Chani Anderson

Images 101-120 of 2,574 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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