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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers Tiernan O'Brien pulls away from Wexford's James Crawford during the SSE Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers Matthew McKevitt clashes with Wexford's Sean McHale during the SSE Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers Matthew McKevitt clashes with Wexford's Sean McHale during the SSE Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers Cian Browne clashes with Wexford's Kian Corbally during the SSE Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers David Bosnjak holds off the challenge from Wexford's Thomas Oluwa during the SSE Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers Cian Browne keeps the ball away from Wexford's Darragh Levington during the SSE Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 05/09/2024 SPORT - Cobh Ramblers Regix Madika tussles with WEexford's Kian Corbally during the SSER Airtricity Mens First Division match in St Colemans Park. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Trish Hegarty of the 'Blood. Sweat and Beers team from Red Iron Fitness in Midleton pictured carrying a bag of sand during one of the disciplines at the recent East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - The 'Fantastic Four' team successfully cleraring the 'Wall' during the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Matthew Pender pictured jumping over one of the obstacles at the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - John, Frances, Shauna and KateMarie Histon pictured with Davy Fitzgerlad at the recent Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Rory Slye of the Irving Whitegate Refinary team appears to have very long legs as he emerges from the pipe during the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - The Irving Whitegate Refinary team working their way along the Monkey Bars during the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Mason and Cohan Ring Veale from Castlemartyr enjoying their ice creams at the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Pictured at the recent East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club were Aine Collins, Miah Holland, Amelia Neale, Sophie Looney and Chloe Corby. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Matthew Pender, Jason Histon and Sean Histon of 'The Fantastic Four' team from Ballymore Cobh AC reach out to team mate Margaret O'Regan on the final obstacle in the ecent East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Brendan Boyce feeling the strain during the recent East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Watching the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. were Anna and Evie Lombard, Mia O'Connor, Faye Mulcahy and Maia Haughey from Whitegate. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Coach Davy Fitzgerald checking teams and times with Orla Geary and Jimmy Maher of the Fittest Superstars Team at the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 07/09/2024 NEWS/SPORT - Coach Davy Fitzgerald checking teams and times with Orla Geary and Jimmy Maher of the Fittest Superstars Team at the East Corks Fittest Superstars Event in Aghada GAA club. Picture: Howard Crowdy

Images 161-180 of 786 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.
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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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