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Picture of the Week Competition 
 You never know what you'll find at the end of the rainbow!
Lough Inagh - SEP 24 2 (26 of 27) 
 Connemara Sheep enjoying the shade on the banks of Lough Inagh, Connemara, Co. Galway
Lough Inagh - SEP 24 2 (1 of 27) 
 Morning fog rolls over the Long Walk in Galway City
Lough Inagh - SEP 24 2 (24 of 27) 
 A sheep overlooking the Twelve Bins Mountains, Connemara, Co. Galway
Lough Inagh - SEP 24 2 (18 of 27) 
 The beautiful Twelve Bens behind Lough Inagh, Connemara, Co. Galway
 Curious Kestrel checking out its own shadow ,cast by the beautiful autumn sunset near Tracton Co.Cork.
IMG 6917-Edit 
 Take me ! Photo by Helen Maloney
Bee & Flower 3, Glengarriff, 100924 
 Spotted this busy bee near the riverbank at Glengarriff Nature Reserve after the morning rain started to clear - 10/09/2024
Cork English World Tower 
 Taken from St. Finbarr's Cathedral, looking at the bell tower of the Cork English World buildings, with the Counting House in the background.
IMG 3276 
 12 week old Leela enjoying her first time in the garden in Ballincollig, Cork. Picture: Noeleen Brady
CorkEastFittestSuperstars 7Sep2024 
 One of the teams taking part in the 'Cork East Fittest Superstars' competition held at Aghada GAA grounds on Saturday 7th September 2024. Title of the picture: 'Last One Up'
Girl on Phone 
 Girl on her Phone
Aidan O Neill-Long Jump-4123 
 Aidan O Neill in the "Long Jump" at the "O Neill Family Olympics" at Beal Ban beach Ballyferriter Co Kerry recently.Photo by: Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Beal Ban, beach, family
Just a Trim Please 
 "Just a Trim Please".... A Gannet gets some personal grooming done on the Saltee Islands, Co. Wexford. Picture: Bryan Enright
Drift Wood On the Beach 2 Color 180824 
 Driftwood is on the shore of the lake on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, Canada.
Picture by David Murphy
20240905 122739 
 The desert in bloom in early September 2024. Karoo National Botanical Garden in the Northern Cape of South Africa. Picture: Kate Kiely
 My dog Charlie Browne enjoying his walk on Lahinch beach, Co Clare. Picture Lisa O Mahony
IMG 5097 
 Marlyn and the Mating Moths
 David o Keeffe, Overlooking Inniscarra Lake at Sunset 05.09.2024

Images 81-100 of 136 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.
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