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Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

Images 1-100 of 100 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.

visit 16200326 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Sister and Brother, Aoife and Patrick O'Mahony at the Farmgate Restaurant with their specially designed cake for the Lord Mayor's dinner for the Queen at the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
visit 14200323 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Sister and Brother, Aoife and Patrick O'Mahony at the Farmgate Restaurant with their specially designed cake for the Lord Mayor's dinner for the Queen at the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
visit 13200322 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Sister and Brother, Aoife and Patrick O'Mahony at the Farmgate Restaurant with their specially designed cake for the Lord Mayor's dinner for the Queen at the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
visit 5200330 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Cork Corporation workers heading out for some last minute clean up on the South Mallw for the Queen's visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
SCA QUEEN 0200768 
 NEWS Mounted Gardai on Grand Parade, for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QUEEN 4C200775 
 NEWS Queen Elizabeth 11 leaving the English Market, accompanied by Lord Mayor Michael O'Connell.
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QUEEN 4A200773 
 NEWS Minister Simon Coveney waiting for arrival of Queen Elizabeth 11 to the English Market, Cork.
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QUEEN 0Y200772 
 NEWS The Motorcade at the junction of Grand Parade and South Mall.

visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QUEEN 0R200769 
 NEWS Mounted Gardai on Washington Street, for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QE 16200375 
 NEWS Master Silversmith, Chris Carroll working on the brooch in his workshop.
A brooch depicting Cork Butter Exchange, which will be presented to Queen of England, on her visit to Cork City
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QE 13200373 
 NEWS The inscription on the brooch depicting Cork Butter Exchange, which will be presented to Queen of England, on her visit to Cork City
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QE 1z200377 
 NEWS Master Silversmith, Chris Carroll working on the brooch in his workshop.
A brooch depicting Cork Butter Exchange, which will be presented to Queen of England, on her visit to Cork City
Picture Denis Scannell 
SCA QE 1w200372 
 NEWS Master Silversmith, Chris Carroll working on the brooch in his workshop.
A brooch depicting Cork Butter Exchange, which will be presented to Queen of England, on her visit to Cork City
Picture Denis Scannell 
 18/05/2011 - NEWS - A young spectator waiting for the Queen to pass en-route to Croke Park, general image from Mountjoy Square, Dublin. Picture Nick Bradshaw / fotonic
 18/05/2011 - NEWS - A young spectator waiting for the Queen to pass en-route to Croke Park, general image from Mountjoy Square, Dublin. Picture Nick Bradshaw / fotonic
 18/05/2011 - NEWS - A young spectator waiting for the Queen to pass en-route to Croke Park, general image from Mountjoy Square, Dublin. Picture Nick Bradshaw / fotonic
Ex dan tyndall 13200725 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
Crowds on the South Mall, Cork await the arrival of HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh visit to Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan tyndall 10200712 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
EX dan tyndall 8200710 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
Hussein Benhaffaf looding to get away from his mother Angie and brother Hassan during the visit by HM Queen Elizabeth to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
EX dan tyndall 7200709 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth speaking with Angie Benhaffaf and her boys Hassan and Hussein during her visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan tyndall 5200703 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth speaking with Angie Benhaffaf and her boys Hassan and Hussein during her visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Also included are Mr.Edward Kiely, surgeon at the Great Ordmond Street Hospital and Sinead O'Sullivan, HR Department, Tyndall. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan tyndall 4200702 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth speaking with Angie Benhaffaf and her boys Hassan and Hussein during her visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
EX dan tyndall 2200700 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth speaking with Angie Benhaffaf and her boys Hassan and Hussein during her visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan market 2200420 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
People enjoying lunch at the Farmgate Restaurant balcony which overlooks the spot where Queen Elizabeth will meet with traders in the famous English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan market 1200417 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
People enjoying lunch at the Farmgate Restaurant balcony which overlooks the spot where Queen Elizabeth will meet with traders in the famous English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan bunting 5200446 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Finbar and Frances O'Connor of Paul O'Connor Shoes, Princes Street putting up bunting for the visit of the Queen to the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan bunting 2200436 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Finbar and Frances O'Connor of Paul O'Connor Shoes, Princes Street putting up bunting for the visit of the Queen to the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan bunting 1200434 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Finbar and Frances O'Connor of Paul O'Connor Shoes, Princes Street putting up bunting for the visit of the Queen to the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan army 5200509 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Army troops secure the surrounds of Cork Airport for the Queens visit. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan army 4200505 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Army troops secure the surrounds of Cork Airport for the Queens visit. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan army 3200506 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Army troops secure the surrounds of Cork Airport for the Queens visit. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
EX dan army 2200508 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Army troops secure the surrounds of Cork Airport for the Queens visit. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
EX dan army 1200510 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Army troops secure the surrounds of Cork Airport for the Queens visit. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
Ex dan army 3200507 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Army troops secure the surrounds of Cork Airport for the Queens visit. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11 waves goodbye as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 15200742 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 An Taoiseach Enda Kenny says goodbye to Queen Elizabeth 11 as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
DES QUEEN 4200741 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11 waves goodbye to as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 17200749 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Aer Lingus staff wave goodbye to Queen Elizabeth 11 as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 15200748 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 On the lookout prior to the arrival of Queen Elizabeth11 at Cork Airport 13yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 12200747 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11. arrives at Cork Airport yesterday Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 11200746 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11 arrives at Cork Airport with her husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 10200745 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11. and husband Prince Philip arrive at Cork Airport Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 9200755 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 An Taoiseach Enda Kenny getting instructions on the protocal as he awaits the arrival of Queen Elizabeth 11 at Cork Airport yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 8200754 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 An Taoiseach Enda Kenny awaits the arrival of Queen Elizabeth 11 at Cork Airport yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 6200752 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 An Taoiseach Enda Kenny says goodbye to Queen Elizabeth 11 as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
DES QUEEN 5200751 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11 waves goodbye as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 3200750 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11 waves goodbye to An Taoiseach Enda Kenny as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
des QUEEN 1 6200744 
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Trying to get a glimpse of Queen Elizabeth 11. at Cork Airport Picture Des Barry
DENIS visit 7200590 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Ger O'Sullivan (left) and Pat O'Sullivan, Cork City Council, putting up the flag at the plaza on South Mall for the Queen's visit to Cork city. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS visit 5200589 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
A strong garda presence on the South Mall prior to the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork city. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS visit 4200588 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
A strong garda presence on the South Mall prior to the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork city. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS visit 3200586 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
A mannequin appropriately attired as 'Queen Elizabeth 11' looking out the window from the Art 250 pop-up exhibition in Cork city centre. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS visit 2200587 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Two mannequins approapriately attired as 'Queen Elizabeth 11' and 'Princess Catherine' looking out the window from the Art 250 pop-up exhibition in Cork city centre. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS visit 1200584 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Two mannequins approapriately attired as 'Queen Elizabeth 11' and 'Princess Catherine' looking out the window from the Art 250 pop-up exhibition in Cork city centre. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 29200767 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Paul and Pat O'Connell with the gurnard fish they showed Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 23200761 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The plaque unveiled by Queen Elizabeth 11 in the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 22200760 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The huge crowd of visitors making their way into the English Market in Cork following the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 21200759 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The packed English Market in Cork following the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 20200758 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The packed English Market in Cork following the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 19200757 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The packed English Market in Cork following the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 16200738 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 15200737 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 14200736 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 unveiling a plaque in the presence of Prince Philip and Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Michael O'Connell, during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 12200735 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 11200734 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
A colourful display of fresh fruit and veg for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to the English Market during her visit to Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 5200715 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 looking around the English Market during her visit to Cork city. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 3200708 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 walking beneath pheasants and other game as she walked through the English Market during her visit to Cork city accompanied by Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Michael O'Connell. Picture Denis Minihane.
DENIS queen 2200699 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 looking around the English Market during her visit to Cork city as she chatted with Jerry Moynihan of Moynihan's Poultry and Lord Mayor of Cokr, Cllr. Michael O'Connell. Picture Denis Minihane.
 NEWS Queen Elizabeth 11 welcomed by the Lord Mayor of Cork Michael O'Connell, as she arrives to the entrance to The English Market, on the Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The packed English Market in Cork following the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Picture Denis Minihane.
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth speaking with Mr.Edward Kiely, surgeon at the Great Ordmond Street Hospital during her visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Watching Queen Elizabeth 11 from the balcony at the Farmgate during the visit to the English Market in Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 NEWS Students from North Monastery Secondary School, at the South Mall, for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 being presented with a brooch by the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Michael O'Connell, during her visit to the English Market in Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
 Angie Benhaffaf and her boys Hassan and Hussein during the visit by HM Queen Elizabeth to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 Queen Elizabeth 11 waves goodbye as she leaves Cork Airport with husband Prince Philip yesterday . Picture Des Barry
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 looking around the English Market during her visit to Cork city as she chatted with Jerry Moynihan of Moynihan's Poultry and Lord Mayor of Cokr, Cllr. Michael O'Connell. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Crowds at Grand Parade to see Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 NEWS Cheering Crowds on the South Mall, for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 NEWS Waiting for the Queen's arrival on Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
Hussein Benhaffaf looding to get away from his mother Angie and brother Hassan during the visit by HM Queen Elizabeth to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Danielle Cantwell, Rochestown, Cork, a member of Special Olympics Leeside Legends Athletic Club and her mother Patricia who met Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Queen Elizabeth 11 chatting with Tom Durcan, chairman, Market Traders Association, as Prince Philip looks through the food hamper with Maryrose Daly of Coffee Central on the left during the visit to the English Market in Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Thomas McCarthy at Moynihan's Poultry prior to the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Billy Long of Aramark rolling up the red carpet after the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 NEWS Queen Elizabeth 11 leaving the English Market, accompanied by Lord Mayor Michael O'Connell.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 NEWS Sinn Féin protest on Sullivans Quay.
visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
The packed English Market in Cork following the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Picture Denis Minihane.
 NEWS People waiting for the Queen's arrival at South Mall.
visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 to Cork City.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Peter Kelly (Franc) spraying water on the fruit and veg in the fountain prior to the arrival of Queen Elizabeth 11 to the English Market during her visit to Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Some of the Bodhran Bookills of St.Joseph's N.S., Mardyke, Cork, who played for Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 20/5/11 ...
Some pupils and staff from Scoil Oilibhéir, Ballyvolane, Cork, who met Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip during their visit to the English Market, Cork. Picture Denis Minihane.
 Irish Examiner News Picture 20-05-2011
HM Queen Elizabeth speaking with Angie Benhaffaf and her boys Hassan and Hussein during her visit to the Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
 Examiner News Picture 20-05-10 An Taoiseach Enda Kenny says goodbye to Queen Elizabeth 11 and her husband Prince Philip as she leaves Cork Airport yesterday . Picture Des Barry
 NEWS A brooch depicting Cork Butter Exchange, which will be presented to Queen of England, on her visit to Cork City
Picture Denis Scannell 
 NEWS Jo Gazely, Corporate Affairs, Cork City Council, admiring the brooch with Master Silversmith, Chris Carroll, 
A brooch depicting Cork Butter Exchange, which will be presented to Queen of England, on her visit to Cork City
Picture Denis Scannell 
 Irish Examiner News Picture 19-15-2011
Sister and Brother, Aoife and Patrick O'Mahony at the Farmgate Restaurant with their specially designed cake for the Lord Mayor's dinner for the Queen at the English Market, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan / staff
 LOCAL Tom Durcan, Chairman, English Market Traders Association, with Paul Murphy, Pauline Noonan and Sheila Fitzpatrick, in the English Market, Cork. They are set to become Market Ambassadors and are doing media training next week as part of preparations for the Queen's visit.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 LOCAL Tom Durcan, Chairman, English Market Traders Association, with Paul Murphy, Pauline Noonan and Sheila Fitzpatrick, in the English Market, Cork. They are set to become Market Ambassadors and are doing media training next week as part of preparations for the Queen's visit.
Picture Denis Scannell 
 LOCAL Tom Durcan, Chairman, English Market Traders Association, with Paul Murphy, Pauline Noonan and Sheila Fitzpatrick, in the English Market, Cork. They are set to become Market Ambassadors and are doing media training next week as part of preparations for the Queen's visit.
Picture Denis Scannell 

Images 1-100 of 100 displayed. Show 20, 60 or all per page.

Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
Add a gift card or promo code or voucher

**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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