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 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of LS Ronan Malone awaiting his return. 
(l to r) Lucien Cahoon, Mark and Isabelle, and Melissa Cotter from Carrigaline.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Ariana Tan, Charleville awaiting the arrival of Danny Gallagher.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Ariana Tan, Charleville awaiting the arrival of Danny Gallagher.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of Able Seaman Sam Gibney, from Kildare await his return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of Able Seaman Sam Gibney, from Kildare await his return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of Able Seaman Sam Gibney, from Kildare await his return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Hugs and kisses for loved ones upon return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Engagement upon return; Able Seaman Dean Babington proposed marriage to Niamh Cox, Shankiel after his return from the mission, pictured with their 18month old son Jake.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
PO Seaman Philip Hogan, Cobh is welcomed home by Sarah Monks and 2yo son Aaron Hogan.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
L.S. Wayne Ryan is welcomed home by Lisa Harris, Carrigaline and daughter 19-month old Hannah.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
L.S. Wayne Ryan is welcomed home by Lisa Harris, Carrigaline and daughter 19-month old Hannah.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
L.S. Wayne Ryan is welcomed home by Lisa Harris, Carrigaline and daughter 19-month old Hannah.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins
A/SBA Sandra Daly, Frankfield, Cork with her grandmothers Ann Keogh, Dublin and 92yo Brigid Daly, Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins
A/SBA Sandra Daly, Frankfield, Cork with her grandmothers Ann Keogh, Dublin and 92yo Brigid Daly, Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea. Returning crew wave to family and friends on shore.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea. 
Michelle O'Riordan Cloyne awaiting the arrival of husband James O'Riordan, with their daughter Leah, and Jame's parents Breda and Robert and his godchild Caoimhe O'Riordan on shore to greet the arriving ship.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea.
Crew on board wave to families on the shore.
 Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Sean O'Riordan story.
Unveiling of a plaque at Haulbowline Naval base, Co. Cork in honour of the ship's company of L.E. Cliona, for the team effort they made ensuring the safe return of the ship to port, once afire on baord the ship had been brought under control on 26th May 1962.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Minister Simon Coveney; crew members Maurice Egan and William (Bill) Mynes with Minister Paul Kehoe, and Mark Mellett, Vice Admiral at the ceremony.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin prepare to take The Form of Oath at the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin hug after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officer Cormac Gillick, and family from Drimnagh, Co Dublin after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin share a congratulatory hug after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin at the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Sub Lt Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig with girlfriend Sophie Power, parents Joe and Bridget and sister Rebecca pictured together after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Best Cadet Tahlia Britton, from Co. Donegal with her sister Hazel and brother Christopher after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Sub Lt Niall Gallagher, Co. Down with his family after the formalities were over.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Friends Damian Braniff, Cillian Ward and Lordan Healy fool around with (right) Sub Lt Niall Gallagher, Co. Down after the formalities were over.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Canovee NS with it's new extension seen here to the left of the building. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Happy Campers, ecstatic pupils at Canovee NS, chuffed with their new school extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Happy Campers, ecstatic pupils at Canovee NS proudly show off their hard earned cheque for €20,646.00, raised to cover the final leg of the extension from fundraising at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD with the Board of Management at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: The four Parish Principles, Alice Clancy, Cloughduv NS, Edward Moloney, Canovee NS, Kathleen Creedon, Kilmurry NS & Cathal Brophy, Kilbonane NS, at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD cuts the ribbon and officially opens the newest extension to the school at Canovee NS. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD cuts the ribbon and officially opens their newest extension to the school at Canovee NS. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD unveils the plaque at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD addresses the gathered crowd of parents, teachers & pupils at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD addresses the gathered crowd of parents, teachers & pupils at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Tin Whistle chourus as the celebrations get underway at the opening of the new extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Vice Principle, Elaine O'Brien, leads the singing as the celebrations get underway at the opening of the new extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Potential future pupil, Elise Roberts, looks on at the opening of the new extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: David Healy, Chairperson of the Board of Management accepts a cheque for €20,646.00, raised to cover the final leg of the extension from fundraising committee member, Edwina Lyons at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Pupil, Katie White presents former Principle, Rita O'Brien, Canovee NS a bouquet of flowers at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Edward Moloney Principle of Canovee NS addresses the distinguished guests at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Pupils Grace Lyons & Dara Felihy at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: One pupil finding it hard to concentrate at the opening of the new extension to Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Parents and pupils of Canovee NS gather at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Edward Moloney Principler of Canovee NS addresses the crowd at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Edward Moloney Principler of Canovee NS addresses the crowd at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: David Healy, Chairperson of the Board of Management for Canovee NS addresses the crowd at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD meets Canovee NS teacher Miss Mary Doyle open their newest extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD arrives at Canovee NS in company with the principle, Edward Moloney to a Guard of Honour to open their newest extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD arrives at Canovee NS in company with the principle, Edward Moloney to a Guard of Honour to open their newest extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
Listening to one of the speakers at the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Edel Stout, YMCA; Grainne O'Connell, Ballyphehane/Togher CDP, and Helen O'Sullivan, the Traveller Healthy Minds Project.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Kevin Mooney, Churchfield Community Trust; Graham Cambridge, do.; Bernard Twomey, HSE Health Action Zone, and Martin Aherne, do.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Joanne McNamara, community health worker, Cork North Community Work Dept., HSE South; Helena Cogan, resource officer for suicide prevention; Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill; Eleanor Moore, HSE community worker; Paul O'Donnell, manager, Churchfield Trust, and Ronnie Dorney, principal community worker, Cork North Community Work Dept., HSE South.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Therese Spillane, Youth Work Ireland, Cork; Joe Curtin, do., and Stephen Murphy, Health Action Zone, HSE.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Kayla Ní Mhóra (second left) and Emma Ní Ghamhna with (from left) Qingke Liu, Wenli Yin and Jiaming Zhang, three of the Chinese students who are studying a masters at UCC to qualify as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, photographed at the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.

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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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