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Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Ken Perrott, 96FM, David O'Donoghue, Ger O'Dea, Peter Delea and PJ Fitzpatrick, all Ambulance Service, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Event Volunteers, Mary Lonergan and Caroline Dunne with Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Garda Richie Casey, Ken Perrott, 96FM, David O'Donoghue and PJ Fitzpatricl, Ambulance Service, Mark Moran and Ronnie Randalls, both Port of Cork Launch Pilots and Peter Delea, Ambulanc e Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Garda Richie Caseuy and PJ Fitzpatrick, Ambulance Service Opertaions Manager, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Garda Richie Caseuy and PJ Fitzpatrick, Ambulance Service Opertaions Manager, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser, with Ken Perrott, 96FM, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Garda Richie Casey and Ronnie Randalls, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser, with Ken Perrott, 96FM, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Garda Richie Casey and Ronnie Randalls, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Lt. Denis Shehan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Srevice, Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Ken Perrott, 96FM and Garda Richie Casey, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Garda Richie Casey, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Peter Delea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Garda Richie Casey, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Peter Delea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Garda Richie Casey, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, PJ Fitzpatrick, Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer Education & Competency, Ronnie Randalls and Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilots, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Garda Richie Casey, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, PJ Fitzpatrick Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer Education & Competency, Ronnie Randalls and Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilots, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Garda Richie Casey, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, PJ Fitzpatrick Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer Education & Competency, Ronnie Randalls and Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilots, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 4th October 2016....... Michael Martin (left) presents his book Breaking Ranks, 'The Shaping of civicl Military relations in Ireland' to Mark Scally president PDFORRA at the annual PDFORRA conference at the Radisson Blu hotel in Little Island, Cork yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016....... Michael Martin (left) presents his book Breaking Ranks, 'The Shaping of civicl Military relations in Ireland' to Mark Scally president PDFORRA at the annual PDFORRA conference at the Radisson Blu hotel in Little Island, Cork yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016.. Paul Kehoe, TD minister with responability for Defence quizzed by the media at the annual PDFORRA conference at the Radisson Blu hotel in Little Island, Cork yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan with his wife Margaret and daughter Eimear at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan with Chief Cupt Mick Finn, Supt Mick Comyn and Inspector Gary McPolin at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan speaking to the large crowd at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan speaking to the large crowd at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Martin Kelleher of Martin Kelleher Property Services, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Martin Kelleher of Martin Kelleher Property Services, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mary Gallwey, proprietor, Gallwey's Pharmacy, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mary Gallwey, proprietor, Gallwey's Pharmacy, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mary Gallwey, proprietor, Gallwey's Pharmacy, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Deborah Cortimiglia, owner & beautician, La Fenice Nails & Beauty, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Deborah Cortimiglia, owner & beautician, La Fenice Nails & Beauty, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Garden at Emmet Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Garden at Emmet Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Kevin O'Regan, proprietor, Fuchsia Footwear, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Kevin O'Regan, proprietor, Fuchsia Footwear, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Kevin O'Regan, proprietor, Fuchsia Footwear, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Eamonn Walsh, proprietor, Walsh's Londis, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Eamonn Walsh, proprietor, Walsh's Londis, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Eamonn Walsh, proprietor, Walsh's Londis, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mark Purcell, director of client solutions, Global Shares, West Cork Business & Technology Park, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mark Purcell, director of client solutions, Global Shares, West Cork Business & Technology Park, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mark Purcell, director of client solutions, Global Shares, West Cork Business & Technology Park, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Some of the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group making their way to the departure gate at Cork Airport prior to the group's departure on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
John Looney, chairperson of the club, with a cake for Joshua Whelan, Athenry, celebrating his 9th birthday and photographed at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Arron O'Leary, Ballinhassig, visiting an airport fire tender with Ray Dennehy of the Cork Airport Police/Fire Service at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group had arrived at the airport for departure on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Photographed at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris were (from left) John Looney, chairperson of the club; Dr. Paul Ryan and Evan Gearns, volunteer.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Arron O'Leary with his parents Paul and Caroline and his brother Cian, Ballinhassig, at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Addison Whelan, Athenry, at the Aer Lingus check-in desk with Tracey Browne (left) and Jo O'Riordan, ground operations stafff members, at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Izzy O'Connell with her parents Stephen and Emma, Youghal, along with Micke and Minnie Mouse at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Callum O'Mahony and his father Roy, Rochestown, Cork, at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
The Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group of children, parents, guardians, volunteers and the medical team with members of Cork Airport Charity committee photographed at Cork Airport prior to the group's departure on the trip to Disneyland Paris. Also included is Cllr. Joe Kavanagh, Deputy Lord Mayor.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 XX news for Sean O'Riordan.
(from left) Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, David Stanton, TD; Maurice Egan (crew on the L.E. Cliona), Ellen Jones representing her father Gerard O'Callaghan (crew on the L.E. Cliona), Minister Paul Kehoe, T.D., William (Bill) Mynes, (crew on the L.E. Cliona), SEan Sherlock TD, Minister Simon Coveney, and Kevin O'Keeffe, TD. at the unveiling.
The commemorative stone plaque was unveiled at the Naval base at Haulbowline in recognition of the ships company of LE Cliona, whose collective actions, following a fire onboard the ship on 29th May 1962 resulted in the safe return to port of the ship.
Pic Larry Cummins
VIDEO with This
 XX news for Sean O'Riordan.
(second right) Minister Paul Kehoe, T.D. with (from left) Maurice Egan, Ellen Jones representing her father Gerard O'Callaghan, and William (Bill) Mynes, who were crew on the L.E. Cliona. A commemorative stone plaque was unveiled at the Naval base at Haulbowline in recognition of the ships company of LE Cliona, whose collective actions, following a fire onboard the ship on 29th May 1962 resulted in the safe return to port of the ship.
Pic Larry Cummins
VIDEO with This
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Brothers LEA Luke Moloney and Chief Jason Moloney from Parklands, Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
LS Niall Kearney is welcomed home by wife Jennifer and his children Pearse and Ailbhe, from Saleen, Co Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
LS Niall Kearney is welcomed home by wife Jennifer and his children Pearse and Ailbhe, from Saleen, Co Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Able Seaman Sam Gibney id welcomed home by parents Eamonn and Michelle, sister Meadhbh and girlfriend Tonya Farrell, from Kildare.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of LS Ronan Malone awaiting his return. 
(l to r) Lucien Cahoon, Mark and Isabelle, and Melissa Cotter from Carrigaline.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of LS Ronan Malone awaiting his return. 
(l to r) Lucien Cahoon, Mark and Isabelle, and Melissa Cotter from Carrigaline.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Ariana Tan, Charleville awaiting the arrival of Danny Gallagher.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Ariana Tan, Charleville awaiting the arrival of Danny Gallagher.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of Able Seaman Sam Gibney, from Kildare await his return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of Able Seaman Sam Gibney, from Kildare await his return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of Able Seaman Sam Gibney, from Kildare await his return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Hugs and kisses for loved ones upon return.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Engagement upon return; Able Seaman Dean Babington proposed marriage to Niamh Cox, Shankiel after his return from the mission, pictured with their 18month old son Jake.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
PO Seaman Philip Hogan, Cobh is welcomed home by Sarah Monks and 2yo son Aaron Hogan.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
L.S. Wayne Ryan is welcomed home by Lisa Harris, Carrigaline and daughter 19-month old Hannah.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
L.S. Wayne Ryan is welcomed home by Lisa Harris, Carrigaline and daughter 19-month old Hannah.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
L.S. Wayne Ryan is welcomed home by Lisa Harris, Carrigaline and daughter 19-month old Hannah.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins
A/SBA Sandra Daly, Frankfield, Cork with her grandmothers Ann Keogh, Dublin and 92yo Brigid Daly, Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins
A/SBA Sandra Daly, Frankfield, Cork with her grandmothers Ann Keogh, Dublin and 92yo Brigid Daly, Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea. Returning crew wave to family and friends on shore.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea. 
Michelle O'Riordan Cloyne awaiting the arrival of husband James O'Riordan, with their daughter Leah, and Jame's parents Breda and Robert and his godchild Caoimhe O'Riordan on shore to greet the arriving ship.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea.
Crew on board wave to families on the shore.
 Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterraen Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Sean O'Riordan story.
Unveiling of a plaque at Haulbowline Naval base, Co. Cork in honour of the ship's company of L.E. Cliona, for the team effort they made ensuring the safe return of the ship to port, once afire on baord the ship had been brought under control on 26th May 1962.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Minister Simon Coveney; crew members Maurice Egan and William (Bill) Mynes with Minister Paul Kehoe, and Mark Mellett, Vice Admiral at the ceremony.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin prepare to take The Form of Oath at the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin hug after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officer Cormac Gillick, and family from Drimnagh, Co Dublin after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin share a congratulatory hug after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin at the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Newly commissioned officers Tahlia Britton, Co. Donegal; Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig, Cork; Damian Long, Co. Waterford; Robert Kelly, Meath; Niall Gallagher, Co. Down; and Cormac Gillick, Drimnagh, Co Dublin after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Sub Lt Stephen Ryan, Ballincollig with girlfriend Sophie Power, parents Joe and Bridget and sister Rebecca pictured together after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Best Cadet Tahlia Britton, from Co. Donegal with her sister Hazel and brother Christopher after the ceremony.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Sub Lt Niall Gallagher, Co. Down with his family after the formalities were over.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 30/09/2016. Video with this.
54 Cadet Class Commissioning Ceremony at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork.
Friends Damian Braniff, Cillian Ward and Lordan Healy fool around with (right) Sub Lt Niall Gallagher, Co. Down after the formalities were over.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Canovee NS with it's new extension seen here to the left of the building. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Happy Campers, ecstatic pupils at Canovee NS, chuffed with their new school extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Happy Campers, ecstatic pupils at Canovee NS proudly show off their hard earned cheque for €20,646.00, raised to cover the final leg of the extension from fundraising at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD with the Board of Management at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: The four Parish Principles, Alice Clancy, Cloughduv NS, Edward Moloney, Canovee NS, Kathleen Creedon, Kilmurry NS & Cathal Brophy, Kilbonane NS, at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD cuts the ribbon and officially opens the newest extension to the school at Canovee NS. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD cuts the ribbon and officially opens their newest extension to the school at Canovee NS. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD unveils the plaque at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school. Incidentially Minister Creeds father, Donal Creed TD, then the Minister of State at the Department of Health opened the school in Canovee 35 years ago in 1981. (Check Evening Echo archives)
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD addresses the gathered crowd of parents, teachers & pupils at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD addresses the gathered crowd of parents, teachers & pupils at Canovee NS as they open their newest extension to the school.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Tin Whistle chourus as the celebrations get underway at the opening of the new extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Vice Principle, Elaine O'Brien, leads the singing as the celebrations get underway at the opening of the new extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Potential future pupil, Elise Roberts, looks on at the opening of the new extension at Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: David Healy, Chairperson of the Board of Management accepts a cheque for €20,646.00, raised to cover the final leg of the extension from fundraising committee member, Edwina Lyons at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Pupil, Katie White presents former Principle, Rita O'Brien, Canovee NS a bouquet of flowers at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Edward Moloney Principle of Canovee NS addresses the distinguished guests at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Pupils Grace Lyons & Dara Felihy at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: One pupil finding it hard to concentrate at the opening of the new extension to Canovee NS.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Parents and pupils of Canovee NS gather at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Edward Moloney Principler of Canovee NS addresses the crowd at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Edward Moloney Principler of Canovee NS addresses the crowd at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: David Healy, Chairperson of the Board of Management for Canovee NS addresses the crowd at the opening of their new extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD meets Canovee NS teacher Miss Mary Doyle open their newest extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD arrives at Canovee NS in company with the principle, Edward Moloney to a Guard of Honour to open their newest extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 30/09/2016 – Minister Creed Canovee NS Opening: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD arrives at Canovee NS in company with the principle, Edward Moloney to a Guard of Honour to open their newest extension.
Picture: John Delea. 
 Keywords: Canovee, Creed, Minister, NS, opening
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
Listening to one of the speakers at the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Edel Stout, YMCA; Grainne O'Connell, Ballyphehane/Togher CDP, and Helen O'Sullivan, the Traveller Healthy Minds Project.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Kevin Mooney, Churchfield Community Trust; Graham Cambridge, do.; Bernard Twomey, HSE Health Action Zone, and Martin Aherne, do.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Joanne McNamara, community health worker, Cork North Community Work Dept., HSE South; Helena Cogan, resource officer for suicide prevention; Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill; Eleanor Moore, HSE community worker; Paul O'Donnell, manager, Churchfield Trust, and Ronnie Dorney, principal community worker, Cork North Community Work Dept., HSE South.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 (re padraig hoare) ... 
At the ‘Little Things’ workshop and coffee morning at the Churchfield Trust Garden Café, Blackpool, organised by the Cork North Community Work Department of the HSE South with the Health Action Zone Initiative and the National Office for Suicide Prevention with special partners Churchfield Trust were (from left) Therese Spillane, Youth Work Ireland, Cork; Joe Curtin, do., and Stephen Murphy, Health Action Zone, HSE.
Picture: Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Kayla Ní Mhóra (second left) and Emma Ní Ghamhna with (from left) Qingke Liu, Wenli Yin and Jiaming Zhang, three of the Chinese students who are studying a masters at UCC to qualify as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, photographed at the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Jiaming Zhang, one of the Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, photographed at the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language photographed with Xiongwen Pan, head of political & press section, Chinese Embassy in Ireland; Dr. Carlotta Sparvoli, lecturer in contemporary Chinese studies, UCC, and Adrian Breathnach, school principal, at the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Liadh Ní Riada, MEP, guest speaker,meeting puils at the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Some of the Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language photographed at the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Pupils singing during the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Ning Yang, one of the Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, photographed with pupils Clodagh Ní Cheallachain (left) and Chloe Ní hIarthe during the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Ning Yang, one of the Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, photographed with 5th and 6th class pupils during the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Some of the Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language photographed in the classroom with 5th and 6th class pupils during the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS 30/09/2016 ... 
Some of the Chinmese students who are studying a masters at UCC to quality as teachers of Chinese as a foreign language photographed with 5th and 6th class pupils and their teacher Micheal Ó Laoire during the launch of a Chinese language certificate for primary school at Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 Evening Echo News 12-09-2016
Rachel Reid from Knockraha, Cork, with her daughter Alana who has a condition called butterfly disease which affects the skin. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Social picture 30-09-2016 ( Irish Examiner are media partners )
Laura Gannon and Lilac O’Connor at the launch night of Open House Cork, at the Cork City Hall. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Social picture 30-09-2016 ( Irish Examiner are media partners )
Sean Concannon and Aoife Mahony at the launch night of Open House Cork, at the Cork City Hall. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Social picture 30-09-2016 ( Irish Examiner are media partners )
Ciana March and Tara Kennedy at the launch night of Open House Cork, at the Cork City Hall. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Social picture 30-09-2016 ( Irish Examiner are media partners )
Artur Calgj and Kevin Morressey at the launch night of Open House Cork, at the Cork City Hall. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Social picture 30-09-2016 ( Irish Examiner are media partners )
Janette McDonald and Marian Dinneen at the launch night of Open House Cork, at the Cork City Hall. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Social picture 30-09-2016 ( Irish Examiner are media partners )
James O’Donovan and Danny Holland at the launch night of Open House Cork, at the Cork City Hall. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 30-09-2016
Sean Masterson from Dunmanway, Co Cork who came accross this Portuguese Man O’War on Long Beach near Clonakilty, Co Cork. One of a couple of dozen which were on the beach yesterday. They are pink and red with a span of 30cm long &10cm wide in the water but when seen on the beach they look like a deflated balloon. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 25-08-2016
Frank Dowling who is on the cancer treatmen drug nivolumab. Picture Dan Linehan
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Sophie Rose Ni Fhionnlaigh with a question for the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Maitiu Cripps eyes the camera.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Lord Mayor speaking to pupils.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Rian O'Buacain and Shay O'Neill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Senior infant pupils await the arrival of the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris, Cork.
Zach O'Cionnaith (Kenny) with a question for the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. 
Brooke Coleman, Ally O'Connell proudly showing off her Certificate for Unbroken School Attendance, Lily Wallace and Taylor Collins.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. 
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. (middle rear) Kelsi (Kelsi) Long-O'Connor and choir members sing for the Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield. Choir members Katelyn O'Keeffe and Cliondhna Courtney sing for the Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Secondary School, Cork.
Lord Mayor speaking with second-level students and staff at the school.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Secondary School, Cork.
Lord Mayor with Headgirl Emma Phelan, Deputy headgirl Emma Yelverton-Casey and Principal Katherine Bulman. 
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
(l to r) Becky Healy and Kym (Kym) McManus.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pupils looking forward to homework off...
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Group pic during the visit.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pupils gathered in the hall at the school.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pupils watch and listen as the Mayor addresses the young audience.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pupils with questions for the Lord Mayor; Amongst the questions from the pupils were- Are you rich? Why have you a spotty tie? How old are you?
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
(Unnamed) pupils welcome the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
(l to r) Alexander Condron, Tyler Long, Evan Swann-Kent and Zachery Collins Philpott.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
(l to r) Alexander Condron, Tyler Long, Evan Swann-Kent and Zachery Collins Philpott.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork by infant pupils.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork by staff and pupils.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork as infant pupils wave their flags for the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 29/09/2016.
Kidzzone feature. Lord Mayor's school visits 2016.
Lord mayor Cllr Des Cahill is welcomed to St Vincent's Primary School, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 28/09/2016 
(No socials as start time clashed with another job).
Opening night of the 37th Cork Folk Festival, 28th September to 2nd October.
John Blek playing support to The Unthanks at the opening night of the Cork Folk Festival at St. Luke's on Thursday night.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news 28/09/2016 
(No socials as start time clashed with another job).
Opening night of the 37th Cork Folk Festival, 28th September to 2nd October.
John Blek playing support to The Unthanks at the opening night of the Cork Folk Festival at St. Luke's on Thursday night.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Manager Martin Bowen points to photo of myself as captain of the winning team in the East Cork Junior Hurling Championship in 1979.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Manager Martin Bowen with his son, goalkeeper Shay Bowen, and daughter Mary.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Trainer and coach Pa Kearney.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Trainer and coach Pa Kearney.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Trainer and coach Pa Kearney.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Trainer and coach Pa Kearney.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Trainer and coach Pa Kearney.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Kieran Murphy signs the jersey of Dylan Cremen at the 'meet and greet' with young supporters at the Caherlag club.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Pa Kearney, coach and trainer puts the players through a light session before the media session and 'meet and greet' with young supporters at the Caherlag club.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Senior hurling sub-goalkeeper Martin Buckley.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Senior hurling goalkeeper Shay Bowen.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Sub-goalkeeper Martin Buckley and goalkeeper Shay Bowen.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers James, Mossie and Ronan Carroll, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Kieran 'Hero' Murphy and Eoghan Murphy, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Kieran 'Hero' Murphy and Eoghan Murphy, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Kilian (Kilian), Barry Og and Shane Murphy, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Kilian (Kilian), Barry Og and Shane Murphy, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Kilian (Kilian), Barry Og and Shane Murphy, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Kilian (Kilian), Barry Og and Shane Murphy, Erins's Own senior hurlers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Peter and Sean Kelly, Erins's Own senior hurlers with (middle) Peters 6yo son Fernando.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Peter and Sean Kelly, Erins's Own senior hurlers with (middle) Peters 6yo son Fernando.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE news/sport 28/09/2016 VIDEO WITH THIS.
Press night for Erin's Own Cork County Senior Hurling Championship final against Glen Rovers.
Brothers Peter and Sean Kelly, Erins's Own.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 29th September 2016....... St. Colmans Cathedral, Cobh on a sunny autumn afternoon yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th September 2016....... St. Colmans Cathedral, Cobh on a sunny autumn afternoon yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th September 2016....... St. Colmans Cathedral, Cobh on a sunny autumn afternoon yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 28th September 2016...... Dylan Coleman, Shannon Lee and Kyile (KYILE) Leahy fom Springboard community house, Fairfield Meadows, who helped bake and sell cakes for their open day celebrating the achievement of the young people of the area and to raise money for Simon , Also included are back from left, Martina O'Shea, Audrey Fennessy, Aoife Bagnall, Michael Lynch all Spingboard family support project and Tracie Lane and Helen Troy both of 'Young Knocknaheeney'
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 28th September 2016...... Dylan Coleman, Shannon Lee and Kyile (KYILE) Leahy fom Springboard community house, Fairfield Meadows, who helped bake and sell cakes for their open day celebrating the achievement of the young people of the area and to raise money for Simon 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 28th September 2016...... Dylan Coleman, Shannon Lee and Kyile (KYILE) Leahy fom Springboard community house, Fairfield Meadows, who helped bake and sell cakes for their open day celebrating the achievement of the young people of the area and to raise money for Simon 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016....... Features......Retired British Army Colonel Mike Dudding OBE, who presented Dan Breen, acting curator Cork museum with Adrian Foley, (left) vice chairman RMFA with a substantial donation of material relating to the Royal Munster Fusiliers . Mike's uncle was Captain John Jordeson who served with the Regiment from 1900 until 1919 having served through the entire war. This collection includes many items of Mess silverware along with many of his personal items . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016....... Features......Retired British Army Colonel Mike Dudding OBE, who presented Dan Breen, acting curator Cork museum with Adrian Foley, vice chairman RMFA with a substantial donation of material relating to the Royal Munster Fusiliers . Mike's uncle was Captain John Jordeson who served with the Regiment from 1900 until 1919 having served through the entire war. This collection includes many items of Mess silverware along with many of his personal items . 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016....... Features...... Ollie Griffin, president Royal Munster Fusiliers Association making a presentation to Retired British Army Colonel Mike Dudding OBE, 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016.... Pictured at the City Hall at the launch of the 6th Inter-generational quiz to be held at the City Hall Cork on Monday October 17th, with Phil Goodman, Young at Heart, Douglas ,organiser showing off the trophy with Chris Dorgan, Cork City council sponsors Nicola Cullinane,marketing Evening Echo ,Sponsors Noeleen Cronin, Home Instead, Senior Care, sponsors; and the deputy lord mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016.... Pictured at the City Hall as Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh and deputy county mayor Mary Rose Desmond launch the 6th Inter-generational quiz to be held at the City Hall Cork on Monday October 17th, with Phil Goodman, Young at Heart, Douglas , organiser; Nicola Cullinane,marketing Evening Echo ,Sponsors Noeleen Cronin, Home Instead, Senior Care, sponsors; and Chris Dorgan, Cork City council, sponsors 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016.... Pictured at the City Hall as Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh and deputy county mayor Mary Rose Desmond launch the 6th Inter-generational quiz to be held at the City Hall Cork on Monday October 17th, with Phil Goodman, Young at Heart, Douglas , organiser; Nicola Cullinane,marketing Evening Echo ,Sponsors Noeleen Cronin, Home Instead, Senior Care, sponsors; Cllr Nicholas O'Keeffe, teacher Nagle commuity college and Chris Dorgan, Cork City council sponsors with students Dean McCarthy and David Redmond from Nagle community college
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016.... Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh and Cllr Mary Rose Desmond, deputy county mayor launching the 6th Inter-generational quiz to be held at the City Hall Cork on Monday October 17th, with Ann Allen, Ballinlough; Pat O'Brien, Shandon Mens Shed and students Dean McCarthy and David Redmond from Nagle community college
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016.... Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh launching the 6th Inter-generational quiz to be held at the City Hall Cork on Monday October 17th, with Ann Allen, Ballinlough; Pat O'Brien, Shandon Mens Shed and students Dean McCarthy and David Redmond from Nagle community college
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 Brendan Black, chairman Douglas GAA club and coach Eddie Murphy presenting footballs and sliotars to Gaelscoil Na Duglaise, , included are Andrias O'Foghlú, principal; teachers Kim McAndrew, Maeve ní Chonaill Roisin Ni Chadhaih, Marc O'Sé, Aidan Bairéad ,Harry O'Rua and Don O'Riain, pupils Saoirse Ni Dhuinneacha, Sadhbh Ni Shuilleabhain, Donnacha O'Callaghan and Liam Jordan 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 Brendan Black, chairman Douglas GAA club and coach Eddie Murphy presenting footballs and sliotars to St Columba's boys national school, Douglas, included are Finbarr Hurley, principal; teachers Bernard Lynch and Dan O'Connor and pupils Ben Cashman and Matas Orlikas 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016....... Parliament Bridge and the old buildings reflected on the River Lee in Cork 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016....... St Finbarr's Cathedral and South Gate bridge at night reflected on the River Lee in Cork 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 28/09/2016 ... 
Mary O'Connor, Douglas, Cork, enjoying a visit to Crosshaven. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 28/09/2016 ... 
Mary O'Connor, Douglas, Cork, enjoying a visit to Crosshaven. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 28/09/2016 ... 
Tom Mullarkey, Glasheen, Cork, and his dog, Polly, out for a walk at Fountainstown. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 29/09/2016 (sarah horgan story about coming out day in october) ... 
Steph Fogarty, Ms. Gay Cork 2016, pictured outside the LINC Centre in Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 29/09/2016 (sarah horgan story about coming out day in october) ... 
Steph Fogarty, Ms. Gay Cork 2016, pictured at the LINC Centre in Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 29/09/2016 (sarah horgan story about coming out day in october) ... 
Steph Fogarty, Ms. Gay Cork 2016, pictured at the LINC Centre in Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 29/09/2016 (sarah horgan story about coming out day in october) ... 
Steph Fogarty, Ms. Gay Cork 2016, pictured at the LINC Centre in Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Lorraine Spillane having fun at home with her son Harry, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Harry Spillane having fun at home, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Harry Spillane having fun at home, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Lorraine Spillane having fun at home with her son Harry, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Lorraine Spillane at home with her son Harry, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Harry Spillane having fun at home, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Harry Spillane having fun at home, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Harry Spillane having fun at home, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Lorraine Spillane at home with her son Harry, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE FEATURES 28/09/2016 (for elaine re chris dunne feature) ... 
Harry Spillane relaxing at his home, Douglas, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre were (from left) Nancy Glavin, Togher Community Association; Chrissie O'Callaghan, chairman, Togher Wednesday Social Group, and Maureen McCarthy, Togher Wednesday Social Group. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre were (from left) Helen Conlon, Mary Cummins and Rena McCarthy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre were Alice Deeney, (left) and Sarah Ivers. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Chrissie O'Callaghan, chairman, cutting the cake at the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre in the presence of (from left) Kathleen Desmond, assistant treasurer; Gertie Kearney, treasurer, do.; Cllr. Joe Harris, deputising for the Mayor of County Cork; Cllr. Joe Kavanagh, Deputy Lord Mayor; Cllr. Henry Cremin; Jane Buckley, recording secretary; Cllr. Marcia D'Alton, and Fr. Robert Brophy, P.P., Togher. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
The Togher Wednesday Social Group presented blankets of hope for cancer patients in Cork to Ann Dowley Spillane of The Girls Club (right) during the group's 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre. Among the group members in picture were (from left) Maureen McCarthy, Luda Lukusa, Jane Buckley and Rachel Doyle. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Fr. Robert Brophy, P.P., Togher, speaking at the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre were (from left) Kathleen Tobin, Georgina O'Leary and Teresa Hurley. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre were Aileen Luxford (left) and Pauline Porter. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre were Noreen Matthews (left) and Eileen Welch. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
Enjoying the Togher Wednesday Social Group 13th. birthday celebrations at Togher Community & Social Service Centre. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 29/09/2016 ... 
Antoinette Baker (left) and Diana Llewellyn who played the piano and cello repectively in the Allin Institute buliding at the opening reception for Engage Arts Festival, Bandon, from Sept. 29th-Oct. 2nd. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 29/09/2016 ... 
Visual artist Angela Fulcher with part of her site specific installation in the Allin Institute building for Engage Arts Festival, Bandon, from Sept. 29th-Oct. 2nd. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 29/09/2016 ... 
Eugene O'Hea, festival director, and Mary Mackey, festival committee member, putting a Richard Gorman canvas into its position in the Allin Institute building as final preparations were put in place for Engage Arts Festival, Bandon, from Sept. 29th-Oct. 2nd. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 28/09/2016 ... 
Tom Mullarkey, Glasheen, Cork, and his dog, Polly, out for a walk at Fountainstown. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 Evening Echo News 28-09-2016
On board the Spirit of Oysterhaven sail training ship berthed at the Castlepark Marina in Kinsale, Co Cork were skippers John O’Sullivan and Oliver Harte The sail training vessel ‘Spirit of Oysterhaven’ which has done citizen science initiatives with
Coastwatch is taking materials on board this Wed sailing south with the swallows from Kinsale in
Ireland to Lisbon in Portugal. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 28-09-2016
The sail training vessel ‘Spirit of Oysterhaven’ which has done citizen science initiatives with
Coastwatch is taking materials on board this Wed sailing south with the swallows from Kinsale in
Ireland to Lisbon in Portugal.
At the Castlepark Marina in Kinsale, Co Cork were, Michael Barry, John O'Sullivan, cian Gill, Donna Weiner, Bernie Connolly, Cllr. Kevin Murphy, John and Oisin Lynch, Garry Davis Karen Dubsky, Rosie Cargin and skipper Oliver Harte. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 28-09-2016
At the Castlepark Marina in Kinsale, Co Cork were Bernie Connolly, Cork environmental forum and Karen Dubsky, International coordinator, Coastwatch who are taking part in a survey from the 15th of September to the 15th of October. The sail training ship the Spirit of Oysterhaven is leaving for Portugal to continue the work. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 28-09-2016
At the Castlepark Marina in Kinsale, Co Cork were Bernie Connolly, Cork environmental forum and Karen Dubsky, International coordinator, Coastwatch who are taking part in a survey from the 15th of September to the 15th of October. The sail training ship the Spirit of Oysterhaven is leaving for Portugal to continue the work. Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 28-09-2016
At the Castlepark Marina in Kinsale, Co Cork were Coastwatch members Donna Weiner and Cian Gill who are taking part in coastline survey from the 15th of September to the 15th of October. 
They wil sail with the sail training vessel ‘Spirit of Oysterhaven’ which has done citizen science initiatives with
Coastwatch is taking materials on board this Wed sailing south with the swallows from Kinsale in
Ireland to Lisbon in Portugal . Picture Dan Linehan
 Evening Echo News 28-09-2016
At the Castlepark Marina in Kinsale, Co Cork were Coastwatch members Donna Weiner and Cian Gill who are taking part in coastline survey from the 15th of September to the 15th of October. 
They wil sail with the sail training vessel ‘Spirit of Oysterhaven’ which has done citizen science initiatives with
Coastwatch is taking materials on board this Wed sailing south with the swallows from Kinsale in
Ireland to Lisbon in Portugal . Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 28-09-2016
UCC students Jennifer Cosgrave, Mery Deeb and Ruta Petkute who are on GP placement in Kinsale, Co Cork relax after a spot of lunch. . Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 28-09-2016
Erika Sinigaglia from hAttitude having a bit of fashion fun on Short Quay in Kinsale, Co Cork.. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News 28-09-2016
Erika Sinigaglia of hAttitude having a bit of fashion fun on Short Quay in Kinsale, Co Cork much to the amusement of Wexford ladies Hilda Ring and Florence Kavanagh. Picture Dan Linehan
 EE sport 15/11/2014.
Munster Senior League First Division; Blarney United vs Bandon on grass at O'Shea Park.
Danny Murphy, Blarney United is pursued by Brendan Cullen, Bandon.
Match report Noel O'Sullivan.
Pic; Larry Cummins,
Evening Echo staff
NUJ Photographer, Member of the Press Photographers' Association of Ireland.
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE MAURICE GUBBINS 
Catherine Casey, Cork City Council and Paul McGuirk, Cork City Council, at the press launch of Urban October on the roof of City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE MAURICE GUBBINS 
Paul McGuirk, Cork City Council, Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr P.J. Hourican, Nicola Cullinane, Evening Echo Marketing, Bernie Connolly, EcCowell, and Catherine Casey, Cork City Council, at the press launch of Urban October on the roof of City Hall, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Breda O'Mahony, Tony O'Connell and Ewa Prusak doing CPR. 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Ciara Browne in the Ambulance., 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Richie Power, Paul Cooney and Ciara Browne in the Ambulance., 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Breda O'Mahony, Tony O'Connell and Ewa Prusak doing CPR. 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Richie Power, Joan McSweeney, Paul Cooney and Ciara Browne training in the Ambulance., 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Paul Harrington, Maureen O'Brien and Dave O'Connell working on a leg injury. 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Paul Harrington, Maureen O'Brien and Dave O'Connell working on a leg injury. 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Daniel Beausang, Emer Kavanagh and Bill Corcoran.
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
working on a Spinal injury are Donal Beasusang, Conor Power, Domhnall MacAodha and Sarah Twomey. 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Members of Carrigaline Order of Malta Ambulance service with Paddy Walsh and Pat Carroll, officers in charge, Cork and Carrigaline,

Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Paul Cooney, Richie Power and Tony Collins at their traning evening.

Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Dave O'Connell and Tony Collins, 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Paddy Walsh and Pat Carroll, officers in charge, Cork and Carrigaline,

Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 EE CLUBZONE
Pat Carroll, officer in charge, Carrigaline, with Maureen O'Brien, Joan McSweeney, Breda O'Mahony and Norma Coughlan, 
Members of the Order of Malta Ambulance Service at their training session, Kilnagleary Business Park, Carrigaline, Co, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 NEWS 
Residents of Middle Parish, Cork, protesting against the proposed rerouting of traffic through their historic residential area.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 NEWS 
Residents of Middle Parish, Cork, protesting against the proposed rerouting of traffic through their historic residential area.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 NEWS 
Residents of Middle Parish, Cork, protesting against the proposed rerouting of traffic through their historic residential area.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 NEWS 
Residents of Middle Parish, Cork, protesting against the proposed rerouting of traffic through their historic residential area.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Mick Daly, Andy Moore and John O'Mahony, at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Michael Kiernan, Eileen Parfrey, Mary Lenihan and Seamus Parfrey, at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Bertie Smith and Dave McHugh, at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Caoimhe Galvin and Rositia Murphy at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Lillian Crowley, Honor McSweeney and Chris Lenihan, at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Susan Kelleher, Jars Derham and Syliva McHenry, at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Anne Horgan, Fiachra Goulding and Garry Horgan at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 22/09/2016 XX SPORT
Donal and Mary Lenihan at the Launch of "My Life in Rugby, Cork Constitution FC, Templehill, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch in the exhibition of his paintings at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch speaking at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch showing his painting The Boy Who Fell off the Mayflower to Lilly Bell of Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh Naofa, at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch in the exhibition of his paintings at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch with pupils at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch with pupils at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch reading from one of his books at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
A section of the attendance at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch speaking at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 27/09/2016 EE KIDZONE AND NEWS 
Laureate na nÓG PJ Lynch showing his painting The Boy Who Fell off the Mayflower to Lilly Bell of Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh Naofa, at the launch of The Children's Book Fast, Cork City Library, Grand Parade, Cork.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Junior infant girls watch and listen during the visit of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Pupils and staff listen to the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
A question for the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill from the junior infant boys class.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Sofi Savage with a question for the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill with boys in the school hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
(middle) Birthday boy David Akar awaits the arrival of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Pupils await the arrival of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Boys await the arrival of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Pupils await the arrival of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Girls await the arrival of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Pupils await the arrival of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Sixth class pupils rehearse 'The Banks of My Own Lovely Lee' prior to the visit of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Sixth class pupils (l to r) Anna Chuk, Emily Claffey and Rose O'Mahony practice their singing in class, prior to the visit of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Sixth class pupils Clodagh Cooney and Daniella Egwim practice their singing in class, prior to the visit of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Sixth class pupils Ciara O'Flynn and Aisling Castles practice their singing in class, prior to the visit of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Sixth class pupils Ciara O'Flynn and Aisling Castles practice their singing in class, prior to the visit of the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
The Le Cheile class wait patiently for the arrival of the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone 22/09/2016.
Lord Mayor's visit to Scoil Mhuire gan Smal, Glasheen GNS and BNS (combined visit) on Thursday 22nd September 2016.
The Le Cheile class wait patiently for the arrival of the Lord Mayor.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE request 23/09/2016.
Mayfield Notes page. ‘Customer Appreciation Day’ at Subway, Mayfield Shopping Centre, Cork on Friday 23rd September 2016.
Staff Breda O’Donovan, Tracy Kelleher, Proprietor; Aaron Lordan, Leona Lynch and Nicola Murphy at the premises.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE request 23/09/2016.
Mayfield Notes page. ‘Customer Appreciation Day’ at Subway, Mayfield Shopping Centre, Cork on Friday 23rd September 2016.
Staff Breda O’Donovan, Tracy Kelleher, Proprietor; Aaron Lordan, Leona Lynch and Nicola Murphy with young customer Sophie Kavanagh enjoying a cookie at the premises.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 Pic; Larry Cummins 24/09/2016.
 Supporters of the campaign to 'Repeal the 8th Ammendment' gathered at City Hall, Cork as a national 'March For Choice' took place in Dublin.
 Pic; Larry Cummins 24/09/2016.
 Supporters of the campaign to 'Repeal the 8th Ammendment' gathered at City Hall, Cork as a national 'March For Choice' took place in Dublin.
 Pic; Larry Cummins 24/09/2016.
 Supporters of the campaign to 'Repeal the 8th Ammendment' gathered at City Hall, Cork as a national 'March For Choice' took place in Dublin.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees (l to r) Donal Barry, Banteer; Mark Landers, Killeagh and John Loughnan, Clonakilty at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins. Planning for the future....
Attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees (l to r) Kevin O'Donovan, Mark Landers and Peter Fleming at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees Joseph Blake, Adrigole and Eoin O'Leary, Gleann na Laoi at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, organised by Cork County Board, and which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Tracey Kennedy collects suggestion sheets from attendees at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XX sport 24/09/2016.
Pic; Larry Cummins.
Mary Collins, Rockchapel speaking with Diarmuid O'Donovan, Senior Administrator, Cork County Board at the Cork County GAA Club Consultation day held at Eire Og GAA Club, Ovens on Saturday 24th September 2016. Approximately 160 club members, officers and player representatives attended the event, which ran from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Cyclists at the start of the Pieta 100 Cycle.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Cyclists at the start of the Pieta 100 Cycle.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Brothers, John and Stephen O'Shea.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
David Keating, Aherla, Gavin Flynn, Ballycotton, Maurice Scully, Douglas, Dermot McDonald, Cloughduv.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Anthony O'Connor, The Lough.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Caroline O'Regan, Donoughmore and Norma Downing, Grenagh.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Declan Twohig, Carrigaline.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Liza Davis and Anne Marie Davis, both Glanmire.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
John McHenry and Bill Daly.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Rachel and Alison Barry, Model Farm Road.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Liane Quirk (spelling OK) and Melanie Murphy, both from Monkstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 25/09/2016
Irish Examiner.
Pieta 100 Cycle, On Your Bike for Pieta House, Charity Cycle, starting at Highfield RFC, Woodleigh Park, Cork.
Paul and Michaela O'Callaghan, Glanmire.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 26/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Munster Senior League, Senior 1st Division, Midleton V's Leeds, at Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork.
Ray Barnes, Midleton, Cian Coleman, Leeds.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 26/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Munster Senior League, Senior 1st Division, Midleton V's Leeds, at Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork.
Ray Barnes, Midleton, Cian Coleman, Leeds.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 26/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Munster Senior League, Senior 1st Division, Midleton V's Leeds, at Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork.
Kevin Murray, Midleton, Jordan Murphy, Leeds.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 26/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Munster Senior League, Senior 1st Division, Midleton V's Leeds, at Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork.
James McCarthy, Midleton, Cal Sheehy, Leeds.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 26/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Munster Senior League, Senior 1st Division, Midleton V's Leeds, at Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork.
James McCarthy, Midleton, Cal Sheehy, Leeds.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 26/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Munster Senior League, Senior 1st Division, Midleton V's Leeds, at Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork.
Brian McCarthy, Midleton, Jordan Murphy, Leeds.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 20/09/2016
Echo News.
Social Diary.
A Conversation with Dean Strang & Jerry Buting from Making A Murderer, at Cork Opera House, Cork.
James Cotter, Glasheen and Gemma Flower, Ennis.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 20/09/2016
Echo News.
Social Diary.
A Conversation with Dean Strang & Jerry Buting from Making A Murderer, at Cork Opera House, Cork.
Kate Coughlan, Blackrock, Eileen MacDonald, Douglas and Clare Bohane, Pouladuff Road.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Moynihan TD with Bishop William Crean.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Carol O'Mahony, Deputy Principal and Joan Russell, Cork ETB.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management, Bishop William Crean and Donal O''Sullivan, Principal.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal with Abina O'Keeffe and Miriam Segondat.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Donal O'Sullivan, Principal and Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
John Murphy, Principal Colaiste Treasa Kanturk with Leona Cronin and Siobhan Duggan, both Lisgriffin NS.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management and Donal O'Sullivan, Principal.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal with Denise McGrath and Carol Finn, both past pupils, Colaiste Mhuire.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal with Denise McGrath and Carol Finn, both past pupils, Colaiste Mhuire.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Sr Eileen and Sr Agnes, Sisters of Mercy.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, after the event formalities.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, after the event formalities.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, speaking with Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, after the event formalities.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, speaking with Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, after the event formalities.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Olivia McCarthy, 3rd year, playing at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Olivia McCarthy, 3rd year, playing at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Matthew Thompson, 2nd year, playing at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Matthew Thompson, 2nd year, playing at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Zoe Crowley, 2nd Year, playing the Piano at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Zoe Crowley, 2nd Year, playing the Piano at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, gives a blessing.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, gives a blessing.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, gives a blessing.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, gives a blessing.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, unveils the Plaque, also included are Carol O'Mahony, Deputy Principal Colaiste Mhuire, Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management, Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Donal O'Sullivan, Principal, Colaiste Mhuire. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, unveils the Plaque, also included are Carol O'Mahony, Deputy Principal Colaiste Mhuire, Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management, Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Donal O'Sullivan, Principal, Colaiste Mhuire. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, unveils the Plaque.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, unveils the Plaque.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, unveils the Plaque.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, unveils the Plaque.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, speaking at the event, also included are Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management and Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture. Food and the Marine 
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, speaking at the event, also included are Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman Board of Management and Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture. Food and the Marine 
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, speaking at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, speaking at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, speaking at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, speaking at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, speaking at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, speaking at the event.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, speaking to the large crowd in the School Gym.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, speaking to the large crowd in the School Gym.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, speaking to the large crowd in the School Gym.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, speaking to the large crowd in the School Gym.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, encouraged by Sean Sherlock TD and Kevin O'Keeffe TD, in the Fitness Suite at the school.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, encouraged by Sean Sherlock TD and Kevin O'Keeffe TD, in the Fitness Suite at the school.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Kevin O'Keeffe TD, Sean Sherlock TD and Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, enjoy a lighter moment in one of the schools workshops.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Kevin O'Keeffe TD, Sean Sherlock TD and Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, enjoy a lighter moment in one of the schools workshops.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Sean Sherlock TD, Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire and Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, in one of the school workshops.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Sean Sherlock TD, Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire and Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, in one of the school workshops.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, speaking to Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, outside the Canon Michael Harrington School Library.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, speaking to Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne and Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, outside the Canon Michael Harrington School Library.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Kevin O'Keeffe TD, Fr. Sean Corkery PP, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management, Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Sean Sherlock TD.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Kevin O'Keeffe TD, Fr. Sean Corkery PP, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management, Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Sean Sherlock TD.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB, Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management, Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is welcomed by Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, also included is Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is welcomed by Donal O'Sullivan, Principal Colaiste Mhuire, also included is Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is welcomed by Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management and Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is welcomed by Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management and Ted Owens, CE Cork ETB.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is welcomed by Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is welcomed by Sean O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Management.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
North Cork Community Celebrates the Official Opening of Colàiste Mhuire, Buttevant.
Michael Creed TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially opened the State of the Art secondary school.
Jennifer Creamer Pinfield, Ellie Murphy and Naomi Williamson, ready to Welcome guests to their new school.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 25/09/2016
Echo News.
35th Evening Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Holly, Heather and Catherine Hurley, Whites Cross.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 25/09/2016
Echo News.
35th Evening Echo Women's Mini Marathon, Cork.
Team Gaelscoil De hìde Fermoy, took part in aid of The Friends of Marymount.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 27th September 2016..... Danielle Coallier and her daughter Aoife from Croshven enjoying the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Susan Kelleher, Ronnie Twomey and Margaret Casey all from Fountainstown taking their daily swim during the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Susan Kelleher, Ronnie Twomey and Margaret Casey all from Fountainstown taking their daily swim during the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Susan Kelleher, Ronnie Twomey and Margaret Casey all from Fountainstown taking their daily swim during the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Antoinette McInerney from Rochestown with her dogs Barry, Caesar and Oscar enjoying the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Antoinette McInerney from Rochestown with her dogs Barry, Caesar and Oscar enjoying the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Philip Maher, Gurranbraher takes a dip in the sea during the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Philip Maher, Gurranbraher takes a dip in the sea during the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Ellen Lipinski and her son Frankie Mulcahy and her nephew Ocar O'Neill from Togher enjoying the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Ellen Lipinski and her son Frankie Mulcahy and her nephew Ocar O'Neill from Togher enjoying the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th September 2016..... Ellen Lipinski and her son Frankie Mulcahy and her nephew Ocar O'Neill from Togher enjoying the warm sunny weather at Fountainstown, near Crosshaven County Cork yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016.... Staff from Penney's Patrick Street who are taking part in the Evening Echo ladies mini marathon tomorrow in aid of Cork ARC, Cancer suppport house
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016.... Staff from Penney's Patrick Street who are taking part in the Evening Echo ladies mini marathon tomorrow in aid of Cork ARC, Cancer suppport house
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Mary Newman, presents the Evening Echo Player of the match to Newtownshandrum Cliona O'Callaghan after defeating Na Piarsaigh in the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Claire Griffin raises the trophy after defeating Na Piarsaigh in the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum players Aoife Doyle, Elaine Coughlan, Denie Cagney and Ktie Coughlan celebrate after defeating Na Piarsaigh in the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Disappointed Na Piarsaigh supporters after the defeat by Newtownshandrum in the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Aoife Twohill breaks from Na Piarsaigh's Emily Buckley during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Aoife Twohill breaks from Na Piarsaigh's Lisa Burns during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Aoife Twohill Na Piarsaigh's Orla Burke challenge for the ball during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Mariah Reidy shoots from Na Piarsaigh's Natalie Kelly , Rebecca Rourke and Lisa Burns during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Cliona O'Callaghan shoots from Na Piarsaigh's Hollie Fitton during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Katie Coughlan is tackled by Na Piarsaigh's Shelley O'Donovan during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Mariah Reidy wins the ball from Na Piarsaigh's Rebecca Rourke during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Na Piarsaigh's Hollie Fitton has her shot blocked down by Newtownshandrum's Cliona O'Callaghan during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016.... Newtownshandrum's Amy Sheehy shoots from Na Piarsaigh's Emily Sullivan during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Na Piarsaigh's Orla Connolly shoots from Newtownshandrum's Aoife Twohill during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Na Piarsaigh's Trish Coleman and Newtownshandrum's Grainne Sheehy tussle for the ball during the Cork camogie Junior 'A' championship final at Castle road on Saturday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Newscestown's Niall Murray and Na Piarsaigh's Keith Buckley tussle for the ball during the Cork senior hurling relegation play off at Carrigtwohill last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Newscestown's Greg Murphy breaks from Na Piarsaigh's Shane Forde during the Cork senior hurling relegation play off at Carrigtwohill last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Newscestown's James Desmond is tackled by Na Piarsaigh's Eoin Moynihan during the Cork senior hurling relegation play off at Carrigtwohill last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Organising committee pictured Cork Civic Trust House at the launch of the 37th Cork Folk Festival which opens on September 28th , seated Danny Mikie O'Sulleabhain and William Hammond, Back from left, Tom Long, Joe Kelly, Padraig Buckley, Linda Quinlan, Cliff Wedgebury, John Leo Carter, Bill Daly and Gerry Miller 
 Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Pictured Cork Civic Trust House at the launch of the 37th Cork Folk Festival which opens on September 28th were members of The Prairie Jaywalkers of Cian, Geraldine and Kevin Gill and Dave Riordan 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Pictured Cork Civic Trust House at the launch of the 37th Cork Folk Festival which opens on September 28th were William Hammond, Festival organiser with members of The Prairie Jaywalkers of Cian, Geraldine and Kevin Gill and Dave Riordan 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... UCC Demons Kyle Hosford goes past Irish TV Tralee Warriors Darragh O'Hanlon and Kieran Donaghy during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... UCC Demons Kyle Hosford goes past Irish TV Tralee Warriors Darragh O'Hanlon and Kieran Donaghy during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night

Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... All eyes on the action between UCC Demons and Irish TV Tralee Warriors during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... UCC Demons Ciaran O'Sulivan in action against Irish TV Tralee Warriors Darragh O'Hanlon during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... UCC Demons Kyle Hosford in action with Irish TV Tralee Warriors Dusan Bogdanovic during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... UCC Demons Kyle Hosford shoots a basket from Irish TV Tralee Warriors Dusan Bogdanovic and Kieran Donaghy during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... UCC Demons Roy Downey goes past Irish TV Tralee Warriors Ryan Leonard during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Irish TV Tralee Warriors Kieran Donaghy is tackled by UCC Demons Jacob Lawson and Niall Murphy during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 23rd September 2016..... Irish TV Tralee Warriors Dusan Bogdanovic loking for a way past UCC Demons Adrian O'Sullivan during the Mens premier league at the Mardyke Arena last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Rena Buckley after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Briege Corkery at the final whistle after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork manager Ephie Fitzgerald celebrates with Briege Corkery at the final whistle after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork manager Ephie Fitzgerald celebrates at the final whistle after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork manager Ephie Fitzgerald celebrates at the final whistle after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork manager Ephie Fitzgerald celebrates at the final whistle after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Eimear Meaney shoots against Dublin during the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Briege Corkery breaking upfield from Dublin's Sinead Goldrick during the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Martina O'Brien after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Briege Corkery at the final whistle after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork captain Ciara O'Sullivan raises the Brendan Martin trophy watched by The President Michael D Higgins and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork captain Ciara O'Sullivan has a word with The President Michael D Higgins and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and after defeating Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Marie Ambrose, Shauna Kelly and Deirdre O'Reilly combine to stop Dublin's Carl Rowe during the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Marie Ambrose, Shauna Kelly and Deirdre O'Reilly combine to stop Dublin's Carla Rowe during the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Rena Buckley and Dublin's Noelle Healy tussle for the ball during the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork's Rena Buckley and Marie Ambrose combine to stop Dublin's Noelle Healy during the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans from Bandon against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans from St Nicks football club against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans Cyril Kavanagh and Jonty O'Leary celebrate against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Colourful Cork fans against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Colourful Cork fans against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans from Clonakilty against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans from Cobh Thomas Devery, Rian Connick and Kieran Hurley against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans from Whitechurch against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans Abaigail White and Sophia Geary, from Ringskiddy against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans sisters Ava and fay Healy from Dromahane against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Cork fans against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 25th September 2016....... Supporters from Kilshannig cheering on Cork against Dublin in the All Ireland ladies football final at Croke park yesterday
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Cloyne's Ian Cahill wins the ball from Fermoy's Ronan O'Callaghan during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Fermoy's Kieran Morrison has his shot blocked by Cloyne's Keith Dennehy during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Cloyne's Ashley Wash breaks from Fermoy's Tomás Clancy during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Cloyne's Keith Dennehy and Fermoy's Brian O'Sullivan go high for the ball during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Cloyne's Eoin O'Sullivan and Fermoy's Shane Aherne go high for the ball during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Fermoy's Liam Coleman shoots a point against Cloyne during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Cloyne's Dillon Cahill is tackled by Fermoy's Tomás Clancy during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Fermoy's Kieran Morrison breaks from Cloyne's Jordan Sherlock during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Darren Crowley and Ronan Crowley celebrate in the autumn night sky after defeating Mallow during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Eoghan O'Donovan walks away into the night sky after defeating Mallow during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Eoghan O'Donovan walks away into the night sky after defeating Mallow during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Eoghan Ryan and Donough Lucey celebrate after defeating Mallow during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Pat Prendergast saves from Mallow's Donal Relihan and Denis Hayes during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Darren Crowley and Jason Hickey combine to win the ball from Mallow's Kevin Sheehan during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Donough Lucey and Mallow's Pa Herlihy go high for the ball during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Mallow's Donal Relihan wins the ball from Bandon's Eoghan O'Donovan and Jason Hickey during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Darren Crowley is tackled by Mallow's Dan Sheehan during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Darren Crowley is tackled by Mallow's Dan Sheehan during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 24th September 2016... Bandon's Cian O'Mahony is tackled by Mallow's Killian O'Connor during the Cork PIHC semi final at Pairc Ui Rinn on Saturday night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Cork players Doireann O'Sullivan and Martina O'Brien, are all smiles at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Ciara O'Riordan and Eva Callanan of Rockban, looking colourful at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Katriona and Jane Linehan from Kilworth, at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Kira O'Brien, Kate McCarthy and Ciara Kennedy, all from Youghal, at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Midleton girls Mischa Daly, Megan Kelly and Leah Hogan, at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Katie Tarrant from Midleton at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Paulina Gambutaite and Shannon Manning at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEXXjob 26.09.2016
Echo Exam News/Sport
Members of the Fermoy ladies U12 team at the victorious Cork ladies senior football team homecoming on South Mall. 
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Craig Donnellan wins the ball under pressure from Waterford United's Dean Walsh, during their SSE Airtricity League First Division clash at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Ben O'Riordan battles with Waterford United's Corry Galvin, during their SSE Airtricity League First Division clash at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Ian Mylod is tackled by Waterford United's Jake Mooney, during their SSE Airtricity League First Division clash at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Cobh Ramblers' Rob Lehane is tackled by Waterford United's Darragh Keane, during their SSE Airtricity League First Division clash at St Colman's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Scala Vic is chased down by eventual winner Razldazl Westwood in the Richard Dixie Neenan Memorial final at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Dogs break from the traps for the final of the Laurels Restaurant A1 550 stakes at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Amanda Harris and Teresa McNamara, both from Knocknaheeny, enjoying the fun at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Tim O'Leary, Macroom in company with Siobhan O'Connor, Blackpool, at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Denise Kingston, Drimoleague and Daniel Daly, Dunmanway, at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Margaret and Jim Keane from Silver Springs and Amie Kelly from Aherla, enjoying the action at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Chloe Morrissey, Carrignavar and Cathal Cullinane, Farranree, enjoying a night out at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Kieran and Kieran Buckley from Ovens, at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Sarah and Patrick Murray, Farranree, are all smiles at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Eoin McCarthy and Liz Cronin, both Blackrock, enjoying the action at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 24.09.2016
Echo Sport
Gilti Dazl clears away to win the Shelley Fennelly Memorial Open Bitch round 1 heat 1, at Curraheen Park dog track.
Picture: David Keane.
At the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, wedding open day were (from left) Margaret Hickey, Ballydesmond; Linda Hickey, do.; Roger Stuart, Monkstown, and Carol Stuart, do. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
At the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, wedding open day were Aimee Corcoran, Bishopstown, Cork, (left) and Jess Looney, Ballincollig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
At the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, wedding open day was Emily Ertz, Oriel House Hotel staff member. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
At the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, wedding open day were the wedding team members (from left) Conor Kingston, conference & events manager; Janice McConnell, sales & marketing manager; Vincent Dorgan, deputy general manager; Ronan Fahy, general manager; Elaine Gantly, wedding co-ordinator, and Evan Donovan, do. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
At the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, wedding open day were (from left) Vincent Dorgan, deputy general manager, Liana Modonova, Blarney; Patricia Foley, do.; Aisling Foley, do., and Janice McConnell, sales & marketing manager. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
At the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, wedding open day were Conor Kingston, conference & events manager, speakiing with Leslie Baxter, Rathcormac. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The school student council at North Monsatery Secondary School for the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Principal, Mick Evans, (left) and deputy principal, Jim Boyle, at North Monsatery Secondary School with the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, durng his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Student Eric Sheehan presenting a copy of the school magazine at North Monsatery Secondary School to the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, durng his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, with lovely musical accompanyment during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, singing during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at North Presentation Primary School, Gerald Griffin St., greeting the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, during his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, listening closely to the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, during his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, listening closely to the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, during his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils and staff at North Presentation Primary School, Gerald Griffin St., listening to the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, during his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, listening closely during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at North Presentation Primary School, Gerald Griffin St., greeting the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, on his arrival at the school. Also in picture is Nickie Egan, principal. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Finn Ó Riada and Layla Ní Liathain at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, with the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, during his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Jakub Dwornicki and Eva Biro at North Presentation Primary School, Gerald Griffin St., during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils (from left) Maria de Barra Ní Mhurchú, Leonie Ní Loinsigh and Abby Erlandsson at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at North Presentation Primary School, Gerald Griffin St., (from left) Jescelin Aktar, Wiktoria Bilinska and Ewelina Szewczyk during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Eimhín Breathnach (left) and Siún Ní Shuilleabhain at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Sophiya Neupane (left) and Emily Chen at North Presentation Primary School, Gerald Griffin St., during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Four sets of twins in junior infatns at Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton/Bishopstown, Cork, (from left) Charlie and Elizabeth Rowe-Ham, Fergus and Tadhg Ó Maille, Liam and Tomas Ó Suilleabhain, and Adam and Billy Reading photographed during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils and staff singing at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, after the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, after the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Teresa Allen with musical accompanyment for the singing at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, forming a guard of honour with the theme of the Cork camogie and Cork ladies footballer players during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school accompanied by school principal Karen O'Sullivan. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Members of the staff (from left) Ciara Donohoe, Vivienne Manning, Leanne Costello and Olivia O'Riordan at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Girls N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Young Munster's Rob Guerin scoring a try despite the best efforts of Cork Constitution's Graeme Lawler in the Ulster Bank League Division 1A game at Temple Hill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Cork Constitution's Shane Daly being challenged by Young Munster's Alan Tynan in the Ulster Bank League Division 1A game at Temple Hill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Cork Constitution's Liam O'Connell trying to get through the Young Munster line in the Ulster Bank League Division 1A game at Temple Hill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Cork Constitution's Ger Sweeney bursts through against Young Munster in the Ulster Bank League Division 1A game at Temple Hill. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Abdul Mazid (left) and Adam Rathore at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Carl O'Brien, principal, with four third class pupils (from left) Alex Monaher, Dion McCarthy, Alex O'Brien and Sean Daly following a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to North Monastery Primary School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Teacher Colin Daly with two of the pupils, Kacper Sniadek (centre) and Sean Coleman at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Some of the pupils (from left) Calum Wolfe, Scott Rice, Jake Sheehy and Giovanni Odabi at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Some of the pupils at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Some of the pupils and staff at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils in the school's grupa ceoil playing at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, greeting pupils as he arrived on a visit to North Monastery Primary School. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, being greeted by second class pupils in a guard honour as he arrived on a visit to North Monastery Primary School. Also in picture is Carl O'Brien, principal. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, being greeted by second class pupils in a guard honour as he arrived on a visit to North Monastery Primary School. Also in picture is Carl O'Brien, principal. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupil Cian Hennessy at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (alan) and KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Some of the pupils (from left) Lee McCarthy, Dylan Sheehan and Fernando Serina at North Monastery Primary School during a visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Jayden O'Leary (left) and Putra Ezral at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, (from left) Cian Madden, Darragh McEniry, Fabio Ion and John O'Mahony during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, with some of the pupils at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, during his visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils Darren Varian and Ian Miller making a presentation to the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, during his visit to Togher Boys N.S. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Some of the pupils and staff at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, listening closely during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, meeting some of the pupils at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, who formed one side of a guard of honour for the visit to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, being greeted by Jack Durkan, principal, and Sinead Moynihan, deputy principal, on arrival for a visit to Togher Boys N.S., Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Some of the pupils at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, forming one side of a guard of honour for the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 23/09/2016 ... 
Pupils at Togher Boys N.S., Cork, (from left) Hannan Nazar, Jake Bray and Maciek Rejman during the visit by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Blarney United 'keeper Eli Lenihan saves against College Corinthians in the Cork Schoolboys League Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier League game at O'Shea Park. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Blarney United's Kelvin O'Donoghue side stepping College Corinthians' Sean Cantillon in the Cork Schoolboys League Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier League game at O'Shea Park. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE SPORT 24/09/2016 ... 
Blarney United's Kelvin O'Donoghue being challenged by College Corinthians' Sean Cantillon in the Cork Schoolboys League Gary Comerford Under 15 Premier League game at O'Shea Park. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Students Stacey Nic Ambróis and Ross Ó hEathirn at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G., during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Students (from left) Eimantas Pusinskas, Sadie Ní Chroinín and Sean Ó Mathúna at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G., during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Mark MacGabhann, deputy principal, introducing the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to some of the staff during his visit to Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The school choir and some of the musicians at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G., during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The school choir and some of the musicians at Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G., during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to the school. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Múinteoirí providing musical accompanyment during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, speaking to students and staff during his visit to Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
Students (from left) Stíofainín Nic Conmara, Nícole Ní Bhriain agus Emma Ní Chiosain during the visit of the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, to Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE KIDZ ZONE 26/09/2016 ... 
The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Des Cahill, signing the visitors book in the presence of two students, Michelle Ní Chathasaigh (left) and Caitlín Ní Chonaill during his visit to Gaelcholaiste Mhuire A.G. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 26/09/2016 ... 
Marie O'Brien and Don Kiely and Sam walking at the Regional Park, Ballincllig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE EE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 26/09/2016 ... 
Marie O'Brien and Don Kiely and Sam walking at the Regional Park, Ballincllig. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 Irish Examiner Sport 26-09-2019
The September 2016 winners of the Rebel Óg award are the Na Piarsaigh minor hurling team who were the winners of the premier 1 minor title. At a reception at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, were from front left, Joe Kennedy, general manager, Clayton Silver Springs, (sponsor) Deputy County Mayor, Cllr. Kevin Conway, Kevin Cummins, award sponsor, Kyle Power, Captain, Na Piarsaigh minor hurling team, Catriona Buckley, Marketing Executive, Irish Examiner, media partners and Richard Murphy, development officer, Cork County Board. Back from left, John Purcell, Chairman, Rebel Óg, Jim O’Sullivan, Chairman, Na Piarsaigh, Norina O’Callaghan, Clayton Silver Springs, Eoghan O’Connor and Jim Healy, Coiste na nÓg. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 26-09-2019
The September 2016 winners of the Rebel Óg award are the Na Piarsaigh minor hurling team who were the winners of the premier 1 minor title. At a reception at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, were from left, Joe Kennedy, general manager, Clayton Silver Springs, Kelvin Forde, Captian of the football team, Kevin Cummins, sponsor of the award and Na Piarsigh Hurling Captain Kyle Power. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner Sport 26-09-2019
The September 2016 winners of the Rebel Óg award are the Na Piarsaigh minor hurling team who were the winners of the premier 1 minor title. At a reception at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, ( sponsor ) were Kyle Power, hurling captain and Kelvin Forde football captain, Na Piarsaigh. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 23-09-2016
Former Munster rugby player John Kelly of Grant Thornton who along with his colleagues has taken to the spinning bike as part of their corporate social responsibility day to raise money for the Irish Wheelchair Association. Included areMary Maher, service user, Victoria Platt, Irish Wheelchair Association and Michael Nolan, Grant Thornton. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 23-09-2016
Former Munster rugby player John Kelly of Grant Thornton who along with his colleagues has taken to the spinning bike as part of their corporate social responsibility day to raise money for the Irish Wheelchair Association. Included areMary Maher, service user, Victoria Platt, Irish Wheelchair Association and Michael Nolan, Grant Thornton. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News Picture 23-09-2016
Former Munster rugby player John Kelly of Grant Thornton who along with his colleagues has taken to the spinning bike as part of their corporate social responsibility day to raise money for the Irish Wheelchair Association. Included are, John Murphy, Ann McDonagh and Michael Nolan of Grant Thornton and David Long, Victoria Platt, Ursula and Peter Jermyn of the Irish Wheelchair Association and Mary Maher, service user. Picture Dan LInehan
 XX feelgood 22/09/2016. Women helping women.
Knitters and crocheters at The Girls' Club, 26 St Paul's Avenue, Cork City.
Miriam O'Shea models with some 'Blankets of Hope' and hats, used by people under going cancer treatment.
Pic Larry Cummins
 XX feelgood 22/09/2016.
Knitters and crocheters at The Girls' Club, 26 St Paul's Avenue, Cork City.
Margaret Walsh and Ann Goggin make 'Blankets of Hope'.
Pic Larry Cummins
 XX feelgood 22/09/2016.
Knitters and crocheters at The Girls' Club, 26 St Paul's Avenue, Cork City.
(l to r) Josephine O'Sullivan, Miriam O'Shea, Mary O'Callaghan, Anne White and Ann Goggin making 'Blankets of Hope'.
Pic Larry Cummins
 XX feelgood 22/09/2016.
Knitters and crocheters at The Girls' Club, 26 St Paul's Avenue, Cork City.
(right) Margaret Kelleher shows off her 'knitting' tattoo on her leg with (left) Una Dineen and (middle) Imelda Mulcahy as they make 'Blankets of Hope'.
Pic Larry Cummins
 XX feelgood 22/09/2016.
Knitters and crocheters at The Girls' Club, 26 ST Paul's Avenue, Cork City.
Pic Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Griffin Hurley, Midleton; Killian Murphy, Knockraha and Ciaran Evans, Midleton attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Sadhbh McElhinney, Old Mallow Road attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
(Front) Brid Daly, Ballincollig; with (rear l to r) Robyn O'Keeffe, Glanmire; Sylvie Roche, Glasheen and Caitriona Crowley, Rochestown attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Julie Neville, Crosshaven attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Rachel Whelan and Alex Ryan from Cobh attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Orla O'Shea, Aghada and Caoimhe Mulkeen (Mulkeen) Knockraha attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Caoimhe Mulkeen (Mulkeen) Knockraha, and Orla O'Shea, Aghada attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Ashlin (Ashlin) O'Sullivan, Aghada; Gillian Mulcahy, Midleton and Tamzin Muldowney, Midleton attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Ashlin (Ashlin) O'Sullivan, Aghada; Gillian Mulcahy, Midleton and Tamzin Muldowney, Midleton attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Ashlin (Ashlin) O'Sullivan, Aghada; Gillian Mulcahy, Midleton and Tamzin Muldowney, Midleton attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Nicole Horgan, Carrigtwohill attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 21/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Elf auditions for Discover at Fota Island Resort, held at The Kingsley Hotel, Cork. 
Emma O'Leary, Kayme O'Callaghan, Tara Guilfoyle and Alexandria O'Donnell attending the auditions.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, was Ciara Kissane of Melson Coors.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, was Katie O'Donovan of Larry Tompkins Pub, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, was Carol Bradley, Daly's Bar, Mallow.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Susie O'Connor, Classic Drinks, and Christy O'Sullivan, Christy's Wines & Spirits.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Rodney and Gillian Pidgeon, Baker St. Bar, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Ruth O'Mahony, Mutton Lane Inn, Cork, and Ger Garland, Irish Distillers.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were sisters Mary Walsh (left) and Rose Crowley of Luxury Desserts, Bandon. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were (from left) Michelle Twohig, Ciara Mulcahy, Tonya O'Mahony and Fiona Geary of Larry Tompkins Pub, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Maureen O'Sullivan, Strand Bar, Matehy, Vicarstown, and John Delaney, Waterford.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were (from left) Ray Kennedy, chairman, Cork City VFI; Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Des Cahill, and Michael Farrell, chairman, Cork County VFI. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Liz Buckley, Clancy's Bar, Cork, (left) and Caroline Forde, Silver Key Bar, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Dolores O'Sullivan, Farmer's Cross, (left) and Clodagh O'Donovan, The Castle Inn, Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were James and Sinead Donnelly, Counihan's Bar, Cork.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were Jim Barry (left) and Niall Hartnett, Barry Group. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, was Violet Sweetnam, Barry Group.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were David Finan, Watermark Coffee Technology, (left) and Conor McGuinness, managing director, Barista Beverage Systems Ltd. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE EE SOCIALS 21/09/2016 ... 
At the Cork VFI end of summer barbeque at the Thomond Bar, Marlboro St., Cork, were (from left) Orla Tompkins, treasurer, Cork City, VFI; Ray Kennedy, chairman, do., and Michael O'Donovan, secretary, Cork City & County, VFI. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Ashling Mullin from Innis Mor, Arran Islands cant wait to meet the O’Donovan brothers Paul and Gary O’Donvoan from Skibbereen at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Ashling Mullin from Innis Mor, Arran Islands cant wait to meet the O’Donovan brothers Paul and Gary O’Donvoan from Skibbereen at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Ashling Mullin from Innis Mor, Arran Islands cant wait to meet the O’Donovan brothers Paul and Gary O’Donvoan from Skibbereen at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Ashling Mullin from Innis Mor, Arran Islands cant wait to meet the O’Donovan brothers Paul and Gary O’Donvoan from Skibbereen at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Crowds waiting to see Olympic gold medal winners Paul and Gary O’Donovan from Skibbereen at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Aurora Rice, Kelly Farrell and Ciara Bracken having some fun at the horse racing ireland stand at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
A section of the large crowd who attended the third day at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
James Kilgarriff from Galway has all eyes on his line in the special horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
John Kilmartin, Birr and Sr. Carmen Lee, Fairview at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Daniel O’Riordan, Michael O’Brien and Louisa Treston from Timoleague, West Cork at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
John Murphy from Timoleague, West Cork adjusting his plough in the senior conventional class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
The special horse class ploughing competition is underway at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
J.J. Delaney from Macroom, Cork getting the plough ready at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
J.J. Delaney keeps an eye on the camera at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Tommy Reynolds from Leitrim has time to take a quick call during the loy competition at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Tommy Reynolds from Leitrim in action during the loy competition at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
A spectator watching the ploughing at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Sharon and Cian Foley from Carlow at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Pamala and Eileen Clarke from Cavan at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
James Coffey, Roscommon and Paddy Shaughnessy ploughing in the special horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
John O’Donovan, Rossmore, Clonakilty, West Cork has time for a cup of tea prior to the start of the special horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Gerry King from Louth walking his horse the plot to take part in the special horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Gerry King from Louth walking his horses towards the plots to take part in the special horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Young Jack McDonnell from Laois enjoying an ice cream at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Seamus Burke, Galway taking it easy at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
 Ben and Ellie O’Sullivan from Youghal, Co Cork at the parade of champions at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
At the presentation of Angus calves to finalists of the Certified Irish Angus Beef School Competition for 2016. Students from five schools across the country who each received five Irish Angus cross calves each which they will raise through to slaughter in 2018 at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. The ST. Brogan’s College team from Bandon, Co Cork, included are Paudie Palmer, Kenneth and Rose Shorton, Principal Helen Cadogan, Conor Lehane, Mark Shorton, Josephine Kelliher, Karen Keohane, Ger D. Lehane , Mary Lehane and Miriam O’Callaghan, RTE and Micheal Martin TD, leader of Fianna Fail. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
At the presentation of Angus calves to finalists of the Certified Irish Angus Beef School Competition for 2016. Students from five schools across the country who each received five Irish Angus cross calves each which they will raise through to slaughter in 2018 at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. The Tralee CBS, the green team with Agricultural science teacher Eilin Enright, Ger O’Shea and John Mike Fitzgerald, teachers and Miriam O’Callaghan, RTE and Micheal Martin TD, leader of Fianna Fail. Picture Dan LInehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Shannon Philips and Helen Cahill, Newcastlewest, Co Limerick at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Galway girls Niamh Forde and Ruth Garvey at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 22-09-2016
Young Joseph Mulvaney from Mullingar trying out the water walker at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan LInehan
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
John Miskella, Ballincollig scores a point under pressure from Castlehaven.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEjob 08/04/2015.
Echo News.
Social Diary.
Whitechurch Gaa host a Rachel Allen Cookery Demonstration, in aid of Whitechurch Gaa Community dressing rooms, at Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork.
Joanne Sheehan, Marie Sheehan, both Whitechurch, Susan Duggan, Whitegate, Audrey Forde, Glanmire and Gail Humphreys, Whitechurch..
Picture. Jim Coughlan.
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Colin Reay in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Husband and wife Gemma and Jason Kavanagh in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Dylan Canty in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Karen Barry in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Karen Barry and Sarah Flynn in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Sarah Flynn in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Mother and son Nicole and Hary Craig in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Jason Fehily in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Csaba Rajk in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Csaba Rajk in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Ben O'Sullivan in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Sisters Amy and Laura Hanley in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Brothers Jason and Aidan Kavanagh in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Karen Barry in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Evening Echo clubzone......... Some of the members in training at KJ Powerlifting club in Carrigaline
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... For Money and Jobs......... Ettienne van Vrede , general manager Hayfield Manor
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... For Money and Jobs......... Ettienne van Vrede , general manager Hayfield Manor
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... For Money and Jobs......... Ettienne van Vrede , general manager Hayfield Manor
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit with her selection of award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit with her selection of award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty and Jim Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit working in their kitchen on their award winning Marmalade at their home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit with her selection of award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit with her selection of award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit with her selection of award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit working in her kitchen on her award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit working in her kitchen on her award winning Marmalade at her home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 20th September 2016....... Examiner story.... Betty and Jim Smith, A Taste of Irish Spirit working in their kitchen on the award winning Marmalade at their home in Newcestown ,West Cork
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, wearing a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/09/2016 (eoin english story) ... 
Ted Murphy, wedding and commercial photographer, Carrigaline, who wore a wedding dress to work at his studio, as he took part in the Today FM Dare To Care Wedding Dress Wednesday to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour were Martin Riordan, former Cork County Manager, (left) and Tim Lucey, CEO, Cork County Council. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour were Imelda Kelly (left) and Emer McCall, Cobh. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour were Paraig Lynch and Carmel McDonnell, Cork County Council. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour was Jessica Doherty of the Commodore Hotel, Cobh. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Kara Bucley (left) and Irene O'Driscoll of Cobh Animation Team who were in costume during the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour were John Crotty, general manager, Spike Island Development Co., (left) and Finbarr Cole, assistant manager, do. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour was Elizabeth Cronin, tour guide. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour was Jacqui Murphy, Cork County Cuncil. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour was Val Cummins, director, IMERC, Ringaskiddy. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
At the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour were Joe Nolan (left) and Alfie Devine, volunteers who were involved in the preparation work. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Members of 1 Brigade Artillery Regiment, Collins Barracks, who were involved with the 16 gun salute at the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Sheila Foster (left) and Ba Smith of Cobh Animation Team in costume as World War 1 Red Cross nurses during the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Sisters Mona Kennedy (left) and Claire Stack (both nee Hogan), who grew up on Spike Island, pictured at the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour, with some of their family pictures on display in the backround. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Arriving off the ferry on Spike Island for the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Elizabeth Cronin, tour guide, speaking to a group which arrived for the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Arriving for the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour were Cllr. Seamus McGrath, Mayor of the County of Cork; Tim Lucey, CEO, Cork County Council; David Keane, Cork County Engineer, and Cllr. Frank O'Flynn. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Mick Gould who was the last serving soldier on Spike Island photographed during the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Sadhbh Kelly as Little Nellie of Holy God with her grandmother, Mary O'Connor, who were with members of Cobh Animation Team, who were in costume, during the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Teresa Delius (left) as Lady Rose Mitchel, Liam Smith as Jack in the Box and Mona Kennedy as a Victorian lady depicting British admiralty in the harbour, who are members of Cobh Animation Team in costume during the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Sadhbh Kelly as Little Nellie of Holy God walking along with members of Cobh Animation Team, who were in costume, during the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 IE LIVE NEWS/COUNTY 20/09/2016 (sean o'riordan story) ... 
Members of 1 Brigade Artillery Regiment, Collins Barracks, during the 16 gun salute at the official opening of phase one of the Spike Island Development in Cork harbour. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 20/09/2016 ... 
Demolition work in progress at the former Beamish & Crawford, the site of a new event centre in Cork. Video Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 20/09/2016 ... 
Demolition work in progress at the former Beamish & Crawford, the site of a new event centre in Cork. Video Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 20/09/2016 ... 
Demolition work in progress at the former Beamish & Crawford, the site of a new event centre in Cork. Video Denis Minihane. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 HOLLYBOUGH 21/09/2016 (for pet o'connell) ... 
Sara Zia Buckley and Will Bunyan, Ballincollig, at Liam Ruiséal Bookshop, Oliver Plunkett St., Cork, with the newly released book by John D. Ruddy, Manny Man Does the History of Ireland, published by Collins Press. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 HOLLYBOUGH 21/09/2016 (for pet o'connell) ... 
Sara Zia Buckley and Will Bunyan, Ballincollig, at Liam Ruiséal Bookshop, Oliver Plunkett St., Cork, with the newly released book by John D. Ruddy, Manny Man Does the History of Ireland, published by Collins Press. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 HOLLYBOUGH 21/09/2016 (for pet o'connell) ... 
Sara Zia Buckley and Will Bunyan, Ballincollig, at Liam Ruiséal Bookshop, Oliver Plunkett St., Cork, with the newly released book by John D. Ruddy, Manny Man Does the History of Ireland, published by Collins Press. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 HOLLYBOUGH 21/09/2016 (for pet o'connell) ... 
Sara Zia Buckley and Will Bunyan, Ballincollig, at Liam Ruiséal Bookshop, Oliver Plunkett St., Cork, with the newly released book by John D. Ruddy, Manny Man Does the History of Ireland, published by Collins Press. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 HOLLYBOUGH 21/09/2016 (for pet o'connell) ... 
Sara Zia Buckley and Will Bunyan, Ballincollig, at Liam Ruiséal Bookshop, Oliver Plunkett St., Cork, with the newly released book by John D. Ruddy, Manny Man Does the History of Ireland, published by Collins Press. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
John O’Neill, Ballinadee, West Cork having a bite to eat prior to the start of the vintage tractor class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Philip Cotter, Cork East who took part in the vintage tractor class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Oliver Smith from Meath taking part in the vintage tractor class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Henry McGrath from Waterford is ready for the off in the vintage class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
All hand on deck as Peter O’Connell, Kildare gets ready to take part in the vintage tractor class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
 Tractors waiting for the off at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
 Ger Coakley from Clonakilty taking part in the senior reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Brendan Cummane holding onto Bob and Clyde in the senior horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Looking after the horses in the senior horse class is Jim Cronin from Killaloe, Co Clare at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
 Ploughman John O’Donovan, Clonakilty, West Cork looking down the opening split with Tim Lawlor, Ger McCarthy and Oliver Bennett at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
A section of the huge crowd at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
A section of the huge crowd at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
People heading into the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
People heading into the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
People heading into the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
People heading into the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Gillian and Martina O’Shea from Clonmel, Co Tipperary off to the fashion show at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Sgt. Mary Mangan, Garda Padraic McConnor and Garda Karl Foley having a look at the site plan at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
Sgt. Mary Mangan, Garda Padraic McConnor and Garda Karl Foley having a look at the site plan at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
 Irish Examiner reporter Ray Ryan at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Also included is Michelle Mahon.Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Also included is Michelle Mahon.Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD picking up 14month old Chloe Mahon, Millball, Offaly when she arrived out see her father Brian Mahon in action in the reversible class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
President of the Sinn Féin Gerry Adams walking through the crowds at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
President of the Sinn Féin Gerry Adams walking through the crowds at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
President of the Sinn Féin Gerry Adams is interviewed on RTE at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
President of the Sinn Féin Gerry Adams walking through the crowds at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD with Gerry King from Louth who took part in the horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD with Gerry King from Louth who was in action in the senior horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD with Gerry King from Louth who was taking part in the senior horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD having a selfie taken with Susan Jordan from Ballymurphy at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 21-09-2016
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD with land owner Breda Condron at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons joint captain Kyle Hosford and Ciaran O'Sullivan during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons Carlton Cuff during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons Adrian O'Sullivan during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons Niall Murphy during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons Roy Downey during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons new American Jacob Lawson during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons new American Jacob Lawson during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons coach Timmy O'Hallloran during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons coach Timmy O'Hallloran during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons coachs Timmy O'Hallloran and Shane McCarthy during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons coachs Timmy O'Hallloran and Shane McCarthy during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons coach Shane McCarthy during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016.... UCC Demons coach Timmy O'Hallloran during training at the Parochial Hall
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Marie Kidney, Lee BC womens junior 14 class winner and Open womens novice winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Tony Corcoran,(left) Lee Valley BC mens masters winner G and F class and Seamus Quain, mens masters winner I and H class in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Tony Corcoran, Lee Valley BC mens masters winner G and F class and his grandson Oisin O'Hare holding his mothers Karen Corcoran O'Hare awards womens masters B and A class in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016...... Con Cremin, president Rowing Ireland presenting Ronan Byrne, Shandon BC overall mens winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016...... Con Cremin, president Rowing Ireland presenting Margaret Cremen, Lee BC overall womens winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Hugh Sutton, Lee BC Open mens novice winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Dan Begley, Shandon BC Open mens club 1 winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Darragh Larkin Lee BC Open mens club 2 winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Barry O'Flynn Cork BC mens junior 16 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Thomas Murphy, Lee BC mens junior 15 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Peter Leonard anne O'Farrell, Cork BC womens junior 15 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Tim Buckley, Lee BC mens junior 14 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 6th September 2016..... Sean McCalgan, Lee BC mens junior 13 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Peter Leonard Cork BC mens junior 12 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Jennifer Forde, Shandon BC womens junior 12 and 13 class winner in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Henrik Merz, Shandon BC mens masters winner C and B class in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Karen Dunne McCarthy, Cork BC womens masters winner C class in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Tony Corcoran, Lee Valley BC mens masters winner G and F class in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016..... Seamus Quain, Shandon BC mens masters winner I and H class in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016...... Pictured at the Cork sculling ladder awards were from left, Frank Coghlan, Hon secretary Rowing Ireland; ; Con Cremin, president Rowing Ireland ; Dan Buckley, Hon treasurer Rowing Ireland and MD Hanley Calibration LTD sponsors of the Sculling ladder; Hamish Adam, CEO Rowing Ireland and Pat Hickey, Sculling ladder organiser 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016...... Con Cremin, president Rowing Ireland with the winners in the 44th Cork sculling ladder (rowing) awards presented at Cork Con last night
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's Shane O'Connor (left) and Gary Walsh during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's from left Shane O'Connor , Tanner Brooks and Gary Walsh during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's from left Shane O'Connor , Tanner Brooks and Gary Walsh during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's coach Paul Kelleher during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's coach Paul Kelleher during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's new American Tanner Brooks during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 19th September 2016... Neptune's new American Tanner Brooks during the training at the Neptune stadium
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Ger McCarthy from Rossmore, Clonakilty with his horses Larry and Fred at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins having a laugh with ploughman Dave Mulcahy from Leamlara, East Cork at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Also included are Anna Marie McHugh and Sabina Higgins. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Gearoid McCarthy from Rossmore, Clonakilty in action in the u40 horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Watching the horse ploughing was young karen Whyte from Roscommon at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Gearoid McCarthy, Rossmore, Clonakilty, West Cork getting a helping hand from Tim Lawlor in the u40 horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
 Jeremiah Delaney and J.J Delaney ploughing in the u40 horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
 Jeremiah Delaney, Macroom, Co Cork ploughing in the u40 horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
 Jeremiah Delaney from Macroom Co Cork ploughing in the u40 horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
 Jeremiah Delaney and J.J Delaney, Macroom, Co Cork ploughing in the u40 horse class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
 Adrian Grace, Drinagh, West Cork and Maria Fry, Ballinagarde, Co Limerick at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
People watching the ploughing at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Aidan O’Donovan, Cork west in action during the U21 class at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
The crowds start to build at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
The crowds start to build at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Anna Marie McHugh with her brother D.J.McHugh ploughing for Laois at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Dave Mulcahy, Leamlara, East Cork having a bit of fun with Anna Marie McHugh at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Anna May McHugh, Chief Executive of the NPA with East Cork man Dave Mulcahy at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Anna May McHugh, Chief Executive of the NPA with East Cork man Dave Mulcahy at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
The President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins watching Ivan Scott the current World Champion and Irish Sheep shearing champion at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Also included are P.J.Lynam, Chairman NPA,Sabina Higgins and George Graham, Graham Shearing Contractors. .Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
The President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins watching Ivan Scott the current World Champion and Irish Sheep shearing champion at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Also included are P.J.Lynam, Chairman NPA,Sabina Higgins and George Graham, Graham Shearing Contractors. .Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
 The crowds start to build at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
The crowds start to build at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
The crowds start to build at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Naomi Quinn and Rachel Davidson from Dublin at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Waiting for the rush on food to start were, Hannah Slattery, Leah Hefernan, Jane Lahane and Katie Morris at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Kieran and Adrian Flatley and Ronan Dunleavy with their simmental cross heifer at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Jerome Leen, Joe O’Flynn and Terry Dillon at the Munster Cattle Breeding Group stand at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Aine Healy, Fionn Kelly and Alannah Carey from Moate, Co Westmeath at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Sign of the Times for James McLoughlin from Sligo looking for the vintage section at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 Irish Examiner News and Farming Examiner 20-09-2016
Lorraine Kelly giving away hats at the National Ploughing Championships at Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Picture Dan Linehan
 XXjob 19/09/2016 NEWS
Minister Dr Katherine Zappone with first class students Gary Dalton and Jamie Cronin on her visit to Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork, 
The Minster was in Cork visiting youth projects that received 2.4m euro in 2016.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 19/09/2016 NEWS
Minister Dr Katherine Zappone on her visit to Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork, included are Principal Phil O'Flynn and students of the College,
The Minster was in Cork visiting youth projects that received 2.4m euro in 2016.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 19/09/2016 NEWS
Minister Dr Katherine Zappone talking to students on her visit to Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork, included are Deputy Principal Neil Creedon, Principal Phil O'Flynn, and Ted Owens, CEO Cork ETB.
The Minster was in Cork visiting youth projects that received 2.4m euro in 2016.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 19/09/2016 NEWS
Minister Dr Katherine Zappone students on her visit to Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork, accompanied by Principal Phil O'Flynn.
The Minster was in Cork visiting youth projects that received 2.4m euro in 2016.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 XXjob 19/09/2016 NEWS
Minister Dr Katherine Zappone on her visit to Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork, accompanied by Principal Phil O'Flynn.
The Minster was in Cork visiting youth projects that received 2.4m euro in 2016.
Picture: Denis Scannell
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Conor Cahalane, Castlehaven regrets a miss after his blasted shot hit the goalpost, having beaten Ballincollig goalkeeper David Lordan early in the second half.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Half-forward Paddy Kelly, Ballincollig makes a handpass as Ballincollig patiently build an attack against Castlehaven.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Referee Kevin Murphy (Nemo Rangers)
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Full forward Ian Coughlan, Ballincollig causing all sorts of problems for the Castlehaven defence.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Cian Dorgan, Ballincollig kicks a point unchallenged, against Castlehaven.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Full forward Ian Coughlan, Ballincollig celebrates his opening goal against Castlehaven.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
John Miskella, Ballincollig scores a point under pressure from Castlehaven.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
'Haven defender Stephen Collins takes the ball away from Ian Coughlan, Ballincollig.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Ciaran O'Sullivan, Ballincollig in action against Castlehaven.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Sean Kiely, Ballincollig runs at the Castlehaven defence from midfield.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Sean Kiely, Ballincollig runs at the Castlehaven defence with ease.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016. 
Cork County Senior Football Championship Quarter-final at Clonakilty; Castlehaven vs Ballincollig.
Ballincollig squad observe a minutes silence before the game.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Winning puppy Penny Lane (ICDA), with owner Sheila Cummins, Kinsale.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Winning puppy Penny Lane (ICDA), with owner Sheila Cummins, Kinsale.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Winning owner Sheila Cummins with Penny Lane (ICDA) 
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Owners await the arrival of their dogs at the finish area.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Darren Kidney, Southern Harriers directs dog owners and spectators to the finish area.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
On duty at the finish line are Courtney Buckley, Clogheen Harriers and Olivia O'Herlihy, Fairhill.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
On the run uphill to the finish; Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Finish of the All-Ireland Puppy Draghunt on Sunday 18th September 2016.
1st placed is Penny Lane (ICDA), owned and trained by Sheila Cummins, Kinsale; 2nd is Sheare's Park Kid (Mayfield Harriers) and 3rd is Rockstar (ICDA).
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Unnamed duo at the start.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
General scene as cyclist get ready to start.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Parents Jo Goodyear and Stephen Wills, from Ballintemple with children Megan and Aidan.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Tom Coughlan and Aoife Traynor with kids Reuben, Faye and Lola, and Gardai Stuart Crichton, Edward Meaney and Jacqui White from Anglesea Street.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Parents Dean and Mary Venables with children Anne, Lydia and Irene dressed for the wet conditions
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh with cyclists before the start of the cycle
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh with cyclists before the start of the cycle
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Bernie Connolly, Cork Environmental Forum with Lovisa Cosgrave and Niamh Munday.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
At the Rebel Pedal Family Fun Cycle & Picnic at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork on Sunday18th September 2016.
Bernie Connolly, Cork Environmental Forum with Lovisa Cosgrave and Niamh Munday.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Bary Fitzgerald, Dolphin wins possession in a lineout with UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Gerry Ryan, Dolphin is stopped by UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Gerry Ryan, Dolphin is stopped by UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Gerry Ryan, Dolphin is stopped by Jamie McNamara, UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Gerry Ryan, Dolphin is stopped by Jamie McNamara, UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Dolphin captain Dave O'Mahony is stopped by James Ryan, UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX sport 17/09/2016.
All-Ireland League; Dolphin RFC vs UL Bohemians at Musgrave Park, Cork.
Dolphin captain Dave O'Mahony is stopped by UL Bohemians.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 PEE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Goalkeeper Dylan Foley in action for Lakewood.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 PEE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Goalkeeper Dylan Foley in action for Lakewood.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 PEE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Daniel Djomo in action for Lakewood.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 PEE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Stephen O'Connor, Lakewood clears up the left wing.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Stephen O'Connor, Lakewood makes a clearance from the back.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Stephen O'Connor, Lakewood with possession.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Defender Sam Gallagher, Douglas Hall makes an attack through midfield.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
David McCullough, Lakewood with possession.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
David McCullough, Lakewood in action against Douglas Hall.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Douglas Hall 'keeper David Harrington deals with a free kick.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Douglas Hall 'keeper David Harrigton deals with a free kick.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Gussie Walsh Perpetual Trophy quarter-final;
Douglas Hall vs Lakewood Athletic at Moneygourney.
Stephen O'Connor, Lakewood Athletic makes a clearance from defence.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
(right) Darragh Hurley, Mayfield United looks to take the ball from Billy Fraher, Tramore Athletic.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Alex Bennett, Mayfield United looks for support as he holds possession against Tramore Athletic.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Evan Henry, Mayfield United celebrates his goal with teammates.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Mayfield United substitutes try to keep the rain off as they watch the play during heavy rain.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Alex Whelton, Tramore Athletic makes a sliding tackle on Darragh Hurley, Mayfield.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Evan Henry, Mayfield United shields the ball from Rory Cashman, Tramore Athletic.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Goalscorer Evan Henry, Mayfield United in action against Tramore Athletic.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 18/09/2016.
Evan Henry, Mayfield United scores against Tramore Athletic.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Goalscorer Aaron Drinan, Cork City FC (U19) watches his shot hit the net to score his second goal of the game Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Goalscorer Chidozie Ogbene, Cork City FC (U19) in action upfront against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Defender Garan Manley, Cork City FC (U19) heads clear against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Defender Garan Manley, Cork City FC (U19) heads clear against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Defender Garan Manley, Cork City FC (U19) heads clear against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Pic; Larry Cummins,
Evening Echo staff
NUJ Photographer, Member of the Press Photographers' Association of Ireland.
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Goalscorer Aaron Drinan, Cork City FC (U19) who scored two first half goals, in action in the air as he attempts to flick the ball over the Shamrock Rovers defence.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Goalscorer Aaron Drinan, Cork City FC (U19) who scored two first half goals against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Captain Cian Coleman, Cork City FC (U19) in action against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Cork City FC (U19) captain Cian Coleman heads clear from defense against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Denzil Fernandes, Cork City FC (U19) in action against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Denzil Fernandes, Cork City FC (U19) in action against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Denzil Fernandes, Cork City FC (U19) in action against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE sport 17/09/2016.
SSE Airtricity Under 19 League; Cork City FC vs Shamrock Rovers at Bishopstown, Cork.
Denzil Fernandes, Cork City FC (U19) in action against Shamrock Rovers.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Clinton Ogurundo, Douglas Hall, Hugh Scannell, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Anton Frank, Douglas Hall, Kane O'Keeffe, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Anton Frank, Douglas Hall, gets his shot on goal away, under pressure from Jack Hallahan and Eoin Hovells, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Clinto Ogurundo, Douglas Hall, Brendan Delaney, Springfield Ramblers Goalkeeper.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Cillian Donlon, Douglas Hall, Jordon Dunphy, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Clinton Ogurundo, Douglas Hall, Brendan Delaney, Springfield Ramblers Goalkeeper.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Clinton Ogurundo, Douglas Hall, Hugh Scannell, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Clinton Ogurundo, Douglas Hall, Jordan Doyle, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
Under 15 SFAI Skechers National Cup, Douglas Hall V's Springfield Ramblers A, at Moneygourney, Cork.
Anton Frank, Douglas Hall, Jack Hallahan, Springfield Ramblers.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Peter Murphy, Fermoy, John Mullins, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Brian O'Sullivan, Fermoy, Liam Murphy and Ronan O'Toole, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
The Umpire points for a Fermoy gaol, while Chris Kelly, Eire Og Goalkeeper is still on the ground.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Jack Hutchings, Fermoy, Cian O'Mahony, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Kieran Morrisson, Fermoy, Alan O'Mahony, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Kieran Morrisson, Fermoy, Ronan O'Toole, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Alan Baragry, Fermoy, Daniel Goulding, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEXXjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport/Irish Examiner.
Cork County Premier Intermediate Football Championship 2016, Semi Final, Fermoy V's Eire Og, at Ballinough, Cork.
Jeff Daly, Fermoy, Daniel Goulding, Eire Og.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Douglas Hall, celebrate their win against Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Miriam Riordan, Douglas Hall Captain, lifts the Cup after their win against Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Emma McCarthy, Douglas Hall, Emma Coughlan, Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Michelle O'Driscoll, Douglas Hall, Ann Marie O'Callaghan, Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Amber Kenny, Douglas Hall, Ann Marie O'Callaghan, Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Rebecca Walsh, Douglas Hall, adds to the corner kick, towards the well guarded Riverstown goal.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Rebecca Walsh, Douglas Hall, gets her shot away to score Douglas Halls first goal, under pressure from Aoife O'Brien, Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Miriam Riordan and Rebecca Walsh, Douglas Hall, compete for the high ball with Aoife O'Brien, Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 17/09/2016
Echo Sport.
CWSSL Challenge Cup Final, Douglas Hall V's Riverstown, at Turners Cross Stadium, Turners Cross, Cork.
Michelle O'Driscoll, Douglas Hall, Marieka Weihrauch, Riverstown.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 17th September 2016.......Students from Cork primary schools and from the Cork Deaf Association who part in a Flash Mob Dance, launching Irish sign language awareness week, ( from 19th September) at Mahon Point shopping centre on Saturday. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 17th September 2016.......Students from Cork primary schools and from the Cork Deaf Association who part in a Flash Mob Dance, launching Irish sign language awareness week, ( from 19th September) at Mahon Point shopping centre on Saturday. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 17th September 2016.......Students from Cork primary schools and from the Cork Deaf Association who part in a Flash Mob Dance, launching Irish sign language awareness week, ( from 19th September) at Mahon Point shopping centre on Saturday. 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Sarsfields All Ireland winning players Kieran Murphy, Tadhg Murphy, Tom O'Donoghue, and Bertie Og Murphy at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Members of the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the team at Sarsfields GAA club, bcak from left, Fr Seanie Barry, Paddy Fitzgerald, Tony O'Connell, Peter Doolan, Denis Murphy, Charlie McCarthy, and Denis Hurley (selector) Front from left, Justin McCarthy, Colm Sheehan, Gerald McCarthy, Ted O'Mahony, Fr. Michael Waters and Tom O'Donoghue 
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016...... Charlie McCarthy and former reporter Michael Ellard at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Tom O'Donoghue , Tadhg Murphy, chairman Sarsfields and Denis Hurley, (selector) at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Gerald McCarthy, Captain; Ted O'Mahony and Charlie McCarthy at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Fr Seanie Barry, Justin McCarthy and Fr Martin Barry at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Fr Michael Waters,Denis Murphy, Peter Doolan and Colm Sheehan (players) at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Paddy Fitzgerald, Tom O'Donoghue , Denis Hurley and Tony Connolly, at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... Paddy Fitzgerald, Tom O'Donoghue and Tony Connolly, (players) at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 16th September 2016....... John Horgan, Evening Echo reporter and Michael Ellard , former reporter at the function to honour Sarsfields players on the Cork 1966 All Ireland winning team at Sarsfields GAA club
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
DSC 9081(1) 
 EEXX news 18/09/2016. VIDEO WITH THIS.
Rebel Pedal 2016, Cork's largest and most iconic family fun cycle in the city, organised by Cork Environmental Forum as part of European Mobility Week.
Denis O'Regan of Cork Environmental Forum with children Mia and Ava brave the wet weather to take part in the event, which started and finished at Fitzgerald's park, Cork.
Pic; Larry Cummins
Patricia Looney, Cork City Library and Valerie O'Sullivan, Cork City Council, enjoying the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
John Hayes, Kevin Cullen, Neil Purkiss and Paul Moynihan, all Cork City Council, attending the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Michelle Fitzgerald makes the presentation to Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Des Cahill, at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork. Also included is Paul Moynihan, Cork City Council director of services.
Picture: David Keane.
Dr Seamus O Tuama ACE at UCC, chatting with Stephanie Kidney, official at Minister Simon Coveney's constituency office, at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Dolores Casey, Cork County Library and Susie Maye, Cork City Library, are all smiles at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Simon Coveney TD, minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government at the unveiling ceremony during the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork. Also included are Ann Doherty, Cork City Council chief executive, Cllr Des Cahill, Lord Mayor of Cork and Ann Riordan, Executive Librarian, Hollyhill.
Picture: David Keane.
Mary McCarthy makes the presentation to Cllr Des Cahill, Lord Mayor of Cork, at the official opening of Hollyhill Library.
Also included is Cork City Librarian Liam Ronayne.
Picture: David Keane.
Simon Coveney TD, minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government, speaking at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Liam Ronayne, Cork City Librarian, Ann Riordan, Executive Librarian, Hollyhill, Cllr Des Cahill, Lord Mayor of Cork, Simon Coveney TD, minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government and Ann Doherty, Cork City Council chief executive, at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Simon Coveney TD; minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government, sharing a joke with St Mary's on the Hill pupil Martina Krys, at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Tommy Ryan and Donal Guerin, both Cork City Council, attending the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Lt James McKeon, Collins Barracks and John Hallahan, Cork CIty Council, attending the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
St Mary's on the Hill pupils Tiffany McNamara, Martina Krys and Kasie White, enjoying the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Terence McSwiney Community College students Christopher Cuddihy, Chloe Doherty, Anthony Raymond and Chloe Murphy, at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
Terence McSwiney Community College students Adam Dalton, Leo Mulcahy and Dion O'Driscoll, attending the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
St Mary's on the Hill pupils Claudia McSweeney, Lauryn O'Connor and Leah Crowley, are all smiles at the official opening of Hollyhill Library, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
A section of the large crowd taking part in the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
A section of the large crowd taking part in the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
A section of the large crowd taking part in the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Oisini Salvignol, Gilabbey Street and Alexander Peitz, Lower Glanmire Road, are all smiles at the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Elsa Amoin, Magazine Road and Teddy Roy, Brookfield, attending the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Laura Yanez and Betty Condon, Pope's Quay, having fun during the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Lucy Wnetkowska and Karen Jeffers, Rochestown, enjoying the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Christy and Eileen Murphy from Ballinahina and Bogusia Solak from Carrigaline, attending the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Mary Lucy Hall and her daughter Sarah from Ballincollig and Douglas, are all smiles at the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo News
Orla, Brigid and Niamh Spriggs from Cobh, enjoying the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Yoga in the Park class in aid of Cork Simon, at Fitzgerald's Park.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
EMC captain Marie McDonnell and player of the match Amy Quinn pictured with soccer legend Bobby Tambling, after defeating Buttevant in the CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
The EMC team and supporters celebrate after defeating Buttevant in the CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
EMC captain Marie McDonnell celebrates with her teammates after their victory over Buttevant in the CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
EMC's Sarah Scannell celebrates with her children Cian and Caoimhe and her dad Buzz O'Connell, after defeating Buttevant in the CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
Buttevant's Leonie Carey is congratulated by her teammates after scoring against EMC, in the CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
Buttevant's Jenny Nagle gets away from EMC's Mary O'Callaghan, during their CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
EMC's Aine Kelly saves well to deny Buttevant's Madeleine O'Connell, during their CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
EMC's Amy Quinn battles with Buttevant's Aoife Buckley, during their CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
Buttevant's Ciara O'Keeffe wins possession challenged by EMC's Christina O'Callaghan, during their CWSSL Kevin Barry Cup final at Turner's Cross.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
UCC wing-forward Conor Barry is congratulated by teammate Ben Mitchell after scoring a try against Old Wesley, in their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
UCC's Conor Barry races away from Old Wesley's Michael Dunleavy to score at try, during their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
UCC out-half Charlie O'Regan is tackled by Old Wesley's Isaac Leota and Stephen Boyle, during their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
UCC's Kevin Slater is tackled by Old Wesley's Ger Finucane, during their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
UCC's Ben Mitchell is tackled by Old Wesley's Martin Gately, during their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
UCC's Daire Feeney tries to get away from Old Wesley's Ian MCGann, during their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
 EEjob 17.09.2016
Echo Sport 
Old Wesley's Paul Harte is tackled by UCC's Cathal Gallagher and Kevin Slater, during their AIL Division 1B clash at The Mardyke.
Picture: David Keane.
Anna Stafford, Doneraile and Sarah Smyth, Mallow, are all smiles at the Mick Flannery gig in aid of Enable Ireland, at The Crane Lane Theatre, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

For more details see attached press release:

Mick Flannery kicks off No Limits for Cork


It’s a busy week and exciting time for Enable Ireland Cork. Minister Simon Coveney turned the sod on its €7.2m development of a new children’s centre in Curraheen on Friday morning, the same day as its annual flag day in Cork. Saturday saw Mick Flannery, singer songwriter row in his support for Enable Ireland’s annual campaign ‘No Limits’ with a concert in Crane Lane.

The spirit of No Limits is outlined with this example by Shelley, the mother of service user Daire Gorman. Shelley describes the moment her was her son was born. ‘Nobody said a word. I knew instantly there was something wrong. You expect the joy and celebration to kick in so when it didn’t, there had to be something not quite right. He had no arms, and he was missing the Femur in both legs and the tibia in one leg. We were just devastated – we thought this was the end of the world. To look at him now, nearly four years later, it’s hard to believe everything he’s been through and how far he’s come – he learned to feed himself, got prosthetic arms, learned to sit up, and now, I can barely believe he’s got his own power chair, which gives him so much freedom and independence. Daire turns four this week and what a great time to celebrate him and Enable Ireland – because he does live life with No Limits. When he was born, we worried about his disability. He thrives on his ability. He’s football and WWE mad, he goes to pre-school every day without seeing any difference between himself and his peers – he does what every other four year old should do and he does that with the support of Enable Ireland.’

No Limits is about assisting those with disabilities by enabling them to live their lives either with assistive technology and other supports.

From 19 - 25 September, you can buy a €2 or €3 wrist band, trolley disc or bracelet from any Enable Ireland shop or from volunteers and supporters around the country. You can also make a purchase in any TK Maxx store nationwide. Enable Ireland is participating in UCC’s volunteering Fair on Tuesday the 22nd of September and the week closes on Sunday the 25th with large groups of Enable Ireland supporters participating in the Mini Marathon, Cork. For more information contact or 021-4294434

Notes to the Editor: About Enable Ireland:
Founded in 1948, Enable Ireland provides services to over 5,200 children and adults with disabilities from 40 locations in 14 counties. Our services for children and their families cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational, and social development from early infancy through adolescence.
We offer a range of services to adults with disabilities which include day care training, personal development, supported and independent living, and social and leisure activities.
Enable Ireland is part funded by the HSE and other statutory agencies but every year we require over €2 million in additional funding to meet the costs of delivering our services. Without this additional income from our shops and fundraising we would not be able to meet the needs of the children and their families relying on our services. We have a nationwide chain of 21 retail shops selling clothes, books and bric-a-brac, and raise funds through community fundraising, corporate and national fundraising.
The demand for our services continues to increase throughout Ireland. We have set ourselves the challenging goal of meeting these needs by providing a full range of high quality services, and expanding into local communities.
Enable Ireland Cork has been granted planning permission for a new state of the art Children’s Centre in Curraheen, Cork. Enable Ireland provides vital therapy and support services to over 600 children and young people with disabilities from the Lavanagh Centre in Ballintemple, on behalf of the HSE. Founded in 1954, the building is now in disrepair and is no longer fit to accommodate the needs of the children and families availing of services there. 
The decision to grant planning permission now gives the green light to an exciting project. The seven acre site in Curraheen will house a new Children’s Services Centre, where therapy and support services will be provided to children with disabilities and their families. Once operational, the new centre will house a hydrotherapy pool, garden, playground, therapy rooms and sensory rooms to accommodate the needs of the current and future children with disabilities. The site will also accommodate a children’s respite house, where children with disabilities can develop their independence skills and families can get a much needed break. The location, close to the Curraheen flyover, provides easy access for families and staff. This centre will be state of the art and amongst the best in Europe.
Further information on:
Mick Flannery on stage during his gig in aid of Enable Ireland, at The Crane Lane Theatre, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

For more details see attached press release:

Mick Flannery kicks off No Limits for Cork


It’s a busy week and exciting time for Enable Ireland Cork. Minister Simon Coveney turned the sod on its €7.2m development of a new children’s centre in Curraheen on Friday morning, the same day as its annual flag day in Cork. Saturday saw Mick Flannery, singer songwriter row in his support for Enable Ireland’s annual campaign ‘No Limits’ with a concert in Crane Lane.

The spirit of No Limits is outlined with this example by Shelley, the mother of service user Daire Gorman. Shelley describes the moment her was her son was born. ‘Nobody said a word. I knew instantly there was something wrong. You expect the joy and celebration to kick in so when it didn’t, there had to be something not quite right. He had no arms, and he was missing the Femur in both legs and the tibia in one leg. We were just devastated – we thought this was the end of the world. To look at him now, nearly four years later, it’s hard to believe everything he’s been through and how far he’s come – he learned to feed himself, got prosthetic arms, learned to sit up, and now, I can barely believe he’s got his own power chair, which gives him so much freedom and independence. Daire turns four this week and what a great time to celebrate him and Enable Ireland – because he does live life with No Limits. When he was born, we worried about his disability. He thrives on his ability. He’s football and WWE mad, he goes to pre-school every day without seeing any difference between himself and his peers – he does what every other four year old should do and he does that with the support of Enable Ireland.’

No Limits is about assisting those with disabilities by enabling them to live their lives either with assistive technology and other supports.

From 19 - 25 September, you can buy a €2 or €3 wrist band, trolley disc or bracelet from any Enable Ireland shop or from volunteers and supporters around the country. You can also make a purchase in any TK Maxx store nationwide. Enable Ireland is participating in UCC’s volunteering Fair on Tuesday the 22nd of September and the week closes on Sunday the 25th with large groups of Enable Ireland supporters participating in the Mini Marathon, Cork. For more information contact or 021-4294434

Notes to the Editor: About Enable Ireland:
Founded in 1948, Enable Ireland provides services to over 5,200 children and adults with disabilities from 40 locations in 14 counties. Our services for children and their families cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational, and social development from early infancy through adolescence.
We offer a range of services to adults with disabilities which include day care training, personal development, supported and independent living, and social and leisure activities.
Enable Ireland is part funded by the HSE and other statutory agencies but every year we require over €2 million in additional funding to meet the costs of delivering our services. Without this additional income from our shops and fundraising we would not be able to meet the needs of the children and their families relying on our services. We have a nationwide chain of 21 retail shops selling clothes, books and bric-a-brac, and raise funds through community fundraising, corporate and national fundraising.
The demand for our services continues to increase throughout Ireland. We have set ourselves the challenging goal of meeting these needs by providing a full range of high quality services, and expanding into local communities.
Enable Ireland Cork has been granted planning permission for a new state of the art Children’s Centre in Curraheen, Cork. Enable Ireland provides vital therapy and support services to over 600 children and young people with disabilities from the Lavanagh Centre in Ballintemple, on behalf of the HSE. Founded in 1954, the building is now in disrepair and is no longer fit to accommodate the needs of the children and families availing of services there. 
The decision to grant planning permission now gives the green light to an exciting project. The seven acre site in Curraheen will house a new Children’s Services Centre, where therapy and support services will be provided to children with disabilities and their families. Once operational, the new centre will house a hydrotherapy pool, garden, playground, therapy rooms and sensory rooms to accommodate the needs of the current and future children with disabilities. The site will also accommodate a children’s respite house, where children with disabilities can develop their independence skills and families can get a much needed break. The location, close to the Curraheen flyover, provides easy access for families and staff. This centre will be state of the art and amongst the best in Europe.
Further information on:
Sarah Lambe and Alex Kingston, both Douglas and Aoife McCall, Cobh, attending the Mick Flannery gig in aid of Enable Ireland, at The Crane Lane Theatre, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

For more details see attached press release:

Mick Flannery kicks off No Limits for Cork


It’s a busy week and exciting time for Enable Ireland Cork. Minister Simon Coveney turned the sod on its €7.2m development of a new children’s centre in Curraheen on Friday morning, the same day as its annual flag day in Cork. Saturday saw Mick Flannery, singer songwriter row in his support for Enable Ireland’s annual campaign ‘No Limits’ with a concert in Crane Lane.

The spirit of No Limits is outlined with this example by Shelley, the mother of service user Daire Gorman. Shelley describes the moment her was her son was born. ‘Nobody said a word. I knew instantly there was something wrong. You expect the joy and celebration to kick in so when it didn’t, there had to be something not quite right. He had no arms, and he was missing the Femur in both legs and the tibia in one leg. We were just devastated – we thought this was the end of the world. To look at him now, nearly four years later, it’s hard to believe everything he’s been through and how far he’s come – he learned to feed himself, got prosthetic arms, learned to sit up, and now, I can barely believe he’s got his own power chair, which gives him so much freedom and independence. Daire turns four this week and what a great time to celebrate him and Enable Ireland – because he does live life with No Limits. When he was born, we worried about his disability. He thrives on his ability. He’s football and WWE mad, he goes to pre-school every day without seeing any difference between himself and his peers – he does what every other four year old should do and he does that with the support of Enable Ireland.’

No Limits is about assisting those with disabilities by enabling them to live their lives either with assistive technology and other supports.

From 19 - 25 September, you can buy a €2 or €3 wrist band, trolley disc or bracelet from any Enable Ireland shop or from volunteers and supporters around the country. You can also make a purchase in any TK Maxx store nationwide. Enable Ireland is participating in UCC’s volunteering Fair on Tuesday the 22nd of September and the week closes on Sunday the 25th with large groups of Enable Ireland supporters participating in the Mini Marathon, Cork. For more information contact or 021-4294434

Notes to the Editor: About Enable Ireland:
Founded in 1948, Enable Ireland provides services to over 5,200 children and adults with disabilities from 40 locations in 14 counties. Our services for children and their families cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational, and social development from early infancy through adolescence.
We offer a range of services to adults with disabilities which include day care training, personal development, supported and independent living, and social and leisure activities.
Enable Ireland is part funded by the HSE and other statutory agencies but every year we require over €2 million in additional funding to meet the costs of delivering our services. Without this additional income from our shops and fundraising we would not be able to meet the needs of the children and their families relying on our services. We have a nationwide chain of 21 retail shops selling clothes, books and bric-a-brac, and raise funds through community fundraising, corporate and national fundraising.
The demand for our services continues to increase throughout Ireland. We have set ourselves the challenging goal of meeting these needs by providing a full range of high quality services, and expanding into local communities.
Enable Ireland Cork has been granted planning permission for a new state of the art Children’s Centre in Curraheen, Cork. Enable Ireland provides vital therapy and support services to over 600 children and young people with disabilities from the Lavanagh Centre in Ballintemple, on behalf of the HSE. Founded in 1954, the building is now in disrepair and is no longer fit to accommodate the needs of the children and families availing of services there. 
The decision to grant planning permission now gives the green light to an exciting project. The seven acre site in Curraheen will house a new Children’s Services Centre, where therapy and support services will be provided to children with disabilities and their families. Once operational, the new centre will house a hydrotherapy pool, garden, playground, therapy rooms and sensory rooms to accommodate the needs of the current and future children with disabilities. The site will also accommodate a children’s respite house, where children with disabilities can develop their independence skills and families can get a much needed break. The location, close to the Curraheen flyover, provides easy access for families and staff. This centre will be state of the art and amongst the best in Europe.
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Service user Diarmuid Duggan, White Street, enjoying the Mick Flannery gig in aid of Enable Ireland, at The Crane Lane Theatre, Cork.
Picture: David Keane.

For more details see attached press release:

Mick Flannery kicks off No Limits for Cork


It’s a busy week and exciting time for Enable Ireland Cork. Minister Simon Coveney turned the sod on its €7.2m development of a new children’s centre in Curraheen on Friday morning, the same day as its annual flag day in Cork. Saturday saw Mick Flannery, singer songwriter row in his support for Enable Ireland’s annual campaign ‘No Limits’ with a concert in Crane Lane.

The spirit of No Limits is outlined with this example by Shelley, the mother of service user Daire Gorman. Shelley describes the moment her was her son was born. ‘Nobody said a word. I knew instantly there was something wrong. You expect the joy and celebration to kick in so when it didn’t, there had to be something not quite right. He had no arms, and he was missing the Femur in both legs and the tibia in one leg. We were just devastated – we thought this was the end of the world. To look at him now, nearly four years later, it’s hard to believe everything he’s been through and how far he’s come – he learned to feed himself, got prosthetic arms, learned to sit up, and now, I can barely believe he’s got his own power chair, which gives him so much freedom and independence. Daire turns four this week and what a great time to celebrate him and Enable Ireland – because he does live life with No Limits. When he was born, we worried about his disability. He thrives on his ability. He’s football and WWE mad, he goes to pre-school every day without seeing any difference between himself and his peers – he does what every other four year old should do and he does that with the support of Enable Ireland.’

No Limits is about assisting those with disabilities by enabling them to live their lives either with assistive technology and other supports.

From 19 - 25 September, you can buy a €2 or €3 wrist band, trolley disc or bracelet from any Enable Ireland shop or from volunteers and supporters around the country. You can also make a purchase in any TK Maxx store nationwide. Enable Ireland is participating in UCC’s volunteering Fair on Tuesday the 22nd of September and the week closes on Sunday the 25th with large groups of Enable Ireland supporters participating in the Mini Marathon, Cork. For more information contact or 021-4294434

Notes to the Editor: About Enable Ireland:
Founded in 1948, Enable Ireland provides services to over 5,200 children and adults with disabilities from 40 locations in 14 counties. Our services for children and their families cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational, and social development from early infancy through adolescence.
We offer a range of services to adults with disabilities which include day care training, personal development, supported and independent living, and social and leisure activities.
Enable Ireland is part funded by the HSE and other statutory agencies but every year we require over €2 million in additional funding to meet the costs of delivering our services. Without this additional income from our shops and fundraising we would not be able to meet the needs of the children and their families relying on our services. We have a nationwide chain of 21 retail shops selling clothes, books and bric-a-brac, and raise funds through community fundraising, corporate and national fundraising.
The demand for our services continues to increase throughout Ireland. We have set ourselves the challenging goal of meeting these needs by providing a full range of high quality services, and expanding into local communities.
Enable Ireland Cork has been granted planning permission for a new state of the art Children’s Centre in Curraheen, Cork. Enable Ireland provides vital therapy and support services to over 600 children and young people with disabilities from the Lavanagh Centre in Ballintemple, on behalf of the HSE. Founded in 1954, the building is now in disrepair and is no longer fit to accommodate the needs of the children and families availing of services there. 
The decision to grant planning permission now gives the green light to an exciting project. The seven acre site in Curraheen will house a new Children’s Services Centre, where therapy and support services will be provided to children with disabilities and their families. Once operational, the new centre will house a hydrotherapy pool, garden, playground, therapy rooms and sensory rooms to accommodate the needs of the current and future children with disabilities. The site will also accommodate a children’s respite house, where children with disabilities can develop their independence skills and families can get a much needed break. The location, close to the Curraheen flyover, provides easy access for families and staff. This centre will be state of the art and amongst the best in Europe.
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