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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Ken Perrott, 96FM, David O'Donoghue, Ger O'Dea, Peter Delea and PJ Fitzpatrick, all Ambulance Service, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Event Volunteers, Mary Lonergan and Caroline Dunne with Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Garda Richie Casey, Ken Perrott, 96FM, David O'Donoghue and PJ Fitzpatricl, Ambulance Service, Mark Moran and Ronnie Randalls, both Port of Cork Launch Pilots and Peter Delea, Ambulanc e Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Garda Richie Caseuy and PJ Fitzpatrick, Ambulance Service Opertaions Manager, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Garda Richie Caseuy and PJ Fitzpatrick, Ambulance Service Opertaions Manager, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser, with Ken Perrott, 96FM, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Garda Richie Casey and Ronnie Randalls, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser, with Ken Perrott, 96FM, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police and Fire Service, Garda Richie Casey and Ronnie Randalls, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Lt. Denis Shehan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Srevice, Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Ken Perrott, 96FM and Garda Richie Casey, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Garda Richie Casey, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Peter Delea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Joanie Hanley, Event Organiser with Garda Richie Casey, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Peter Delea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Garda Richie Casey, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, PJ Fitzpatrick, Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer Education & Competency, Ronnie Randalls and Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilots, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Garda Richie Casey, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, PJ Fitzpatrick Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer Education & Competency, Ronnie Randalls and Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilots, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
Pictured at Cork Airport Fire Station, Lt. Denis Sheahan, 1 Brigade Collins Barracks, David O'Donoghue, Peter Delea, both Ambulance Service Paramedics, Aidan O'Connor, Airport Police & Fire Service, Ken Perrott, 96FM, Ger O'Dea, Ambulance Service Paramedic, Garda Richie Casey, Mark Moran, Port of Cork Launch Pilot, PJ Fitzpatrick Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Anthony Byrne, Ambulance Service Officer Education & Competency, Ronnie Randalls and Keith Ryan, Port of Cork Launch Pilots, at the launch of Brave Men Walking, an all-male fashion show featuring first responders from the Gardai, Army, Ambulance and Fire Services and Port of Cork/Launch Pilots. The event is taking place in the Clayton Hotel Silversprings on Friday, 18 November 2016 to raise awareness of cancers affecting men and to raise vital funds for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Tickets are €30 and can be purchased online at
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 4th October 2016....... Michael Martin (left) presents his book Breaking Ranks, 'The Shaping of civicl Military relations in Ireland' to Mark Scally president PDFORRA at the annual PDFORRA conference at the Radisson Blu hotel in Little Island, Cork yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016....... Michael Martin (left) presents his book Breaking Ranks, 'The Shaping of civicl Military relations in Ireland' to Mark Scally president PDFORRA at the annual PDFORRA conference at the Radisson Blu hotel in Little Island, Cork yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016.. Paul Kehoe, TD minister with responability for Defence quizzed by the media at the annual PDFORRA conference at the Radisson Blu hotel in Little Island, Cork yesterday.
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan with his wife Margaret and daughter Eimear at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan with Chief Cupt Mick Finn, Supt Mick Comyn and Inspector Gary McPolin at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan speaking to the large crowd at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 4th October 2016..... Chief supt. Con Cadogan speaking to the large crowd at the presentation ceremony for his tremendous work among the voluntary, community and statutory agencies in the Gurranabraher District at : Knocknaheeny Youth Project, Hollyhill Shopping Centre
Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Martin Kelleher of Martin Kelleher Property Services, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Martin Kelleher of Martin Kelleher Property Services, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mary Gallwey, proprietor, Gallwey's Pharmacy, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mary Gallwey, proprietor, Gallwey's Pharmacy, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mary Gallwey, proprietor, Gallwey's Pharmacy, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Deborah Cortimiglia, owner & beautician, La Fenice Nails & Beauty, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Deborah Cortimiglia, owner & beautician, La Fenice Nails & Beauty, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Garden at Emmet Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Garden at Emmet Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Kevin O'Regan, proprietor, Fuchsia Footwear, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Kevin O'Regan, proprietor, Fuchsia Footwear, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Kevin O'Regan, proprietor, Fuchsia Footwear, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Eamonn Walsh, proprietor, Walsh's Londis, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Eamonn Walsh, proprietor, Walsh's Londis, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Eamonn Walsh, proprietor, Walsh's Londis, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mark Purcell, director of client solutions, Global Shares, West Cork Business & Technology Park, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mark Purcell, director of client solutions, Global Shares, West Cork Business & Technology Park, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS Clonakilty Budget Feature 04/10/2016 (noel baker story) ... 
Mark Purcell, director of client solutions, Global Shares, West Cork Business & Technology Park, Clonakilty. 
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Some of the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group making their way to the departure gate at Cork Airport prior to the group's departure on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
John Looney, chairperson of the club, with a cake for Joshua Whelan, Athenry, celebrating his 9th birthday and photographed at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Arron O'Leary, Ballinhassig, visiting an airport fire tender with Ray Dennehy of the Cork Airport Police/Fire Service at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group had arrived at the airport for departure on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Photographed at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris were (from left) John Looney, chairperson of the club; Dr. Paul Ryan and Evan Gearns, volunteer.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Arron O'Leary with his parents Paul and Caroline and his brother Cian, Ballinhassig, at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Addison Whelan, Athenry, at the Aer Lingus check-in desk with Tracey Browne (left) and Jo O'Riordan, ground operations stafff members, at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Izzy O'Connell with her parents Stephen and Emma, Youghal, along with Micke and Minnie Mouse at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
Callum O'Mahony and his father Roy, Rochestown, Cork, at Cork Airport as the Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group prepared to depart on the trip to Disneyland Paris.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 EE LIVE NEWS 04/10/2016 (audrey ellard walsh story) ... 
The Cork City Hospitals Children's Club group of children, parents, guardians, volunteers and the medical team with members of Cork Airport Charity committee photographed at Cork Airport prior to the group's departure on the trip to Disneyland Paris. Also included is Cllr. Joe Kavanagh, Deputy Lord Mayor.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
Video with this.
 XX news for Sean O'Riordan.
(from left) Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, David Stanton, TD; Maurice Egan (crew on the L.E. Cliona), Ellen Jones representing her father Gerard O'Callaghan (crew on the L.E. Cliona), Minister Paul Kehoe, T.D., William (Bill) Mynes, (crew on the L.E. Cliona), SEan Sherlock TD, Minister Simon Coveney, and Kevin O'Keeffe, TD. at the unveiling.
The commemorative stone plaque was unveiled at the Naval base at Haulbowline in recognition of the ships company of LE Cliona, whose collective actions, following a fire onboard the ship on 29th May 1962 resulted in the safe return to port of the ship.
Pic Larry Cummins
VIDEO with This
 XX news for Sean O'Riordan.
(second right) Minister Paul Kehoe, T.D. with (from left) Maurice Egan, Ellen Jones representing her father Gerard O'Callaghan, and William (Bill) Mynes, who were crew on the L.E. Cliona. A commemorative stone plaque was unveiled at the Naval base at Haulbowline in recognition of the ships company of LE Cliona, whose collective actions, following a fire onboard the ship on 29th May 1962 resulted in the safe return to port of the ship.
Pic Larry Cummins
VIDEO with This
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Brothers LEA Luke Moloney and Chief Jason Moloney from Parklands, Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
LS Niall Kearney is welcomed home by wife Jennifer and his children Pearse and Ailbhe, from Saleen, Co Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
LS Niall Kearney is welcomed home by wife Jennifer and his children Pearse and Ailbhe, from Saleen, Co Cork.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Able Seaman Sam Gibney id welcomed home by parents Eamonn and Michelle, sister Meadhbh and girlfriend Tonya Farrell, from Kildare.
 EEXX news 30/09/2016.
Return of LE James Joyce to Haulbowline, Co. Cork after a 3-month humanitarian search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Pic; Larry Cummins.
Family of LS Ronan Malone awaiting his return. 
(l to r) Lucien Cahoon, Mark and Isabelle, and Melissa Cotter from Carrigaline.

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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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